Bid-Ask Spread Lines Indicator for ThinkorSwim

I have been using this Bid/Ask spread lines code for day trading code for the past year from Mobius and all of a sudden this week it is not working where price will move but the lines are not keeping up with the Bid/Ask in real time. If someone can please help or have another current Bid/Ask with lines on chart code that works would be great. Thank you

Here is the code:
# Bid / Ask Dynamic Line
# Mobius
# Chatroom 09.20.2013

input LineLimit = 200;
input SizeLabels = yes;

def bid = close(priceType = "Bid");
def ask = close(priceType = "Ask");
def barNumber = BarNumber();
def Mark = close(priceType = "Mark");
def Last = close(priceType = "Last");
script dynamic {
input LineLimit = 200;
input c = close;
def bar = if IsNaN(c)
then bar[1]
else BarNumber();
def ThisBar = HighestAll(bar);
def cLine = if bar == ThisBar
then c
else Double.NaN;

plot P = if ThisBar - LineLimit <= bar
then HighestAll(cLine)
else Double.NaN;

plot B = dynamic(linelimit = LineLimit, c = bid);
B .SetDefaultColor(Color.GREEN);
B .SetLineWeight(1);

plot A = dynamic(linelimit = LineLimit, c = ask);
A .SetDefaultColor(Color.MAGENTA);
A .SetLineWeight(1);
def Dir = if Last == bid then 1 else 0;
def NotDir = if (Last != bid) or (Last != ask) then 1 else 0;
AddCloud(if Dir then A else Double.NaN, if Dir then B else Double.NaN, Color.GREEN, Color.CURRENT);
AddCloud(if !Dir then A else Double.NaN, if !Dir then B else Double.NaN, Color.RED, Color.CURRENT);
AddCloud(if NotDir then A else Double.NaN, B, Color.GRAY, Color.CURRENT);

AddLabel(no, Concat("ASK: ", AsDollars(close(priceType = "ASK"))), if Dir then Color.GREEN else Color.ORANGE );
AddLabel(no, Concat("BID: ", AsDollars(close(priceType = "BID"))), if Dir then Color.ORANGE else Color.GREEN);
def spread = close(priceType = PriceType.ASK) - close(priceType = PriceType.BID);
def spread_l1 = 0.05;
def spread_l2 = 0.15;
AddLabel(1, "Spread: " + spread, if spread <= spread_l1 then Color.GREEN else if spread_l1 < spread <= spread_l2 then Color.YELLOW else COLOR.RED);
# End Code Bid Ask Lines

Thank you

This is caused by the HighestAll() function used in HighestAll(bar) and HighestAll(cLine) in the dynamic function, but I for the life of me haven't found a work around to change the plot to use the latest candle values and paint the line across the whole chart.
This is caused by the HighestAll() function used in HighestAll(bar) and HighestAll(cLine) in the dynamic function, but I for the life of me haven't found a work around to change the plot to use the latest candle values and paint the line across the whole chart.
I called TOS today and they said the {highestbar} was the issue as they changed this last weekend on the backend and they really didnt know how to fix it so it tracks the bid / ask tick for tick... If your ever able to figure it out and update the code that would be great... Thanks
Hey all, here is an updated Bid/Ask Line with Label as I want to give @Mobius credit from the TOS Thinkscript Room as he re-wrote the code for me this morning and wanted to share with everyone so they have a working code. Thanks again @Mobius

# Bid | Ask Line at current prices
# Mobius
# Alternative to using HighestAll()
# Chat Room Request 04.30.2021

script line
     input barsBack = 1000;
     input data = close;
     def c = if !IsNaN(data) and IsNaN(data[-1])
             then data
             else c[1];
     plot line = if isNaN(data[-barsBack])
                 then c[-barsBack]
                 else Double.NaN;
input length = 1000;

def b = close(priceType = "BID");
def a = close(PriceType = "ASK");
plot bid_ = line(length, b);
plot ask_ = line(length, a);

input limit = 0.02;
def priceB = close(priceType = PriceType.BID);
def priceA = close(priceType = PriceType.ASK);
AddLabel(yes, Concat("Bid: ", priceB), Color.Red);
AddLabel(yes, Concat("Ask: ", priceA), Color.Green);
AddLabel(yes, Concat("Spread: ", priceA - priceB), if priceA - priceB > limit then Color.RED else Color.WHITE);
# End Code
anyone knows why the bid/ask lines are not plotted on tick charts ?

