Dynamic Supply and Demand Zones [AlgoAlpha] for ThinkOrSwim


Moderator - Expert

Author Message - Not complete conversion

Introducing the Dynamic Supply and Demand Zones by AlgoAlpha. This indicator is designed to automatically identify and visualize dynamic supply and demand zones on your chart, helping traders pinpoint potential reversal areas and assess market sentiment with enhanced clarity. It adapts to market conditions using a dynamic look-back mechanism, making it more responsive to recent price movements.

CODE - UPDATED: Threshold levels - 12/2024

# Indicator For TOS
# @AlgoAlpha
#indicator("Dynamic Supply and Demand Zones [AlgoAlpha]", "AlgoAlpha - 📦Dynamic Supply/Demand",
#Hint dynamic: If true, the indicator adjusts its lookback such that it considers data from the previous major pivot point to present.
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800 - 11/2024 - Not Exact conv.
# Updated Label Location - Sam4Cok@Samer800 - 11/2024
# Update Added threshold to show levels by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 12/2024

input labelOptions = {"Left", "Right", Default "Center", "Don't Show"};
input dynamic = yes; # "Use Dynamic Look-Back"
input lookback = 200;
input Resolution = 40; #, "Resolution"
input ZoneTolerance = 0.93; #,"Zone Tolerance",toolti
input showLevelOptions = {Default "All Levels", "Custom Threshold"};
input customThreshold = 50;

def na = Double.NaN;
def notConfirm = isNaN(close);
def n = if BarNumber() < 1 then 1 else BarNumber();
def bar = if !notConfirm then n else Bar[1];
def res = Min(Max(Resolution, 1), 50);
def zone = Min(Max(ZoneTolerance, 0.01), 1);
def lvlCond;
Switch (showLevelOptions) {
Case "Custom Threshold" : lvlCond = no;
Default : lvlCond = yes;
Script Pivot {
    input series    = close;
    input leftBars  = 10;
    input rightBars = 10;
    input isHigh = yes;
    def na = Double.NaN;
    def HH = series == Highest(series, leftBars + 1);
    def LL = series == Lowest(series, leftBars + 1);
    def pivotRange = (leftBars + rightBars + 1);
    def leftEdgeValue = if series[pivotRange] ==0 then na else series[pivotRange];
    def pvtCond = !isNaN(series) and leftBars > 0 and rightBars > 0 and !isNaN(leftEdgeValue);
    def barIndexH = if pvtCond then
                    fold i = 1 to rightBars + 1 with p=1 while p do
                    series > GetValue(series, - i) else na;
    def barIndexL = if pvtCond then
                    fold j = 1 to rightBars + 1 with q=1 while q do
                    series < GetValue(series, - j) else na;
    def PivotPoint;
if isHigh {
    PivotPoint = if HH and barIndexH then series else na;
    } else {
    PivotPoint = if LL and barIndexL then series else na;
    plot pvt = PivotPoint;
def ph = pivot(high[lookback], lookback, lookback, yes);
def pl = pivot(low[lookback], lookback, lookback, no);
def nPh = !isNaN(ph);
def nPl = !isNaN(pl);
def x1 = if (nPh or nPl) then lookback else x1[1] + 1;
def x = if x1 > lookback then x1 else lookback;
def len1 = if dynamic then x else lookback;
def sartCond = bar >= highestAll(bar - len1);
def highs = if sartCond then Max(highs[1], high) else highs[1];
def lows  = if sartCond then Min(if(lows[1], lows[1], low), low) else lows[1];
def maxx = highestAll(InertiaAll(highs, 2));
def minn = highestAll(InertiaAll(lows, 2));
def step = (maxx - minn) / res;
def ph2 = if high == highs then bar else ph2[1];
def pl2 = if low == lows then bar else pl2[1];

#-- plot highs and lows
plot hhPoint = if bar == highestAll(ph2) then high else na;
plot llPoint = if bar == highestAll(pl2) then low else na;

plot hh = if sartCond and !notConfirm then maxx else na;
plot ll = if sartCond and !notConfirm then minn else na;



AddCloud(hh, ll, CreateColor(26,26,26));


def lvl00 = minn;
def lvl01 = if res < 1 then na else minn + ((01)*step);
def lvl02 = if res < 2 then na else minn + ((02)*step);
def lvl03 = if res < 3 then na else minn + ((03)*step);
def lvl04 = if res < 4 then na else minn + ((04)*step);
def lvl05 = if res < 5 then na else minn + ((05)*step);
def lvl06 = if res < 6 then na else minn + ((06)*step);
def lvl07 = if res < 7 then na else minn + ((07)*step);
def lvl08 = if res < 8 then na else minn + ((08)*step);
def lvl09 = if res < 9 then na else minn + ((09)*step);
def lvl10 = if res < 10 then na else minn + ((10)*step);
def lvl11 = if res < 11 then na else minn + ((11)*step);
def lvl12 = if res < 12 then na else minn + ((12)*step);
def lvl13 = if res < 13 then na else minn + ((13)*step);
def lvl14 = if res < 14 then na else minn + ((14)*step);
def lvl15 = if res < 15 then na else minn + ((15)*step);
def lvl16 = if res < 16 then na else minn + ((16)*step);
def lvl17 = if res < 17 then na else minn + ((17)*step);
def lvl18 = if res < 18 then na else minn + ((18)*step);
def lvl19 = if res < 19 then na else minn + ((19)*step);
def lvl20 = if res < 20 then na else minn + ((20)*step);
def lvl21 = if res < 21 then na else minn + ((21)*step);
def lvl22 = if res < 22 then na else minn + ((22)*step);
def lvl23 = if res < 23 then na else minn + ((23)*step);
def lvl24 = if res < 24 then na else minn + ((24)*step);
def lvl25 = if res < 25 then na else minn + ((25)*step);
def lvl26 = if res < 26 then na else minn + ((26)*step);
def lvl27 = if res < 27 then na else minn + ((27)*step);
def lvl28 = if res < 28 then na else minn + ((28)*step);
def lvl29 = if res < 29 then na else minn + ((29)*step);
def lvl30 = if res < 30 then na else minn + ((30)*step);
def lvl31 = if res < 31 then na else minn + ((31)*step);
def lvl32 = if res < 32 then na else minn + ((32)*step);
def lvl33 = if res < 33 then na else minn + ((33)*step);
def lvl34 = if res < 34 then na else minn + ((34)*step);
def lvl35 = if res < 35 then na else minn + ((35)*step);
def lvl36 = if res < 36 then na else minn + ((36)*step);
def lvl37 = if res < 37 then na else minn + ((37)*step);
def lvl38 = if res < 38 then na else minn + ((38)*step);
def lvl39 = if res < 39 then na else minn + ((39)*step);
def lvl40 = if res < 40 then na else minn + ((40)*step);
def lvl41 = if res < 41 then na else minn + ((41)*step);
def lvl42 = if res < 42 then na else minn + ((42)*step);
def lvl43 = if res < 43 then na else minn + ((43)*step);
def lvl44 = if res < 44 then na else minn + ((44)*step);
def lvl45 = if res < 45 then na else minn + ((45)*step);
def lvl46 = if res < 46 then na else minn + ((46)*step);
def lvl47 = if res < 47 then na else minn + ((47)*step);
def lvl48 = if res < 48 then na else minn + ((48)*step);
def lvl49 = if res < 49 then na else minn + ((49)*step);
def lvl50 = if res < 50 then na else minn + ((50)*step);

Script vol {
input lvl1 = low;
input lvl2 = high;
input len    = 1;
    def x = if isNaN(len) then 1 else len;
    def bin0 = fold i = 0 to x with p=1 do
         p + (if !(GetValue(low,i)>lvl1 or GetValue(high,i)<lvl2) then GetValue(volume,i) else 0);
    def nzL = if isNaN(bin0) then 1 else bin0;
    def bin = highestAll(inertiaAll(nzL, 2));
    plot out = bin;

def bin00 = vol(lvl01, lvl00, x);
def bin01 = vol(lvl02, lvl01, x);
def bin02 = vol(lvl03, lvl02, x);
def bin03 = vol(lvl04, lvl03, x);
def bin04 = vol(lvl05, lvl04, x);
def bin05 = vol(lvl06, lvl05, x);
def bin06 = vol(lvl07, lvl06, x);
def bin07 = vol(lvl08, lvl07, x);
def bin08 = vol(lvl09, lvl08, x);
def bin09 = vol(lvl10, lvl09, x);
def bin10 = vol(lvl11, lvl10, x);
def bin11 = vol(lvl12, lvl11, x);
def bin12 = vol(lvl13, lvl12, x);
def bin13 = vol(lvl14, lvl13, x);
def bin14 = vol(lvl15, lvl14, x);
def bin15 = vol(lvl16, lvl15, x);
def bin16 = vol(lvl17, lvl16, x);
def bin17 = vol(lvl18, lvl17, x);
def bin18 = vol(lvl19, lvl18, x);
def bin19 = vol(lvl20, lvl19, x);
def bin20 = vol(lvl21, lvl20, x);
def bin21 = vol(lvl22, lvl21, x);
def bin22 = vol(lvl23, lvl22, x);
def bin23 = vol(lvl24, lvl23, x);
def bin24 = vol(lvl25, lvl24, x);
def bin25 = vol(lvl26, lvl25, x);
def bin26 = vol(lvl27, lvl26, x);
def bin27 = vol(lvl28, lvl27, x);
def bin28 = vol(lvl29, lvl28, x);
def bin29 = vol(lvl30, lvl29, x);
def bin30 = vol(lvl31, lvl30, x);
def bin31 = vol(lvl32, lvl31, x);
def bin32 = vol(lvl33, lvl32, x);
def bin33 = vol(lvl34, lvl33, x);
def bin34 = vol(lvl35, lvl34, x);
def bin35 = vol(lvl36, lvl35, x);
def bin36 = vol(lvl37, lvl36, x);
def bin37 = vol(lvl38, lvl37, x);
def bin38 = vol(lvl39, lvl38, x);
def bin39 = vol(lvl40, lvl39, x);
def bin40 = vol(lvl41, lvl40, x);
def bin41 = vol(lvl42, lvl41, x);
def bin42 = vol(lvl43, lvl42, x);
def bin43 = vol(lvl44, lvl43, x);
def bin44 = vol(lvl45, lvl44, x);
def bin45 = vol(lvl46, lvl45, x);
def bin46 = vol(lvl47, lvl46, x);
def bin47 = vol(lvl48, lvl47, x);
def bin48 = vol(lvl49, lvl48, x);
def bin49 = vol(lvl50, lvl49, x);

#-- Max Bins

def m1 = Max(bin00,Max(bin01,Max(bin02,Max(bin03,Max(bin04,Max(bin05,Max(bin06,Max(bin07,Max(bin08, Max(bin09, bin10))))))))));
def m2 = Max(bin11,Max(bin12,Max(bin13,Max(bin14,Max(bin15,Max(bin16,Max(bin17,Max(bin18,Max(bin19, bin20)))))))));
def m3 = Max(bin21,Max(bin22,Max(bin23,Max(bin24,Max(bin25,Max(bin26,Max(bin27,Max(bin28,Max(bin29, bin30)))))))));
def m4 = Max(bin31,Max(bin32,Max(bin33,Max(bin34,Max(bin35,Max(bin36,Max(bin37,Max(bin38,Max(bin39, bin40)))))))));
def m5 = Max(bin41,Max(bin42,Max(bin43,Max(bin44,Max(bin45,Max(bin46,Max(bin47,Max(bin48, bin49))))))));
def mxBin = Max(m1, Max(m2, Max(m3, Max(m4, m5))));
def maxBin = if !notConfirm then mxBin else maxBin[1];

def lab00 = 1 - bin00 / maxBin;
def lab01 = 1 - bin01 / maxBin;
def lab02 = 1 - bin02 / maxBin;
def lab03 = 1 - bin03 / maxBin;
def lab04 = 1 - bin04 / maxBin;
def lab05 = 1 - bin05 / maxBin;
def lab06 = 1 - bin06 / maxBin;
def lab07 = 1 - bin07 / maxBin;
def lab08 = 1 - bin08 / maxBin;
def lab09 = 1 - bin09 / maxBin;
def lab10 = 1 - bin10 / maxBin;
def lab11 = 1 - bin11 / maxBin;
def lab12 = 1 - bin12 / maxBin;
def lab13 = 1 - bin13 / maxBin;
def lab14 = 1 - bin14 / maxBin;
def lab15 = 1 - bin15 / maxBin;
def lab16 = 1 - bin16 / maxBin;
def lab17 = 1 - bin17 / maxBin;
def lab18 = 1 - bin18 / maxBin;
def lab19 = 1 - bin19 / maxBin;
def lab20 = 1 - bin20 / maxBin;
def lab21 = 1 - bin21 / maxBin;
def lab22 = 1 - bin22 / maxBin;
def lab23 = 1 - bin23 / maxBin;
def lab24 = 1 - bin24 / maxBin;
def lab25 = 1 - bin25 / maxBin;
def lab26 = 1 - bin26 / maxBin;
def lab27 = 1 - bin27 / maxBin;
def lab28 = 1 - bin28 / maxBin;
def lab29 = 1 - bin29 / maxBin;
def lab30 = 1 - bin30 / maxBin;
def lab31 = 1 - bin31 / maxBin;
def lab32 = 1 - bin32 / maxBin;
def lab33 = 1 - bin33 / maxBin;
def lab34 = 1 - bin34 / maxBin;
def lab35 = 1 - bin35 / maxBin;
def lab36 = 1 - bin36 / maxBin;
def lab37 = 1 - bin37 / maxBin;
def lab38 = 1 - bin38 / maxBin;
def lab39 = 1 - bin39 / maxBin;
def lab40 = 1 - bin40 / maxBin;
def lab41 = 1 - bin41 / maxBin;
def lab42 = 1 - bin42 / maxBin;
def lab43 = 1 - bin43 / maxBin;
def lab44 = 1 - bin44 / maxBin;
def lab45 = 1 - bin45 / maxBin;
def lab46 = 1 - bin46 / maxBin;
def lab47 = 1 - bin47 / maxBin;
def lab48 = 1 - bin48 / maxBin;
def lab49 = 1 - bin49 / maxBin;

def lvlCon00 = if lvlCond then yes else lab00 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon01 = if lvlCond then yes else lab01 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon02 = if lvlCond then yes else lab02 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon03 = if lvlCond then yes else lab03 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon04 = if lvlCond then yes else lab04 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon05 = if lvlCond then yes else lab05 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon06 = if lvlCond then yes else lab06 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon07 = if lvlCond then yes else lab07 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon08 = if lvlCond then yes else lab08 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon09 = if lvlCond then yes else lab09 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon10 = if lvlCond then yes else lab10 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon11 = if lvlCond then yes else lab11 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon12 = if lvlCond then yes else lab12 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon13 = if lvlCond then yes else lab13 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon14 = if lvlCond then yes else lab14 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon15 = if lvlCond then yes else lab15 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon16 = if lvlCond then yes else lab16 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon17 = if lvlCond then yes else lab17 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon18 = if lvlCond then yes else lab18 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon19 = if lvlCond then yes else lab19 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon20 = if lvlCond then yes else lab20 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon21 = if lvlCond then yes else lab21 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon22 = if lvlCond then yes else lab22 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon23 = if lvlCond then yes else lab23 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon24 = if lvlCond then yes else lab24 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon25 = if lvlCond then yes else lab25 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon26 = if lvlCond then yes else lab26 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon27 = if lvlCond then yes else lab27 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon28 = if lvlCond then yes else lab28 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon29 = if lvlCond then yes else lab29 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon30 = if lvlCond then yes else lab30 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon31 = if lvlCond then yes else lab31 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon32 = if lvlCond then yes else lab32 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon33 = if lvlCond then yes else lab33 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon34 = if lvlCond then yes else lab34 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon35 = if lvlCond then yes else lab35 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon36 = if lvlCond then yes else lab36 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon37 = if lvlCond then yes else lab37 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon38 = if lvlCond then yes else lab38 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon39 = if lvlCond then yes else lab39 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon40 = if lvlCond then yes else lab40 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon41 = if lvlCond then yes else lab41 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon42 = if lvlCond then yes else lab42 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon43 = if lvlCond then yes else lab43 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon44 = if lvlCond then yes else lab44 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon45 = if lvlCond then yes else lab45 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon46 = if lvlCond then yes else lab46 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon47 = if lvlCond then yes else lab47 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon48 = if lvlCond then yes else lab48 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon49 = if lvlCond then yes else lab49 >= customThreshold/100;

def iskey00 = lvlCon00 and (bin00 < bin01*zone);
def iskey01 = lvlCon01 and (bin01 < bin00*zone) and (if res == 2 then yes else bin01 < bin02*zone);
def iskey02 = lvlCon02 and (bin02 < bin01*zone) and (if res == 3 then yes else bin02 < bin03*zone);
def iskey03 = lvlCon03 and (bin03 < bin02*zone) and (if res == 4 then yes else bin03 < bin04*zone);
def iskey04 = lvlCon04 and (bin04 < bin03*zone) and (if res == 5 then yes else bin04 < bin05*zone);
def iskey05 = lvlCon05 and (bin05 < bin04*zone) and (if res == 6 then yes else bin05 < bin06*zone);
def iskey06 = lvlCon06 and (bin06 < bin05*zone) and (if res == 7 then yes else bin06 < bin07*zone);
def iskey07 = lvlCon07 and (bin07 < bin06*zone) and (if res == 8 then yes else bin07 < bin08*zone);
def iskey08 = lvlCon08 and (bin08 < bin07*zone) and (if res == 9 then yes else bin08 < bin09*zone);
def iskey09 = lvlCon09 and (bin09 < bin08*zone) and (if res == 10 then yes else bin09 < bin10*zone);
def iskey10 = lvlCon10 and (bin10 < bin09*zone) and (if res == 11 then yes else bin10 < bin11*zone);
def iskey11 = lvlCon11 and (bin11 < bin10*zone) and (if res == 12 then yes else bin11 < bin12*zone);
def iskey12 = lvlCon12 and (bin12 < bin11*zone) and (if res == 13 then yes else bin12 < bin13*zone);
def iskey13 = lvlCon13 and (bin13 < bin12*zone) and (if res == 14 then yes else bin13 < bin14*zone);
def iskey14 = lvlCon14 and (bin14 < bin13*zone) and (if res == 15 then yes else bin14 < bin15*zone);
def iskey15 = lvlCon15 and (bin15 < bin14*zone) and (if res == 16 then yes else bin15 < bin16*zone);
def iskey16 = lvlCon16 and (bin16 < bin15*zone) and (if res == 17 then yes else bin16 < bin17*zone);
def iskey17 = lvlCon17 and (bin17 < bin16*zone) and (if res == 18 then yes else bin17 < bin18*zone);
def iskey18 = lvlCon18 and (bin18 < bin17*zone) and (if res == 19 then yes else bin18 < bin19*zone);
def iskey19 = lvlCon19 and (bin19 < bin18*zone) and (if res == 20 then yes else bin19 < bin20*zone);
def iskey20 = lvlCon20 and (bin20 < bin19*zone) and (if res == 21 then yes else bin20 < bin21*zone);
def iskey21 = lvlCon21 and (bin21 < bin20*zone) and (if res == 22 then yes else bin21 < bin22*zone);
def iskey22 = lvlCon22 and (bin22 < bin21*zone) and (if res == 23 then yes else bin22 < bin23*zone);
def iskey23 = lvlCon23 and (bin23 < bin22*zone) and (if res == 24 then yes else bin23 < bin24*zone);
def iskey24 = lvlCon24 and (bin24 < bin23*zone) and (if res == 25 then yes else bin24 < bin25*zone);
def iskey25 = lvlCon25 and (bin25 < bin24*zone) and (if res == 26 then yes else bin25 < bin26*zone);
def iskey26 = lvlCon26 and (bin26 < bin25*zone) and (if res == 27 then yes else bin26 < bin27*zone);
def iskey27 = lvlCon27 and (bin27 < bin26*zone) and (if res == 28 then yes else bin27 < bin28*zone);
def iskey28 = lvlCon28 and (bin28 < bin27*zone) and (if res == 29 then yes else bin28 < bin29*zone);
def iskey29 = lvlCon29 and (bin29 < bin28*zone) and (if res == 30 then yes else bin29 < bin30*zone);
def iskey30 = lvlCon30 and (bin30 < bin29*zone) and (if res == 31 then yes else bin30 < bin31*zone);
def iskey31 = lvlCon31 and (bin31 < bin30*zone) and (if res == 32 then yes else bin31 < bin32*zone);
def iskey32 = lvlCon32 and (bin32 < bin31*zone) and (if res == 33 then yes else bin32 < bin33*zone);
def iskey33 = lvlCon33 and (bin33 < bin32*zone) and (if res == 34 then yes else bin33 < bin34*zone);
def iskey34 = lvlCon34 and (bin34 < bin33*zone) and (if res == 35 then yes else bin34 < bin35*zone);
def iskey35 = lvlCon35 and (bin35 < bin34*zone) and (if res == 36 then yes else bin35 < bin36*zone);
def iskey36 = lvlCon36 and (bin36 < bin35*zone) and (if res == 37 then yes else bin36 < bin37*zone);
def iskey37 = lvlCon37 and (bin37 < bin36*zone) and (if res == 38 then yes else bin37 < bin38*zone);
def iskey38 = lvlCon38 and (bin38 < bin37*zone) and (if res == 39 then yes else bin38 < bin39*zone);
def iskey39 = lvlCon39 and (bin39 < bin38*zone) and (if res == 40 then yes else bin39 < bin40*zone);
def iskey40 = lvlCon40 and (bin40 < bin39*zone) and (if res == 41 then yes else bin40 < bin41*zone);
def iskey41 = lvlCon41 and (bin41 < bin40*zone) and (if res == 42 then yes else bin41 < bin42*zone);
def iskey42 = lvlCon42 and (bin42 < bin41*zone) and (if res == 43 then yes else bin42 < bin43*zone);
def iskey43 = lvlCon43 and (bin43 < bin42*zone) and (if res == 44 then yes else bin43 < bin44*zone);
def iskey44 = lvlCon44 and (bin44 < bin43*zone) and (if res == 45 then yes else bin44 < bin45*zone);
def iskey45 = lvlCon45 and (bin45 < bin44*zone) and (if res == 46 then yes else bin45 < bin46*zone);
def iskey46 = lvlCon46 and (bin46 < bin45*zone) and (if res == 47 then yes else bin46 < bin47*zone);
def iskey47 = lvlCon47 and (bin47 < bin46*zone) and (if res == 48 then yes else bin47 < bin48*zone);
def iskey48 = lvlCon48 and (bin48 < bin47*zone) and (if res == 49 then yes else bin48 < bin49*zone);
def iskey49 = lvlCon49 and (bin49 < bin48*zone);

def up00 = if iskey00 and lvl01 then lvl01 else na;
def up01 = if iskey01 and lvl02 then lvl02 else na;
def up02 = if iskey02 and lvl03 then lvl03 else na;
def up03 = if iskey03 and lvl04 then lvl04 else na;
def up04 = if iskey04 and lvl05 then lvl05 else na;
def up05 = if iskey05 and lvl06 then lvl06 else na;
def up06 = if iskey06 and lvl07 then lvl07 else na;
def up07 = if iskey07 and lvl08 then lvl08 else na;
def up08 = if iskey08 and lvl09 then lvl09 else na;
def up09 = if iskey09 and lvl10 then lvl10 else na;
def up10 = if iskey10 and lvl11 then lvl11 else na;
def up11 = if iskey11 and lvl12 then lvl12 else na;
def up12 = if iskey12 and lvl13 then lvl13 else na;
def up13 = if iskey13 and lvl14 then lvl14 else na;
def up14 = if iskey14 and lvl15 then lvl15 else na;
def up15 = if iskey15 and lvl16 then lvl16 else na;
def up16 = if iskey16 and lvl17 then lvl17 else na;
def up17 = if iskey17 and lvl18 then lvl18 else na;
def up18 = if iskey18 and lvl19 then lvl19 else na;
def up19 = if iskey19 and lvl20 then lvl20 else na;
def up20 = if iskey20 and lvl21 then lvl21 else na;
def up21 = if iskey21 and lvl22 then lvl22 else na;
def up22 = if iskey22 and lvl23 then lvl23 else na;
def up23 = if iskey23 and lvl24 then lvl24 else na;
def up24 = if iskey24 and lvl25 then lvl25 else na;
def up25 = if iskey25 and lvl26 then lvl26 else na;
def up26 = if iskey26 and lvl27 then lvl27 else na;
def up27 = if iskey27 and lvl28 then lvl28 else na;
def up28 = if iskey28 and lvl29 then lvl29 else na;
def up29 = if iskey29 and lvl30 then lvl30 else na;
def up30 = if iskey30 and lvl31 then lvl31 else na;
def up31 = if iskey31 and lvl32 then lvl32 else na;
def up32 = if iskey32 and lvl33 then lvl33 else na;
def up33 = if iskey33 and lvl34 then lvl34 else na;
def up34 = if iskey34 and lvl35 then lvl35 else na;
def up35 = if iskey35 and lvl36 then lvl36 else na;
def up36 = if iskey36 and lvl37 then lvl37 else na;
def up37 = if iskey37 and lvl38 then lvl38 else na;
def up38 = if iskey38 and lvl39 then lvl39 else na;
def up39 = if iskey39 and lvl40 then lvl40 else na;
def up40 = if iskey40 and lvl41 then lvl41 else na;
def up41 = if iskey41 and lvl42 then lvl42 else na;
def up42 = if iskey42 and lvl43 then lvl43 else na;
def up43 = if iskey43 and lvl44 then lvl44 else na;
def up44 = if iskey44 and lvl45 then lvl45 else na;
def up45 = if iskey45 and lvl46 then lvl46 else na;
def up46 = if iskey46 and lvl47 then lvl47 else na;
def up47 = if iskey47 and lvl48 then lvl48 else na;
def up48 = if iskey48 and lvl49 then lvl49 else na;
def up49 = if iskey49 and lvl50 then lvl50 else na;
def dn00 = if iskey00 and lvl00 then lvl00 else na;
def dn01 = if iskey01 and lvl01 then lvl01 else na;
def dn02 = if iskey02 and lvl02 then lvl02 else na;
def dn03 = if iskey03 and lvl03 then lvl03 else na;
def dn04 = if iskey04 and lvl04 then lvl04 else na;
def dn05 = if iskey05 and lvl05 then lvl05 else na;
def dn06 = if iskey06 and lvl06 then lvl06 else na;
def dn07 = if iskey07 and lvl07 then lvl07 else na;
def dn08 = if iskey08 and lvl08 then lvl08 else na;
def dn09 = if iskey09 and lvl09 then lvl09 else na;
def dn10 = if iskey10 and lvl10 then lvl10 else na;
def dn11 = if iskey11 and lvl11 then lvl11 else na;
def dn12 = if iskey12 and lvl12 then lvl12 else na;
def dn13 = if iskey13 and lvl13 then lvl13 else na;
def dn14 = if iskey14 and lvl14 then lvl14 else na;
def dn15 = if iskey15 and lvl15 then lvl15 else na;
def dn16 = if iskey16 and lvl16 then lvl16 else na;
def dn17 = if iskey17 and lvl17 then lvl17 else na;
def dn18 = if iskey18 and lvl18 then lvl18 else na;
def dn19 = if iskey19 and lvl19 then lvl19 else na;
def dn20 = if iskey20 and lvl20 then lvl20 else na;
def dn21 = if iskey21 and lvl21 then lvl21 else na;
def dn22 = if iskey22 and lvl22 then lvl22 else na;
def dn23 = if iskey23 and lvl23 then lvl23 else na;
def dn24 = if iskey24 and lvl24 then lvl24 else na;
def dn25 = if iskey25 and lvl25 then lvl25 else na;
def dn26 = if iskey26 and lvl26 then lvl26 else na;
def dn27 = if iskey27 and lvl27 then lvl27 else na;
def dn28 = if iskey28 and lvl28 then lvl28 else na;
def dn29 = if iskey29 and lvl29 then lvl29 else na;
def dn30 = if iskey30 and lvl30 then lvl30 else na;
def dn31 = if iskey31 and lvl31 then lvl31 else na;
def dn32 = if iskey32 and lvl32 then lvl32 else na;
def dn33 = if iskey33 and lvl33 then lvl33 else na;
def dn34 = if iskey34 and lvl34 then lvl34 else na;
def dn35 = if iskey35 and lvl35 then lvl35 else na;
def dn36 = if iskey36 and lvl36 then lvl36 else na;
def dn37 = if iskey37 and lvl37 then lvl37 else na;
def dn38 = if iskey38 and lvl38 then lvl38 else na;
def dn39 = if iskey39 and lvl39 then lvl39 else na;
def dn40 = if iskey40 and lvl40 then lvl40 else na;
def dn41 = if iskey41 and lvl41 then lvl41 else na;
def dn42 = if iskey42 and lvl42 then lvl42 else na;
def dn43 = if iskey43 and lvl43 then lvl43 else na;
def dn44 = if iskey44 and lvl44 then lvl44 else na;
def dn45 = if iskey45 and lvl45 then lvl45 else na;
def dn46 = if iskey46 and lvl46 then lvl46 else na;
def dn47 = if iskey47 and lvl47 then lvl47 else na;
def dn48 = if iskey48 and lvl48 then lvl48 else na;
def dn49 = if iskey49 and lvl49 then lvl49 else na;

