As a Squeeze and a TREND LINE

Jesus Bueno

New member
Greetings and happy day.
I am writing to see if it is possible to program an indicator that looks like Jonh Carter's TTM SQUEEZE and represents the two lines that you see in the image.
The yellow line represents a trend (DATA in the indicator #BlaiMarifeli1) and the red line represents an average (DATA4 in the indicator #BlaiMarifeli1).
In this squeeze, the zero level should always be the DATA4 or average. And the vertical bars above and below should be the difference between the DATA and DATA4. Ideally, the bars would be above with 2 blue bars and below with red and yellow bars for good visualization.
In summary, we can say that it would be the same indicator but with the appearance of a squeeze and without the part of drawing lines and clouds.
Is it possible?


  • 17 18_09_37-SPY, SPY - Active Trader - 76352645SCHW Main@thinkorswim [build 1981].jpg
    17 18_09_37-SPY, SPY - Active Trader - 76352645SCHW Main@thinkorswim [build 1981].jpg
    310.4 KB · Views: 50
  • #BlaiMarifeli1.docx
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17 18_09_37-SPY, SPY - Active Trader - 76352645SCHW Main@thinkorswim [build 1981].jpg

As you can see in the upper part of the image I have an indicator (BlaiMarifeli1) of which I only want to see the red line which is an AVERAGE and a yellow line which is a TREND.
Below is an example of the TTM Squeeze by John Carter.
I would like to have a BlaiMarifeli2 like the TTM Squeeze where the line of value 0 is the red line of BlaiMarifeli1. And the bars represent the difference above and below the red line.
Is it possible to do it?
Thank you for your time

#Objetivo poner flechas al cruce de medias

script calc_stoch
    input src = close;
    input length = 0;
    input smoothFastD = 0;

    def ll = Lowest(low, length);
    def hh = Highest(high, length);
    def k = 100 * (src - ll) / (hh - ll);
    plot line = Average(k, smoothFastD);
script pine_rma
    input x = close;
    input y = 14;

    rec sum = (x + (y - 1) * If(IsNaN(sum[1]), 0, sum[1])) / y;
    plot line = sum;
script pine_rsi
    input x = close;
    input y = close;

    def u = Max(x - x[1], 0); # upward change
    def d = Max(x[1] - x, 0); # downward change
    def rs = pine_rma(u, y) / pine_rma(d, y);
    def res = 100 - 100 / (1 + rs);
    plot line = res;

input live_candle = yes;
input lengthEMA = 255;
input m = 15;
input mult = 2.0;

def tprice = (open + high + low + close) / 4;
def source = (high + low + close) / 3;

rec pvi = If(volume > volume[1], pvi[1] + ((close - close[1]) / close[1]), pvi[1]);
def pvim = ExpAverage(pvi, m);
def pvimax = Highest(pvim, 90);
def pvimin = Lowest(pvim, 90);
def oscp = (pvi - pvim) * 100 / (pvimax - pvimin);
rec nvi = If(volume < volume[1], nvi[1] + ((close - close[1]) / close[1]), nvi[1]);
def nvim = ExpAverage(nvi, m);
def nvimax = Highest(nvim, 90);
def nvimin = Lowest(nvim, 90);
def azul = (nvi - nvim) * 100 / (nvimax - nvimin);
#Money Flow Index
def t1 = volume * If((source - source[1]) <= 0, 0, source);
def upper_s = Sum(t1, 14);
def t2 = volume * If((source - source[1]) >= 0, 0, source);
def lower_s = Sum(t2, 14);
def xmf = 100 - 100 / (1 + upper_s / lower_s);

def basis = Average(tprice, 25);
def dev = mult * StDev(tprice, 25);
def upper = basis + dev;
def lower = basis - dev;
def OB1 = (upper + lower) / 2.0;
def OB2 = upper - lower;
def BollOsc = ((tprice - OB1) / OB2 ) * 100;
def xrsi = pine_rsi(tprice, 14);

def bandacero = 0;

def stoc = calc_stoch(tprice, 21, 3);
def marron = (xrsi + xmf + BollOsc + (stoc / 3)) / 2;
def verde = marron + oscp;
def media = ExpAverage(marron, m);
def p1;
def p2;
def p3;
def p4;

If IsNan(Close[-1]) && live_candle == no
   p1 = marron;
   p2 = verde;
   p3 = media;
   p4 = azul;

plot Data = p1;
plot Data2 = p2;
plot Data3 = p4;
plot Data4 = p3;

plot Data5 = bandacero;

Data.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor (100, 100, 0));
Data2.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor (0, 102, 0));
Data3.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor (0, 0, 252));
Data4.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor (255, 0, 0));
Data5.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor (128, 128, 128));

plot Cloud1Color =0;
Cloud1Color.DefineColor("Color", CreateColor(102, 255, 102));
plot Cloud2Color =0;
plot Cloud3Color =0;
Cloud3Color.DefineColor("Color", CreateColor(0, 255, 255));
#input trr =  CreateColor(102, 255, 102);
#AddCloud(0, Data3, Cloud3Color.Color("Color"), Cloud3Color.Color("Color"));
#AddCloud(0, Data, Cloud2Color.Color("Color"), Cloud2Color.Color("Color"));
#AddCloud(0, Data2,  Cloud1Color.Color("Color"), Cloud1Color.Color("Color"));
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