# IronRod SMI Histogram (Lower)
# BuyLow
# MA - yellow hma's are weak, red is bearish, green bullish.
# On the lower (shows hma angle)- anything above (green) the 0 angle line is bullish, below (red) bearish.
# The angle size is directly proportional to trend strength, so you easily see increasing or decreasing trend strength/momentum.
# I use the dark/light graduation as a doubling signal for strong moves.
# Added SMI Oscillator, Average SMI Oscillator, Histogram Bars, and Midband (Chop/Trend) labels respectively with the option to turn them on or off.
declare lower;
input showlabels=yes;
input audioalarm=yes;
input Price = hlc3;
input RsqLength = 5;
input RsqLimit = .5;
input SmiLimit = 30;
input chopband2= 70;
input smibarbufr = 4;
def overbought = SmiLimit;
def oversold = -SmiLimit;
def percentDLength = 4;
def percentKLength = 5;
# Stochastic Momentum Index (SMI)
def min_low = Lowest(low, percentKLength);
def max_high = Highest(high, percentKLength);
def rel_diff = close - (max_high + min_low) / 2;
def diff = max_high - min_low;
def avgrel = ExpAverage(ExpAverage(rel_diff, percentDLength), percentDLength);
def avgdiff = ExpAverage(ExpAverage(diff, percentDLength), percentDLength);
plot chopband = if IsNaN(close) then Double.NaN else 0;
plot SMI = if avgdiff != 0 then avgrel / (avgdiff / 2) * 100 else 0;
SMI.DefineColor("Up", CreateColor(0, 153, 51));
SMI.definecolor("Weak", Color.LIGHT_GRAY);
SMI.DefineColor("Down", Color.RED);
SMI.AssignValueColor(if SMI > SMI[1] then SMI.Color("Up") else if SMI < SMI[1] then SMI.Color("Down") else SMI.Color("Weak"));
plot AvgSMI = ExpAverage(SMI, percentDLength);
AvgSMI.DefineColor("Up", CreateColor(0, 153, 51));
AvgSMI.definecolor("Weak", Color.LIGHT_GRAY);
AvgSMI.DefineColor("Down", Color.RED);
AvgSMI.AssignValueColor(if AvgSMI > AvgSMI[1] then AvgSMI.Color("Up") else if AvgSMI < AvgSMI[1] then AvgSMI.Color("Down") else AvgSMI.Color("Weak"));
plot SMIBAR = AvgSMI;
SMIBAR.DefineColor("Upstrong", CreateColor (0, 255, 0));
SMIBAR.DefineColor("Weak", Color.LIGHT_GRAY);
SMIBAR.DefineColor("Downstrong", CreateColor(255, 51, 51));
SMIBAR.AssignValueColor (if (SMI + smibarbufr) >= SMI[1] and SMI > -SmiLimit then SMIBAR.Color("Upstrong") else if (SMI - smibarbufr) <= SMI[1] and SMI < SmiLimit then SMIBAR.Color("Downstrong") else SMIBAR.Color("Weak"));
# r-Square Centerline Indicator
#def sma = Average(close, RsqLength);
#def RSq = Sqr(WMA(close, RsqLength) - sma) / (Average(Sqr(close), RsqLength) - Sqr(sma)) * 3 * (RsqLength + 1) / (RsqLength - 1);
chopband.DefineColor("Trade", CreateColor(0, 150,200));
chopband.DefineColor("Hold", Color.ORANGE);
chopband.AssignValueColor(if SMI > -smiLimit and SMI < smilimit then chopband.Color("Hold") else chopband.Color("Trade"));
# Chop Cloud
plot upper= smilimit;
plot lower= -smilimit;
def choplimits = SmiLimit;
#input choplimits= 1;
AddCloud(choplimits, -choplimits, CreateColor(210,210,210));
#addcloud(-choplimits, -chopband2, CreateColor(175,175,175));
#addcloud(chopband2, choplimits, CreateColor(175,175,175));
# Labels
AddLabel(showlabels, if SMI > SMI[1] then "SMI Up" else if SMI < SMI[1] then "SMI Down" else "SMI Weak", if SMI > SMI[1] then SMI.Color("Up") else if SMI < SMI[1] then SMI.Color("Down") else SMI.Color("Weak"));# SMI
AddLabel(showlabels, if AvgSMI > AvgSMI[1] then "Avg SMI Bullish" else if AvgSMI < AvgSMI[1] then "Avg SMI Bearish" else "Avg SMI Weak", if AvgSMI > AvgSMI[1] then AvgSMI.Color("Up") else if AvgSMI < AvgSMI[1] then AvgSMI.Color("Down") else AvgSMI.Color("Weak"));# Avg SMI
AddLabel(showlabels, if (SMI + smibarbufr) >= SMI[1] and SMI > -SmiLimit then "Strong Uptrend" else if (SMI - smibarbufr) <= SMI[1] and SMI < SmiLimit then "Strong Downtrend" else "Weak", if (SMI + smibarbufr) >= SMI[1] and SMI > -SmiLimit then SMIBAR.Color("Upstrong") else if (SMI - smibarbufr) <= SMI[1] and SMI < SmiLimit then SMIBAR.Color("Downstrong") else SMIBAR.Color("Weak"));# SMI Histogram
AddLabel(showlabels, if SMI > -smiLimit and SMI < smiLimit then "Chop" else "Trend", if SMI > -smiLimit and SMI < smiLimit then chopband.Color("Hold") else chopband.Color("Trade"));# MidBar/Line
#Coded out the Legend
#AddLabel(yes, "SMI Legend: ", Color.WHITE);
#AddLabel(yes, "Bullish", Color.UPTICK);
#AddLabel(yes, "Bearish", Color.DOWNTICK);
#AddLabel(yes, "Changing", Color.GRAY);
#AddLabel(yes, "MidLine: ", Color.WHITE);
#AddLabel(yes, "Trending", CreateColor(0,150,200));
#AddLabel(yes, "In ChopZone", Color.ORANGE);
#AddLabel(yes, "SmiLimit: " + SmiLimit, Color.GRAY);
alert (audioalarm and SMI crosses AvgSMI and SMI <= -smilimit or SMI crosses AvgSMI AND SMI >= smilimit, "SMI CROSS", alert.bar, sound.ring);
# End Study