def cond00 = if close > up00 then 1 else
             if close < dn00 then 0 else cond00[1];
def cond01 = if close > up01 then 1 else
             if close < dn01 then 0 else cond01[1];
def cond02 = if close > up02 then 1 else
             if close < dn02 then 0 else cond02[1];
def cond03 = if close > up03 then 1 else
             if close < dn03 then 0 else cond03[1];
def cond04 = if close > up04 then 1 else
             if close < dn04 then 0 else cond04[1];
def cond05 = if close > up05 then 1 else
             if close < dn05 then 0 else cond05[1];
def cond06 = if close > up06 then 1 else
             if close < dn06 then 0 else cond06[1];
def cond07 = if close > up07 then 1 else
             if close < dn07 then 0 else cond07[1];
def cond08 = if close > up08 then 1 else
             if close < dn08 then 0 else cond08[1];
def cond09 = if close > up09 then 1 else
             if close < dn09 then 0 else cond09[1];
def cond10 = if close > up10 then 1 else
             if close < dn10 then 0 else cond10[1];
def cond11 = if close > up11 then 1 else
             if close < dn11 then 0 else cond11[1];
def cond12 = if close > up12 then 1 else
             if close < dn12 then 0 else cond12[1];
def cond13 = if close > up13 then 1 else
             if close < dn13 then 0 else cond13[1];
def cond14 = if close > up14 then 1 else
             if close < dn14 then 0 else cond14[1];
def cond15 = if close > up15 then 1 else
             if close < dn15 then 0 else cond15[1];
def cond16 = if close > up16 then 1 else
             if close < dn16 then 0 else cond16[1];
def cond17 = if close > up17 then 1 else
             if close < dn17 then 0 else cond17[1];
def cond18 = if close > up18 then 1 else
             if close < dn18 then 0 else cond18[1];
def cond19 = if close > up19 then 1 else
             if close < dn19 then 0 else cond19[1];
def cond20 = if close > up20 then 1 else
             if close < dn20 then 0 else cond20[1];
def cond21 = if close > up21 then 1 else
             if close < dn21 then 0 else cond21[1];
def cond22 = if close > up22 then 1 else
             if close < dn22 then 0 else cond22[1];
def cond23 = if close > up23 then 1 else
             if close < dn23 then 0 else cond23[1];
def cond24 = if close > up24 then 1 else
             if close < dn24 then 0 else cond24[1];
def cond25 = if close > up25 then 1 else
             if close < dn25 then 0 else cond25[1];
def cond26 = if close > up26 then 1 else
             if close < dn26 then 0 else cond26[1];
def cond27 = if close > up27 then 1 else
             if close < dn27 then 0 else cond27[1];
def cond28 = if close > up28 then 1 else
             if close < dn28 then 0 else cond28[1];
def cond29 = if close > up29 then 1 else
             if close < dn29 then 0 else cond29[1];
def cond30 = if close > up30 then 1 else
             if close < dn30 then 0 else cond30[1];
def cond31 = if close > up31 then 1 else
             if close < dn31 then 0 else cond31[1];
def cond32 = if close > up32 then 1 else
             if close < dn32 then 0 else cond32[1];
def cond33 = if close > up33 then 1 else
             if close < dn33 then 0 else cond33[1];
def cond34 = if close > up34 then 1 else
             if close < dn34 then 0 else cond34[1];
def cond35 = if close > up35 then 1 else
             if close < dn35 then 0 else cond35[1];
def cond36 = if close > up36 then 1 else
             if close < dn36 then 0 else cond36[1];
def cond37 = if close > up37 then 1 else
             if close < dn37 then 0 else cond37[1];
def cond38 = if close > up38 then 1 else
             if close < dn38 then 0 else cond38[1];
def cond39 = if close > up39 then 1 else
             if close < dn39 then 0 else cond39[1];
def cond40 = if close > up40 then 1 else
             if close < dn40 then 0 else cond40[1];
def cond41 = if close > up41 then 1 else
             if close < dn41 then 0 else cond41[1];
def cond42 = if close > up42 then 1 else
             if close < dn42 then 0 else cond42[1];
def cond43 = if close > up43 then 1 else
             if close < dn43 then 0 else cond43[1];
def cond44 = if close > up44 then 1 else
             if close < dn44 then 0 else cond44[1];
def cond45 = if close > up45 then 1 else
             if close < dn45 then 0 else cond45[1];
def cond46 = if close > up46 then 1 else
             if close < dn46 then 0 else cond46[1];
def cond47 = if close > up47 then 1 else
             if close < dn47 then 0 else cond47[1];
def cond48 = if close > up48 then 1 else
             if close < dn48 then 0 else cond48[1];
def cond49 = if close > up49 then 1 else
             if close < dn49 then 0 else cond49[1];

def last = !isNaN(close);
def con00 = if sartCond and last then cond00 else na;
def con01 = if sartCond and last then cond01 else na;
def con02 = if sartCond and last then cond02 else na;
def con03 = if sartCond and last then cond03 else na;
def con04 = if sartCond and last then cond04 else na;
def con05 = if sartCond and last then cond05 else na;
def con06 = if sartCond and last then cond06 else na;
def con07 = if sartCond and last then cond07 else na;
def con08 = if sartCond and last then cond08 else na;
def con09 = if sartCond and last then cond09 else na;
def con10 = if sartCond and last then cond10 else na;
def con11 = if sartCond and last then cond11 else na;
def con12 = if sartCond and last then cond12 else na;
def con13 = if sartCond and last then cond13 else na;
def con14 = if sartCond and last then cond14 else na;
def con15 = if sartCond and last then cond15 else na;
def con16 = if sartCond and last then cond16 else na;
def con17 = if sartCond and last then cond17 else na;
def con18 = if sartCond and last then cond18 else na;
def con19 = if sartCond and last then cond19 else na;
def con20 = if sartCond and last then cond20 else na;
def con21 = if sartCond and last then cond21 else na;
def con22 = if sartCond and last then cond22 else na;
def con23 = if sartCond and last then cond23 else na;
def con24 = if sartCond and last then cond24 else na;
def con25 = if sartCond and last then cond25 else na;
def con26 = if sartCond and last then cond26 else na;
def con27 = if sartCond and last then cond27 else na;
def con28 = if sartCond and last then cond28 else na;
def con29 = if sartCond and last then cond29 else na;
def con30 = if sartCond and last then cond30 else na;
def con31 = if sartCond and last then cond31 else na;
def con32 = if sartCond and last then cond32 else na;
def con33 = if sartCond and last then cond33 else na;
def con34 = if sartCond and last then cond34 else na;
def con35 = if sartCond and last then cond35 else na;
def con36 = if sartCond and last then cond36 else na;
def con37 = if sartCond and last then cond37 else na;
def con38 = if sartCond and last then cond38 else na;
def con39 = if sartCond and last then cond39 else na;
def con40 = if sartCond and last then cond40 else na;
def con41 = if sartCond and last then cond41 else na;
def con42 = if sartCond and last then cond42 else na;
def con43 = if sartCond and last then cond43 else na;
def con44 = if sartCond and last then cond44 else na;
def con45 = if sartCond and last then cond45 else na;
def con46 = if sartCond and last then cond46 else na;
def con47 = if sartCond and last then cond47 else na;
def con48 = if sartCond and last then cond48 else na;
def con49 = if sartCond and last then cond49 else na;

def level00 = if !isNaN(con00) then if con00 then up00 else dn00 else na;
def level01 = if !isNaN(con01) then if con01 then up01 else dn01 else na;
def level02 = if !isNaN(con02) then if con02 then up02 else dn02 else na;
def level03 = if !isNaN(con03) then if con03 then up03 else dn03 else na;
def level04 = if !isNaN(con04) then if con04 then up04 else dn04 else na;
def level05 = if !isNaN(con05) then if con05 then up05 else dn05 else na;
def level06 = if !isNaN(con06) then if con06 then up06 else dn06 else na;
def level07 = if !isNaN(con07) then if con07 then up07 else dn07 else na;
def level08 = if !isNaN(con08) then if con08 then up08 else dn08 else na;
def level09 = if !isNaN(con09) then if con09 then up09 else dn09 else na;
def level10 = if !isNaN(con10) then if con10 then up10 else dn10 else na;
def level11 = if !isNaN(con11) then if con11 then up11 else dn11 else na;
def level12 = if !isNaN(con12) then if con12 then up12 else dn12 else na;
def level13 = if !isNaN(con13) then if con13 then up13 else dn13 else na;
def level14 = if !isNaN(con14) then if con14 then up14 else dn14 else na;
def level15 = if !isNaN(con15) then if con15 then up15 else dn15 else na;
def level16 = if !isNaN(con16) then if con16 then up16 else dn16 else na;
def level17 = if !isNaN(con17) then if con17 then up17 else dn17 else na;
def level18 = if !isNaN(con18) then if con18 then up18 else dn18 else na;
def level19 = if !isNaN(con19) then if con19 then up19 else dn19 else na;
def level20 = if !isNaN(con20) then if con20 then up20 else dn20 else na;
def level21 = if !isNaN(con21) then if con21 then up21 else dn21 else na;
def level22 = if !isNaN(con22) then if con22 then up22 else dn22 else na;
def level23 = if !isNaN(con23) then if con23 then up23 else dn23 else na;
def level24 = if !isNaN(con24) then if con24 then up24 else dn24 else na;
def level25 = if !isNaN(con25) then if con25 then up25 else dn25 else na;
def level26 = if !isNaN(con26) then if con26 then up26 else dn26 else na;
def level27 = if !isNaN(con27) then if con27 then up27 else dn27 else na;
def level28 = if !isNaN(con28) then if con28 then up28 else dn28 else na;
def level29 = if !isNaN(con29) then if con29 then up29 else dn29 else na;
def level30 = if !isNaN(con30) then if con30 then up30 else dn30 else na;
def level31 = if !isNaN(con31) then if con31 then up31 else dn31 else na;
def level32 = if !isNaN(con32) then if con32 then up32 else dn32 else na;
def level33 = if !isNaN(con33) then if con33 then up33 else dn33 else na;
def level34 = if !isNaN(con34) then if con34 then up34 else dn34 else na;
def level35 = if !isNaN(con35) then if con35 then up35 else dn35 else na;
def level36 = if !isNaN(con36) then if con36 then up36 else dn36 else na;
def level37 = if !isNaN(con37) then if con37 then up37 else dn37 else na;
def level38 = if !isNaN(con38) then if con38 then up38 else dn38 else na;
def level39 = if !isNaN(con39) then if con39 then up39 else dn39 else na;
def level40 = if !isNaN(con40) then if con40 then up40 else dn40 else na;
def level41 = if !isNaN(con41) then if con41 then up41 else dn41 else na;
def level42 = if !isNaN(con42) then if con42 then up42 else dn42 else na;
def level43 = if !isNaN(con43) then if con43 then up43 else dn43 else na;
def level44 = if !isNaN(con44) then if con44 then up44 else dn44 else na;
def level45 = if !isNaN(con45) then if con45 then up45 else dn45 else na;
def level46 = if !isNaN(con46) then if con46 then up46 else dn46 else na;
def level47 = if !isNaN(con47) then if con47 then up47 else dn47 else na;
def level48 = if !isNaN(con48) then if con48 then up48 else dn48 else na;
def level49 = if !isNaN(con49) then if con49 then up49 else dn49 else na;

AddCloud(level00, if con00 then dn00 else up00, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level01, if con01 then dn01 else up01, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level02, if con02 then dn02 else up02, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level03, if con03 then dn03 else up03, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level04, if con04 then dn04 else up04, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level05, if con05 then dn05 else up05, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level06, if con06 then dn06 else up06, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level07, if con07 then dn07 else up07, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level08, if con08 then dn08 else up08, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level09, if con09 then dn09 else up09, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level10, if con10 then dn10 else up10, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level11, if con11 then dn11 else up11, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level12, if con12 then dn12 else up12, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level13, if con13 then dn13 else up13, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level14, if con14 then dn14 else up14, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level15, if con15 then dn15 else up15, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level16, if con16 then dn16 else up16, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level17, if con17 then dn17 else up17, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level18, if con18 then dn18 else up18, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level19, if con19 then dn19 else up19, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level20, if con20 then dn20 else up20, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level21, if con21 then dn21 else up21, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level22, if con22 then dn22 else up22, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level23, if con23 then dn23 else up23, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level24, if con24 then dn24 else up24, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level25, if con25 then dn25 else up25, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level26, if con26 then dn26 else up26, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level27, if con27 then dn27 else up27, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level28, if con28 then dn28 else up28, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level29, if con29 then dn29 else up29, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level30, if con30 then dn30 else up30, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level31, if con31 then dn31 else up31, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level32, if con32 then dn32 else up32, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level33, if con33 then dn33 else up33, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level34, if con34 then dn34 else up34, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level35, if con35 then dn35 else up35, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level36, if con36 then dn36 else up36, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level37, if con37 then dn37 else up37, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level38, if con38 then dn38 else up38, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level39, if con39 then dn39 else up39, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level40, if con40 then dn40 else up40, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level41, if con41 then dn41 else up41, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level42, if con42 then dn42 else up42, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level43, if con43 then dn43 else up43, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level44, if con44 then dn44 else up44, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level45, if con45 then dn45 else up45, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level46, if con46 then dn46 else up46, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level47, if con47 then dn47 else up47, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level48, if con48 then dn48 else up48, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level49, if con49 then dn49 else up49, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);

#-- Labels

def start = if !isNaN(hh) then start[1] + 1 else 0;
def center = (bar == highestAll(bar- floor(highestAll(start)/2)));

def loc;
Switch (labelOptions) {
Case "Left" :
    loc = !isNaN(hh) and isNaN(hh[1]);
Case "Right" :
    loc = isNaN(hh) and !isNaN(hh[1]);
Case "Don't Show" :
    loc = no;
Default :
    loc = center;

AddChartBubble(loc, (up00 + dn00) / 2, AsPercent(lab00), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up01 + dn01) / 2, AsPercent(lab01), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up02 + dn02) / 2, AsPercent(lab02), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up03 + dn03) / 2, AsPercent(lab03), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up04 + dn04) / 2, AsPercent(lab04), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up05 + dn05) / 2, AsPercent(lab05), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up06 + dn06) / 2, AsPercent(lab06), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up07 + dn07) / 2, AsPercent(lab07), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up08 + dn08) / 2, AsPercent(lab08), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up09 + dn09) / 2, AsPercent(lab09), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up10 + dn10) / 2, AsPercent(lab10), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up11 + dn11) / 2, AsPercent(lab11), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up12 + dn12) / 2, AsPercent(lab12), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up13 + dn13) / 2, AsPercent(lab13), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up14 + dn14) / 2, AsPercent(lab14), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up15 + dn15) / 2, AsPercent(lab15), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up16 + dn16) / 2, AsPercent(lab16), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up17 + dn17) / 2, AsPercent(lab17), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up18 + dn18) / 2, AsPercent(lab18), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up19 + dn19) / 2, AsPercent(lab19), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up20 + dn20) / 2, AsPercent(lab20), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up21 + dn21) / 2, AsPercent(lab21), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up22 + dn22) / 2, AsPercent(lab22), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up23 + dn23) / 2, AsPercent(lab23), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up24 + dn24) / 2, AsPercent(lab24), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up25 + dn25) / 2, AsPercent(lab25), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up26 + dn26) / 2, AsPercent(lab26), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up27 + dn27) / 2, AsPercent(lab27), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up28 + dn28) / 2, AsPercent(lab28), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up29 + dn29) / 2, AsPercent(lab29), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up30 + dn30) / 2, AsPercent(lab30), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up31 + dn31) / 2, AsPercent(lab31), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up32 + dn32) / 2, AsPercent(lab32), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up33 + dn33) / 2, AsPercent(lab33), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up34 + dn34) / 2, AsPercent(lab34), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up35 + dn35) / 2, AsPercent(lab35), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up36 + dn36) / 2, AsPercent(lab36), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up37 + dn37) / 2, AsPercent(lab37), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up38 + dn38) / 2, AsPercent(lab38), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up39 + dn39) / 2, AsPercent(lab39), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up40 + dn40) / 2, AsPercent(lab40), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up41 + dn41) / 2, AsPercent(lab41), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up42 + dn42) / 2, AsPercent(lab42), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up43 + dn43) / 2, AsPercent(lab43), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up44 + dn44) / 2, AsPercent(lab44), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up45 + dn45) / 2, AsPercent(lab45), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up46 + dn46) / 2, AsPercent(lab46), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up47 + dn47) / 2, AsPercent(lab47), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up48 + dn48) / 2, AsPercent(lab48), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up49 + dn49) / 2, AsPercent(lab49), Color.WHITE);

#-- END of CODE

# Indicator For TOS
# @AlgoAlpha
#indicator("Dynamic Supply and Demand Zones [AlgoAlpha]", "AlgoAlpha - 📦Dynamic Supply/Demand",
#Hint dynamic: If true, the indicator adjusts its lookback such that it considers data from the previous major pivot point to present.
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800 - 11/2024 - Not Exact conv.
# Updated Label Location - Sam4Cok@Samer800 - 11/2024

input labelOptions = {"Left", "Right", Default "Center", "Don't Show"};
input dynamic = yes; # "Use Dynamic Look-Back"
input lookback = 200;
input Resolution = 40; #, "Resolution"
input ZoneTolerance = 0.93; #,"Zone Tolerance",toolti

def na = Double.NaN;
def last = isNaN(close);
def n = if BarNumber() < 1 then 1 else BarNumber();
def bar = if !last then n else Bar[1];
def res = Min(Max(Resolution, 1), 50);
def zone = Min(Max(ZoneTolerance, 0.01), 1);
Script Pivot {
    input series    = close;
    input leftBars  = 10;
    input rightBars = 10;
    input isHigh = yes;
    def na = Double.NaN;
    def HH = series == Highest(series, leftBars + 1);
    def LL = series == Lowest(series, leftBars + 1);
    def pivotRange = (leftBars + rightBars + 1);
    def leftEdgeValue = if series[pivotRange] ==0 then na else series[pivotRange];
    def pvtCond = !isNaN(series) and leftBars > 0 and rightBars > 0 and !isNaN(leftEdgeValue);
    def barIndexH = if pvtCond then
                    fold i = 1 to rightBars + 1 with p=1 while p do
                    series > GetValue(series, - i) else na;
    def barIndexL = if pvtCond then
                    fold j = 1 to rightBars + 1 with q=1 while q do
                    series < GetValue(series, - j) else na;
    def PivotPoint;
if isHigh {
    PivotPoint = if HH and barIndexH then series else na;
    } else {
    PivotPoint = if LL and barIndexL then series else na;
    plot pvt = PivotPoint;
def ph = pivot(high[lookback], lookback, lookback, yes);
def pl = pivot(low[lookback], lookback, lookback, no);
def nPh = !isNaN(ph);
def nPl = !isNaN(pl);
def x1 = if (nPh or nPl) then lookback else x1[1] + 1;
def x = if x1 > lookback then x1 else lookback;
def len1 = if dynamic then x else lookback;
def sartCond = bar >= highestAll(bar - len1);
def highs = if sartCond then Max(highs[1], high) else highs[1];
def lows  = if sartCond then Min(if(lows[1], lows[1], low), low) else lows[1];
def maxx = highestAll(InertiaAll(highs, 2));
def minn = highestAll(InertiaAll(lows, 2));
def step = (maxx - minn) / res;

plot hh = if sartCond and !last then maxx else na;
plot ll = if sartCond and !last then minn else na;


AddCloud(hh, ll, CreateColor(26,26,26));

def lvl00 = minn;
def lvl01 = if res < 1 then na else minn + ((01)*step);
def lvl02 = if res < 2 then na else minn + ((02)*step);
def lvl03 = if res < 3 then na else minn + ((03)*step);
def lvl04 = if res < 4 then na else minn + ((04)*step);
def lvl05 = if res < 5 then na else minn + ((05)*step);
def lvl06 = if res < 6 then na else minn + ((06)*step);
def lvl07 = if res < 7 then na else minn + ((07)*step);
def lvl08 = if res < 8 then na else minn + ((08)*step);
def lvl09 = if res < 9 then na else minn + ((09)*step);
def lvl10 = if res < 10 then na else minn + ((10)*step);
def lvl11 = if res < 11 then na else minn + ((11)*step);
def lvl12 = if res < 12 then na else minn + ((12)*step);
def lvl13 = if res < 13 then na else minn + ((13)*step);
def lvl14 = if res < 14 then na else minn + ((14)*step);
def lvl15 = if res < 15 then na else minn + ((15)*step);
def lvl16 = if res < 16 then na else minn + ((16)*step);
def lvl17 = if res < 17 then na else minn + ((17)*step);
def lvl18 = if res < 18 then na else minn + ((18)*step);
def lvl19 = if res < 19 then na else minn + ((19)*step);
def lvl20 = if res < 20 then na else minn + ((20)*step);
def lvl21 = if res < 21 then na else minn + ((21)*step);
def lvl22 = if res < 22 then na else minn + ((22)*step);
def lvl23 = if res < 23 then na else minn + ((23)*step);
def lvl24 = if res < 24 then na else minn + ((24)*step);
def lvl25 = if res < 25 then na else minn + ((25)*step);
def lvl26 = if res < 26 then na else minn + ((26)*step);
def lvl27 = if res < 27 then na else minn + ((27)*step);
def lvl28 = if res < 28 then na else minn + ((28)*step);
def lvl29 = if res < 29 then na else minn + ((29)*step);
def lvl30 = if res < 30 then na else minn + ((30)*step);
def lvl31 = if res < 31 then na else minn + ((31)*step);
def lvl32 = if res < 32 then na else minn + ((32)*step);
def lvl33 = if res < 33 then na else minn + ((33)*step);
def lvl34 = if res < 34 then na else minn + ((34)*step);
def lvl35 = if res < 35 then na else minn + ((35)*step);
def lvl36 = if res < 36 then na else minn + ((36)*step);
def lvl37 = if res < 37 then na else minn + ((37)*step);
def lvl38 = if res < 38 then na else minn + ((38)*step);
def lvl39 = if res < 39 then na else minn + ((39)*step);
def lvl40 = if res < 40 then na else minn + ((40)*step);
def lvl41 = if res < 41 then na else minn + ((41)*step);
def lvl42 = if res < 42 then na else minn + ((42)*step);
def lvl43 = if res < 43 then na else minn + ((43)*step);
def lvl44 = if res < 44 then na else minn + ((44)*step);
def lvl45 = if res < 45 then na else minn + ((45)*step);
def lvl46 = if res < 46 then na else minn + ((46)*step);
def lvl47 = if res < 47 then na else minn + ((47)*step);
def lvl48 = if res < 48 then na else minn + ((48)*step);
def lvl49 = if res < 49 then na else minn + ((49)*step);
def lvl50 = if res < 50 then na else minn + ((50)*step);

