Commonly Asked Questions about Alerts:
There are Three Types of Alerts:
Want to see a list of alerts all the time? detach the message center
There are Three Types of Alerts:
There are alerts written into studies. They alert for all charts / grids currently populating your app whether they are minimized or not.
They cannot be sent to phone/email. They cannot have custom sounds.
There are alerts created on a chart for one specific stock that you want to alert
Right-click on your chart and choose alerts.
There are scanned watchlist alerts which alert whenever the results of the scan changes.
These alerts can be 3min delayed. They can have custom sounds, they can be sent to phone/email, if you have notifications turned on in the app setup.
Alerts blinking by too fast? To see all alerts: click on the message centerWant to see a list of alerts all the time? detach the message center