I want someone who uses purely price action to trade both stocks and indices (no forex), preferably has knowledge in options but not mandatory.
I'm not looking for an online course, so please don't recommend me one.
I need someone who can distill complex concepts into easily understood and applicable real-world trades (i.e. not someone like Al Brooks).
Don't mind paying up to $30K per year for world-class coaching. Kindly suggest if you have personally come across a great price action coach/mentor before. No need to comment if you don't have any suggestions (I put in 6 hours of screentime daily and already trading profitably, but I want to bring my positive expectancy to the next level).
I'm not looking for an online course, so please don't recommend me one.
I need someone who can distill complex concepts into easily understood and applicable real-world trades (i.e. not someone like Al Brooks).
Don't mind paying up to $30K per year for world-class coaching. Kindly suggest if you have personally come across a great price action coach/mentor before. No need to comment if you don't have any suggestions (I put in 6 hours of screentime daily and already trading profitably, but I want to bring my positive expectancy to the next level).