#Script nz {
#input src = close;
#    def nzL = if isNaN(src) then 0 else src;
#    plot out = highestAll(inertiaAll(nzL, 2));
Script vol {
input lvl1 = low;
input lvl2 = high;
input len    = 1;
    def x = if isNaN(len) then 1 else len;
    def bin0 = fold i = 0 to x with p=1 do
         p + (if !(GetValue(low,i)>lvl1 or GetValue(high,i)<lvl2) then GetValue(volume,i) else 0);
    def nzL = if isNaN(bin0) then 1 else bin0;
    def bin = highestAll(inertiaAll(nzL, 2));
    plot out = bin;

def bin00 = vol(lvl01, lvl00, x);
def bin01 = vol(lvl02, lvl01, x);
def bin02 = vol(lvl03, lvl02, x);
def bin03 = vol(lvl04, lvl03, x);
def bin04 = vol(lvl05, lvl04, x);
def bin05 = vol(lvl06, lvl05, x);
def bin06 = vol(lvl07, lvl06, x);
def bin07 = vol(lvl08, lvl07, x);
def bin08 = vol(lvl09, lvl08, x);
def bin09 = vol(lvl10, lvl09, x);
def bin10 = vol(lvl11, lvl10, x);
def bin11 = vol(lvl12, lvl11, x);
def bin12 = vol(lvl13, lvl12, x);
def bin13 = vol(lvl14, lvl13, x);
def bin14 = vol(lvl15, lvl14, x);
def bin15 = vol(lvl16, lvl15, x);
def bin16 = vol(lvl17, lvl16, x);
def bin17 = vol(lvl18, lvl17, x);
def bin18 = vol(lvl19, lvl18, x);
def bin19 = vol(lvl20, lvl19, x);
def bin20 = vol(lvl21, lvl20, x);
def bin21 = vol(lvl22, lvl21, x);
def bin22 = vol(lvl23, lvl22, x);
def bin23 = vol(lvl24, lvl23, x);
def bin24 = vol(lvl25, lvl24, x);
def bin25 = vol(lvl26, lvl25, x);
def bin26 = vol(lvl27, lvl26, x);
def bin27 = vol(lvl28, lvl27, x);
def bin28 = vol(lvl29, lvl28, x);
def bin29 = vol(lvl30, lvl29, x);
def bin30 = vol(lvl31, lvl30, x);
def bin31 = vol(lvl32, lvl31, x);
def bin32 = vol(lvl33, lvl32, x);
def bin33 = vol(lvl34, lvl33, x);
def bin34 = vol(lvl35, lvl34, x);
def bin35 = vol(lvl36, lvl35, x);
def bin36 = vol(lvl37, lvl36, x);
def bin37 = vol(lvl38, lvl37, x);
def bin38 = vol(lvl39, lvl38, x);
def bin39 = vol(lvl40, lvl39, x);
def bin40 = vol(lvl41, lvl40, x);
def bin41 = vol(lvl42, lvl41, x);
def bin42 = vol(lvl43, lvl42, x);
def bin43 = vol(lvl44, lvl43, x);
def bin44 = vol(lvl45, lvl44, x);
def bin45 = vol(lvl46, lvl45, x);
def bin46 = vol(lvl47, lvl46, x);
def bin47 = vol(lvl48, lvl47, x);
def bin48 = vol(lvl49, lvl48, x);
def bin49 = vol(lvl50, lvl49, x);

def iskey00 = (bin00 < bin01*zone);
def iskey01 = (bin01 < bin00*zone) and (if res == 2 then yes else bin01 < bin02*zone);
def iskey02 = (bin02 < bin01*zone) and (if res == 3 then yes else bin02 < bin03*zone);
def iskey03 = (bin03 < bin02*zone) and (if res == 4 then yes else bin03 < bin04*zone);
def iskey04 = (bin04 < bin03*zone) and (if res == 5 then yes else bin04 < bin05*zone);
def iskey05 = (bin05 < bin04*zone) and (if res == 6 then yes else bin05 < bin06*zone);
def iskey06 = (bin06 < bin05*zone) and (if res == 7 then yes else bin06 < bin07*zone);
def iskey07 = (bin07 < bin06*zone) and (if res == 8 then yes else bin07 < bin08*zone);
def iskey08 = (bin08 < bin07*zone) and (if res == 9 then yes else bin08 < bin09*zone);
def iskey09 = (bin09 < bin08*zone) and (if res == 10 then yes else bin09 < bin10*zone);
def iskey10 = (bin10 < bin09*zone) and (if res == 11 then yes else bin10 < bin11*zone);
def iskey11 = (bin11 < bin10*zone) and (if res == 12 then yes else bin11 < bin12*zone);
def iskey12 = (bin12 < bin11*zone) and (if res == 13 then yes else bin12 < bin13*zone);
def iskey13 = (bin13 < bin12*zone) and (if res == 14 then yes else bin13 < bin14*zone);
def iskey14 = (bin14 < bin13*zone) and (if res == 15 then yes else bin14 < bin15*zone);
def iskey15 = (bin15 < bin14*zone) and (if res == 16 then yes else bin15 < bin16*zone);
def iskey16 = (bin16 < bin15*zone) and (if res == 17 then yes else bin16 < bin17*zone);
def iskey17 = (bin17 < bin16*zone) and (if res == 18 then yes else bin17 < bin18*zone);
def iskey18 = (bin18 < bin17*zone) and (if res == 19 then yes else bin18 < bin19*zone);
def iskey19 = (bin19 < bin18*zone) and (if res == 20 then yes else bin19 < bin20*zone);
def iskey20 = (bin20 < bin19*zone) and (if res == 21 then yes else bin20 < bin21*zone);
def iskey21 = (bin21 < bin20*zone) and (if res == 22 then yes else bin21 < bin22*zone);
def iskey22 = (bin22 < bin21*zone) and (if res == 23 then yes else bin22 < bin23*zone);
def iskey23 = (bin23 < bin22*zone) and (if res == 24 then yes else bin23 < bin24*zone);
def iskey24 = (bin24 < bin23*zone) and (if res == 25 then yes else bin24 < bin25*zone);
def iskey25 = (bin25 < bin24*zone) and (if res == 26 then yes else bin25 < bin26*zone);
def iskey26 = (bin26 < bin25*zone) and (if res == 27 then yes else bin26 < bin27*zone);
def iskey27 = (bin27 < bin26*zone) and (if res == 28 then yes else bin27 < bin28*zone);
def iskey28 = (bin28 < bin27*zone) and (if res == 29 then yes else bin28 < bin29*zone);
def iskey29 = (bin29 < bin28*zone) and (if res == 30 then yes else bin29 < bin30*zone);
def iskey30 = (bin30 < bin29*zone) and (if res == 31 then yes else bin30 < bin31*zone);
def iskey31 = (bin31 < bin30*zone) and (if res == 32 then yes else bin31 < bin32*zone);
def iskey32 = (bin32 < bin31*zone) and (if res == 33 then yes else bin32 < bin33*zone);
def iskey33 = (bin33 < bin32*zone) and (if res == 34 then yes else bin33 < bin34*zone);
def iskey34 = (bin34 < bin33*zone) and (if res == 35 then yes else bin34 < bin35*zone);
def iskey35 = (bin35 < bin34*zone) and (if res == 36 then yes else bin35 < bin36*zone);
def iskey36 = (bin36 < bin35*zone) and (if res == 37 then yes else bin36 < bin37*zone);
def iskey37 = (bin37 < bin36*zone) and (if res == 38 then yes else bin37 < bin38*zone);
def iskey38 = (bin38 < bin37*zone) and (if res == 39 then yes else bin38 < bin39*zone);
def iskey39 = (bin39 < bin38*zone) and (if res == 40 then yes else bin39 < bin40*zone);
def iskey40 = (bin40 < bin39*zone) and (if res == 41 then yes else bin40 < bin41*zone);
def iskey41 = (bin41 < bin40*zone) and (if res == 42 then yes else bin41 < bin42*zone);
def iskey42 = (bin42 < bin41*zone) and (if res == 43 then yes else bin42 < bin43*zone);
def iskey43 = (bin43 < bin42*zone) and (if res == 44 then yes else bin43 < bin44*zone);
def iskey44 = (bin44 < bin43*zone) and (if res == 45 then yes else bin44 < bin45*zone);
def iskey45 = (bin45 < bin44*zone) and (if res == 46 then yes else bin45 < bin46*zone);
def iskey46 = (bin46 < bin45*zone) and (if res == 47 then yes else bin46 < bin47*zone);
def iskey47 = (bin47 < bin46*zone) and (if res == 48 then yes else bin47 < bin48*zone);
def iskey48 = (bin48 < bin47*zone) and (if res == 49 then yes else bin48 < bin49*zone);
def iskey49 = (bin49 < bin48*zone);

def up00 = if iskey00 and lvl01 then lvl01 else na;
def up01 = if iskey01 and lvl02 then lvl02 else na;
def up02 = if iskey02 and lvl03 then lvl03 else na;
def up03 = if iskey03 and lvl04 then lvl04 else na;
def up04 = if iskey04 and lvl05 then lvl05 else na;
def up05 = if iskey05 and lvl06 then lvl06 else na;
def up06 = if iskey06 and lvl07 then lvl07 else na;
def up07 = if iskey07 and lvl08 then lvl08 else na;
def up08 = if iskey08 and lvl09 then lvl09 else na;
def up09 = if iskey09 and lvl10 then lvl10 else na;
def up10 = if iskey10 and lvl11 then lvl11 else na;
def up11 = if iskey11 and lvl12 then lvl12 else na;
def up12 = if iskey12 and lvl13 then lvl13 else na;
def up13 = if iskey13 and lvl14 then lvl14 else na;
def up14 = if iskey14 and lvl15 then lvl15 else na;
def up15 = if iskey15 and lvl16 then lvl16 else na;
def up16 = if iskey16 and lvl17 then lvl17 else na;
def up17 = if iskey17 and lvl18 then lvl18 else na;
def up18 = if iskey18 and lvl19 then lvl19 else na;
def up19 = if iskey19 and lvl20 then lvl20 else na;
def up20 = if iskey20 and lvl21 then lvl21 else na;
def up21 = if iskey21 and lvl22 then lvl22 else na;
def up22 = if iskey22 and lvl23 then lvl23 else na;
def up23 = if iskey23 and lvl24 then lvl24 else na;
def up24 = if iskey24 and lvl25 then lvl25 else na;
def up25 = if iskey25 and lvl26 then lvl26 else na;
def up26 = if iskey26 and lvl27 then lvl27 else na;
def up27 = if iskey27 and lvl28 then lvl28 else na;
def up28 = if iskey28 and lvl29 then lvl29 else na;
def up29 = if iskey29 and lvl30 then lvl30 else na;
def up30 = if iskey30 and lvl31 then lvl31 else na;
def up31 = if iskey31 and lvl32 then lvl32 else na;
def up32 = if iskey32 and lvl33 then lvl33 else na;
def up33 = if iskey33 and lvl34 then lvl34 else na;
def up34 = if iskey34 and lvl35 then lvl35 else na;
def up35 = if iskey35 and lvl36 then lvl36 else na;
def up36 = if iskey36 and lvl37 then lvl37 else na;
def up37 = if iskey37 and lvl38 then lvl38 else na;
def up38 = if iskey38 and lvl39 then lvl39 else na;
def up39 = if iskey39 and lvl40 then lvl40 else na;
def up40 = if iskey40 and lvl41 then lvl41 else na;
def up41 = if iskey41 and lvl42 then lvl42 else na;
def up42 = if iskey42 and lvl43 then lvl43 else na;
def up43 = if iskey43 and lvl44 then lvl44 else na;
def up44 = if iskey44 and lvl45 then lvl45 else na;
def up45 = if iskey45 and lvl46 then lvl46 else na;
def up46 = if iskey46 and lvl47 then lvl47 else na;
def up47 = if iskey47 and lvl48 then lvl48 else na;
def up48 = if iskey48 and lvl49 then lvl49 else na;
def up49 = if iskey49 and lvl50 then lvl50 else na;
def dn00 = if iskey00 and lvl00 then lvl00 else na;
def dn01 = if iskey01 and lvl01 then lvl01 else na;
def dn02 = if iskey02 and lvl02 then lvl02 else na;
def dn03 = if iskey03 and lvl03 then lvl03 else na;
def dn04 = if iskey04 and lvl04 then lvl04 else na;
def dn05 = if iskey05 and lvl05 then lvl05 else na;
def dn06 = if iskey06 and lvl06 then lvl06 else na;
def dn07 = if iskey07 and lvl07 then lvl07 else na;
def dn08 = if iskey08 and lvl08 then lvl08 else na;
def dn09 = if iskey09 and lvl09 then lvl09 else na;
def dn10 = if iskey10 and lvl10 then lvl10 else na;
def dn11 = if iskey11 and lvl11 then lvl11 else na;
def dn12 = if iskey12 and lvl12 then lvl12 else na;
def dn13 = if iskey13 and lvl13 then lvl13 else na;
def dn14 = if iskey14 and lvl14 then lvl14 else na;
def dn15 = if iskey15 and lvl15 then lvl15 else na;
def dn16 = if iskey16 and lvl16 then lvl16 else na;
def dn17 = if iskey17 and lvl17 then lvl17 else na;
def dn18 = if iskey18 and lvl18 then lvl18 else na;
def dn19 = if iskey19 and lvl19 then lvl19 else na;
def dn20 = if iskey20 and lvl20 then lvl20 else na;
def dn21 = if iskey21 and lvl21 then lvl21 else na;
def dn22 = if iskey22 and lvl22 then lvl22 else na;
def dn23 = if iskey23 and lvl23 then lvl23 else na;
def dn24 = if iskey24 and lvl24 then lvl24 else na;
def dn25 = if iskey25 and lvl25 then lvl25 else na;
def dn26 = if iskey26 and lvl26 then lvl26 else na;
def dn27 = if iskey27 and lvl27 then lvl27 else na;
def dn28 = if iskey28 and lvl28 then lvl28 else na;
def dn29 = if iskey29 and lvl29 then lvl29 else na;
def dn30 = if iskey30 and lvl30 then lvl30 else na;
def dn31 = if iskey31 and lvl31 then lvl31 else na;
def dn32 = if iskey32 and lvl32 then lvl32 else na;
def dn33 = if iskey33 and lvl33 then lvl33 else na;
def dn34 = if iskey34 and lvl34 then lvl34 else na;
def dn35 = if iskey35 and lvl35 then lvl35 else na;
def dn36 = if iskey36 and lvl36 then lvl36 else na;
def dn37 = if iskey37 and lvl37 then lvl37 else na;
def dn38 = if iskey38 and lvl38 then lvl38 else na;
def dn39 = if iskey39 and lvl39 then lvl39 else na;
def dn40 = if iskey40 and lvl40 then lvl40 else na;
def dn41 = if iskey41 and lvl41 then lvl41 else na;
def dn42 = if iskey42 and lvl42 then lvl42 else na;
def dn43 = if iskey43 and lvl43 then lvl43 else na;
def dn44 = if iskey44 and lvl44 then lvl44 else na;
def dn45 = if iskey45 and lvl45 then lvl45 else na;
def dn46 = if iskey46 and lvl46 then lvl46 else na;
def dn47 = if iskey47 and lvl47 then lvl47 else na;
def dn48 = if iskey48 and lvl48 then lvl48 else na;
def dn49 = if iskey49 and lvl49 then lvl49 else na;

def cond00 = if close > up00 then 1 else
             if close < dn00 then 0 else cond00[1];
def cond01 = if close > up01 then 1 else
             if close < dn01 then 0 else cond01[1];
def cond02 = if close > up02 then 1 else
             if close < dn02 then 0 else cond02[1];
def cond03 = if close > up03 then 1 else
             if close < dn03 then 0 else cond03[1];
def cond04 = if close > up04 then 1 else
             if close < dn04 then 0 else cond04[1];
def cond05 = if close > up05 then 1 else
             if close < dn05 then 0 else cond05[1];
def cond06 = if close > up06 then 1 else
             if close < dn06 then 0 else cond06[1];
def cond07 = if close > up07 then 1 else
             if close < dn07 then 0 else cond07[1];
def cond08 = if close > up08 then 1 else
             if close < dn08 then 0 else cond08[1];
def cond09 = if close > up09 then 1 else
             if close < dn09 then 0 else cond09[1];
def cond10 = if close > up10 then 1 else
             if close < dn10 then 0 else cond10[1];
def cond11 = if close > up11 then 1 else
             if close < dn11 then 0 else cond11[1];
def cond12 = if close > up12 then 1 else
             if close < dn12 then 0 else cond12[1];
def cond13 = if close > up13 then 1 else
             if close < dn13 then 0 else cond13[1];
def cond14 = if close > up14 then 1 else
             if close < dn14 then 0 else cond14[1];
def cond15 = if close > up15 then 1 else
             if close < dn15 then 0 else cond15[1];
def cond16 = if close > up16 then 1 else
             if close < dn16 then 0 else cond16[1];
def cond17 = if close > up17 then 1 else
             if close < dn17 then 0 else cond17[1];
def cond18 = if close > up18 then 1 else
             if close < dn18 then 0 else cond18[1];
def cond19 = if close > up19 then 1 else
             if close < dn19 then 0 else cond19[1];
def cond20 = if close > up20 then 1 else
             if close < dn20 then 0 else cond20[1];
def cond21 = if close > up21 then 1 else
             if close < dn21 then 0 else cond21[1];
def cond22 = if close > up22 then 1 else
             if close < dn22 then 0 else cond22[1];
def cond23 = if close > up23 then 1 else
             if close < dn23 then 0 else cond23[1];
def cond24 = if close > up24 then 1 else
             if close < dn24 then 0 else cond24[1];
def cond25 = if close > up25 then 1 else
             if close < dn25 then 0 else cond25[1];
def cond26 = if close > up26 then 1 else
             if close < dn26 then 0 else cond26[1];
def cond27 = if close > up27 then 1 else
             if close < dn27 then 0 else cond27[1];
def cond28 = if close > up28 then 1 else
             if close < dn28 then 0 else cond28[1];
def cond29 = if close > up29 then 1 else
             if close < dn29 then 0 else cond29[1];
def cond30 = if close > up30 then 1 else
             if close < dn30 then 0 else cond30[1];
def cond31 = if close > up31 then 1 else
             if close < dn31 then 0 else cond31[1];
def cond32 = if close > up32 then 1 else
             if close < dn32 then 0 else cond32[1];
def cond33 = if close > up33 then 1 else
             if close < dn33 then 0 else cond33[1];
def cond34 = if close > up34 then 1 else
             if close < dn34 then 0 else cond34[1];
def cond35 = if close > up35 then 1 else
             if close < dn35 then 0 else cond35[1];
def cond36 = if close > up36 then 1 else
             if close < dn36 then 0 else cond36[1];
def cond37 = if close > up37 then 1 else
             if close < dn37 then 0 else cond37[1];
def cond38 = if close > up38 then 1 else
             if close < dn38 then 0 else cond38[1];
def cond39 = if close > up39 then 1 else
             if close < dn39 then 0 else cond39[1];
def cond40 = if close > up40 then 1 else
             if close < dn40 then 0 else cond40[1];
def cond41 = if close > up41 then 1 else
             if close < dn41 then 0 else cond41[1];
def cond42 = if close > up42 then 1 else
             if close < dn42 then 0 else cond42[1];
def cond43 = if close > up43 then 1 else
             if close < dn43 then 0 else cond43[1];
def cond44 = if close > up44 then 1 else
             if close < dn44 then 0 else cond44[1];
def cond45 = if close > up45 then 1 else
             if close < dn45 then 0 else cond45[1];
def cond46 = if close > up46 then 1 else
             if close < dn46 then 0 else cond46[1];
def cond47 = if close > up47 then 1 else
             if close < dn47 then 0 else cond47[1];
def cond48 = if close > up48 then 1 else
             if close < dn48 then 0 else cond48[1];
def cond49 = if close > up49 then 1 else
             if close < dn49 then 0 else cond49[1];

def con00 = if sartCond and !last then cond00 else na;
def con01 = if sartCond and !last then cond01 else na;
def con02 = if sartCond and !last then cond02 else na;
def con03 = if sartCond and !last then cond03 else na;
def con04 = if sartCond and !last then cond04 else na;
def con05 = if sartCond and !last then cond05 else na;
def con06 = if sartCond and !last then cond06 else na;
def con07 = if sartCond and !last then cond07 else na;
def con08 = if sartCond and !last then cond08 else na;
def con09 = if sartCond and !last then cond09 else na;
def con10 = if sartCond and !last then cond10 else na;
def con11 = if sartCond and !last then cond11 else na;
def con12 = if sartCond and !last then cond12 else na;
def con13 = if sartCond and !last then cond13 else na;
def con14 = if sartCond and !last then cond14 else na;
def con15 = if sartCond and !last then cond15 else na;
def con16 = if sartCond and !last then cond16 else na;
def con17 = if sartCond and !last then cond17 else na;
def con18 = if sartCond and !last then cond18 else na;
def con19 = if sartCond and !last then cond19 else na;
def con20 = if sartCond and !last then cond20 else na;
def con21 = if sartCond and !last then cond21 else na;
def con22 = if sartCond and !last then cond22 else na;
def con23 = if sartCond and !last then cond23 else na;
def con24 = if sartCond and !last then cond24 else na;
def con25 = if sartCond and !last then cond25 else na;
def con26 = if sartCond and !last then cond26 else na;
def con27 = if sartCond and !last then cond27 else na;
def con28 = if sartCond and !last then cond28 else na;
def con29 = if sartCond and !last then cond29 else na;
def con30 = if sartCond and !last then cond30 else na;
def con31 = if sartCond and !last then cond31 else na;
def con32 = if sartCond and !last then cond32 else na;
def con33 = if sartCond and !last then cond33 else na;
def con34 = if sartCond and !last then cond34 else na;
def con35 = if sartCond and !last then cond35 else na;
def con36 = if sartCond and !last then cond36 else na;
def con37 = if sartCond and !last then cond37 else na;
def con38 = if sartCond and !last then cond38 else na;
def con39 = if sartCond and !last then cond39 else na;
def con40 = if sartCond and !last then cond40 else na;
def con41 = if sartCond and !last then cond41 else na;
def con42 = if sartCond and !last then cond42 else na;
def con43 = if sartCond and !last then cond43 else na;
def con44 = if sartCond and !last then cond44 else na;
def con45 = if sartCond and !last then cond45 else na;
def con46 = if sartCond and !last then cond46 else na;
def con47 = if sartCond and !last then cond47 else na;
def con48 = if sartCond and !last then cond48 else na;
def con49 = if sartCond and !last then cond49 else na;

def level00 = if !isNaN(con00) then if con00 then up00 else dn00 else na;
def level01 = if !isNaN(con01) then if con01 then up01 else dn01 else na;
def level02 = if !isNaN(con02) then if con02 then up02 else dn02 else na;
def level03 = if !isNaN(con03) then if con03 then up03 else dn03 else na;
def level04 = if !isNaN(con04) then if con04 then up04 else dn04 else na;
def level05 = if !isNaN(con05) then if con05 then up05 else dn05 else na;
def level06 = if !isNaN(con06) then if con06 then up06 else dn06 else na;
def level07 = if !isNaN(con07) then if con07 then up07 else dn07 else na;
def level08 = if !isNaN(con08) then if con08 then up08 else dn08 else na;
def level09 = if !isNaN(con09) then if con09 then up09 else dn09 else na;
def level10 = if !isNaN(con10) then if con10 then up10 else dn10 else na;
def level11 = if !isNaN(con11) then if con11 then up11 else dn11 else na;
def level12 = if !isNaN(con12) then if con12 then up12 else dn12 else na;
def level13 = if !isNaN(con13) then if con13 then up13 else dn13 else na;
def level14 = if !isNaN(con14) then if con14 then up14 else dn14 else na;
def level15 = if !isNaN(con15) then if con15 then up15 else dn15 else na;
def level16 = if !isNaN(con16) then if con16 then up16 else dn16 else na;
def level17 = if !isNaN(con17) then if con17 then up17 else dn17 else na;
def level18 = if !isNaN(con18) then if con18 then up18 else dn18 else na;
def level19 = if !isNaN(con19) then if con19 then up19 else dn19 else na;
def level20 = if !isNaN(con20) then if con20 then up20 else dn20 else na;
def level21 = if !isNaN(con21) then if con21 then up21 else dn21 else na;
def level22 = if !isNaN(con22) then if con22 then up22 else dn22 else na;
def level23 = if !isNaN(con23) then if con23 then up23 else dn23 else na;
def level24 = if !isNaN(con24) then if con24 then up24 else dn24 else na;
def level25 = if !isNaN(con25) then if con25 then up25 else dn25 else na;
def level26 = if !isNaN(con26) then if con26 then up26 else dn26 else na;
def level27 = if !isNaN(con27) then if con27 then up27 else dn27 else na;
def level28 = if !isNaN(con28) then if con28 then up28 else dn28 else na;
def level29 = if !isNaN(con29) then if con29 then up29 else dn29 else na;
def level30 = if !isNaN(con30) then if con30 then up30 else dn30 else na;
def level31 = if !isNaN(con31) then if con31 then up31 else dn31 else na;
def level32 = if !isNaN(con32) then if con32 then up32 else dn32 else na;
def level33 = if !isNaN(con33) then if con33 then up33 else dn33 else na;
def level34 = if !isNaN(con34) then if con34 then up34 else dn34 else na;
def level35 = if !isNaN(con35) then if con35 then up35 else dn35 else na;
def level36 = if !isNaN(con36) then if con36 then up36 else dn36 else na;
def level37 = if !isNaN(con37) then if con37 then up37 else dn37 else na;
def level38 = if !isNaN(con38) then if con38 then up38 else dn38 else na;
def level39 = if !isNaN(con39) then if con39 then up39 else dn39 else na;
def level40 = if !isNaN(con40) then if con40 then up40 else dn40 else na;
def level41 = if !isNaN(con41) then if con41 then up41 else dn41 else na;
def level42 = if !isNaN(con42) then if con42 then up42 else dn42 else na;
def level43 = if !isNaN(con43) then if con43 then up43 else dn43 else na;
def level44 = if !isNaN(con44) then if con44 then up44 else dn44 else na;
def level45 = if !isNaN(con45) then if con45 then up45 else dn45 else na;
def level46 = if !isNaN(con46) then if con46 then up46 else dn46 else na;
def level47 = if !isNaN(con47) then if con47 then up47 else dn47 else na;
def level48 = if !isNaN(con48) then if con48 then up48 else dn48 else na;
def level49 = if !isNaN(con49) then if con49 then up49 else dn49 else na;

