52-week Highs/Lows For ThinkOrSwim

i was looking more for a chart label so when im charting AH or weekends i can see what 52wk high is or ATH is
#52 week high low any time frame --- joe

def Low52Week = Lowest(low(period = "Day"), 252);
def Hi52Week = Highest(high(period = "Day"), 252);
def change = (close-Hi52Week)/Hi52Week;
addlabel(1,"L/H: " + Low52Week +"-"+Hi52Week, color.cyan);
AddLabel(1,"Change: "+ aspercent(change), if change<0 then Color.pink else color.green)
here's what you requested, its going to show as the numerical percentage from 0-100 value rather than a histogram.
Be sure to set the scan aggregation to MONTH
(instead of 52 week high, i used 12 month high to account better for leap years)
def priceHigh = high;
def pricelow = low;
def YearHigh = Highest(priceHigh, 12) ;
def YearLow = Lowest(priceLow, 12) ;
def range = Yearhigh-Yearlow;
def closing_value = close - Yearlow;
def percent = (closing_value/range)*100;
plot scan = percent;
Would this script be a watchlist column?!
52-week high/low is the highest and lowest price at which a stock has traded during the previous year. It is a technical indicator used by some traders and investors who view the 52-week high or low as an important factor in determining a stock's current value and predicting future price movement.

"Paris: Here's a watchlist you can use for percentage off 52 week high. For 52 week low, you can modify this."

# Percentage Off 52 Week High Watchlist
# Nick Name NAG®
# 11.02.2015

# This assumes a daily aggregation.  You will need to use
# daily or higher, adjust the 252 length as needed.

Round((close / Highest(high, 252) - 1) * 100)
How would you set up a scan to identify stocks that are a given percentage below 52 week highs? Thanks!

Looking to scan for stocks that have declined substantially from 52-week highs. Scan would allow changing percentage amounts. This is probably an easy scan but I am new to thinkscript and just learning. Thanks!
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How would you set up a scan to identify stocks that are a given percentage below 52 week highs? Thanks!

Looking to scan for stocks that have declined substantially from 52-week highs. Scan would allow changing percentage amounts. This is probably an easy scan but I am new to thinkscript and just learning. Thanks!

Last Closing price is within XYZ percent of 52 Week High
#Last Closing price is within XYZ percent of 52 Week High
#By XeoNoX
#via usethinkscript.com
#### Change percentvalue to percent % in decimal format
###  Example .02 is 2%  and .025 is 2.5%
def percentvalue = .02;
def YearHigh_52WHigh = Highest(high(period = AggregationPeriod.Week),52);
def PercentOf =  YearHigh_52WHigh*percentvalue;
def withinPercent = absvalue(close -  YearHigh_52WHigh) is less than or equal to PercentOf;
plot scan = withinPercent;
Using this to show a dashed line for 52wk high, how can i add a price bubble to show on the right axis

def a = Highest(high, 252);
def barNumber = barNumber();
def bar = if IsNaN(a)
then Double.NaN
else BarNumber();
def ThisBar = HighestAll(bar);
def Line = if bar == ThisBar
then a
else Double.NaN;
plot P = if ThisBar
then HighestAll(Line)
else Double.NaN;
can you please show the dashed line for 52Wk Low? thanks
Kashkian said:
Hi SleepyZ, can you please show the chartbubble on the 52W high or low points instead of on the dashed line?

# @Joshua code - Just added bubbles
# The bubbles work on primarily daily and weekly charts and the bars where these occur have to be visible on the chart for these to appear.
Screenshot 2024-03-10 211612.png
# The labels seem to work intraday with most aggregations with adequate timeframes set. For example, on a 1m chart, a 30day timeframe seemed to work, usually without a date, unless it is visible on the chart.
# @joshua code - Just added bubbles
# The bubbles work on primarily daily and weekly charts and the bars where these occur have to be visible on the chart for these to appear.
# The labels seem to work intraday with most aggregations with adequate timeframes set. For example, on a 1m chart, a 30 day timeframe seemed to work.  

input showbubbles = yes;
input showlabels  = yes;

def LastBar  = HighestAll(if !IsNaN(close) then BarNumber() else Double.NaN);
def LastHigh = HighestAll(if BarNumber() == LastBar then Highest(high(period = AggregationPeriod.WEEK), 52) else Double.NaN);
def Day;
def Month;
def Year;
if high == LastHigh {
    Day   = GetDayOfMonth(GetYYYYMMDD());
    Month = GetMonth();
    Year  = GetYear();
} else {
    Day   = Day[1];
    Month = Month[1];
    Year  = Year[1];
AddLabel(showlabels, "High is: " + LastHigh + " on " + Month + "/" + Day + "/" + AsPrice(Year), Color.LIGHT_GREEN);
AddChartBubble(showbubbles and high == LastHigh, high, "HH: " + AsDollars(LastHigh) + "\n" + Month + "/" + Day + "/" + AsPrice(Year), Color.LIGHT_GREEN);


def LastLow = HighestAll(if BarNumber() == LastBar then Lowest(low(period = AggregationPeriod.WEEK), 52) else Double.NaN);
def DayL;
def MonthL;
def YearL;
if low == LastLow {
    DayL   = GetDayOfMonth(GetYYYYMMDD());
    MonthL = GetMonth();
    YearL  = GetYear();
} else {
    DayL   = DayL[1];
    MonthL = MonthL[1];
    YearL  = YearL[1];
AddLabel(showlabels, "Low is: " + LastLow + " on " + MonthL + "/" + DayL + "/" + AsPrice(YearL), Color.LIGHT_RED);
AddChartBubble(showbubbles and low == LastLow, low, "LL: " + AsDollars(LastLow) + "\n" + MonthL + "/" + DayL + "/" + AsPrice(YearL), Color.LIGHT_RED, no);
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