#Advance/Decline For 8 Stocks
#ah1144 2/20
#can this script
#be modified to show , mfst, aapl, nvda, amzn, meta, goog tsla, hyg ( instead of the sectors in the code )as a percentage of change from daily opening plotted against the spy and showing each stock with its lable like this above referenced code?
#khpro59 jan 30, 2024 #99
#This one seems to be a great match for ST's. Whether you find it useful or not is up to you, but I believe this is the accurate script (weightings need to be updated)
#Reverse Engineered Weighted A/D concept based off shadowtrader.net
###Be sure to check weightings periodically and update accordingly (https://www.spglobal.com/spdji/en/indices/equity/sp-500/#data)
#shared to uTS 1/30/24 by khpro59
declare lower;
def bn = barnumber();
def na = double.nan;
input Open_Time = 930;
def FirstBar = if SecondsFromTime(Open_Time)[1] >= 0 and SecondsTillTime(Open_Time) >= 0 then 1 else 0;
AddVerticalLine(FirstBar, "-");
# needs to be caps
input s1 = "MSFT";
input s2 = "AAPL";
input s3 = "NVDA";
input s4 = "AMZN";
input s5 = "META";
input s6 = "GOOG";
input s7 = "TSLA";
input s8 = "HYG";
# day open price
def s1_1 = if FirstBar then close else s1_1[1];
def s2_1 = if FirstBar then close else s2_1[1];
def s3_1 = if FirstBar then close else s3_1[1];
def s4_1 = if FirstBar then close else s4_1[1];
def s5_1 = if FirstBar then close else s5_1[1];
def s6_1 = if FirstBar then close else s6_1[1];
def s7_1 = if FirstBar then close else s7_1[1];
def s8_1 = if FirstBar then close else s8_1[1];
# % chg since open
# s1_dayper = wt
def s1_dayper = (100*(close - s1_1)/s1_1);
def s2_dayper = (100*(close - s2_1)/s1_1);
def s3_dayper = (100*(close - s3_1)/s1_1);
def s4_dayper = (100*(close - s4_1)/s1_1);
def s5_dayper = (100*(close - s5_1)/s1_1);
def s6_dayper = (100*(close - s6_1)/s1_1);
def s7_dayper = (100*(close - s7_1)/s1_1);
def s8_dayper = (100*(close - s8_1)/s1_1);
def u = 1;
def s1_PR = if bn == 1 then u else (close(s1) - close(s1)[1]) / close(s1)[1] * s1_dayper / 100;
def s2_PR = if bn == 1 then u else (close(s2) - close(s2)[1]) / close(s2)[1] * s2_dayper / 100;
def s3_PR = if bn == 1 then u else (close(s3) - close(s3)[1]) / close(s3)[1] * s3_dayper / 100;
def s4_PR = if bn == 1 then u else (close(s4) - close(s4)[1]) / close(s4)[1] * s4_dayper / 100;
def s5_PR = if bn == 1 then u else (close(s5) - close(s5)[1]) / close(s5)[1] * s5_dayper / 100;
def s6_PR = if bn == 1 then u else (close(s6) - close(s6)[1]) / close(s6)[1] * s6_dayper / 100;
def s7_PR = if bn == 1 then u else (close(s7) - close(s7)[1]) / close(s7)[1] * s7_dayper / 100;
def s8_PR = if bn == 1 then u else (close(s8) - close(s8)[1]) / close(s8)[1] * s8_dayper / 100;
#input XLP_WT = 5.80;
#input XLU_WT = 2.50;
#input XLC_WT = 11.50;
#input XLF_WT = 11.20;
#input XLB_WT = 2.60;
#input XLI_WT = 8.20;
#input XLE_WT = 2.40;
#input XLRE_WT = 2.60;
#input XLV_WT = 13.40;
#input XLK_WT = 27.90;
#input XLY_WT = 11.90;
#def XLP_PRnow = (close("XLP") - close("XLP")[1]) / close("XLP")[1] * XLP_WT / 100;
#def XLU_PRnow = (close("XLU") - close("XLU")[1]) / close("XLU")[1] * XLU_WT / 100;