AddCloud(level00, if con00 then dn00 else up00, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level01, if con01 then dn01 else up01, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level02, if con02 then dn02 else up02, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level03, if con03 then dn03 else up03, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level04, if con04 then dn04 else up04, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level05, if con05 then dn05 else up05, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level06, if con06 then dn06 else up06, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level07, if con07 then dn07 else up07, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level08, if con08 then dn08 else up08, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level09, if con09 then dn09 else up09, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level10, if con10 then dn10 else up10, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level11, if con11 then dn11 else up11, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level12, if con12 then dn12 else up12, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level13, if con13 then dn13 else up13, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level14, if con14 then dn14 else up14, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level15, if con15 then dn15 else up15, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level16, if con16 then dn16 else up16, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level17, if con17 then dn17 else up17, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level18, if con18 then dn18 else up18, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level19, if con19 then dn19 else up19, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level20, if con20 then dn20 else up20, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level21, if con21 then dn21 else up21, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level22, if con22 then dn22 else up22, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level23, if con23 then dn23 else up23, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level24, if con24 then dn24 else up24, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level25, if con25 then dn25 else up25, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level26, if con26 then dn26 else up26, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level27, if con27 then dn27 else up27, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level28, if con28 then dn28 else up28, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level29, if con29 then dn29 else up29, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level30, if con30 then dn30 else up30, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level31, if con31 then dn31 else up31, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level32, if con32 then dn32 else up32, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level33, if con33 then dn33 else up33, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level34, if con34 then dn34 else up34, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level35, if con35 then dn35 else up35, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level36, if con36 then dn36 else up36, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level37, if con37 then dn37 else up37, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level38, if con38 then dn38 else up38, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level39, if con39 then dn39 else up39, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level40, if con40 then dn40 else up40, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level41, if con41 then dn41 else up41, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level42, if con42 then dn42 else up42, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level43, if con43 then dn43 else up43, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level44, if con44 then dn44 else up44, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level45, if con45 then dn45 else up45, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level46, if con46 then dn46 else up46, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level47, if con47 then dn47 else up47, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level48, if con48 then dn48 else up48, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level49, if con49 then dn49 else up49, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);

#AddChartBubble(x, low, x, Color.RED, no);
def ph2 = if high == highs then bar else ph2[1];
def pl2 = if low == lows then bar else pl2[1];
plot hhPoint = if bar == highestAll(ph2) then high else na;
plot llPoint = if bar == highestAll(pl2) then low else na;

def totVol = fold j = 0 to x with q do
                 q + GetValue(volume, j);
def m1 = Max(bin00,Max(bin01,Max(bin02,Max(bin03,Max(bin04,Max(bin05,Max(bin06,Max(bin07,Max(bin08, Max(bin09, bin10))))))))));
def m2 = Max(bin11,Max(bin12,Max(bin13,Max(bin14,Max(bin15,Max(bin16,Max(bin17,Max(bin18,Max(bin19, bin20)))))))));
def m3 = Max(bin21,Max(bin22,Max(bin23,Max(bin24,Max(bin25,Max(bin26,Max(bin27,Max(bin28,Max(bin29, bin30)))))))));
def m4 = Max(bin31,Max(bin32,Max(bin33,Max(bin34,Max(bin35,Max(bin36,Max(bin37,Max(bin38,Max(bin39, bin40)))))))));
def m5 = Max(bin41,Max(bin42,Max(bin43,Max(bin44,Max(bin45,Max(bin46,Max(bin47,Max(bin48, bin49))))))));
def maxBin = Max(m1, Max(m2, Max(m3, Max(m4, m5))));

def start = if !isNaN(hh) then start[1] + 1 else 0;
def center = (bar == highestAll(bar- floor(highestAll(start)/2)));

def loc;
Switch (labelOptions) {
Case "Left" :
    loc = !isNaN(hh) and isNaN(hh[1]);
Case "Right" :
    loc = isNaN(hh) and !isNaN(hh[1]);
Case "Don't Show" :
    loc = no;
Default :
    loc = center;

AddChartBubble(loc, (up00 + dn00) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin00 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up01 + dn01) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin01 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up02 + dn02) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin02 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up03 + dn03) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin03 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up04 + dn04) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin04 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up05 + dn05) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin05 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up06 + dn06) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin06 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up07 + dn07) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin07 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up08 + dn08) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin08 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up09 + dn09) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin09 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up10 + dn10) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin10 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up11 + dn11) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin11 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up12 + dn12) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin12 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up13 + dn13) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin13 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up14 + dn14) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin14 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up15 + dn15) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin15 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up16 + dn16) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin16 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up17 + dn17) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin17 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up18 + dn18) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin18 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up19 + dn19) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin19 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up20 + dn20) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin20 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up21 + dn21) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin21 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up22 + dn22) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin22 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up23 + dn23) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin23 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up24 + dn24) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin24 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up25 + dn25) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin25 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up26 + dn26) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin26 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up27 + dn27) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin27 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up28 + dn28) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin28 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up29 + dn29) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin29 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up30 + dn30) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin30 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up31 + dn31) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin31 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up32 + dn32) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin32 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up33 + dn33) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin33 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up34 + dn34) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin34 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up35 + dn35) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin35 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up36 + dn36) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin36 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up37 + dn37) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin37 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up38 + dn38) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin38 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up39 + dn39) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin39 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up40 + dn40) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin40 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up41 + dn41) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin41 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up42 + dn42) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin42 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up43 + dn43) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin43 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up44 + dn44) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin44 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up45 + dn45) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin45 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up46 + dn46) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin46 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up47 + dn47) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin47 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up48 + dn48) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin48 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up49 + dn49) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin49 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);

#-- END of CODE
Last edited:

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This is great Thank you @samer800 ,really good it shows breaks color change wow.
can the percentage strength be shown inside the cloud ,maybe at the middle as opposed to the left end, just a thought. it works great as is.

check the below. Updates original post.

# Indicator For TOS
# @AlgoAlpha
#indicator("Dynamic Supply and Demand Zones [AlgoAlpha]", "AlgoAlpha - 📦Dynamic Supply/Demand",
#Hint dynamic: If true, the indicator adjusts its lookback such that it considers data from the previous major pivot point to present.
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800 - 11/2024 - Not Exact conv.
# Updated Label Location - Sam4Cok@Samer800 - 11/2024

input labelOptions = {"Left", "Right", Default "Center", "Don't Show"};
input dynamic = yes; # "Use Dynamic Look-Back"
input lookback = 200;
input Resolution = 40; #, "Resolution"
input ZoneTolerance = 0.93; #,"Zone Tolerance",toolti

def na = Double.NaN;
def last = isNaN(close);
def n = if BarNumber() < 1 then 1 else BarNumber();
def bar = if !last then n else Bar[1];
def res = Min(Max(Resolution, 1), 50);
def zone = Min(Max(ZoneTolerance, 0.01), 1);
Script Pivot {
    input series    = close;
    input leftBars  = 10;
    input rightBars = 10;
    input isHigh = yes;
    def na = Double.NaN;
    def HH = series == Highest(series, leftBars + 1);
    def LL = series == Lowest(series, leftBars + 1);
    def pivotRange = (leftBars + rightBars + 1);
    def leftEdgeValue = if series[pivotRange] ==0 then na else series[pivotRange];
    def pvtCond = !isNaN(series) and leftBars > 0 and rightBars > 0 and !isNaN(leftEdgeValue);
    def barIndexH = if pvtCond then
                    fold i = 1 to rightBars + 1 with p=1 while p do
                    series > GetValue(series, - i) else na;
    def barIndexL = if pvtCond then
                    fold j = 1 to rightBars + 1 with q=1 while q do
                    series < GetValue(series, - j) else na;
    def PivotPoint;
if isHigh {
    PivotPoint = if HH and barIndexH then series else na;
    } else {
    PivotPoint = if LL and barIndexL then series else na;
    plot pvt = PivotPoint;
def ph = pivot(high[lookback], lookback, lookback, yes);
def pl = pivot(low[lookback], lookback, lookback, no);
def nPh = !isNaN(ph);
def nPl = !isNaN(pl);
def x1 = if (nPh or nPl) then lookback else x1[1] + 1;
def x = if x1 > lookback then x1 else lookback;
def len1 = if dynamic then x else lookback;
def sartCond = bar >= highestAll(bar - len1);
def highs = if sartCond then Max(highs[1], high) else highs[1];
def lows  = if sartCond then Min(if(lows[1], lows[1], low), low) else lows[1];
def maxx = highestAll(InertiaAll(highs, 2));
def minn = highestAll(InertiaAll(lows, 2));
def step = (maxx - minn) / res;

plot hh = if sartCond and !last then maxx else na;
plot ll = if sartCond and !last then minn else na;


AddCloud(hh, ll, CreateColor(26,26,26));

def lvl00 = minn;
def lvl01 = if res < 1 then na else minn + ((01)*step);
def lvl02 = if res < 2 then na else minn + ((02)*step);
def lvl03 = if res < 3 then na else minn + ((03)*step);
def lvl04 = if res < 4 then na else minn + ((04)*step);
def lvl05 = if res < 5 then na else minn + ((05)*step);
def lvl06 = if res < 6 then na else minn + ((06)*step);
def lvl07 = if res < 7 then na else minn + ((07)*step);
def lvl08 = if res < 8 then na else minn + ((08)*step);
def lvl09 = if res < 9 then na else minn + ((09)*step);
def lvl10 = if res < 10 then na else minn + ((10)*step);
def lvl11 = if res < 11 then na else minn + ((11)*step);
def lvl12 = if res < 12 then na else minn + ((12)*step);
def lvl13 = if res < 13 then na else minn + ((13)*step);
def lvl14 = if res < 14 then na else minn + ((14)*step);
def lvl15 = if res < 15 then na else minn + ((15)*step);
def lvl16 = if res < 16 then na else minn + ((16)*step);
def lvl17 = if res < 17 then na else minn + ((17)*step);
def lvl18 = if res < 18 then na else minn + ((18)*step);
def lvl19 = if res < 19 then na else minn + ((19)*step);
def lvl20 = if res < 20 then na else minn + ((20)*step);
def lvl21 = if res < 21 then na else minn + ((21)*step);
def lvl22 = if res < 22 then na else minn + ((22)*step);
def lvl23 = if res < 23 then na else minn + ((23)*step);
def lvl24 = if res < 24 then na else minn + ((24)*step);
def lvl25 = if res < 25 then na else minn + ((25)*step);
def lvl26 = if res < 26 then na else minn + ((26)*step);
def lvl27 = if res < 27 then na else minn + ((27)*step);
def lvl28 = if res < 28 then na else minn + ((28)*step);
def lvl29 = if res < 29 then na else minn + ((29)*step);
def lvl30 = if res < 30 then na else minn + ((30)*step);
def lvl31 = if res < 31 then na else minn + ((31)*step);
def lvl32 = if res < 32 then na else minn + ((32)*step);
def lvl33 = if res < 33 then na else minn + ((33)*step);
def lvl34 = if res < 34 then na else minn + ((34)*step);
def lvl35 = if res < 35 then na else minn + ((35)*step);
def lvl36 = if res < 36 then na else minn + ((36)*step);
def lvl37 = if res < 37 then na else minn + ((37)*step);
def lvl38 = if res < 38 then na else minn + ((38)*step);
def lvl39 = if res < 39 then na else minn + ((39)*step);
def lvl40 = if res < 40 then na else minn + ((40)*step);
def lvl41 = if res < 41 then na else minn + ((41)*step);
def lvl42 = if res < 42 then na else minn + ((42)*step);
def lvl43 = if res < 43 then na else minn + ((43)*step);
def lvl44 = if res < 44 then na else minn + ((44)*step);
def lvl45 = if res < 45 then na else minn + ((45)*step);
def lvl46 = if res < 46 then na else minn + ((46)*step);
def lvl47 = if res < 47 then na else minn + ((47)*step);
def lvl48 = if res < 48 then na else minn + ((48)*step);
def lvl49 = if res < 49 then na else minn + ((49)*step);
def lvl50 = if res < 50 then na else minn + ((50)*step);

#Script nz {
#input src = close;
#    def nzL = if isNaN(src) then 0 else src;
#    plot out = highestAll(inertiaAll(nzL, 2));
Script vol {
input lvl1 = low;
input lvl2 = high;
input len    = 1;
    def x = if isNaN(len) then 1 else len;
    def bin0 = fold i = 0 to x with p=1 do
         p + (if !(GetValue(low,i)>lvl1 or GetValue(high,i)<lvl2) then GetValue(volume,i) else 0);
    def nzL = if isNaN(bin0) then 1 else bin0;
    def bin = highestAll(inertiaAll(nzL, 2));
    plot out = bin;

def bin00 = vol(lvl01, lvl00, x);
def bin01 = vol(lvl02, lvl01, x);
def bin02 = vol(lvl03, lvl02, x);
def bin03 = vol(lvl04, lvl03, x);
def bin04 = vol(lvl05, lvl04, x);
def bin05 = vol(lvl06, lvl05, x);
def bin06 = vol(lvl07, lvl06, x);
def bin07 = vol(lvl08, lvl07, x);
def bin08 = vol(lvl09, lvl08, x);
def bin09 = vol(lvl10, lvl09, x);
def bin10 = vol(lvl11, lvl10, x);
def bin11 = vol(lvl12, lvl11, x);
def bin12 = vol(lvl13, lvl12, x);
def bin13 = vol(lvl14, lvl13, x);
def bin14 = vol(lvl15, lvl14, x);
def bin15 = vol(lvl16, lvl15, x);
def bin16 = vol(lvl17, lvl16, x);
def bin17 = vol(lvl18, lvl17, x);
def bin18 = vol(lvl19, lvl18, x);
def bin19 = vol(lvl20, lvl19, x);
def bin20 = vol(lvl21, lvl20, x);
def bin21 = vol(lvl22, lvl21, x);
def bin22 = vol(lvl23, lvl22, x);
def bin23 = vol(lvl24, lvl23, x);
def bin24 = vol(lvl25, lvl24, x);
def bin25 = vol(lvl26, lvl25, x);
def bin26 = vol(lvl27, lvl26, x);
def bin27 = vol(lvl28, lvl27, x);
def bin28 = vol(lvl29, lvl28, x);
def bin29 = vol(lvl30, lvl29, x);
def bin30 = vol(lvl31, lvl30, x);
def bin31 = vol(lvl32, lvl31, x);
def bin32 = vol(lvl33, lvl32, x);
def bin33 = vol(lvl34, lvl33, x);
def bin34 = vol(lvl35, lvl34, x);
def bin35 = vol(lvl36, lvl35, x);
def bin36 = vol(lvl37, lvl36, x);
def bin37 = vol(lvl38, lvl37, x);
def bin38 = vol(lvl39, lvl38, x);
def bin39 = vol(lvl40, lvl39, x);
def bin40 = vol(lvl41, lvl40, x);
def bin41 = vol(lvl42, lvl41, x);
def bin42 = vol(lvl43, lvl42, x);
def bin43 = vol(lvl44, lvl43, x);
def bin44 = vol(lvl45, lvl44, x);
def bin45 = vol(lvl46, lvl45, x);
def bin46 = vol(lvl47, lvl46, x);
def bin47 = vol(lvl48, lvl47, x);
def bin48 = vol(lvl49, lvl48, x);
def bin49 = vol(lvl50, lvl49, x);

def iskey00 = (bin00 < bin01*zone);
def iskey01 = (bin01 < bin00*zone) and (if res == 2 then yes else bin01 < bin02*zone);
def iskey02 = (bin02 < bin01*zone) and (if res == 3 then yes else bin02 < bin03*zone);
def iskey03 = (bin03 < bin02*zone) and (if res == 4 then yes else bin03 < bin04*zone);
def iskey04 = (bin04 < bin03*zone) and (if res == 5 then yes else bin04 < bin05*zone);
def iskey05 = (bin05 < bin04*zone) and (if res == 6 then yes else bin05 < bin06*zone);
def iskey06 = (bin06 < bin05*zone) and (if res == 7 then yes else bin06 < bin07*zone);
def iskey07 = (bin07 < bin06*zone) and (if res == 8 then yes else bin07 < bin08*zone);
def iskey08 = (bin08 < bin07*zone) and (if res == 9 then yes else bin08 < bin09*zone);
def iskey09 = (bin09 < bin08*zone) and (if res == 10 then yes else bin09 < bin10*zone);
def iskey10 = (bin10 < bin09*zone) and (if res == 11 then yes else bin10 < bin11*zone);
def iskey11 = (bin11 < bin10*zone) and (if res == 12 then yes else bin11 < bin12*zone);
def iskey12 = (bin12 < bin11*zone) and (if res == 13 then yes else bin12 < bin13*zone);
def iskey13 = (bin13 < bin12*zone) and (if res == 14 then yes else bin13 < bin14*zone);
def iskey14 = (bin14 < bin13*zone) and (if res == 15 then yes else bin14 < bin15*zone);
def iskey15 = (bin15 < bin14*zone) and (if res == 16 then yes else bin15 < bin16*zone);
def iskey16 = (bin16 < bin15*zone) and (if res == 17 then yes else bin16 < bin17*zone);
def iskey17 = (bin17 < bin16*zone) and (if res == 18 then yes else bin17 < bin18*zone);
def iskey18 = (bin18 < bin17*zone) and (if res == 19 then yes else bin18 < bin19*zone);
def iskey19 = (bin19 < bin18*zone) and (if res == 20 then yes else bin19 < bin20*zone);
def iskey20 = (bin20 < bin19*zone) and (if res == 21 then yes else bin20 < bin21*zone);
def iskey21 = (bin21 < bin20*zone) and (if res == 22 then yes else bin21 < bin22*zone);
def iskey22 = (bin22 < bin21*zone) and (if res == 23 then yes else bin22 < bin23*zone);
def iskey23 = (bin23 < bin22*zone) and (if res == 24 then yes else bin23 < bin24*zone);
def iskey24 = (bin24 < bin23*zone) and (if res == 25 then yes else bin24 < bin25*zone);
def iskey25 = (bin25 < bin24*zone) and (if res == 26 then yes else bin25 < bin26*zone);
def iskey26 = (bin26 < bin25*zone) and (if res == 27 then yes else bin26 < bin27*zone);
def iskey27 = (bin27 < bin26*zone) and (if res == 28 then yes else bin27 < bin28*zone);
def iskey28 = (bin28 < bin27*zone) and (if res == 29 then yes else bin28 < bin29*zone);
def iskey29 = (bin29 < bin28*zone) and (if res == 30 then yes else bin29 < bin30*zone);
def iskey30 = (bin30 < bin29*zone) and (if res == 31 then yes else bin30 < bin31*zone);
def iskey31 = (bin31 < bin30*zone) and (if res == 32 then yes else bin31 < bin32*zone);
def iskey32 = (bin32 < bin31*zone) and (if res == 33 then yes else bin32 < bin33*zone);
def iskey33 = (bin33 < bin32*zone) and (if res == 34 then yes else bin33 < bin34*zone);
def iskey34 = (bin34 < bin33*zone) and (if res == 35 then yes else bin34 < bin35*zone);
def iskey35 = (bin35 < bin34*zone) and (if res == 36 then yes else bin35 < bin36*zone);
def iskey36 = (bin36 < bin35*zone) and (if res == 37 then yes else bin36 < bin37*zone);
def iskey37 = (bin37 < bin36*zone) and (if res == 38 then yes else bin37 < bin38*zone);
def iskey38 = (bin38 < bin37*zone) and (if res == 39 then yes else bin38 < bin39*zone);
def iskey39 = (bin39 < bin38*zone) and (if res == 40 then yes else bin39 < bin40*zone);
def iskey40 = (bin40 < bin39*zone) and (if res == 41 then yes else bin40 < bin41*zone);
def iskey41 = (bin41 < bin40*zone) and (if res == 42 then yes else bin41 < bin42*zone);
def iskey42 = (bin42 < bin41*zone) and (if res == 43 then yes else bin42 < bin43*zone);
def iskey43 = (bin43 < bin42*zone) and (if res == 44 then yes else bin43 < bin44*zone);
def iskey44 = (bin44 < bin43*zone) and (if res == 45 then yes else bin44 < bin45*zone);
def iskey45 = (bin45 < bin44*zone) and (if res == 46 then yes else bin45 < bin46*zone);
def iskey46 = (bin46 < bin45*zone) and (if res == 47 then yes else bin46 < bin47*zone);
def iskey47 = (bin47 < bin46*zone) and (if res == 48 then yes else bin47 < bin48*zone);
def iskey48 = (bin48 < bin47*zone) and (if res == 49 then yes else bin48 < bin49*zone);
def iskey49 = (bin49 < bin48*zone);

def up00 = if iskey00 and lvl01 then lvl01 else na;
def up01 = if iskey01 and lvl02 then lvl02 else na;
def up02 = if iskey02 and lvl03 then lvl03 else na;
def up03 = if iskey03 and lvl04 then lvl04 else na;
def up04 = if iskey04 and lvl05 then lvl05 else na;
def up05 = if iskey05 and lvl06 then lvl06 else na;
def up06 = if iskey06 and lvl07 then lvl07 else na;
def up07 = if iskey07 and lvl08 then lvl08 else na;
def up08 = if iskey08 and lvl09 then lvl09 else na;
def up09 = if iskey09 and lvl10 then lvl10 else na;
def up10 = if iskey10 and lvl11 then lvl11 else na;
def up11 = if iskey11 and lvl12 then lvl12 else na;
def up12 = if iskey12 and lvl13 then lvl13 else na;
def up13 = if iskey13 and lvl14 then lvl14 else na;
def up14 = if iskey14 and lvl15 then lvl15 else na;
def up15 = if iskey15 and lvl16 then lvl16 else na;
def up16 = if iskey16 and lvl17 then lvl17 else na;
def up17 = if iskey17 and lvl18 then lvl18 else na;
def up18 = if iskey18 and lvl19 then lvl19 else na;
def up19 = if iskey19 and lvl20 then lvl20 else na;
def up20 = if iskey20 and lvl21 then lvl21 else na;
def up21 = if iskey21 and lvl22 then lvl22 else na;
def up22 = if iskey22 and lvl23 then lvl23 else na;
def up23 = if iskey23 and lvl24 then lvl24 else na;
def up24 = if iskey24 and lvl25 then lvl25 else na;
def up25 = if iskey25 and lvl26 then lvl26 else na;
def up26 = if iskey26 and lvl27 then lvl27 else na;
def up27 = if iskey27 and lvl28 then lvl28 else na;
def up28 = if iskey28 and lvl29 then lvl29 else na;
def up29 = if iskey29 and lvl30 then lvl30 else na;
def up30 = if iskey30 and lvl31 then lvl31 else na;
def up31 = if iskey31 and lvl32 then lvl32 else na;
def up32 = if iskey32 and lvl33 then lvl33 else na;
def up33 = if iskey33 and lvl34 then lvl34 else na;
def up34 = if iskey34 and lvl35 then lvl35 else na;
def up35 = if iskey35 and lvl36 then lvl36 else na;
def up36 = if iskey36 and lvl37 then lvl37 else na;
def up37 = if iskey37 and lvl38 then lvl38 else na;
def up38 = if iskey38 and lvl39 then lvl39 else na;
def up39 = if iskey39 and lvl40 then lvl40 else na;
def up40 = if iskey40 and lvl41 then lvl41 else na;
def up41 = if iskey41 and lvl42 then lvl42 else na;
def up42 = if iskey42 and lvl43 then lvl43 else na;
def up43 = if iskey43 and lvl44 then lvl44 else na;
def up44 = if iskey44 and lvl45 then lvl45 else na;
def up45 = if iskey45 and lvl46 then lvl46 else na;
def up46 = if iskey46 and lvl47 then lvl47 else na;
def up47 = if iskey47 and lvl48 then lvl48 else na;
def up48 = if iskey48 and lvl49 then lvl49 else na;
def up49 = if iskey49 and lvl50 then lvl50 else na;
def dn00 = if iskey00 and lvl00 then lvl00 else na;
def dn01 = if iskey01 and lvl01 then lvl01 else na;
def dn02 = if iskey02 and lvl02 then lvl02 else na;
def dn03 = if iskey03 and lvl03 then lvl03 else na;
def dn04 = if iskey04 and lvl04 then lvl04 else na;
def dn05 = if iskey05 and lvl05 then lvl05 else na;
def dn06 = if iskey06 and lvl06 then lvl06 else na;
def dn07 = if iskey07 and lvl07 then lvl07 else na;
def dn08 = if iskey08 and lvl08 then lvl08 else na;
def dn09 = if iskey09 and lvl09 then lvl09 else na;
def dn10 = if iskey10 and lvl10 then lvl10 else na;
def dn11 = if iskey11 and lvl11 then lvl11 else na;
def dn12 = if iskey12 and lvl12 then lvl12 else na;
def dn13 = if iskey13 and lvl13 then lvl13 else na;
def dn14 = if iskey14 and lvl14 then lvl14 else na;
def dn15 = if iskey15 and lvl15 then lvl15 else na;
def dn16 = if iskey16 and lvl16 then lvl16 else na;
def dn17 = if iskey17 and lvl17 then lvl17 else na;
def dn18 = if iskey18 and lvl18 then lvl18 else na;
def dn19 = if iskey19 and lvl19 then lvl19 else na;
def dn20 = if iskey20 and lvl20 then lvl20 else na;
def dn21 = if iskey21 and lvl21 then lvl21 else na;
def dn22 = if iskey22 and lvl22 then lvl22 else na;
def dn23 = if iskey23 and lvl23 then lvl23 else na;
def dn24 = if iskey24 and lvl24 then lvl24 else na;
def dn25 = if iskey25 and lvl25 then lvl25 else na;
def dn26 = if iskey26 and lvl26 then lvl26 else na;
def dn27 = if iskey27 and lvl27 then lvl27 else na;
def dn28 = if iskey28 and lvl28 then lvl28 else na;
def dn29 = if iskey29 and lvl29 then lvl29 else na;
def dn30 = if iskey30 and lvl30 then lvl30 else na;
def dn31 = if iskey31 and lvl31 then lvl31 else na;
def dn32 = if iskey32 and lvl32 then lvl32 else na;
def dn33 = if iskey33 and lvl33 then lvl33 else na;
def dn34 = if iskey34 and lvl34 then lvl34 else na;
def dn35 = if iskey35 and lvl35 then lvl35 else na;
def dn36 = if iskey36 and lvl36 then lvl36 else na;
def dn37 = if iskey37 and lvl37 then lvl37 else na;
def dn38 = if iskey38 and lvl38 then lvl38 else na;
def dn39 = if iskey39 and lvl39 then lvl39 else na;
def dn40 = if iskey40 and lvl40 then lvl40 else na;
def dn41 = if iskey41 and lvl41 then lvl41 else na;
def dn42 = if iskey42 and lvl42 then lvl42 else na;
def dn43 = if iskey43 and lvl43 then lvl43 else na;
def dn44 = if iskey44 and lvl44 then lvl44 else na;
def dn45 = if iskey45 and lvl45 then lvl45 else na;
def dn46 = if iskey46 and lvl46 then lvl46 else na;
def dn47 = if iskey47 and lvl47 then lvl47 else na;
def dn48 = if iskey48 and lvl48 then lvl48 else na;
def dn49 = if iskey49 and lvl49 then lvl49 else na;