Do you get a circled "!" in the upper left corner of the chart...??? If so, click on it and read what it says the problem is... My guess is a compatibility issue...
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Do you get a circled "!" in the upper left corner of the chart...??? If so, click on it and read what it says the problem is... My guess is a compatibility issue... Tick-based charts have their limits which is why I don't use them as much these days... I got tired of the limitations...

Tick charts have many limitations indeed... very frustrating, but I still find them to be better for trading futures. I did see the "!" now that you mentioned it, and its saying: "Secondary periods less than 1 day are not allowed on tick charts"

I do have a priceline script that is plotting the last price on the Tick charts, but Bid/Ask would be more helpful.

Thank you !
Thanks @rad14733 I've been banging my head against the wall doing that for a few days. Here's an example - I would like to add a condition to my scan: "bid/ask > 0.85" so it picks up only options that satisfy this condition. I tried adding a filter to my scan and entered the following in thinkscript editor, which promptly put red all over it.

(pricetype.aSK / > 0.85;

I also tried the following, to no avail:

def spread = (pricetype.aSK / > 0.85;
plot spread;
@cooldyood Unfortunately,there is no way to incorporate Bid and Ask into calculations for Options... I
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I hacked the code to my liking using your older code with the newest so it just shows the spread colored based on spread amount with an optional alert when the spread is wide (see options).


# Spread on Chart by Wiiinii

script line
     input barsBack = 1000;
     input data = close;
     def c = if !IsNaN(data) and IsNaN(data[-1])
             then data
             else c[1];
     plot line = if isNaN(data[-barsBack])
                 then c[-barsBack]
                 else Double.NaN;
input length = 1000;

def BidPrice = close(priceType = PriceType.BID);
def AskPrice = close(priceType = PriceType.ASK);
def Spread = AskPrice - BidPrice;
AddLabel(yes, Concat("Spread: ", Spread), if Spread <= .03 then Color.GREEN else if Spread <= .05 then Color.YELLOW else COLOR.RED);
Alert(Spread > .1, "SPREAD WIDE!", Alert.Bar, Sound.Chimes);
# End Code

Thanks for making this!
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@DojiDude Glad you're getting your hands dirty. There is already an existing bid/ask spreads for stocks. Take a look and see if this is what you're looking for.

declare hide_on_daily;
def spread = close(priceType = PriceType.ASK) - close(priceType = PriceType.BID);
AddLabel(1, "Spread: " + spread );
Hi, I am definitely getting the syntax wrong. I just want to add study to filter in the scan screen, basically if the current (anytime including pre and post market) ask is greater than the bid, by let's say 5 cents, then it wouldn't show in the scan.

I tried copying and pasting your code, and then just the following to no avail. I even changed the variable name to ABCD just to be sure. It kept saying at least one plot should be defined but I am not trying to plot anything on a chart?
def ABCD = close(priceType = PriceType.ASK) - close(priceType = PriceType.BID);

Do you mind or have time to help me out? Just starting with the script and trying to figure out the syntax.
Hi, I am definitely getting the syntax wrong. I just want to add study to filter in the scan screen, basically if the current (anytime including pre and post market) ask is greater than the bid, by let's say 5 cents, then it wouldn't show in the scan.

