Repaints AGAIG Stars Aligned Chart For ThinkOrSwim



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Since (to my knowledge) nobody has found the actual Holy Grail for options trading, it leaves me with the idea that the next best goal is to trade with “As Good As It Gets -- The Stars Aligned.”

For trading purposes, I use a 2min/5min chart combination (although one can use the time frames of their choice).



The three Chart Stars are: The Traffic Light (one of my newest and best Dashboard Labels), The TI- MTF-DMI and the Chart Trading Path (Red/Green MA (Moving Average Arrows). WHEN THESE THREE AGREE “THE STARS ARE ALIGNED.


THE SUPPORTING CAST is all the other indicators which provide a heads-up for changes in direction that might be happening soon, as well as known Pivot Points where computers and algorithms frequently express themselves, as well as the Price Pointer and PSAR (Parabolic Stop and Reverse).

I’ve also added the Bayesian Trend Labels. These two labels show TREND STRENGTH Up/Down % and Probability of Up/Down TREND BY PERCENT.

I’m using clouds instead of candles, and I am following price trend with my Price Pointer.

ORB (Opening Range Breakout is shown as a 15 minute opening dashed yellow and after 15 minutes becomes a solid yellow line, The label above will show if trading is within/above/below the ORB.

NOTE: The VWAP date must be changed daily to be accurate.

Other labels are self-explanatory, or you can ask questions related to the chart.

This is the link for a dual chart:!qGnoz9il
The Chart visual is:
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Beautiful and very interesting, I am getting used to what I see here on TS. It's nice to have a primary indicator that won't repaint when looking at the bigger picture.

By any chance is there a way to scan with the ATR2.5?
It's nice to have a primary indicator that won't repaint.

You are incorrect. The AGAIG chart set-ups do repaint.
As do all forum threads with the prefix: repaints.

It is recommended that you read through the AGAIG threads as they provide excellent commentary in chart-reading and finding high-probability entry zones. They also provide instructions for handling the repainting.

@csricksdds blogs are also a fount of must-read trading information.
Beautiful and very interesting, I am getting used to what I see here on TS. It's nice to have a primary indicator that won't repaint when looking at the bigger picture.

By any chance is there a way to scan with the ATR2.5?
I'm glad you like. I don't do broad scanning which is why I posted the AGAIG 4Chart 2min Screen - the time frame can be changed as well as the stocks being viewed. Stick to stocks with good volatility and close bid/ask for best results.
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I see what looks to be the heikanashi candles flash in the background of the cloud candles in the background. Do you get this as well?

It may take some time to test the psar transition with the price pointer for an optimal option trade entry.

I personally have been scanning for stocks on a 2.5 ATR minimum so I'm a huge fan.

Thanks for sharing! I would love to hear experience from other traders using this as well but other than that honestly Great Work!
I see what looks to be the heikanashi candles flash in the background of the cloud candles in the background. Do you get this as well?

It may take some time to test the psar transition with the price pointer for an optimal option trade entry.

I personally have been scanning for stocks on a 2.5 ATR minimum so I'm a huge fan.

Thanks for sharing! I would love to hear experience from other traders using this as well but other than that honestly Great Work!
Thanks, maybe others will share as well!
I see what looks to be the heikanashi candles flash in the background of the cloud candles in the background. Do you get this as well?

It may take some time to test the psar transition with the price pointer for an optimal option trade entry.

I personally have been scanning for stocks on a 2.5 ATR minimum so I'm a huge fan.

Thanks for sharing! I would love to hear experience from other traders using this as well but other than that honestly Great Work!
You mentioned that you like the 2.5 ATR and so here is the same Screen Chart including a 2.5 ATR Bubble. The Bubble is only a heads-up that a change in direction might be taking place so make sure the trading path arrows and traffic light agree? Here is the link:!4FVT4frm

This is what it looks like with the bubbles:
I must have something set up incorrectly...I loaded the 'dual chart: htt--//!qGnoz9il from the link and it looks like this;


Obviously I'm missing something! If you can advise, great, otherwise I'll keep hacking on my own.

One other question - can I shut off the damn bell that rings every minute? Sorry, no offense to the bell lovers out there.
I must have something set up incorrectly...I loaded the 'dual chart: htt--//!qGnoz9il from the link and it looks like this;

View attachment 22534
Obviously I'm missing something! If you can advise, great, otherwise I'll keep hacking on my own.

One other question - can I shut off the damn bell that rings every minute? Sorry, no offense to the bell lovers out there.
Looks like you need to use the plus/minus magnifier (on bottom of chart) and then on upper right price axis settings (just below the beaker) and check auto and it should clear for you. To turn off the bell under your studies and strategies click on the right wheel of any indicator you want to silence and turn the alerts off.
Looks like you need to use the plus/minus magnifier (on bottom of chart) and then on upper right price axis settings (just below the beaker) and check auto and it should clear for you. To turn off the bell under your studies and strategies click on the right wheel of any indicator you want to silence and turn the alerts off.
Thank you, that solved my problem. Very appreciated!
I just wanted you to know that I appreciate the AGAIG charts that you are posting. It seems you make improvements with each release. I am learning alot from them.
Dumb question, where do you change the VWAP daily?

I forgot then hit apply and ok
When you say wheel, do you been the Chart Setings (the Gear Icon) option on the chart? If so I dont see a VWAP

Yep we are talking about the same thing. But that Wheel (Which is a Gear Icon) opens Chart settings with several tabs, e.g. General, Price Axis, Time Axis etc - I do not see anything related to VWAP

Yeah I dont have that. I will grab it.

The VWAP is on the dual chart I is the link!qGnoz9il
Is that the same version as the one on the first page of this thread? If so thats what I downloaded.
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Would i have to changes the times in the script if I am in the west coast? Change your 9:30 to 1600 to 6:30 to 1300 for the west coast.
Click on the wheel between your time frame and the beaker - this will open your studies and strategies - go down to your VWAP and click on the wheel on the right - it will open and line 1 is the time input - today it should read 20240809 - you should just need to change the last two for the date during the month

Click on the wheel between your time frame and the beaker - this will open your studies and strategies - go down to your VWAP and click on the wheel on the right - it will open and line 1 is the time input - today it should read 20240809 - you should just need to change the last two for the date during the month
I forgot then hit apply and ok

On your chart You have the stick listed on the chart and then look on same line to the right past the first beaker to the wheel just before your time setting...let me know if still problems

Do you have the Anchored VWAP on that chart? If so it should show - if not you will need to add it to you chart, hopefully to the left under studies or download from this useThinkScript site and save it to your studies.

Do you have the Anchored VWAP on that chart? If so it should show - if not you will need to add it to you chart, hopefully to the left under studies or download from this useThinkScript site and save it to your studies.
The VWAP is on the dual chart I is the link!qGnoz9il

Is that the same version as the one on the first page of this thread? If so thats what I downloaded.
I hope that get you corrected - update VWAP each day as said before
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