def cond00 = if close > up00 then 1 else
             if close < dn00 then 0 else cond00[1];
def cond01 = if close > up01 then 1 else
             if close < dn01 then 0 else cond01[1];
def cond02 = if close > up02 then 1 else
             if close < dn02 then 0 else cond02[1];
def cond03 = if close > up03 then 1 else
             if close < dn03 then 0 else cond03[1];
def cond04 = if close > up04 then 1 else
             if close < dn04 then 0 else cond04[1];
def cond05 = if close > up05 then 1 else
             if close < dn05 then 0 else cond05[1];
def cond06 = if close > up06 then 1 else
             if close < dn06 then 0 else cond06[1];
def cond07 = if close > up07 then 1 else
             if close < dn07 then 0 else cond07[1];
def cond08 = if close > up08 then 1 else
             if close < dn08 then 0 else cond08[1];
def cond09 = if close > up09 then 1 else
             if close < dn09 then 0 else cond09[1];
def cond10 = if close > up10 then 1 else
             if close < dn10 then 0 else cond10[1];
def cond11 = if close > up11 then 1 else
             if close < dn11 then 0 else cond11[1];
def cond12 = if close > up12 then 1 else
             if close < dn12 then 0 else cond12[1];
def cond13 = if close > up13 then 1 else
             if close < dn13 then 0 else cond13[1];
def cond14 = if close > up14 then 1 else
             if close < dn14 then 0 else cond14[1];
def cond15 = if close > up15 then 1 else
             if close < dn15 then 0 else cond15[1];
def cond16 = if close > up16 then 1 else
             if close < dn16 then 0 else cond16[1];
def cond17 = if close > up17 then 1 else
             if close < dn17 then 0 else cond17[1];
def cond18 = if close > up18 then 1 else
             if close < dn18 then 0 else cond18[1];
def cond19 = if close > up19 then 1 else
             if close < dn19 then 0 else cond19[1];
def cond20 = if close > up20 then 1 else
             if close < dn20 then 0 else cond20[1];
def cond21 = if close > up21 then 1 else
             if close < dn21 then 0 else cond21[1];
def cond22 = if close > up22 then 1 else
             if close < dn22 then 0 else cond22[1];
def cond23 = if close > up23 then 1 else
             if close < dn23 then 0 else cond23[1];
def cond24 = if close > up24 then 1 else
             if close < dn24 then 0 else cond24[1];
def cond25 = if close > up25 then 1 else
             if close < dn25 then 0 else cond25[1];
def cond26 = if close > up26 then 1 else
             if close < dn26 then 0 else cond26[1];
def cond27 = if close > up27 then 1 else
             if close < dn27 then 0 else cond27[1];
def cond28 = if close > up28 then 1 else
             if close < dn28 then 0 else cond28[1];
def cond29 = if close > up29 then 1 else
             if close < dn29 then 0 else cond29[1];
def cond30 = if close > up30 then 1 else
             if close < dn30 then 0 else cond30[1];
def cond31 = if close > up31 then 1 else
             if close < dn31 then 0 else cond31[1];
def cond32 = if close > up32 then 1 else
             if close < dn32 then 0 else cond32[1];
def cond33 = if close > up33 then 1 else
             if close < dn33 then 0 else cond33[1];
def cond34 = if close > up34 then 1 else
             if close < dn34 then 0 else cond34[1];
def cond35 = if close > up35 then 1 else
             if close < dn35 then 0 else cond35[1];
def cond36 = if close > up36 then 1 else
             if close < dn36 then 0 else cond36[1];
def cond37 = if close > up37 then 1 else
             if close < dn37 then 0 else cond37[1];
def cond38 = if close > up38 then 1 else
             if close < dn38 then 0 else cond38[1];
def cond39 = if close > up39 then 1 else
             if close < dn39 then 0 else cond39[1];
def cond40 = if close > up40 then 1 else
             if close < dn40 then 0 else cond40[1];
def cond41 = if close > up41 then 1 else
             if close < dn41 then 0 else cond41[1];
def cond42 = if close > up42 then 1 else
             if close < dn42 then 0 else cond42[1];
def cond43 = if close > up43 then 1 else
             if close < dn43 then 0 else cond43[1];
def cond44 = if close > up44 then 1 else
             if close < dn44 then 0 else cond44[1];
def cond45 = if close > up45 then 1 else
             if close < dn45 then 0 else cond45[1];
def cond46 = if close > up46 then 1 else
             if close < dn46 then 0 else cond46[1];
def cond47 = if close > up47 then 1 else
             if close < dn47 then 0 else cond47[1];
def cond48 = if close > up48 then 1 else
             if close < dn48 then 0 else cond48[1];
def cond49 = if close > up49 then 1 else
             if close < dn49 then 0 else cond49[1];

def con00 = if sartCond and !last then cond00 else na;
def con01 = if sartCond and !last then cond01 else na;
def con02 = if sartCond and !last then cond02 else na;
def con03 = if sartCond and !last then cond03 else na;
def con04 = if sartCond and !last then cond04 else na;
def con05 = if sartCond and !last then cond05 else na;
def con06 = if sartCond and !last then cond06 else na;
def con07 = if sartCond and !last then cond07 else na;
def con08 = if sartCond and !last then cond08 else na;
def con09 = if sartCond and !last then cond09 else na;
def con10 = if sartCond and !last then cond10 else na;
def con11 = if sartCond and !last then cond11 else na;
def con12 = if sartCond and !last then cond12 else na;
def con13 = if sartCond and !last then cond13 else na;
def con14 = if sartCond and !last then cond14 else na;
def con15 = if sartCond and !last then cond15 else na;
def con16 = if sartCond and !last then cond16 else na;
def con17 = if sartCond and !last then cond17 else na;
def con18 = if sartCond and !last then cond18 else na;
def con19 = if sartCond and !last then cond19 else na;
def con20 = if sartCond and !last then cond20 else na;
def con21 = if sartCond and !last then cond21 else na;
def con22 = if sartCond and !last then cond22 else na;
def con23 = if sartCond and !last then cond23 else na;
def con24 = if sartCond and !last then cond24 else na;
def con25 = if sartCond and !last then cond25 else na;
def con26 = if sartCond and !last then cond26 else na;
def con27 = if sartCond and !last then cond27 else na;
def con28 = if sartCond and !last then cond28 else na;
def con29 = if sartCond and !last then cond29 else na;
def con30 = if sartCond and !last then cond30 else na;
def con31 = if sartCond and !last then cond31 else na;
def con32 = if sartCond and !last then cond32 else na;
def con33 = if sartCond and !last then cond33 else na;
def con34 = if sartCond and !last then cond34 else na;
def con35 = if sartCond and !last then cond35 else na;
def con36 = if sartCond and !last then cond36 else na;
def con37 = if sartCond and !last then cond37 else na;
def con38 = if sartCond and !last then cond38 else na;
def con39 = if sartCond and !last then cond39 else na;
def con40 = if sartCond and !last then cond40 else na;
def con41 = if sartCond and !last then cond41 else na;
def con42 = if sartCond and !last then cond42 else na;
def con43 = if sartCond and !last then cond43 else na;
def con44 = if sartCond and !last then cond44 else na;
def con45 = if sartCond and !last then cond45 else na;
def con46 = if sartCond and !last then cond46 else na;
def con47 = if sartCond and !last then cond47 else na;
def con48 = if sartCond and !last then cond48 else na;
def con49 = if sartCond and !last then cond49 else na;

def level00 = if !isNaN(con00) then if con00 then up00 else dn00 else na;
def level01 = if !isNaN(con01) then if con01 then up01 else dn01 else na;
def level02 = if !isNaN(con02) then if con02 then up02 else dn02 else na;
def level03 = if !isNaN(con03) then if con03 then up03 else dn03 else na;
def level04 = if !isNaN(con04) then if con04 then up04 else dn04 else na;
def level05 = if !isNaN(con05) then if con05 then up05 else dn05 else na;
def level06 = if !isNaN(con06) then if con06 then up06 else dn06 else na;
def level07 = if !isNaN(con07) then if con07 then up07 else dn07 else na;
def level08 = if !isNaN(con08) then if con08 then up08 else dn08 else na;
def level09 = if !isNaN(con09) then if con09 then up09 else dn09 else na;
def level10 = if !isNaN(con10) then if con10 then up10 else dn10 else na;
def level11 = if !isNaN(con11) then if con11 then up11 else dn11 else na;
def level12 = if !isNaN(con12) then if con12 then up12 else dn12 else na;
def level13 = if !isNaN(con13) then if con13 then up13 else dn13 else na;
def level14 = if !isNaN(con14) then if con14 then up14 else dn14 else na;
def level15 = if !isNaN(con15) then if con15 then up15 else dn15 else na;
def level16 = if !isNaN(con16) then if con16 then up16 else dn16 else na;
def level17 = if !isNaN(con17) then if con17 then up17 else dn17 else na;
def level18 = if !isNaN(con18) then if con18 then up18 else dn18 else na;
def level19 = if !isNaN(con19) then if con19 then up19 else dn19 else na;
def level20 = if !isNaN(con20) then if con20 then up20 else dn20 else na;
def level21 = if !isNaN(con21) then if con21 then up21 else dn21 else na;
def level22 = if !isNaN(con22) then if con22 then up22 else dn22 else na;
def level23 = if !isNaN(con23) then if con23 then up23 else dn23 else na;
def level24 = if !isNaN(con24) then if con24 then up24 else dn24 else na;
def level25 = if !isNaN(con25) then if con25 then up25 else dn25 else na;
def level26 = if !isNaN(con26) then if con26 then up26 else dn26 else na;
def level27 = if !isNaN(con27) then if con27 then up27 else dn27 else na;
def level28 = if !isNaN(con28) then if con28 then up28 else dn28 else na;
def level29 = if !isNaN(con29) then if con29 then up29 else dn29 else na;
def level30 = if !isNaN(con30) then if con30 then up30 else dn30 else na;
def level31 = if !isNaN(con31) then if con31 then up31 else dn31 else na;
def level32 = if !isNaN(con32) then if con32 then up32 else dn32 else na;
def level33 = if !isNaN(con33) then if con33 then up33 else dn33 else na;
def level34 = if !isNaN(con34) then if con34 then up34 else dn34 else na;
def level35 = if !isNaN(con35) then if con35 then up35 else dn35 else na;
def level36 = if !isNaN(con36) then if con36 then up36 else dn36 else na;
def level37 = if !isNaN(con37) then if con37 then up37 else dn37 else na;
def level38 = if !isNaN(con38) then if con38 then up38 else dn38 else na;
def level39 = if !isNaN(con39) then if con39 then up39 else dn39 else na;
def level40 = if !isNaN(con40) then if con40 then up40 else dn40 else na;
def level41 = if !isNaN(con41) then if con41 then up41 else dn41 else na;
def level42 = if !isNaN(con42) then if con42 then up42 else dn42 else na;
def level43 = if !isNaN(con43) then if con43 then up43 else dn43 else na;
def level44 = if !isNaN(con44) then if con44 then up44 else dn44 else na;
def level45 = if !isNaN(con45) then if con45 then up45 else dn45 else na;
def level46 = if !isNaN(con46) then if con46 then up46 else dn46 else na;
def level47 = if !isNaN(con47) then if con47 then up47 else dn47 else na;
def level48 = if !isNaN(con48) then if con48 then up48 else dn48 else na;
def level49 = if !isNaN(con49) then if con49 then up49 else dn49 else na;

AddCloud(level00, if con00 then dn00 else up00, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level01, if con01 then dn01 else up01, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level02, if con02 then dn02 else up02, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level03, if con03 then dn03 else up03, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level04, if con04 then dn04 else up04, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level05, if con05 then dn05 else up05, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level06, if con06 then dn06 else up06, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level07, if con07 then dn07 else up07, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level08, if con08 then dn08 else up08, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level09, if con09 then dn09 else up09, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level10, if con10 then dn10 else up10, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level11, if con11 then dn11 else up11, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level12, if con12 then dn12 else up12, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level13, if con13 then dn13 else up13, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level14, if con14 then dn14 else up14, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level15, if con15 then dn15 else up15, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level16, if con16 then dn16 else up16, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level17, if con17 then dn17 else up17, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level18, if con18 then dn18 else up18, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level19, if con19 then dn19 else up19, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level20, if con20 then dn20 else up20, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level21, if con21 then dn21 else up21, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level22, if con22 then dn22 else up22, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level23, if con23 then dn23 else up23, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level24, if con24 then dn24 else up24, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level25, if con25 then dn25 else up25, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level26, if con26 then dn26 else up26, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level27, if con27 then dn27 else up27, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level28, if con28 then dn28 else up28, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level29, if con29 then dn29 else up29, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level30, if con30 then dn30 else up30, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level31, if con31 then dn31 else up31, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level32, if con32 then dn32 else up32, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level33, if con33 then dn33 else up33, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level34, if con34 then dn34 else up34, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level35, if con35 then dn35 else up35, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level36, if con36 then dn36 else up36, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level37, if con37 then dn37 else up37, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level38, if con38 then dn38 else up38, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level39, if con39 then dn39 else up39, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level40, if con40 then dn40 else up40, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level41, if con41 then dn41 else up41, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level42, if con42 then dn42 else up42, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level43, if con43 then dn43 else up43, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level44, if con44 then dn44 else up44, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level45, if con45 then dn45 else up45, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level46, if con46 then dn46 else up46, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level47, if con47 then dn47 else up47, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level48, if con48 then dn48 else up48, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level49, if con49 then dn49 else up49, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);

#AddChartBubble(x, low, x, Color.RED, no);
def ph2 = if high == highs then bar else ph2[1];
def pl2 = if low == lows then bar else pl2[1];
plot hhPoint = if bar == highestAll(ph2) then high else na;
plot llPoint = if bar == highestAll(pl2) then low else na;

def totVol = fold j = 0 to x with q do
                 q + GetValue(volume, j);
def m1 = Max(bin00,Max(bin01,Max(bin02,Max(bin03,Max(bin04,Max(bin05,Max(bin06,Max(bin07,Max(bin08, Max(bin09, bin10))))))))));
def m2 = Max(bin11,Max(bin12,Max(bin13,Max(bin14,Max(bin15,Max(bin16,Max(bin17,Max(bin18,Max(bin19, bin20)))))))));
def m3 = Max(bin21,Max(bin22,Max(bin23,Max(bin24,Max(bin25,Max(bin26,Max(bin27,Max(bin28,Max(bin29, bin30)))))))));
def m4 = Max(bin31,Max(bin32,Max(bin33,Max(bin34,Max(bin35,Max(bin36,Max(bin37,Max(bin38,Max(bin39, bin40)))))))));
def m5 = Max(bin41,Max(bin42,Max(bin43,Max(bin44,Max(bin45,Max(bin46,Max(bin47,Max(bin48, bin49))))))));
def maxBin = Max(m1, Max(m2, Max(m3, Max(m4, m5))));

def start = if !isNaN(hh) then start[1] + 1 else 0;
def center = (bar == highestAll(bar- floor(highestAll(start)/2)));

def loc;
Switch (labelOptions) {
Case "Left" :
    loc = !isNaN(hh) and isNaN(hh[1]);
Case "Right" :
    loc = isNaN(hh) and !isNaN(hh[1]);
Case "Don't Show" :
    loc = no;
Default :
    loc = center;

AddChartBubble(loc, (up00 + dn00) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin00 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up01 + dn01) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin01 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up02 + dn02) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin02 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up03 + dn03) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin03 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up04 + dn04) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin04 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up05 + dn05) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin05 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up06 + dn06) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin06 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up07 + dn07) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin07 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up08 + dn08) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin08 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up09 + dn09) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin09 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up10 + dn10) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin10 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up11 + dn11) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin11 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up12 + dn12) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin12 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up13 + dn13) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin13 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up14 + dn14) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin14 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up15 + dn15) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin15 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up16 + dn16) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin16 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up17 + dn17) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin17 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up18 + dn18) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin18 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up19 + dn19) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin19 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up20 + dn20) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin20 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up21 + dn21) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin21 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up22 + dn22) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin22 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up23 + dn23) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin23 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up24 + dn24) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin24 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up25 + dn25) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin25 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up26 + dn26) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin26 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up27 + dn27) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin27 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up28 + dn28) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin28 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up29 + dn29) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin29 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up30 + dn30) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin30 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up31 + dn31) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin31 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up32 + dn32) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin32 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up33 + dn33) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin33 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up34 + dn34) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin34 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up35 + dn35) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin35 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up36 + dn36) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin36 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up37 + dn37) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin37 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up38 + dn38) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin38 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up39 + dn39) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin39 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up40 + dn40) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin40 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up41 + dn41) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin41 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up42 + dn42) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin42 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up43 + dn43) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin43 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up44 + dn44) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin44 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up45 + dn45) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin45 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up46 + dn46) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin46 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up47 + dn47) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin47 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up48 + dn48) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin48 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up49 + dn49) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin49 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);

#-- END of CODE
@samer800 could I suggest
1.Is there any way to remove the zones which are less than 70%.(which are less important and only clutter the chart)
2.the labels are not going to the right if changes in the setting.
This is great Thank you @samer800 ,really good it shows breaks color change wow.
can the percentage strength be shown inside the cloud ,maybe at the middle as opposed to the left end, just a thought. it works great as is.

this pretty slick but how exactly do you red the connected green and red levels?

does the percentage indicate a strong probabilty of hold? @ the demand level?
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@samer800 could I suggest
1.Is there any way to remove the zones which are less than 70%.(which are less important and only clutter the chart)
2.the labels are not going to the right if changes in the setting.
1. Code updated with custom threshold level in the original post.
2. to show label in right, you need to increase then expansion area to at least 5 bars from then settings --> Time axis.
hi cando13579 - I was wondering how did you get the long and short label to show up? and also how did you move the % to the right side instead the middle of the chart? thank you in advance for your help.

That image in @cando13579 post is for the original Tradingview script.
Tradingview scripts can not run on ThinkOrSwim.

Sadly, it was not possible to create an exact duplicate of the Tradingview script in ThinkScript.
Here is the image and script of what could be created for ThinkOrSwim:
hi cando13579 - I was wondering how did you get the long and short label to show up? and also how did you move the % to the right side instead the middle of the chart? thank you in advance for your help.
samer800 already redid the script with the option to put the bubble on the right ,left or middle,as for
the bubbles short and long came from another script ,you can find here (asgoodasitgets) just do a search.
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Author Message - Not complete conversion

Introducing the Dynamic Supply and Demand Zones by AlgoAlpha. This indicator is designed to automatically identify and visualize dynamic supply and demand zones on your chart, helping traders pinpoint potential reversal areas and assess market sentiment with enhanced clarity. It adapts to market conditions using a dynamic look-back mechanism, making it more responsive to recent price movements.

CODE - UPDATED: Threshold levels - 12/2024

# Indicator For TOS
# @AlgoAlpha
#indicator("Dynamic Supply and Demand Zones [AlgoAlpha]", "AlgoAlpha - 📦Dynamic Supply/Demand",
#Hint dynamic: If true, the indicator adjusts its lookback such that it considers data from the previous major pivot point to present.
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800 - 11/2024 - Not Exact conv.
# Updated Label Location - Sam4Cok@Samer800 - 11/2024
# Update Added threshold to show levels by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 12/2024

input labelOptions = {"Left", "Right", Default "Center", "Don't Show"};
input dynamic = yes; # "Use Dynamic Look-Back"
input lookback = 200;
input Resolution = 40; #, "Resolution"
input ZoneTolerance = 0.93; #,"Zone Tolerance",toolti
input showLevelOptions = {Default "All Levels", "Custom Threshold"};
input customThreshold = 50;

def na = Double.NaN;
def notConfirm = isNaN(close);
def n = if BarNumber() < 1 then 1 else BarNumber();
def bar = if !notConfirm then n else Bar[1];
def res = Min(Max(Resolution, 1), 50);
def zone = Min(Max(ZoneTolerance, 0.01), 1);
def lvlCond;
Switch (showLevelOptions) {
Case "Custom Threshold" : lvlCond = no;
Default : lvlCond = yes;
Script Pivot {
    input series    = close;
    input leftBars  = 10;
    input rightBars = 10;
    input isHigh = yes;
    def na = Double.NaN;
    def HH = series == Highest(series, leftBars + 1);
    def LL = series == Lowest(series, leftBars + 1);
    def pivotRange = (leftBars + rightBars + 1);
    def leftEdgeValue = if series[pivotRange] ==0 then na else series[pivotRange];
    def pvtCond = !isNaN(series) and leftBars > 0 and rightBars > 0 and !isNaN(leftEdgeValue);
    def barIndexH = if pvtCond then
                    fold i = 1 to rightBars + 1 with p=1 while p do
                    series > GetValue(series, - i) else na;
    def barIndexL = if pvtCond then
                    fold j = 1 to rightBars + 1 with q=1 while q do
                    series < GetValue(series, - j) else na;
    def PivotPoint;
if isHigh {
    PivotPoint = if HH and barIndexH then series else na;
    } else {
    PivotPoint = if LL and barIndexL then series else na;
    plot pvt = PivotPoint;
def ph = pivot(high[lookback], lookback, lookback, yes);
def pl = pivot(low[lookback], lookback, lookback, no);
def nPh = !isNaN(ph);
def nPl = !isNaN(pl);
def x1 = if (nPh or nPl) then lookback else x1[1] + 1;
def x = if x1 > lookback then x1 else lookback;
def len1 = if dynamic then x else lookback;
def sartCond = bar >= highestAll(bar - len1);
def highs = if sartCond then Max(highs[1], high) else highs[1];
def lows  = if sartCond then Min(if(lows[1], lows[1], low), low) else lows[1];
def maxx = highestAll(InertiaAll(highs, 2));
def minn = highestAll(InertiaAll(lows, 2));
def step = (maxx - minn) / res;
def ph2 = if high == highs then bar else ph2[1];
def pl2 = if low == lows then bar else pl2[1];

#-- plot highs and lows
plot hhPoint = if bar == highestAll(ph2) then high else na;
plot llPoint = if bar == highestAll(pl2) then low else na;

plot hh = if sartCond and !notConfirm then maxx else na;
plot ll = if sartCond and !notConfirm then minn else na;



AddCloud(hh, ll, CreateColor(26,26,26));


def lvl00 = minn;
def lvl01 = if res < 1 then na else minn + ((01)*step);
def lvl02 = if res < 2 then na else minn + ((02)*step);
def lvl03 = if res < 3 then na else minn + ((03)*step);
def lvl04 = if res < 4 then na else minn + ((04)*step);
def lvl05 = if res < 5 then na else minn + ((05)*step);
def lvl06 = if res < 6 then na else minn + ((06)*step);
def lvl07 = if res < 7 then na else minn + ((07)*step);
def lvl08 = if res < 8 then na else minn + ((08)*step);
def lvl09 = if res < 9 then na else minn + ((09)*step);
def lvl10 = if res < 10 then na else minn + ((10)*step);
def lvl11 = if res < 11 then na else minn + ((11)*step);
def lvl12 = if res < 12 then na else minn + ((12)*step);
def lvl13 = if res < 13 then na else minn + ((13)*step);
def lvl14 = if res < 14 then na else minn + ((14)*step);
def lvl15 = if res < 15 then na else minn + ((15)*step);
def lvl16 = if res < 16 then na else minn + ((16)*step);
def lvl17 = if res < 17 then na else minn + ((17)*step);
def lvl18 = if res < 18 then na else minn + ((18)*step);
def lvl19 = if res < 19 then na else minn + ((19)*step);
def lvl20 = if res < 20 then na else minn + ((20)*step);
def lvl21 = if res < 21 then na else minn + ((21)*step);
def lvl22 = if res < 22 then na else minn + ((22)*step);
def lvl23 = if res < 23 then na else minn + ((23)*step);
def lvl24 = if res < 24 then na else minn + ((24)*step);
def lvl25 = if res < 25 then na else minn + ((25)*step);
def lvl26 = if res < 26 then na else minn + ((26)*step);
def lvl27 = if res < 27 then na else minn + ((27)*step);
def lvl28 = if res < 28 then na else minn + ((28)*step);
def lvl29 = if res < 29 then na else minn + ((29)*step);
def lvl30 = if res < 30 then na else minn + ((30)*step);
def lvl31 = if res < 31 then na else minn + ((31)*step);
def lvl32 = if res < 32 then na else minn + ((32)*step);
def lvl33 = if res < 33 then na else minn + ((33)*step);
def lvl34 = if res < 34 then na else minn + ((34)*step);
def lvl35 = if res < 35 then na else minn + ((35)*step);
def lvl36 = if res < 36 then na else minn + ((36)*step);
def lvl37 = if res < 37 then na else minn + ((37)*step);
def lvl38 = if res < 38 then na else minn + ((38)*step);
def lvl39 = if res < 39 then na else minn + ((39)*step);
def lvl40 = if res < 40 then na else minn + ((40)*step);
def lvl41 = if res < 41 then na else minn + ((41)*step);
def lvl42 = if res < 42 then na else minn + ((42)*step);
def lvl43 = if res < 43 then na else minn + ((43)*step);
def lvl44 = if res < 44 then na else minn + ((44)*step);
def lvl45 = if res < 45 then na else minn + ((45)*step);
def lvl46 = if res < 46 then na else minn + ((46)*step);
def lvl47 = if res < 47 then na else minn + ((47)*step);
def lvl48 = if res < 48 then na else minn + ((48)*step);
def lvl49 = if res < 49 then na else minn + ((49)*step);
def lvl50 = if res < 50 then na else minn + ((50)*step);

