A Study Suddenly Doesn't Work In ThinkOrSwim


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I'm using a modified LRC study from Mobius that SleepZ provided on this thread: https://usethinkscript.com/threads/trust-the-levels-trade-options-in-thinkorswim.18367/post-140739

all of a sudden it doesn't as of yesterday afternoon. Not sure why. Tried all sorts of things. Completely deleted the study. Closed/reopened TOS. Then created clean extended hours chart of ES (3D 2m), copy/pasted study as a new study, then added to my bare bones chart. "Apply". But the study doesn't show on the chart when I scroll to today's action. Weird.

The Study worked for me earlier this week when applied to ES (3D, 2m), but as of yesterday afternoon, it no longer shows on my chart. Yes, "show study" is checked. Earlier today, I did see my screen flash as if the study would come up, but then it went away. I've deleted the study, then re-created (pasted as new study), "applied" ... but it doesn't show on my chart. Very strange. It's as if something is corrupted. Maybe there's a TOS cache I could clear? Curious if anyone has any thoughts. Thank you!
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With very little information on your current Workspace setup (# of monitors, charts, other Studies on those charts, etc.) so let's start at the basic:

From ToS main window:
Setup > Reset Workspace to default

From the main menu:
Help > System > select Collect garbage (on upper far right)

Back to Charts tab:
Enter your symbol " /ES (3D, 2M) " and attach your Study to see if problem is resolved or not.

If not, try going to OnDemand and/or Paper Money to see if the same issue occurs there.
@Carl-not-Karl ... that fixed it. Your instructions created a baseline for me to determine the LRC study worked (as before). From this baseline, I added the other studies I wanted to include, then saved as a new grid. All good. Thanks. FYI ... the old(er) grid that I had somehow became corrupted. When I tried to open it, the TOS wheel spun and spun.
Hey guys, When my TOS went from TDA to Charles Schwab, a few codes stopped working. Does anyone know how I can get it corrected? How can I fix it?

One is the VWAP Standard Deviation Bands, I use this for all my charts. Please help
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