Public Domain:What is the indicator with stops and targets in your image? Is it auto fibonacci? Could you share where we could get that? Thanks so much!
#This script will calculate and plot the stop loss and first profit target when the stock breaks out above the previous day's high or opening range high (whichever is higher) or vice versa to the low-side. This may be used with a 2 min chart as he described in his original post for a more aggressive entry point, or, as he recommended to me, on a 5 min chart for a more conservative entry point.
#Robert Payne 06/17/2014
#Public Domain
#This script will calculate and plot the stop loss and first profit target when the stock breaks out above the previous day's high or opening range high (whichever is higher) or vice versa to the low-side. This may be used with a 2 min chart as he described in his original post for a more aggressive entry point, or, as he recommended to me, on a 5 min chart for a more conservative entry point.
script OpenRange {
input ORtime = 5;
def FirstBar = GetDay() != GetDay()[1];
def RangeTime = SecondsFromTime(0930) >= 0 and SecondsFromTime(0930) < 60 * ORtime;
def Rhigh = if FirstBar then high else if RangeTime and high > Rhigh[1] then high else Rhigh[1];
def Rlow = if FirstBar then low else if RangeTime and low < Rlow[1] then low else Rlow[1];
plot h = if RangeTime then Double.NaN else Rhigh;
plot l = if RangeTime then Double.NaN else Rlow;
def first30 = SecondsFromTime(0930) >= 0 and SecondsTillTime(1000) >= 0;
def today = GetLastDay() == GetDay();
def ATR = Average(TrueRange(high, close, low), 10);
plot yHigh = if !today then Double.NaN else high(period = "day" )[1];
plot yLow = if !today then Double.NaN else low(period = "day" )[1];
plot h5 = if !today then Double.NaN else if !first30 then Double.NaN else OpenRange(5).h;
plot l5 = if !today then Double.NaN else if !first30 then Double.NaN else OpenRange(5).l;
plot h30 = if !today then Double.NaN else OpenRange(30).h;
plot l30 = if !today then Double.NaN else OpenRange(30).l;
def lowConf = if first30 then Min(yLow, l5) - ATR else Min(yLow, l30) - ATR;
def highConf = if first30 then Max(yHigh, h5) + ATR else Max(yHigh, h30) + ATR;
plot lc1 = if first30 then lowConf else Double.NaN;
plot lc2 = if !first30 then lowConf else Double.NaN;
plot hc1 = if first30 then highConf else Double.NaN;
plot hc2 = if !first30 then highConf else Double.NaN;
def decisionL = if close > lowConf then Double.NaN else if close crosses below lowConf then low else decisionL[1];
def decisionH = if close < highConf then Double.NaN else if close crosses above highConf then high else decisionH[1];
plot dL = if !today then Double.NaN else decisionL;
plot dH = if !today then Double.NaN else decisionH;
def TL = CompoundValue(1, if IsNaN(dL) then Double.NaN else if !IsNaN(TL[1]) then TL[1] else if close crosses below dL then dL - 2 * ATR else Double.NaN, Double.NaN);
def SL = CompoundValue(1, if IsNaN(dL) then Double.NaN else if !IsNaN(SL[1]) then SL[1] else if close crosses below dL then dL + 2 * ATR else Double.NaN, Double.NaN);
plot Target1Low = if !today then Double.NaN else TL;
plot Stop1Low = if !today then Double.NaN else SL;
AddChartBubble(IsNaN(TL[1]) and !IsNaN(TL), TL, "Target 1\n" + Round(TL, 2), Color.GREEN, no);
AddChartBubble(IsNaN(SL[1]) and !IsNaN(SL), SL, "Stop\n" + Round(SL, 2), Color.RED);
def TH = CompoundValue(1, if IsNaN(dH) then Double.NaN else if !IsNaN(TH[1]) then TH[1] else if close crosses above dH then dH + 2 * ATR else Double.NaN, Double.NaN);
def SH = CompoundValue(1, if IsNaN(dH) then Double.NaN else if !IsNaN(SH[1]) then SH[1] else if close crosses above dH then dH - 2 * ATR else Double.NaN, Double.NaN);
plot Target1High = if !today then Double.NaN else TH;
plot Stop1High = if !today then Double.NaN else SH;
AddChartBubble(IsNaN(TH[1]) and !IsNaN(TH), TH, "Target 1\n" + Round(TH, 2), Color.GREEN);
AddChartBubble(IsNaN(SH[1]) and !IsNaN(SH), SH, "Stop\n" + Round(SH, 2), Color.RED, no);
def alertup = close[1] crosses above hc1 or close[1] crosses above hc2;
def alertdn = close[1] crosses below lc1 or close[1] crosses below lc2;
alert(alertup, getsymbol() + " UP",, sound.bell);
alert(alertdn, getsymbol() + " DOWN",, sound.bell);