Script vol {
input lvl1 = low;
input lvl2 = high;
input len    = 1;
    def x = if isNaN(len) then 1 else len;
    def bin0 = fold i = 0 to x with p=1 do
         p + (if !(GetValue(low,i)>lvl1 or GetValue(high,i)<lvl2) then GetValue(volume,i) else 0);
    def nzL = if isNaN(bin0) then 1 else bin0;
    def bin = highestAll(inertiaAll(nzL, 2));
    plot out = bin;

def bin00 = vol(lvl01, lvl00, x);
def bin01 = vol(lvl02, lvl01, x);
def bin02 = vol(lvl03, lvl02, x);
def bin03 = vol(lvl04, lvl03, x);
def bin04 = vol(lvl05, lvl04, x);
def bin05 = vol(lvl06, lvl05, x);
def bin06 = vol(lvl07, lvl06, x);
def bin07 = vol(lvl08, lvl07, x);
def bin08 = vol(lvl09, lvl08, x);
def bin09 = vol(lvl10, lvl09, x);
def bin10 = vol(lvl11, lvl10, x);
def bin11 = vol(lvl12, lvl11, x);
def bin12 = vol(lvl13, lvl12, x);
def bin13 = vol(lvl14, lvl13, x);
def bin14 = vol(lvl15, lvl14, x);
def bin15 = vol(lvl16, lvl15, x);
def bin16 = vol(lvl17, lvl16, x);
def bin17 = vol(lvl18, lvl17, x);
def bin18 = vol(lvl19, lvl18, x);
def bin19 = vol(lvl20, lvl19, x);
def bin20 = vol(lvl21, lvl20, x);
def bin21 = vol(lvl22, lvl21, x);
def bin22 = vol(lvl23, lvl22, x);
def bin23 = vol(lvl24, lvl23, x);
def bin24 = vol(lvl25, lvl24, x);
def bin25 = vol(lvl26, lvl25, x);
def bin26 = vol(lvl27, lvl26, x);
def bin27 = vol(lvl28, lvl27, x);
def bin28 = vol(lvl29, lvl28, x);
def bin29 = vol(lvl30, lvl29, x);
def bin30 = vol(lvl31, lvl30, x);
def bin31 = vol(lvl32, lvl31, x);
def bin32 = vol(lvl33, lvl32, x);
def bin33 = vol(lvl34, lvl33, x);
def bin34 = vol(lvl35, lvl34, x);
def bin35 = vol(lvl36, lvl35, x);
def bin36 = vol(lvl37, lvl36, x);
def bin37 = vol(lvl38, lvl37, x);
def bin38 = vol(lvl39, lvl38, x);
def bin39 = vol(lvl40, lvl39, x);
def bin40 = vol(lvl41, lvl40, x);
def bin41 = vol(lvl42, lvl41, x);
def bin42 = vol(lvl43, lvl42, x);
def bin43 = vol(lvl44, lvl43, x);
def bin44 = vol(lvl45, lvl44, x);
def bin45 = vol(lvl46, lvl45, x);
def bin46 = vol(lvl47, lvl46, x);
def bin47 = vol(lvl48, lvl47, x);
def bin48 = vol(lvl49, lvl48, x);
def bin49 = vol(lvl50, lvl49, x);

#-- Max Bins

def m1 = Max(bin00,Max(bin01,Max(bin02,Max(bin03,Max(bin04,Max(bin05,Max(bin06,Max(bin07,Max(bin08, Max(bin09, bin10))))))))));
def m2 = Max(bin11,Max(bin12,Max(bin13,Max(bin14,Max(bin15,Max(bin16,Max(bin17,Max(bin18,Max(bin19, bin20)))))))));
def m3 = Max(bin21,Max(bin22,Max(bin23,Max(bin24,Max(bin25,Max(bin26,Max(bin27,Max(bin28,Max(bin29, bin30)))))))));
def m4 = Max(bin31,Max(bin32,Max(bin33,Max(bin34,Max(bin35,Max(bin36,Max(bin37,Max(bin38,Max(bin39, bin40)))))))));
def m5 = Max(bin41,Max(bin42,Max(bin43,Max(bin44,Max(bin45,Max(bin46,Max(bin47,Max(bin48, bin49))))))));
def mxBin = Max(m1, Max(m2, Max(m3, Max(m4, m5))));
def maxBin = if !notConfirm then mxBin else maxBin[1];

def lab00 = 1 - bin00 / maxBin;
def lab01 = 1 - bin01 / maxBin;
def lab02 = 1 - bin02 / maxBin;
def lab03 = 1 - bin03 / maxBin;
def lab04 = 1 - bin04 / maxBin;
def lab05 = 1 - bin05 / maxBin;
def lab06 = 1 - bin06 / maxBin;
def lab07 = 1 - bin07 / maxBin;
def lab08 = 1 - bin08 / maxBin;
def lab09 = 1 - bin09 / maxBin;
def lab10 = 1 - bin10 / maxBin;
def lab11 = 1 - bin11 / maxBin;
def lab12 = 1 - bin12 / maxBin;
def lab13 = 1 - bin13 / maxBin;
def lab14 = 1 - bin14 / maxBin;
def lab15 = 1 - bin15 / maxBin;
def lab16 = 1 - bin16 / maxBin;
def lab17 = 1 - bin17 / maxBin;
def lab18 = 1 - bin18 / maxBin;
def lab19 = 1 - bin19 / maxBin;
def lab20 = 1 - bin20 / maxBin;
def lab21 = 1 - bin21 / maxBin;
def lab22 = 1 - bin22 / maxBin;
def lab23 = 1 - bin23 / maxBin;
def lab24 = 1 - bin24 / maxBin;
def lab25 = 1 - bin25 / maxBin;
def lab26 = 1 - bin26 / maxBin;
def lab27 = 1 - bin27 / maxBin;
def lab28 = 1 - bin28 / maxBin;
def lab29 = 1 - bin29 / maxBin;
def lab30 = 1 - bin30 / maxBin;
def lab31 = 1 - bin31 / maxBin;
def lab32 = 1 - bin32 / maxBin;
def lab33 = 1 - bin33 / maxBin;
def lab34 = 1 - bin34 / maxBin;
def lab35 = 1 - bin35 / maxBin;
def lab36 = 1 - bin36 / maxBin;
def lab37 = 1 - bin37 / maxBin;
def lab38 = 1 - bin38 / maxBin;
def lab39 = 1 - bin39 / maxBin;
def lab40 = 1 - bin40 / maxBin;
def lab41 = 1 - bin41 / maxBin;
def lab42 = 1 - bin42 / maxBin;
def lab43 = 1 - bin43 / maxBin;
def lab44 = 1 - bin44 / maxBin;
def lab45 = 1 - bin45 / maxBin;
def lab46 = 1 - bin46 / maxBin;
def lab47 = 1 - bin47 / maxBin;
def lab48 = 1 - bin48 / maxBin;
def lab49 = 1 - bin49 / maxBin;

def lvlCon00 = if lvlCond then yes else lab00 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon01 = if lvlCond then yes else lab01 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon02 = if lvlCond then yes else lab02 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon03 = if lvlCond then yes else lab03 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon04 = if lvlCond then yes else lab04 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon05 = if lvlCond then yes else lab05 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon06 = if lvlCond then yes else lab06 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon07 = if lvlCond then yes else lab07 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon08 = if lvlCond then yes else lab08 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon09 = if lvlCond then yes else lab09 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon10 = if lvlCond then yes else lab10 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon11 = if lvlCond then yes else lab11 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon12 = if lvlCond then yes else lab12 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon13 = if lvlCond then yes else lab13 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon14 = if lvlCond then yes else lab14 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon15 = if lvlCond then yes else lab15 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon16 = if lvlCond then yes else lab16 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon17 = if lvlCond then yes else lab17 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon18 = if lvlCond then yes else lab18 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon19 = if lvlCond then yes else lab19 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon20 = if lvlCond then yes else lab20 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon21 = if lvlCond then yes else lab21 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon22 = if lvlCond then yes else lab22 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon23 = if lvlCond then yes else lab23 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon24 = if lvlCond then yes else lab24 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon25 = if lvlCond then yes else lab25 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon26 = if lvlCond then yes else lab26 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon27 = if lvlCond then yes else lab27 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon28 = if lvlCond then yes else lab28 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon29 = if lvlCond then yes else lab29 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon30 = if lvlCond then yes else lab30 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon31 = if lvlCond then yes else lab31 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon32 = if lvlCond then yes else lab32 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon33 = if lvlCond then yes else lab33 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon34 = if lvlCond then yes else lab34 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon35 = if lvlCond then yes else lab35 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon36 = if lvlCond then yes else lab36 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon37 = if lvlCond then yes else lab37 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon38 = if lvlCond then yes else lab38 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon39 = if lvlCond then yes else lab39 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon40 = if lvlCond then yes else lab40 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon41 = if lvlCond then yes else lab41 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon42 = if lvlCond then yes else lab42 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon43 = if lvlCond then yes else lab43 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon44 = if lvlCond then yes else lab44 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon45 = if lvlCond then yes else lab45 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon46 = if lvlCond then yes else lab46 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon47 = if lvlCond then yes else lab47 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon48 = if lvlCond then yes else lab48 >= customThreshold/100;
def lvlCon49 = if lvlCond then yes else lab49 >= customThreshold/100;

def iskey00 = lvlCon00 and (bin00 < bin01*zone);
def iskey01 = lvlCon01 and (bin01 < bin00*zone) and (if res == 2 then yes else bin01 < bin02*zone);
def iskey02 = lvlCon02 and (bin02 < bin01*zone) and (if res == 3 then yes else bin02 < bin03*zone);
def iskey03 = lvlCon03 and (bin03 < bin02*zone) and (if res == 4 then yes else bin03 < bin04*zone);
def iskey04 = lvlCon04 and (bin04 < bin03*zone) and (if res == 5 then yes else bin04 < bin05*zone);
def iskey05 = lvlCon05 and (bin05 < bin04*zone) and (if res == 6 then yes else bin05 < bin06*zone);
def iskey06 = lvlCon06 and (bin06 < bin05*zone) and (if res == 7 then yes else bin06 < bin07*zone);
def iskey07 = lvlCon07 and (bin07 < bin06*zone) and (if res == 8 then yes else bin07 < bin08*zone);
def iskey08 = lvlCon08 and (bin08 < bin07*zone) and (if res == 9 then yes else bin08 < bin09*zone);
def iskey09 = lvlCon09 and (bin09 < bin08*zone) and (if res == 10 then yes else bin09 < bin10*zone);
def iskey10 = lvlCon10 and (bin10 < bin09*zone) and (if res == 11 then yes else bin10 < bin11*zone);
def iskey11 = lvlCon11 and (bin11 < bin10*zone) and (if res == 12 then yes else bin11 < bin12*zone);
def iskey12 = lvlCon12 and (bin12 < bin11*zone) and (if res == 13 then yes else bin12 < bin13*zone);
def iskey13 = lvlCon13 and (bin13 < bin12*zone) and (if res == 14 then yes else bin13 < bin14*zone);
def iskey14 = lvlCon14 and (bin14 < bin13*zone) and (if res == 15 then yes else bin14 < bin15*zone);
def iskey15 = lvlCon15 and (bin15 < bin14*zone) and (if res == 16 then yes else bin15 < bin16*zone);
def iskey16 = lvlCon16 and (bin16 < bin15*zone) and (if res == 17 then yes else bin16 < bin17*zone);
def iskey17 = lvlCon17 and (bin17 < bin16*zone) and (if res == 18 then yes else bin17 < bin18*zone);
def iskey18 = lvlCon18 and (bin18 < bin17*zone) and (if res == 19 then yes else bin18 < bin19*zone);
def iskey19 = lvlCon19 and (bin19 < bin18*zone) and (if res == 20 then yes else bin19 < bin20*zone);
def iskey20 = lvlCon20 and (bin20 < bin19*zone) and (if res == 21 then yes else bin20 < bin21*zone);
def iskey21 = lvlCon21 and (bin21 < bin20*zone) and (if res == 22 then yes else bin21 < bin22*zone);
def iskey22 = lvlCon22 and (bin22 < bin21*zone) and (if res == 23 then yes else bin22 < bin23*zone);
def iskey23 = lvlCon23 and (bin23 < bin22*zone) and (if res == 24 then yes else bin23 < bin24*zone);
def iskey24 = lvlCon24 and (bin24 < bin23*zone) and (if res == 25 then yes else bin24 < bin25*zone);
def iskey25 = lvlCon25 and (bin25 < bin24*zone) and (if res == 26 then yes else bin25 < bin26*zone);
def iskey26 = lvlCon26 and (bin26 < bin25*zone) and (if res == 27 then yes else bin26 < bin27*zone);
def iskey27 = lvlCon27 and (bin27 < bin26*zone) and (if res == 28 then yes else bin27 < bin28*zone);
def iskey28 = lvlCon28 and (bin28 < bin27*zone) and (if res == 29 then yes else bin28 < bin29*zone);
def iskey29 = lvlCon29 and (bin29 < bin28*zone) and (if res == 30 then yes else bin29 < bin30*zone);
def iskey30 = lvlCon30 and (bin30 < bin29*zone) and (if res == 31 then yes else bin30 < bin31*zone);
def iskey31 = lvlCon31 and (bin31 < bin30*zone) and (if res == 32 then yes else bin31 < bin32*zone);
def iskey32 = lvlCon32 and (bin32 < bin31*zone) and (if res == 33 then yes else bin32 < bin33*zone);
def iskey33 = lvlCon33 and (bin33 < bin32*zone) and (if res == 34 then yes else bin33 < bin34*zone);
def iskey34 = lvlCon34 and (bin34 < bin33*zone) and (if res == 35 then yes else bin34 < bin35*zone);
def iskey35 = lvlCon35 and (bin35 < bin34*zone) and (if res == 36 then yes else bin35 < bin36*zone);
def iskey36 = lvlCon36 and (bin36 < bin35*zone) and (if res == 37 then yes else bin36 < bin37*zone);
def iskey37 = lvlCon37 and (bin37 < bin36*zone) and (if res == 38 then yes else bin37 < bin38*zone);
def iskey38 = lvlCon38 and (bin38 < bin37*zone) and (if res == 39 then yes else bin38 < bin39*zone);
def iskey39 = lvlCon39 and (bin39 < bin38*zone) and (if res == 40 then yes else bin39 < bin40*zone);
def iskey40 = lvlCon40 and (bin40 < bin39*zone) and (if res == 41 then yes else bin40 < bin41*zone);
def iskey41 = lvlCon41 and (bin41 < bin40*zone) and (if res == 42 then yes else bin41 < bin42*zone);
def iskey42 = lvlCon42 and (bin42 < bin41*zone) and (if res == 43 then yes else bin42 < bin43*zone);
def iskey43 = lvlCon43 and (bin43 < bin42*zone) and (if res == 44 then yes else bin43 < bin44*zone);
def iskey44 = lvlCon44 and (bin44 < bin43*zone) and (if res == 45 then yes else bin44 < bin45*zone);
def iskey45 = lvlCon45 and (bin45 < bin44*zone) and (if res == 46 then yes else bin45 < bin46*zone);
def iskey46 = lvlCon46 and (bin46 < bin45*zone) and (if res == 47 then yes else bin46 < bin47*zone);
def iskey47 = lvlCon47 and (bin47 < bin46*zone) and (if res == 48 then yes else bin47 < bin48*zone);
def iskey48 = lvlCon48 and (bin48 < bin47*zone) and (if res == 49 then yes else bin48 < bin49*zone);
def iskey49 = lvlCon49 and (bin49 < bin48*zone);

def up00 = if iskey00 and lvl01 then lvl01 else na;
def up01 = if iskey01 and lvl02 then lvl02 else na;
def up02 = if iskey02 and lvl03 then lvl03 else na;
def up03 = if iskey03 and lvl04 then lvl04 else na;
def up04 = if iskey04 and lvl05 then lvl05 else na;
def up05 = if iskey05 and lvl06 then lvl06 else na;
def up06 = if iskey06 and lvl07 then lvl07 else na;
def up07 = if iskey07 and lvl08 then lvl08 else na;
def up08 = if iskey08 and lvl09 then lvl09 else na;
def up09 = if iskey09 and lvl10 then lvl10 else na;
def up10 = if iskey10 and lvl11 then lvl11 else na;
def up11 = if iskey11 and lvl12 then lvl12 else na;
def up12 = if iskey12 and lvl13 then lvl13 else na;
def up13 = if iskey13 and lvl14 then lvl14 else na;
def up14 = if iskey14 and lvl15 then lvl15 else na;
def up15 = if iskey15 and lvl16 then lvl16 else na;
def up16 = if iskey16 and lvl17 then lvl17 else na;
def up17 = if iskey17 and lvl18 then lvl18 else na;
def up18 = if iskey18 and lvl19 then lvl19 else na;
def up19 = if iskey19 and lvl20 then lvl20 else na;
def up20 = if iskey20 and lvl21 then lvl21 else na;
def up21 = if iskey21 and lvl22 then lvl22 else na;
def up22 = if iskey22 and lvl23 then lvl23 else na;
def up23 = if iskey23 and lvl24 then lvl24 else na;
def up24 = if iskey24 and lvl25 then lvl25 else na;
def up25 = if iskey25 and lvl26 then lvl26 else na;
def up26 = if iskey26 and lvl27 then lvl27 else na;
def up27 = if iskey27 and lvl28 then lvl28 else na;
def up28 = if iskey28 and lvl29 then lvl29 else na;
def up29 = if iskey29 and lvl30 then lvl30 else na;
def up30 = if iskey30 and lvl31 then lvl31 else na;
def up31 = if iskey31 and lvl32 then lvl32 else na;
def up32 = if iskey32 and lvl33 then lvl33 else na;
def up33 = if iskey33 and lvl34 then lvl34 else na;
def up34 = if iskey34 and lvl35 then lvl35 else na;
def up35 = if iskey35 and lvl36 then lvl36 else na;
def up36 = if iskey36 and lvl37 then lvl37 else na;
def up37 = if iskey37 and lvl38 then lvl38 else na;
def up38 = if iskey38 and lvl39 then lvl39 else na;
def up39 = if iskey39 and lvl40 then lvl40 else na;
def up40 = if iskey40 and lvl41 then lvl41 else na;
def up41 = if iskey41 and lvl42 then lvl42 else na;
def up42 = if iskey42 and lvl43 then lvl43 else na;
def up43 = if iskey43 and lvl44 then lvl44 else na;
def up44 = if iskey44 and lvl45 then lvl45 else na;
def up45 = if iskey45 and lvl46 then lvl46 else na;
def up46 = if iskey46 and lvl47 then lvl47 else na;
def up47 = if iskey47 and lvl48 then lvl48 else na;
def up48 = if iskey48 and lvl49 then lvl49 else na;
def up49 = if iskey49 and lvl50 then lvl50 else na;
def dn00 = if iskey00 and lvl00 then lvl00 else na;
def dn01 = if iskey01 and lvl01 then lvl01 else na;
def dn02 = if iskey02 and lvl02 then lvl02 else na;
def dn03 = if iskey03 and lvl03 then lvl03 else na;
def dn04 = if iskey04 and lvl04 then lvl04 else na;
def dn05 = if iskey05 and lvl05 then lvl05 else na;
def dn06 = if iskey06 and lvl06 then lvl06 else na;
def dn07 = if iskey07 and lvl07 then lvl07 else na;
def dn08 = if iskey08 and lvl08 then lvl08 else na;
def dn09 = if iskey09 and lvl09 then lvl09 else na;
def dn10 = if iskey10 and lvl10 then lvl10 else na;
def dn11 = if iskey11 and lvl11 then lvl11 else na;
def dn12 = if iskey12 and lvl12 then lvl12 else na;
def dn13 = if iskey13 and lvl13 then lvl13 else na;
def dn14 = if iskey14 and lvl14 then lvl14 else na;
def dn15 = if iskey15 and lvl15 then lvl15 else na;
def dn16 = if iskey16 and lvl16 then lvl16 else na;
def dn17 = if iskey17 and lvl17 then lvl17 else na;
def dn18 = if iskey18 and lvl18 then lvl18 else na;
def dn19 = if iskey19 and lvl19 then lvl19 else na;
def dn20 = if iskey20 and lvl20 then lvl20 else na;
def dn21 = if iskey21 and lvl21 then lvl21 else na;
def dn22 = if iskey22 and lvl22 then lvl22 else na;
def dn23 = if iskey23 and lvl23 then lvl23 else na;
def dn24 = if iskey24 and lvl24 then lvl24 else na;
def dn25 = if iskey25 and lvl25 then lvl25 else na;
def dn26 = if iskey26 and lvl26 then lvl26 else na;
def dn27 = if iskey27 and lvl27 then lvl27 else na;
def dn28 = if iskey28 and lvl28 then lvl28 else na;
def dn29 = if iskey29 and lvl29 then lvl29 else na;
def dn30 = if iskey30 and lvl30 then lvl30 else na;
def dn31 = if iskey31 and lvl31 then lvl31 else na;
def dn32 = if iskey32 and lvl32 then lvl32 else na;
def dn33 = if iskey33 and lvl33 then lvl33 else na;
def dn34 = if iskey34 and lvl34 then lvl34 else na;
def dn35 = if iskey35 and lvl35 then lvl35 else na;
def dn36 = if iskey36 and lvl36 then lvl36 else na;
def dn37 = if iskey37 and lvl37 then lvl37 else na;
def dn38 = if iskey38 and lvl38 then lvl38 else na;
def dn39 = if iskey39 and lvl39 then lvl39 else na;
def dn40 = if iskey40 and lvl40 then lvl40 else na;
def dn41 = if iskey41 and lvl41 then lvl41 else na;
def dn42 = if iskey42 and lvl42 then lvl42 else na;
def dn43 = if iskey43 and lvl43 then lvl43 else na;
def dn44 = if iskey44 and lvl44 then lvl44 else na;
def dn45 = if iskey45 and lvl45 then lvl45 else na;
def dn46 = if iskey46 and lvl46 then lvl46 else na;
def dn47 = if iskey47 and lvl47 then lvl47 else na;
def dn48 = if iskey48 and lvl48 then lvl48 else na;
def dn49 = if iskey49 and lvl49 then lvl49 else na;

def cond00 = if close > up00 then 1 else
             if close < dn00 then 0 else cond00[1];
def cond01 = if close > up01 then 1 else
             if close < dn01 then 0 else cond01[1];
def cond02 = if close > up02 then 1 else
             if close < dn02 then 0 else cond02[1];
def cond03 = if close > up03 then 1 else
             if close < dn03 then 0 else cond03[1];
def cond04 = if close > up04 then 1 else
             if close < dn04 then 0 else cond04[1];
def cond05 = if close > up05 then 1 else
             if close < dn05 then 0 else cond05[1];
def cond06 = if close > up06 then 1 else
             if close < dn06 then 0 else cond06[1];
def cond07 = if close > up07 then 1 else
             if close < dn07 then 0 else cond07[1];
def cond08 = if close > up08 then 1 else
             if close < dn08 then 0 else cond08[1];
def cond09 = if close > up09 then 1 else
             if close < dn09 then 0 else cond09[1];
def cond10 = if close > up10 then 1 else
             if close < dn10 then 0 else cond10[1];
def cond11 = if close > up11 then 1 else
             if close < dn11 then 0 else cond11[1];
def cond12 = if close > up12 then 1 else
             if close < dn12 then 0 else cond12[1];
def cond13 = if close > up13 then 1 else
             if close < dn13 then 0 else cond13[1];
def cond14 = if close > up14 then 1 else
             if close < dn14 then 0 else cond14[1];
def cond15 = if close > up15 then 1 else
             if close < dn15 then 0 else cond15[1];
def cond16 = if close > up16 then 1 else
             if close < dn16 then 0 else cond16[1];
def cond17 = if close > up17 then 1 else
             if close < dn17 then 0 else cond17[1];
def cond18 = if close > up18 then 1 else
             if close < dn18 then 0 else cond18[1];
def cond19 = if close > up19 then 1 else
             if close < dn19 then 0 else cond19[1];
def cond20 = if close > up20 then 1 else
             if close < dn20 then 0 else cond20[1];
def cond21 = if close > up21 then 1 else
             if close < dn21 then 0 else cond21[1];
def cond22 = if close > up22 then 1 else
             if close < dn22 then 0 else cond22[1];
def cond23 = if close > up23 then 1 else
             if close < dn23 then 0 else cond23[1];
def cond24 = if close > up24 then 1 else
             if close < dn24 then 0 else cond24[1];
def cond25 = if close > up25 then 1 else
             if close < dn25 then 0 else cond25[1];
def cond26 = if close > up26 then 1 else
             if close < dn26 then 0 else cond26[1];
def cond27 = if close > up27 then 1 else
             if close < dn27 then 0 else cond27[1];
def cond28 = if close > up28 then 1 else
             if close < dn28 then 0 else cond28[1];
def cond29 = if close > up29 then 1 else
             if close < dn29 then 0 else cond29[1];
def cond30 = if close > up30 then 1 else
             if close < dn30 then 0 else cond30[1];
def cond31 = if close > up31 then 1 else
             if close < dn31 then 0 else cond31[1];
def cond32 = if close > up32 then 1 else
             if close < dn32 then 0 else cond32[1];
def cond33 = if close > up33 then 1 else
             if close < dn33 then 0 else cond33[1];
def cond34 = if close > up34 then 1 else
             if close < dn34 then 0 else cond34[1];
def cond35 = if close > up35 then 1 else
             if close < dn35 then 0 else cond35[1];
def cond36 = if close > up36 then 1 else
             if close < dn36 then 0 else cond36[1];
def cond37 = if close > up37 then 1 else
             if close < dn37 then 0 else cond37[1];
def cond38 = if close > up38 then 1 else
             if close < dn38 then 0 else cond38[1];
def cond39 = if close > up39 then 1 else
             if close < dn39 then 0 else cond39[1];
def cond40 = if close > up40 then 1 else
             if close < dn40 then 0 else cond40[1];
def cond41 = if close > up41 then 1 else
             if close < dn41 then 0 else cond41[1];
def cond42 = if close > up42 then 1 else
             if close < dn42 then 0 else cond42[1];
def cond43 = if close > up43 then 1 else
             if close < dn43 then 0 else cond43[1];
def cond44 = if close > up44 then 1 else
             if close < dn44 then 0 else cond44[1];
def cond45 = if close > up45 then 1 else
             if close < dn45 then 0 else cond45[1];
def cond46 = if close > up46 then 1 else
             if close < dn46 then 0 else cond46[1];
def cond47 = if close > up47 then 1 else
             if close < dn47 then 0 else cond47[1];
def cond48 = if close > up48 then 1 else
             if close < dn48 then 0 else cond48[1];
def cond49 = if close > up49 then 1 else
             if close < dn49 then 0 else cond49[1];