I tried copying and pasting your code, and then just the following to no avail. I even changed the variable name to ABCD just to be sure. It kept saying at least one plot should be defined but I am not trying to plot anything on a chart?
def ABCD = close(priceType = PriceType.ASK) - close(priceType = PriceType.BID);

Do you mind or have time to help me out? Just starting with the script and trying to figure out the syntax.
bid / ask are not available in scans
@DojiDude Try this:

# Bid / Ask Dynamic Line
# Mobius
# Chatroom 09.20.2013

Input LineLimit = 200;
Input SizeLabels = yes;

def bid = close(priceType = "Bid");
def ask = close(priceType = "Ask");
def barNumber = barNumber();
def Mark = close(priceType = "Mark");
def Last = close(priceType = "Last");
script dynamic{
   Input LineLimit = 200;
   input c = close;
   def bar = if IsNaN(c)
             then bar[1]
             else BarNumber();
   def ThisBar = HighestAll(bar);
   def cLine   = if bar == ThisBar
                 then c
                 else Double.NaN;

  plot P = if ThisBar - LineLimit <= bar
           then HighestAll(cLine)
           else Double.Nan;

plot B = dynamic(linelimit= linelimit,c = bid);
B .SetDefaultColor(;
B .SetLineWeight(1);

plot A = dynamic(linelimit = linelimit,c = ask);
A .SetDefaultColor(Color.MAGENTA);
A .SetLineWeight(1);
def Dir = if Last == Bid then 1 else 0;
def NotDir = if (Last != Bid) or (Last != Ask) then 1 else 0;
AddCloud(if Dir then A else Double.NaN, if Dir then B else Double.NaN, color.Green, color.Current);
AddCloud(if !Dir then A else Double.NaN,if !Dir then B else Double.NaN, color.Red, color.Current);
AddCloud(if NotDir then A else Double.NaN, B, Color.Gray, Color.Current);
AddLabel(yes, Concat("BID: ", AsDollars(close(priceType = "BID"))), if Dir then Color.GREEN else Color.RED );
AddLabel(yes, Concat("ASK: ", AsDollars(close(priceType = "ASK"))), if Dir then Color.RED else Color.GREEN);
# End Code Bid Ask Lines

Is there a way to modify this to have it display a short line at the right side axis on the daily chart? Thanks
Thanks @rad14733 I've been banging my head against the wall doing that for a few days. Here's an example - I would like to add a condition to my scan: "bid/ask > 0.85" so it picks up only options that satisfy this condition. I tried adding a filter to my scan and entered the following in thinkscript editor, which promptly put red all over it.

(pricetype.aSK / > 0.85;

I also tried the following, to no avail:

def spread = (pricetype.aSK / > 0.85;
plot spread;
To my knowledge, custom scans don't work for options in TOS.
Is there a way to plot the bid and the ask on the chart? Maybe the lowest bid and the highest ask per minute with a cloud in between to simulate price?
I hacked the code to my liking using your older code with the newest so it just shows the spread colored based on price.

# Bid | Ask Line at current prices
# Mobius
# Alternative to using HighestAll()
# Chat Room Request 04.30.2021

script line
     input barsBack = 1000;
     input data = close;
     def c = if !IsNaN(data) and IsNaN(data[-1])
             then data
             else c[1];
     plot line = if isNaN(data[-barsBack])
                 then c[-barsBack]
                 else Double.NaN;
input length = 1000;

def BidPrice = close(priceType = PriceType.BID);
def AskPrice = close(priceType = PriceType.ASK);
def Spread = AskPrice - BidPrice;
AddLabel(yes, Concat("Spread: ", Spread), if Spread <= .03 then Color.GREEN else if Spread <= .05 then Color.YELLOW else COLOR.RED);
# End Code

Thanks for making this!

This is great, but there is small thing needed to be fixed. Sometime the code is having trouble reading ASK price from the source, BID usually works. anyway, it's causing this.

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@DojiDude Glad you're getting your hands dirty. There is already an existing bid/ask spreads for stocks. Take a look and see if this is what you're looking for.

declare hide_on_daily;
def spread = close(priceType = PriceType.ASK) - close(priceType = PriceType.BID);
AddLabel(1, "Spread: " + spread );
Hi. I'm new to this site and TOS. I'm in search of a label that just displays the Bid/Ask Volumes. e.g. "154/299". I thought this would be a no-brainer. but can not find it. thanks
This is great, but there is small thing needed to be fixed. Sometime the code is having trouble reading ASK price from the source, BID usually works. anyway, it's causing this.

You replied to me, but that's not my code in your image as mine only shows the spread. I added an image to my original post and updated the code with an optional alert if the spread is wide.
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