Very new to creating scripts can someone please help me by creating a script that plots the lines below
(HIGH OF PREVIOUS DAY - LOW OF PREVIOUS DAY) x (0.4) then +add that value to close of the previous day
(HIGH OF PREVIOUS DAY - LOW OF PREVIOUS DAY) x (0.4) then -subtract that value from close of the previous day
(HIGH OF PREVIOUS DAY - LOW OF PREVIOUS DAY) x (0.2) then +add that value to close of the previous day
(HIGH OF PREVIOUS DAY - LOW OF PREVIOUS DAY) x (0.2) then -subtract that value from close of the previous day
(HIGH OF PREVIOUS DAY - LOW OF PREVIOUS DAY) x (0.4) then +add that value to close of the previous day
(HIGH OF PREVIOUS DAY - LOW OF PREVIOUS DAY) x (0.4) then -subtract that value from close of the previous day
(HIGH OF PREVIOUS DAY - LOW OF PREVIOUS DAY) x (0.2) then +add that value to close of the previous day
(HIGH OF PREVIOUS DAY - LOW OF PREVIOUS DAY) x (0.2) then -subtract that value from close of the previous day
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