def last = !isNaN(close);
def con00 = if sartCond and last then cond00 else na;
def con01 = if sartCond and last then cond01 else na;
def con02 = if sartCond and last then cond02 else na;
def con03 = if sartCond and last then cond03 else na;
def con04 = if sartCond and last then cond04 else na;
def con05 = if sartCond and last then cond05 else na;
def con06 = if sartCond and last then cond06 else na;
def con07 = if sartCond and last then cond07 else na;
def con08 = if sartCond and last then cond08 else na;
def con09 = if sartCond and last then cond09 else na;
def con10 = if sartCond and last then cond10 else na;
def con11 = if sartCond and last then cond11 else na;
def con12 = if sartCond and last then cond12 else na;
def con13 = if sartCond and last then cond13 else na;
def con14 = if sartCond and last then cond14 else na;
def con15 = if sartCond and last then cond15 else na;
def con16 = if sartCond and last then cond16 else na;
def con17 = if sartCond and last then cond17 else na;
def con18 = if sartCond and last then cond18 else na;
def con19 = if sartCond and last then cond19 else na;
def con20 = if sartCond and last then cond20 else na;
def con21 = if sartCond and last then cond21 else na;
def con22 = if sartCond and last then cond22 else na;
def con23 = if sartCond and last then cond23 else na;
def con24 = if sartCond and last then cond24 else na;
def con25 = if sartCond and last then cond25 else na;
def con26 = if sartCond and last then cond26 else na;
def con27 = if sartCond and last then cond27 else na;
def con28 = if sartCond and last then cond28 else na;
def con29 = if sartCond and last then cond29 else na;
def con30 = if sartCond and last then cond30 else na;
def con31 = if sartCond and last then cond31 else na;
def con32 = if sartCond and last then cond32 else na;
def con33 = if sartCond and last then cond33 else na;
def con34 = if sartCond and last then cond34 else na;
def con35 = if sartCond and last then cond35 else na;
def con36 = if sartCond and last then cond36 else na;
def con37 = if sartCond and last then cond37 else na;
def con38 = if sartCond and last then cond38 else na;
def con39 = if sartCond and last then cond39 else na;
def con40 = if sartCond and last then cond40 else na;
def con41 = if sartCond and last then cond41 else na;
def con42 = if sartCond and last then cond42 else na;
def con43 = if sartCond and last then cond43 else na;
def con44 = if sartCond and last then cond44 else na;
def con45 = if sartCond and last then cond45 else na;
def con46 = if sartCond and last then cond46 else na;
def con47 = if sartCond and last then cond47 else na;
def con48 = if sartCond and last then cond48 else na;
def con49 = if sartCond and last then cond49 else na;

def level00 = if !isNaN(con00) then if con00 then up00 else dn00 else na;
def level01 = if !isNaN(con01) then if con01 then up01 else dn01 else na;
def level02 = if !isNaN(con02) then if con02 then up02 else dn02 else na;
def level03 = if !isNaN(con03) then if con03 then up03 else dn03 else na;
def level04 = if !isNaN(con04) then if con04 then up04 else dn04 else na;
def level05 = if !isNaN(con05) then if con05 then up05 else dn05 else na;
def level06 = if !isNaN(con06) then if con06 then up06 else dn06 else na;
def level07 = if !isNaN(con07) then if con07 then up07 else dn07 else na;
def level08 = if !isNaN(con08) then if con08 then up08 else dn08 else na;
def level09 = if !isNaN(con09) then if con09 then up09 else dn09 else na;
def level10 = if !isNaN(con10) then if con10 then up10 else dn10 else na;
def level11 = if !isNaN(con11) then if con11 then up11 else dn11 else na;
def level12 = if !isNaN(con12) then if con12 then up12 else dn12 else na;
def level13 = if !isNaN(con13) then if con13 then up13 else dn13 else na;
def level14 = if !isNaN(con14) then if con14 then up14 else dn14 else na;
def level15 = if !isNaN(con15) then if con15 then up15 else dn15 else na;
def level16 = if !isNaN(con16) then if con16 then up16 else dn16 else na;
def level17 = if !isNaN(con17) then if con17 then up17 else dn17 else na;
def level18 = if !isNaN(con18) then if con18 then up18 else dn18 else na;
def level19 = if !isNaN(con19) then if con19 then up19 else dn19 else na;
def level20 = if !isNaN(con20) then if con20 then up20 else dn20 else na;
def level21 = if !isNaN(con21) then if con21 then up21 else dn21 else na;
def level22 = if !isNaN(con22) then if con22 then up22 else dn22 else na;
def level23 = if !isNaN(con23) then if con23 then up23 else dn23 else na;
def level24 = if !isNaN(con24) then if con24 then up24 else dn24 else na;
def level25 = if !isNaN(con25) then if con25 then up25 else dn25 else na;
def level26 = if !isNaN(con26) then if con26 then up26 else dn26 else na;
def level27 = if !isNaN(con27) then if con27 then up27 else dn27 else na;
def level28 = if !isNaN(con28) then if con28 then up28 else dn28 else na;
def level29 = if !isNaN(con29) then if con29 then up29 else dn29 else na;
def level30 = if !isNaN(con30) then if con30 then up30 else dn30 else na;
def level31 = if !isNaN(con31) then if con31 then up31 else dn31 else na;
def level32 = if !isNaN(con32) then if con32 then up32 else dn32 else na;
def level33 = if !isNaN(con33) then if con33 then up33 else dn33 else na;
def level34 = if !isNaN(con34) then if con34 then up34 else dn34 else na;
def level35 = if !isNaN(con35) then if con35 then up35 else dn35 else na;
def level36 = if !isNaN(con36) then if con36 then up36 else dn36 else na;
def level37 = if !isNaN(con37) then if con37 then up37 else dn37 else na;
def level38 = if !isNaN(con38) then if con38 then up38 else dn38 else na;
def level39 = if !isNaN(con39) then if con39 then up39 else dn39 else na;
def level40 = if !isNaN(con40) then if con40 then up40 else dn40 else na;
def level41 = if !isNaN(con41) then if con41 then up41 else dn41 else na;
def level42 = if !isNaN(con42) then if con42 then up42 else dn42 else na;
def level43 = if !isNaN(con43) then if con43 then up43 else dn43 else na;
def level44 = if !isNaN(con44) then if con44 then up44 else dn44 else na;
def level45 = if !isNaN(con45) then if con45 then up45 else dn45 else na;
def level46 = if !isNaN(con46) then if con46 then up46 else dn46 else na;
def level47 = if !isNaN(con47) then if con47 then up47 else dn47 else na;
def level48 = if !isNaN(con48) then if con48 then up48 else dn48 else na;
def level49 = if !isNaN(con49) then if con49 then up49 else dn49 else na;

AddCloud(level00, if con00 then dn00 else up00, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level01, if con01 then dn01 else up01, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level02, if con02 then dn02 else up02, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level03, if con03 then dn03 else up03, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level04, if con04 then dn04 else up04, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level05, if con05 then dn05 else up05, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level06, if con06 then dn06 else up06, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level07, if con07 then dn07 else up07, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level08, if con08 then dn08 else up08, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level09, if con09 then dn09 else up09, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level10, if con10 then dn10 else up10, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level11, if con11 then dn11 else up11, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level12, if con12 then dn12 else up12, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level13, if con13 then dn13 else up13, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level14, if con14 then dn14 else up14, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level15, if con15 then dn15 else up15, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level16, if con16 then dn16 else up16, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level17, if con17 then dn17 else up17, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level18, if con18 then dn18 else up18, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level19, if con19 then dn19 else up19, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level20, if con20 then dn20 else up20, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level21, if con21 then dn21 else up21, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level22, if con22 then dn22 else up22, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level23, if con23 then dn23 else up23, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level24, if con24 then dn24 else up24, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level25, if con25 then dn25 else up25, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level26, if con26 then dn26 else up26, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level27, if con27 then dn27 else up27, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level28, if con28 then dn28 else up28, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level29, if con29 then dn29 else up29, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level30, if con30 then dn30 else up30, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level31, if con31 then dn31 else up31, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level32, if con32 then dn32 else up32, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level33, if con33 then dn33 else up33, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level34, if con34 then dn34 else up34, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level35, if con35 then dn35 else up35, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level36, if con36 then dn36 else up36, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level37, if con37 then dn37 else up37, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level38, if con38 then dn38 else up38, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level39, if con39 then dn39 else up39, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level40, if con40 then dn40 else up40, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level41, if con41 then dn41 else up41, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level42, if con42 then dn42 else up42, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level43, if con43 then dn43 else up43, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level44, if con44 then dn44 else up44, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level45, if con45 then dn45 else up45, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level46, if con46 then dn46 else up46, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level47, if con47 then dn47 else up47, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level48, if con48 then dn48 else up48, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level49, if con49 then dn49 else up49, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);

#-- Labels

def start = if !isNaN(hh) then start[1] + 1 else 0;
def center = (bar == highestAll(bar- floor(highestAll(start)/2)));

def loc;
Switch (labelOptions) {
Case "Left" :
    loc = !isNaN(hh) and isNaN(hh[1]);
Case "Right" :
    loc = isNaN(hh) and !isNaN(hh[1]);
Case "Don't Show" :
    loc = no;
Default :
    loc = center;

AddChartBubble(loc, (up00 + dn00) / 2, AsPercent(lab00), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up01 + dn01) / 2, AsPercent(lab01), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up02 + dn02) / 2, AsPercent(lab02), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up03 + dn03) / 2, AsPercent(lab03), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up04 + dn04) / 2, AsPercent(lab04), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up05 + dn05) / 2, AsPercent(lab05), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up06 + dn06) / 2, AsPercent(lab06), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up07 + dn07) / 2, AsPercent(lab07), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up08 + dn08) / 2, AsPercent(lab08), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up09 + dn09) / 2, AsPercent(lab09), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up10 + dn10) / 2, AsPercent(lab10), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up11 + dn11) / 2, AsPercent(lab11), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up12 + dn12) / 2, AsPercent(lab12), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up13 + dn13) / 2, AsPercent(lab13), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up14 + dn14) / 2, AsPercent(lab14), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up15 + dn15) / 2, AsPercent(lab15), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up16 + dn16) / 2, AsPercent(lab16), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up17 + dn17) / 2, AsPercent(lab17), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up18 + dn18) / 2, AsPercent(lab18), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up19 + dn19) / 2, AsPercent(lab19), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up20 + dn20) / 2, AsPercent(lab20), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up21 + dn21) / 2, AsPercent(lab21), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up22 + dn22) / 2, AsPercent(lab22), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up23 + dn23) / 2, AsPercent(lab23), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up24 + dn24) / 2, AsPercent(lab24), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up25 + dn25) / 2, AsPercent(lab25), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up26 + dn26) / 2, AsPercent(lab26), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up27 + dn27) / 2, AsPercent(lab27), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up28 + dn28) / 2, AsPercent(lab28), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up29 + dn29) / 2, AsPercent(lab29), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up30 + dn30) / 2, AsPercent(lab30), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up31 + dn31) / 2, AsPercent(lab31), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up32 + dn32) / 2, AsPercent(lab32), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up33 + dn33) / 2, AsPercent(lab33), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up34 + dn34) / 2, AsPercent(lab34), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up35 + dn35) / 2, AsPercent(lab35), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up36 + dn36) / 2, AsPercent(lab36), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up37 + dn37) / 2, AsPercent(lab37), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up38 + dn38) / 2, AsPercent(lab38), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up39 + dn39) / 2, AsPercent(lab39), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up40 + dn40) / 2, AsPercent(lab40), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up41 + dn41) / 2, AsPercent(lab41), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up42 + dn42) / 2, AsPercent(lab42), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up43 + dn43) / 2, AsPercent(lab43), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up44 + dn44) / 2, AsPercent(lab44), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up45 + dn45) / 2, AsPercent(lab45), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up46 + dn46) / 2, AsPercent(lab46), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up47 + dn47) / 2, AsPercent(lab47), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up48 + dn48) / 2, AsPercent(lab48), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up49 + dn49) / 2, AsPercent(lab49), Color.WHITE);

#-- END of CODE

# Indicator For TOS
# @AlgoAlpha
#indicator("Dynamic Supply and Demand Zones [AlgoAlpha]", "AlgoAlpha - 📦Dynamic Supply/Demand",
#Hint dynamic: If true, the indicator adjusts its lookback such that it considers data from the previous major pivot point to present.
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800 - 11/2024 - Not Exact conv.
# Updated Label Location - Sam4Cok@Samer800 - 11/2024

input labelOptions = {"Left", "Right", Default "Center", "Don't Show"};
input dynamic = yes; # "Use Dynamic Look-Back"
input lookback = 200;
input Resolution = 40; #, "Resolution"
input ZoneTolerance = 0.93; #,"Zone Tolerance",toolti

def na = Double.NaN;
def last = isNaN(close);
def n = if BarNumber() < 1 then 1 else BarNumber();
def bar = if !last then n else Bar[1];
def res = Min(Max(Resolution, 1), 50);
def zone = Min(Max(ZoneTolerance, 0.01), 1);
Script Pivot {
    input series    = close;
    input leftBars  = 10;
    input rightBars = 10;
    input isHigh = yes;
    def na = Double.NaN;
    def HH = series == Highest(series, leftBars + 1);
    def LL = series == Lowest(series, leftBars + 1);
    def pivotRange = (leftBars + rightBars + 1);
    def leftEdgeValue = if series[pivotRange] ==0 then na else series[pivotRange];
    def pvtCond = !isNaN(series) and leftBars > 0 and rightBars > 0 and !isNaN(leftEdgeValue);
    def barIndexH = if pvtCond then
                    fold i = 1 to rightBars + 1 with p=1 while p do
                    series > GetValue(series, - i) else na;
    def barIndexL = if pvtCond then
                    fold j = 1 to rightBars + 1 with q=1 while q do
                    series < GetValue(series, - j) else na;
    def PivotPoint;
if isHigh {
    PivotPoint = if HH and barIndexH then series else na;
    } else {
    PivotPoint = if LL and barIndexL then series else na;
    plot pvt = PivotPoint;
def ph = pivot(high[lookback], lookback, lookback, yes);
def pl = pivot(low[lookback], lookback, lookback, no);
def nPh = !isNaN(ph);
def nPl = !isNaN(pl);
def x1 = if (nPh or nPl) then lookback else x1[1] + 1;
def x = if x1 > lookback then x1 else lookback;
def len1 = if dynamic then x else lookback;
def sartCond = bar >= highestAll(bar - len1);
def highs = if sartCond then Max(highs[1], high) else highs[1];
def lows  = if sartCond then Min(if(lows[1], lows[1], low), low) else lows[1];
def maxx = highestAll(InertiaAll(highs, 2));
def minn = highestAll(InertiaAll(lows, 2));
def step = (maxx - minn) / res;

plot hh = if sartCond and !last then maxx else na;
plot ll = if sartCond and !last then minn else na;


AddCloud(hh, ll, CreateColor(26,26,26));

def lvl00 = minn;
def lvl01 = if res < 1 then na else minn + ((01)*step);
def lvl02 = if res < 2 then na else minn + ((02)*step);
def lvl03 = if res < 3 then na else minn + ((03)*step);
def lvl04 = if res < 4 then na else minn + ((04)*step);
def lvl05 = if res < 5 then na else minn + ((05)*step);
def lvl06 = if res < 6 then na else minn + ((06)*step);
def lvl07 = if res < 7 then na else minn + ((07)*step);
def lvl08 = if res < 8 then na else minn + ((08)*step);
def lvl09 = if res < 9 then na else minn + ((09)*step);
def lvl10 = if res < 10 then na else minn + ((10)*step);
def lvl11 = if res < 11 then na else minn + ((11)*step);
def lvl12 = if res < 12 then na else minn + ((12)*step);
def lvl13 = if res < 13 then na else minn + ((13)*step);
def lvl14 = if res < 14 then na else minn + ((14)*step);
def lvl15 = if res < 15 then na else minn + ((15)*step);
def lvl16 = if res < 16 then na else minn + ((16)*step);
def lvl17 = if res < 17 then na else minn + ((17)*step);
def lvl18 = if res < 18 then na else minn + ((18)*step);
def lvl19 = if res < 19 then na else minn + ((19)*step);
def lvl20 = if res < 20 then na else minn + ((20)*step);
def lvl21 = if res < 21 then na else minn + ((21)*step);
def lvl22 = if res < 22 then na else minn + ((22)*step);
def lvl23 = if res < 23 then na else minn + ((23)*step);
def lvl24 = if res < 24 then na else minn + ((24)*step);
def lvl25 = if res < 25 then na else minn + ((25)*step);
def lvl26 = if res < 26 then na else minn + ((26)*step);
def lvl27 = if res < 27 then na else minn + ((27)*step);
def lvl28 = if res < 28 then na else minn + ((28)*step);
def lvl29 = if res < 29 then na else minn + ((29)*step);
def lvl30 = if res < 30 then na else minn + ((30)*step);
def lvl31 = if res < 31 then na else minn + ((31)*step);
def lvl32 = if res < 32 then na else minn + ((32)*step);
def lvl33 = if res < 33 then na else minn + ((33)*step);
def lvl34 = if res < 34 then na else minn + ((34)*step);
def lvl35 = if res < 35 then na else minn + ((35)*step);
def lvl36 = if res < 36 then na else minn + ((36)*step);
def lvl37 = if res < 37 then na else minn + ((37)*step);
def lvl38 = if res < 38 then na else minn + ((38)*step);
def lvl39 = if res < 39 then na else minn + ((39)*step);
def lvl40 = if res < 40 then na else minn + ((40)*step);
def lvl41 = if res < 41 then na else minn + ((41)*step);
def lvl42 = if res < 42 then na else minn + ((42)*step);
def lvl43 = if res < 43 then na else minn + ((43)*step);
def lvl44 = if res < 44 then na else minn + ((44)*step);
def lvl45 = if res < 45 then na else minn + ((45)*step);
def lvl46 = if res < 46 then na else minn + ((46)*step);
def lvl47 = if res < 47 then na else minn + ((47)*step);
def lvl48 = if res < 48 then na else minn + ((48)*step);
def lvl49 = if res < 49 then na else minn + ((49)*step);
def lvl50 = if res < 50 then na else minn + ((50)*step);

#Script nz {
#input src = close;
#    def nzL = if isNaN(src) then 0 else src;
#    plot out = highestAll(inertiaAll(nzL, 2));
Script vol {
input lvl1 = low;
input lvl2 = high;
input len    = 1;
    def x = if isNaN(len) then 1 else len;
    def bin0 = fold i = 0 to x with p=1 do
         p + (if !(GetValue(low,i)>lvl1 or GetValue(high,i)<lvl2) then GetValue(volume,i) else 0);
    def nzL = if isNaN(bin0) then 1 else bin0;
    def bin = highestAll(inertiaAll(nzL, 2));
    plot out = bin;

def bin00 = vol(lvl01, lvl00, x);
def bin01 = vol(lvl02, lvl01, x);
def bin02 = vol(lvl03, lvl02, x);
def bin03 = vol(lvl04, lvl03, x);
def bin04 = vol(lvl05, lvl04, x);
def bin05 = vol(lvl06, lvl05, x);
def bin06 = vol(lvl07, lvl06, x);
def bin07 = vol(lvl08, lvl07, x);
def bin08 = vol(lvl09, lvl08, x);
def bin09 = vol(lvl10, lvl09, x);
def bin10 = vol(lvl11, lvl10, x);
def bin11 = vol(lvl12, lvl11, x);
def bin12 = vol(lvl13, lvl12, x);
def bin13 = vol(lvl14, lvl13, x);
def bin14 = vol(lvl15, lvl14, x);
def bin15 = vol(lvl16, lvl15, x);
def bin16 = vol(lvl17, lvl16, x);
def bin17 = vol(lvl18, lvl17, x);
def bin18 = vol(lvl19, lvl18, x);
def bin19 = vol(lvl20, lvl19, x);
def bin20 = vol(lvl21, lvl20, x);
def bin21 = vol(lvl22, lvl21, x);
def bin22 = vol(lvl23, lvl22, x);
def bin23 = vol(lvl24, lvl23, x);
def bin24 = vol(lvl25, lvl24, x);
def bin25 = vol(lvl26, lvl25, x);
def bin26 = vol(lvl27, lvl26, x);
def bin27 = vol(lvl28, lvl27, x);
def bin28 = vol(lvl29, lvl28, x);
def bin29 = vol(lvl30, lvl29, x);
def bin30 = vol(lvl31, lvl30, x);
def bin31 = vol(lvl32, lvl31, x);
def bin32 = vol(lvl33, lvl32, x);
def bin33 = vol(lvl34, lvl33, x);
def bin34 = vol(lvl35, lvl34, x);
def bin35 = vol(lvl36, lvl35, x);
def bin36 = vol(lvl37, lvl36, x);
def bin37 = vol(lvl38, lvl37, x);
def bin38 = vol(lvl39, lvl38, x);
def bin39 = vol(lvl40, lvl39, x);
def bin40 = vol(lvl41, lvl40, x);
def bin41 = vol(lvl42, lvl41, x);
def bin42 = vol(lvl43, lvl42, x);
def bin43 = vol(lvl44, lvl43, x);
def bin44 = vol(lvl45, lvl44, x);
def bin45 = vol(lvl46, lvl45, x);
def bin46 = vol(lvl47, lvl46, x);
def bin47 = vol(lvl48, lvl47, x);
def bin48 = vol(lvl49, lvl48, x);
def bin49 = vol(lvl50, lvl49, x);

def iskey00 = (bin00 < bin01*zone);
def iskey01 = (bin01 < bin00*zone) and (if res == 2 then yes else bin01 < bin02*zone);
def iskey02 = (bin02 < bin01*zone) and (if res == 3 then yes else bin02 < bin03*zone);
def iskey03 = (bin03 < bin02*zone) and (if res == 4 then yes else bin03 < bin04*zone);
def iskey04 = (bin04 < bin03*zone) and (if res == 5 then yes else bin04 < bin05*zone);
def iskey05 = (bin05 < bin04*zone) and (if res == 6 then yes else bin05 < bin06*zone);
def iskey06 = (bin06 < bin05*zone) and (if res == 7 then yes else bin06 < bin07*zone);
def iskey07 = (bin07 < bin06*zone) and (if res == 8 then yes else bin07 < bin08*zone);
def iskey08 = (bin08 < bin07*zone) and (if res == 9 then yes else bin08 < bin09*zone);
def iskey09 = (bin09 < bin08*zone) and (if res == 10 then yes else bin09 < bin10*zone);
def iskey10 = (bin10 < bin09*zone) and (if res == 11 then yes else bin10 < bin11*zone);
def iskey11 = (bin11 < bin10*zone) and (if res == 12 then yes else bin11 < bin12*zone);
def iskey12 = (bin12 < bin11*zone) and (if res == 13 then yes else bin12 < bin13*zone);
def iskey13 = (bin13 < bin12*zone) and (if res == 14 then yes else bin13 < bin14*zone);
def iskey14 = (bin14 < bin13*zone) and (if res == 15 then yes else bin14 < bin15*zone);
def iskey15 = (bin15 < bin14*zone) and (if res == 16 then yes else bin15 < bin16*zone);
def iskey16 = (bin16 < bin15*zone) and (if res == 17 then yes else bin16 < bin17*zone);
def iskey17 = (bin17 < bin16*zone) and (if res == 18 then yes else bin17 < bin18*zone);
def iskey18 = (bin18 < bin17*zone) and (if res == 19 then yes else bin18 < bin19*zone);
def iskey19 = (bin19 < bin18*zone) and (if res == 20 then yes else bin19 < bin20*zone);
def iskey20 = (bin20 < bin19*zone) and (if res == 21 then yes else bin20 < bin21*zone);
def iskey21 = (bin21 < bin20*zone) and (if res == 22 then yes else bin21 < bin22*zone);
def iskey22 = (bin22 < bin21*zone) and (if res == 23 then yes else bin22 < bin23*zone);
def iskey23 = (bin23 < bin22*zone) and (if res == 24 then yes else bin23 < bin24*zone);
def iskey24 = (bin24 < bin23*zone) and (if res == 25 then yes else bin24 < bin25*zone);
def iskey25 = (bin25 < bin24*zone) and (if res == 26 then yes else bin25 < bin26*zone);
def iskey26 = (bin26 < bin25*zone) and (if res == 27 then yes else bin26 < bin27*zone);
def iskey27 = (bin27 < bin26*zone) and (if res == 28 then yes else bin27 < bin28*zone);
def iskey28 = (bin28 < bin27*zone) and (if res == 29 then yes else bin28 < bin29*zone);
def iskey29 = (bin29 < bin28*zone) and (if res == 30 then yes else bin29 < bin30*zone);
def iskey30 = (bin30 < bin29*zone) and (if res == 31 then yes else bin30 < bin31*zone);
def iskey31 = (bin31 < bin30*zone) and (if res == 32 then yes else bin31 < bin32*zone);
def iskey32 = (bin32 < bin31*zone) and (if res == 33 then yes else bin32 < bin33*zone);
def iskey33 = (bin33 < bin32*zone) and (if res == 34 then yes else bin33 < bin34*zone);
def iskey34 = (bin34 < bin33*zone) and (if res == 35 then yes else bin34 < bin35*zone);
def iskey35 = (bin35 < bin34*zone) and (if res == 36 then yes else bin35 < bin36*zone);
def iskey36 = (bin36 < bin35*zone) and (if res == 37 then yes else bin36 < bin37*zone);
def iskey37 = (bin37 < bin36*zone) and (if res == 38 then yes else bin37 < bin38*zone);
def iskey38 = (bin38 < bin37*zone) and (if res == 39 then yes else bin38 < bin39*zone);
def iskey39 = (bin39 < bin38*zone) and (if res == 40 then yes else bin39 < bin40*zone);
def iskey40 = (bin40 < bin39*zone) and (if res == 41 then yes else bin40 < bin41*zone);
def iskey41 = (bin41 < bin40*zone) and (if res == 42 then yes else bin41 < bin42*zone);
def iskey42 = (bin42 < bin41*zone) and (if res == 43 then yes else bin42 < bin43*zone);
def iskey43 = (bin43 < bin42*zone) and (if res == 44 then yes else bin43 < bin44*zone);
def iskey44 = (bin44 < bin43*zone) and (if res == 45 then yes else bin44 < bin45*zone);
def iskey45 = (bin45 < bin44*zone) and (if res == 46 then yes else bin45 < bin46*zone);
def iskey46 = (bin46 < bin45*zone) and (if res == 47 then yes else bin46 < bin47*zone);
def iskey47 = (bin47 < bin46*zone) and (if res == 48 then yes else bin47 < bin48*zone);
def iskey48 = (bin48 < bin47*zone) and (if res == 49 then yes else bin48 < bin49*zone);
def iskey49 = (bin49 < bin48*zone);