#def XLC_PRnow = (close("XLC") - close("XLC")[1]) / close("XLC")[1] * XLC_WT / 100;
#def XLF_PRnow = (close("XLF") - close("XLF")[1]) / close("XLF")[1] * XLF_WT / 100;
#def XLB_PRnow = (close("XLB") - close("XLB")[1]) / close("XLB")[1] * XLB_WT / 100;
#def XLI_PRnow = (close("XLI") - close("XLI")[1]) / close("XLI")[1] * XLI_WT / 100;
#def XLE_PRnow = (close("XLE") - close("XLE")[1]) / close("XLE")[1] * XLE_WT / 100;
#def XLRE_PRnow = (close("XLRE") - close("XLRE")[1]) / close("XLRE")[1] * XLRE_WT / 100;
#def XLV_PRnow = (close("XLV") - close("XLV")[1]) / close("XLV")[1] * XLV_WT / 100;
#def XLK_PRnow = (close("XLK") - close("XLK")[1]) / close("XLK")[1] * XLK_WT / 100;
#def XLY_PRnow = (close("XLY") - close("XLY")[1]) / close("XLY")[1] * XLY_WT / 100;
#def CAD = XLP_PRnow + XLU_PRnow + XLC_PRnow + XLF_PRnow + XLB_PRnow + XLI_PRnow + XLE_PRnow + XLRE_PRnow + XLV_PRnow + XLK_PRnow + XLY_PRnow;
def cad = s1_pr + s2_pr + s3_pr + s4_pr + s5_pr + s6_pr + s7_pr + s8_pr;
def Divider = 6.5 * 60 / GetAggregationPeriod() * 200 * 500;
def notFirstBar = if SecondsFromTime(Open_Time) >= 0 and SecondsFromTime(Open_Time)[1] >= 0 then 1 else 0;
#addverticalline(notfirstbar, "-");
def X = if GetAggregationPeriod() == AggregationPeriod.MIN then 70000
else if GetAggregationPeriod() == AggregationPeriod.TWO_MIN then 60000
else if GetAggregationPeriod() == AggregationPeriod.THREE_MIN then 55000
else if GetAggregationPeriod() == AggregationPeriod.FOUR_MIN then 50000
else if GetAggregationPeriod() == AggregationPeriod.FIVE_MIN then 45000
else if GetAggregationPeriod() == AggregationPeriod.TEN_MIN then 37500
else if GetAggregationPeriod() == AggregationPeriod.FIFTEEN_MIN then 35000
else if GetAggregationPeriod() == AggregationPeriod.THIRTY_MIN then 32500
else if GetAggregationPeriod() == AggregationPeriod.HOUR then 27500
else Double.NaN;
def CT = if GetDay() != GetDay()[1] then 0 else if notFirstBar then CT[1] + CAD else 0;
plot Weighted_AD = if !IsNaN(CAD) then CT * X else Double.NaN;
plot zero = 0;
Weighted_AD.DefineColor(“Positive”, Color.MAGENTA);
Weighted_AD.DefineColor(“Negative”, Color.ORANGE);
Weighted_AD.AssignValueColor(if Weighted_AD >= Weighted_AD [1] then Weighted_AD.Color(“Positive”) else Weighted_AD.Color(“Negative”));
#def CAD2 = 11 * (XLP_PRnow / XLP_WT + XLU_PRnow / XLU_WT + XLC_PRnow / XLC_WT + XLF_PRnow / XLF_WT + XLB_PRnow / XLB_WT + XLI_PRnow / XLI_WT + XLE_PRnow / XLE_WT + XLRE_PRnow / XLRE_WT + XLV_PRnow / XLV_WT + XLK_PRnow / XLK_WT + XLY_PRnow / XLY_WT);
# XLU_PRnow / wt = s1_pr/s1_dayper
def cad2 = 8 * (s1_pr/s1_dayper + s2_pr/s2_dayper + s3_pr/s3_dayper + s4_pr/s4_dayper + s5_pr/s5_dayper + s6_pr/s6_dayper + s7_pr/s7_dayper + s8_pr/s8_dayper );
def CT2 = if GetDay() != GetDay()[1] then 0 else if notFirstBar then CT2[1] + CAD2 else 0;
plot Non_Weighted_AD = if !IsNaN(CAD2) then CT2 * X
else Double.NaN;
addchartbubble(0, 0,
s1_dayper + "\n" +
((close(s1) - close(s1)[1]) / close(s1)[1] ) + "\n" +
s1_pr + "\n" +
CAD + "\n" +
CT + "\n" +
X + "\n" +
Weighted_AD + "\n"
, color.yellow, yes);