def up00 = if iskey00 and lvl01 then lvl01 else na;
def up01 = if iskey01 and lvl02 then lvl02 else na;
def up02 = if iskey02 and lvl03 then lvl03 else na;
def up03 = if iskey03 and lvl04 then lvl04 else na;
def up04 = if iskey04 and lvl05 then lvl05 else na;
def up05 = if iskey05 and lvl06 then lvl06 else na;
def up06 = if iskey06 and lvl07 then lvl07 else na;
def up07 = if iskey07 and lvl08 then lvl08 else na;
def up08 = if iskey08 and lvl09 then lvl09 else na;
def up09 = if iskey09 and lvl10 then lvl10 else na;
def up10 = if iskey10 and lvl11 then lvl11 else na;
def up11 = if iskey11 and lvl12 then lvl12 else na;
def up12 = if iskey12 and lvl13 then lvl13 else na;
def up13 = if iskey13 and lvl14 then lvl14 else na;
def up14 = if iskey14 and lvl15 then lvl15 else na;
def up15 = if iskey15 and lvl16 then lvl16 else na;
def up16 = if iskey16 and lvl17 then lvl17 else na;
def up17 = if iskey17 and lvl18 then lvl18 else na;
def up18 = if iskey18 and lvl19 then lvl19 else na;
def up19 = if iskey19 and lvl20 then lvl20 else na;
def up20 = if iskey20 and lvl21 then lvl21 else na;
def up21 = if iskey21 and lvl22 then lvl22 else na;
def up22 = if iskey22 and lvl23 then lvl23 else na;
def up23 = if iskey23 and lvl24 then lvl24 else na;
def up24 = if iskey24 and lvl25 then lvl25 else na;
def up25 = if iskey25 and lvl26 then lvl26 else na;
def up26 = if iskey26 and lvl27 then lvl27 else na;
def up27 = if iskey27 and lvl28 then lvl28 else na;
def up28 = if iskey28 and lvl29 then lvl29 else na;
def up29 = if iskey29 and lvl30 then lvl30 else na;
def up30 = if iskey30 and lvl31 then lvl31 else na;
def up31 = if iskey31 and lvl32 then lvl32 else na;
def up32 = if iskey32 and lvl33 then lvl33 else na;
def up33 = if iskey33 and lvl34 then lvl34 else na;
def up34 = if iskey34 and lvl35 then lvl35 else na;
def up35 = if iskey35 and lvl36 then lvl36 else na;
def up36 = if iskey36 and lvl37 then lvl37 else na;
def up37 = if iskey37 and lvl38 then lvl38 else na;
def up38 = if iskey38 and lvl39 then lvl39 else na;
def up39 = if iskey39 and lvl40 then lvl40 else na;
def up40 = if iskey40 and lvl41 then lvl41 else na;
def up41 = if iskey41 and lvl42 then lvl42 else na;
def up42 = if iskey42 and lvl43 then lvl43 else na;
def up43 = if iskey43 and lvl44 then lvl44 else na;
def up44 = if iskey44 and lvl45 then lvl45 else na;
def up45 = if iskey45 and lvl46 then lvl46 else na;
def up46 = if iskey46 and lvl47 then lvl47 else na;
def up47 = if iskey47 and lvl48 then lvl48 else na;
def up48 = if iskey48 and lvl49 then lvl49 else na;
def up49 = if iskey49 and lvl50 then lvl50 else na;
def dn00 = if iskey00 and lvl00 then lvl00 else na;
def dn01 = if iskey01 and lvl01 then lvl01 else na;
def dn02 = if iskey02 and lvl02 then lvl02 else na;
def dn03 = if iskey03 and lvl03 then lvl03 else na;
def dn04 = if iskey04 and lvl04 then lvl04 else na;
def dn05 = if iskey05 and lvl05 then lvl05 else na;
def dn06 = if iskey06 and lvl06 then lvl06 else na;
def dn07 = if iskey07 and lvl07 then lvl07 else na;
def dn08 = if iskey08 and lvl08 then lvl08 else na;
def dn09 = if iskey09 and lvl09 then lvl09 else na;
def dn10 = if iskey10 and lvl10 then lvl10 else na;
def dn11 = if iskey11 and lvl11 then lvl11 else na;
def dn12 = if iskey12 and lvl12 then lvl12 else na;
def dn13 = if iskey13 and lvl13 then lvl13 else na;
def dn14 = if iskey14 and lvl14 then lvl14 else na;
def dn15 = if iskey15 and lvl15 then lvl15 else na;
def dn16 = if iskey16 and lvl16 then lvl16 else na;
def dn17 = if iskey17 and lvl17 then lvl17 else na;
def dn18 = if iskey18 and lvl18 then lvl18 else na;
def dn19 = if iskey19 and lvl19 then lvl19 else na;
def dn20 = if iskey20 and lvl20 then lvl20 else na;
def dn21 = if iskey21 and lvl21 then lvl21 else na;
def dn22 = if iskey22 and lvl22 then lvl22 else na;
def dn23 = if iskey23 and lvl23 then lvl23 else na;
def dn24 = if iskey24 and lvl24 then lvl24 else na;
def dn25 = if iskey25 and lvl25 then lvl25 else na;
def dn26 = if iskey26 and lvl26 then lvl26 else na;
def dn27 = if iskey27 and lvl27 then lvl27 else na;
def dn28 = if iskey28 and lvl28 then lvl28 else na;
def dn29 = if iskey29 and lvl29 then lvl29 else na;
def dn30 = if iskey30 and lvl30 then lvl30 else na;
def dn31 = if iskey31 and lvl31 then lvl31 else na;
def dn32 = if iskey32 and lvl32 then lvl32 else na;
def dn33 = if iskey33 and lvl33 then lvl33 else na;
def dn34 = if iskey34 and lvl34 then lvl34 else na;
def dn35 = if iskey35 and lvl35 then lvl35 else na;
def dn36 = if iskey36 and lvl36 then lvl36 else na;
def dn37 = if iskey37 and lvl37 then lvl37 else na;
def dn38 = if iskey38 and lvl38 then lvl38 else na;
def dn39 = if iskey39 and lvl39 then lvl39 else na;
def dn40 = if iskey40 and lvl40 then lvl40 else na;
def dn41 = if iskey41 and lvl41 then lvl41 else na;
def dn42 = if iskey42 and lvl42 then lvl42 else na;
def dn43 = if iskey43 and lvl43 then lvl43 else na;
def dn44 = if iskey44 and lvl44 then lvl44 else na;
def dn45 = if iskey45 and lvl45 then lvl45 else na;
def dn46 = if iskey46 and lvl46 then lvl46 else na;
def dn47 = if iskey47 and lvl47 then lvl47 else na;
def dn48 = if iskey48 and lvl48 then lvl48 else na;
def dn49 = if iskey49 and lvl49 then lvl49 else na;

def cond00 = if close > up00 then 1 else
             if close < dn00 then 0 else cond00[1];
def cond01 = if close > up01 then 1 else
             if close < dn01 then 0 else cond01[1];
def cond02 = if close > up02 then 1 else
             if close < dn02 then 0 else cond02[1];
def cond03 = if close > up03 then 1 else
             if close < dn03 then 0 else cond03[1];
def cond04 = if close > up04 then 1 else
             if close < dn04 then 0 else cond04[1];
def cond05 = if close > up05 then 1 else
             if close < dn05 then 0 else cond05[1];
def cond06 = if close > up06 then 1 else
             if close < dn06 then 0 else cond06[1];
def cond07 = if close > up07 then 1 else
             if close < dn07 then 0 else cond07[1];
def cond08 = if close > up08 then 1 else
             if close < dn08 then 0 else cond08[1];
def cond09 = if close > up09 then 1 else
             if close < dn09 then 0 else cond09[1];
def cond10 = if close > up10 then 1 else
             if close < dn10 then 0 else cond10[1];
def cond11 = if close > up11 then 1 else
             if close < dn11 then 0 else cond11[1];
def cond12 = if close > up12 then 1 else
             if close < dn12 then 0 else cond12[1];
def cond13 = if close > up13 then 1 else
             if close < dn13 then 0 else cond13[1];
def cond14 = if close > up14 then 1 else
             if close < dn14 then 0 else cond14[1];
def cond15 = if close > up15 then 1 else
             if close < dn15 then 0 else cond15[1];
def cond16 = if close > up16 then 1 else
             if close < dn16 then 0 else cond16[1];
def cond17 = if close > up17 then 1 else
             if close < dn17 then 0 else cond17[1];
def cond18 = if close > up18 then 1 else
             if close < dn18 then 0 else cond18[1];
def cond19 = if close > up19 then 1 else
             if close < dn19 then 0 else cond19[1];
def cond20 = if close > up20 then 1 else
             if close < dn20 then 0 else cond20[1];
def cond21 = if close > up21 then 1 else
             if close < dn21 then 0 else cond21[1];
def cond22 = if close > up22 then 1 else
             if close < dn22 then 0 else cond22[1];
def cond23 = if close > up23 then 1 else
             if close < dn23 then 0 else cond23[1];
def cond24 = if close > up24 then 1 else
             if close < dn24 then 0 else cond24[1];
def cond25 = if close > up25 then 1 else
             if close < dn25 then 0 else cond25[1];
def cond26 = if close > up26 then 1 else
             if close < dn26 then 0 else cond26[1];
def cond27 = if close > up27 then 1 else
             if close < dn27 then 0 else cond27[1];
def cond28 = if close > up28 then 1 else
             if close < dn28 then 0 else cond28[1];
def cond29 = if close > up29 then 1 else
             if close < dn29 then 0 else cond29[1];
def cond30 = if close > up30 then 1 else
             if close < dn30 then 0 else cond30[1];
def cond31 = if close > up31 then 1 else
             if close < dn31 then 0 else cond31[1];
def cond32 = if close > up32 then 1 else
             if close < dn32 then 0 else cond32[1];
def cond33 = if close > up33 then 1 else
             if close < dn33 then 0 else cond33[1];
def cond34 = if close > up34 then 1 else
             if close < dn34 then 0 else cond34[1];
def cond35 = if close > up35 then 1 else
             if close < dn35 then 0 else cond35[1];
def cond36 = if close > up36 then 1 else
             if close < dn36 then 0 else cond36[1];
def cond37 = if close > up37 then 1 else
             if close < dn37 then 0 else cond37[1];
def cond38 = if close > up38 then 1 else
             if close < dn38 then 0 else cond38[1];
def cond39 = if close > up39 then 1 else
             if close < dn39 then 0 else cond39[1];
def cond40 = if close > up40 then 1 else
             if close < dn40 then 0 else cond40[1];
def cond41 = if close > up41 then 1 else
             if close < dn41 then 0 else cond41[1];
def cond42 = if close > up42 then 1 else
             if close < dn42 then 0 else cond42[1];
def cond43 = if close > up43 then 1 else
             if close < dn43 then 0 else cond43[1];
def cond44 = if close > up44 then 1 else
             if close < dn44 then 0 else cond44[1];
def cond45 = if close > up45 then 1 else
             if close < dn45 then 0 else cond45[1];
def cond46 = if close > up46 then 1 else
             if close < dn46 then 0 else cond46[1];
def cond47 = if close > up47 then 1 else
             if close < dn47 then 0 else cond47[1];
def cond48 = if close > up48 then 1 else
             if close < dn48 then 0 else cond48[1];
def cond49 = if close > up49 then 1 else
             if close < dn49 then 0 else cond49[1];

def con00 = if sartCond and !last then cond00 else na;
def con01 = if sartCond and !last then cond01 else na;
def con02 = if sartCond and !last then cond02 else na;
def con03 = if sartCond and !last then cond03 else na;
def con04 = if sartCond and !last then cond04 else na;
def con05 = if sartCond and !last then cond05 else na;
def con06 = if sartCond and !last then cond06 else na;
def con07 = if sartCond and !last then cond07 else na;
def con08 = if sartCond and !last then cond08 else na;
def con09 = if sartCond and !last then cond09 else na;
def con10 = if sartCond and !last then cond10 else na;
def con11 = if sartCond and !last then cond11 else na;
def con12 = if sartCond and !last then cond12 else na;
def con13 = if sartCond and !last then cond13 else na;
def con14 = if sartCond and !last then cond14 else na;
def con15 = if sartCond and !last then cond15 else na;
def con16 = if sartCond and !last then cond16 else na;
def con17 = if sartCond and !last then cond17 else na;
def con18 = if sartCond and !last then cond18 else na;
def con19 = if sartCond and !last then cond19 else na;
def con20 = if sartCond and !last then cond20 else na;
def con21 = if sartCond and !last then cond21 else na;
def con22 = if sartCond and !last then cond22 else na;
def con23 = if sartCond and !last then cond23 else na;
def con24 = if sartCond and !last then cond24 else na;
def con25 = if sartCond and !last then cond25 else na;
def con26 = if sartCond and !last then cond26 else na;
def con27 = if sartCond and !last then cond27 else na;
def con28 = if sartCond and !last then cond28 else na;
def con29 = if sartCond and !last then cond29 else na;
def con30 = if sartCond and !last then cond30 else na;
def con31 = if sartCond and !last then cond31 else na;
def con32 = if sartCond and !last then cond32 else na;
def con33 = if sartCond and !last then cond33 else na;
def con34 = if sartCond and !last then cond34 else na;
def con35 = if sartCond and !last then cond35 else na;
def con36 = if sartCond and !last then cond36 else na;
def con37 = if sartCond and !last then cond37 else na;
def con38 = if sartCond and !last then cond38 else na;
def con39 = if sartCond and !last then cond39 else na;
def con40 = if sartCond and !last then cond40 else na;
def con41 = if sartCond and !last then cond41 else na;
def con42 = if sartCond and !last then cond42 else na;
def con43 = if sartCond and !last then cond43 else na;
def con44 = if sartCond and !last then cond44 else na;
def con45 = if sartCond and !last then cond45 else na;
def con46 = if sartCond and !last then cond46 else na;
def con47 = if sartCond and !last then cond47 else na;
def con48 = if sartCond and !last then cond48 else na;
def con49 = if sartCond and !last then cond49 else na;

def level00 = if !isNaN(con00) then if con00 then up00 else dn00 else na;
def level01 = if !isNaN(con01) then if con01 then up01 else dn01 else na;
def level02 = if !isNaN(con02) then if con02 then up02 else dn02 else na;
def level03 = if !isNaN(con03) then if con03 then up03 else dn03 else na;
def level04 = if !isNaN(con04) then if con04 then up04 else dn04 else na;
def level05 = if !isNaN(con05) then if con05 then up05 else dn05 else na;
def level06 = if !isNaN(con06) then if con06 then up06 else dn06 else na;
def level07 = if !isNaN(con07) then if con07 then up07 else dn07 else na;
def level08 = if !isNaN(con08) then if con08 then up08 else dn08 else na;
def level09 = if !isNaN(con09) then if con09 then up09 else dn09 else na;
def level10 = if !isNaN(con10) then if con10 then up10 else dn10 else na;
def level11 = if !isNaN(con11) then if con11 then up11 else dn11 else na;
def level12 = if !isNaN(con12) then if con12 then up12 else dn12 else na;
def level13 = if !isNaN(con13) then if con13 then up13 else dn13 else na;
def level14 = if !isNaN(con14) then if con14 then up14 else dn14 else na;
def level15 = if !isNaN(con15) then if con15 then up15 else dn15 else na;
def level16 = if !isNaN(con16) then if con16 then up16 else dn16 else na;
def level17 = if !isNaN(con17) then if con17 then up17 else dn17 else na;
def level18 = if !isNaN(con18) then if con18 then up18 else dn18 else na;
def level19 = if !isNaN(con19) then if con19 then up19 else dn19 else na;
def level20 = if !isNaN(con20) then if con20 then up20 else dn20 else na;
def level21 = if !isNaN(con21) then if con21 then up21 else dn21 else na;
def level22 = if !isNaN(con22) then if con22 then up22 else dn22 else na;
def level23 = if !isNaN(con23) then if con23 then up23 else dn23 else na;
def level24 = if !isNaN(con24) then if con24 then up24 else dn24 else na;
def level25 = if !isNaN(con25) then if con25 then up25 else dn25 else na;
def level26 = if !isNaN(con26) then if con26 then up26 else dn26 else na;
def level27 = if !isNaN(con27) then if con27 then up27 else dn27 else na;
def level28 = if !isNaN(con28) then if con28 then up28 else dn28 else na;
def level29 = if !isNaN(con29) then if con29 then up29 else dn29 else na;
def level30 = if !isNaN(con30) then if con30 then up30 else dn30 else na;
def level31 = if !isNaN(con31) then if con31 then up31 else dn31 else na;
def level32 = if !isNaN(con32) then if con32 then up32 else dn32 else na;
def level33 = if !isNaN(con33) then if con33 then up33 else dn33 else na;
def level34 = if !isNaN(con34) then if con34 then up34 else dn34 else na;
def level35 = if !isNaN(con35) then if con35 then up35 else dn35 else na;
def level36 = if !isNaN(con36) then if con36 then up36 else dn36 else na;
def level37 = if !isNaN(con37) then if con37 then up37 else dn37 else na;
def level38 = if !isNaN(con38) then if con38 then up38 else dn38 else na;
def level39 = if !isNaN(con39) then if con39 then up39 else dn39 else na;
def level40 = if !isNaN(con40) then if con40 then up40 else dn40 else na;
def level41 = if !isNaN(con41) then if con41 then up41 else dn41 else na;
def level42 = if !isNaN(con42) then if con42 then up42 else dn42 else na;
def level43 = if !isNaN(con43) then if con43 then up43 else dn43 else na;
def level44 = if !isNaN(con44) then if con44 then up44 else dn44 else na;
def level45 = if !isNaN(con45) then if con45 then up45 else dn45 else na;
def level46 = if !isNaN(con46) then if con46 then up46 else dn46 else na;
def level47 = if !isNaN(con47) then if con47 then up47 else dn47 else na;
def level48 = if !isNaN(con48) then if con48 then up48 else dn48 else na;
def level49 = if !isNaN(con49) then if con49 then up49 else dn49 else na;

AddCloud(level00, if con00 then dn00 else up00, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level01, if con01 then dn01 else up01, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level02, if con02 then dn02 else up02, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level03, if con03 then dn03 else up03, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level04, if con04 then dn04 else up04, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level05, if con05 then dn05 else up05, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level06, if con06 then dn06 else up06, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level07, if con07 then dn07 else up07, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level08, if con08 then dn08 else up08, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level09, if con09 then dn09 else up09, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level10, if con10 then dn10 else up10, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level11, if con11 then dn11 else up11, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level12, if con12 then dn12 else up12, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level13, if con13 then dn13 else up13, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level14, if con14 then dn14 else up14, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level15, if con15 then dn15 else up15, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level16, if con16 then dn16 else up16, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level17, if con17 then dn17 else up17, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level18, if con18 then dn18 else up18, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level19, if con19 then dn19 else up19, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level20, if con20 then dn20 else up20, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level21, if con21 then dn21 else up21, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level22, if con22 then dn22 else up22, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level23, if con23 then dn23 else up23, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level24, if con24 then dn24 else up24, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level25, if con25 then dn25 else up25, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level26, if con26 then dn26 else up26, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level27, if con27 then dn27 else up27, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level28, if con28 then dn28 else up28, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level29, if con29 then dn29 else up29, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level30, if con30 then dn30 else up30, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level31, if con31 then dn31 else up31, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level32, if con32 then dn32 else up32, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level33, if con33 then dn33 else up33, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level34, if con34 then dn34 else up34, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level35, if con35 then dn35 else up35, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level36, if con36 then dn36 else up36, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level37, if con37 then dn37 else up37, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level38, if con38 then dn38 else up38, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level39, if con39 then dn39 else up39, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level40, if con40 then dn40 else up40, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level41, if con41 then dn41 else up41, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level42, if con42 then dn42 else up42, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level43, if con43 then dn43 else up43, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level44, if con44 then dn44 else up44, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level45, if con45 then dn45 else up45, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level46, if con46 then dn46 else up46, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level47, if con47 then dn47 else up47, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level48, if con48 then dn48 else up48, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(level49, if con49 then dn49 else up49, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);

#AddChartBubble(x, low, x, Color.RED, no);
def ph2 = if high == highs then bar else ph2[1];
def pl2 = if low == lows then bar else pl2[1];
plot hhPoint = if bar == highestAll(ph2) then high else na;
plot llPoint = if bar == highestAll(pl2) then low else na;

def totVol = fold j = 0 to x with q do
                 q + GetValue(volume, j);
def m1 = Max(bin00,Max(bin01,Max(bin02,Max(bin03,Max(bin04,Max(bin05,Max(bin06,Max(bin07,Max(bin08, Max(bin09, bin10))))))))));
def m2 = Max(bin11,Max(bin12,Max(bin13,Max(bin14,Max(bin15,Max(bin16,Max(bin17,Max(bin18,Max(bin19, bin20)))))))));
def m3 = Max(bin21,Max(bin22,Max(bin23,Max(bin24,Max(bin25,Max(bin26,Max(bin27,Max(bin28,Max(bin29, bin30)))))))));
def m4 = Max(bin31,Max(bin32,Max(bin33,Max(bin34,Max(bin35,Max(bin36,Max(bin37,Max(bin38,Max(bin39, bin40)))))))));
def m5 = Max(bin41,Max(bin42,Max(bin43,Max(bin44,Max(bin45,Max(bin46,Max(bin47,Max(bin48, bin49))))))));
def maxBin = Max(m1, Max(m2, Max(m3, Max(m4, m5))));

def start = if !isNaN(hh) then start[1] + 1 else 0;
def center = (bar == highestAll(bar- floor(highestAll(start)/2)));

def loc;
Switch (labelOptions) {
Case "Left" :
    loc = !isNaN(hh) and isNaN(hh[1]);
Case "Right" :
    loc = isNaN(hh) and !isNaN(hh[1]);
Case "Don't Show" :
    loc = no;
Default :
    loc = center;

AddChartBubble(loc, (up00 + dn00) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin00 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up01 + dn01) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin01 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up02 + dn02) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin02 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up03 + dn03) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin03 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up04 + dn04) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin04 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up05 + dn05) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin05 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up06 + dn06) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin06 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up07 + dn07) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin07 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up08 + dn08) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin08 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up09 + dn09) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin09 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up10 + dn10) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin10 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up11 + dn11) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin11 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up12 + dn12) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin12 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up13 + dn13) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin13 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up14 + dn14) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin14 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up15 + dn15) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin15 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up16 + dn16) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin16 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up17 + dn17) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin17 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up18 + dn18) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin18 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up19 + dn19) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin19 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up20 + dn20) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin20 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up21 + dn21) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin21 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up22 + dn22) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin22 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up23 + dn23) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin23 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up24 + dn24) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin24 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up25 + dn25) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin25 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up26 + dn26) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin26 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up27 + dn27) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin27 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up28 + dn28) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin28 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up29 + dn29) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin29 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up30 + dn30) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin30 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up31 + dn31) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin31 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up32 + dn32) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin32 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up33 + dn33) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin33 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up34 + dn34) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin34 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up35 + dn35) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin35 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up36 + dn36) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin36 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up37 + dn37) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin37 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up38 + dn38) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin38 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up39 + dn39) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin39 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up40 + dn40) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin40 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up41 + dn41) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin41 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up42 + dn42) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin42 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up43 + dn43) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin43 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up44 + dn44) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin44 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up45 + dn45) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin45 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up46 + dn46) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin46 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up47 + dn47) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin47 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up48 + dn48) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin48 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);
AddChartBubble(loc, (up49 + dn49) / 2, AsPercent(1 - bin49 / maxBin), Color.WHITE);

#-- END of CODE
Hello Is this study able to be made into MTF ? thank you
Last edited by a moderator:
@samer800 is there anyway to only have the red and green lines? Was looking to somehow get rid of that dark colored box? Changing my chart appearance to black makes it way less noticeable but I prefer a lighter background. Thanks in advance man! ill keep trying and if I get it, ill post it.


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