Repaints 1-2-3 Pattern Expo For ThinkOrSwim



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Try this. NOT EXACT Conversion but can give good 1-2-3 patterns. More over, I included unbroken 1-2-3 patterns as well in dark yellow.
You can use the indicator to show swing highs and lows also.

#// This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
#// © Zeiierman
#indicator("1-2-3 Pattern (Expo)",overlay=true,max_bars_back=5000,max_labels_count=500,max_lines_count=500)
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800 - 12/2022 - Not Typlical

input Period = 10;
input BreakSignalStyle = {Default Bubbles, Arrows, None}; # "Show Break"
input ShowBreakLines = yes;
input BrokenPattern = yes;        #,"Show Pattern"
input UnbrokenPattern = yes;      #,"Show Unconfirmed Pattern"
input showPivots  = no;           #,"Show Pivots"
input ZigzagLine  = no;
input wicks = yes;

def na = Double.NaN;
def Style = if BreakSignalStyle==BreakSignalStyle.Bubbles then 1 else
            if BreakSignalStyle==BreakSignalStyle.Arrows then -1 else 0;
script fixnan{
    input source = close;
    def fix = if !isnan(source) then source else fix[1];
    plot result = fix;
script FindPivots {
    input dat = close; # default data or study being evaluated
    input HL  = 0;    # default high or low pivot designation, -1 low, +1 high
    input lbL = 5;    # default Pivot Lookback Left
    input lbR = 1;    # default Pivot Lookback Right
    def _nan;    # used for non-number returns
    def _BN;     # the current barnumber
    def _VStop;  # confirms that the lookforward period continues the pivot trend
    def _V;      # the Value at the actual pivot point
    _BN  = BarNumber();
    _nan = Double.NaN;
    _VStop = if !IsNaN(dat) and lbR > 0 and lbL > 0 then
                fold a = 1 to lbR + 1 with b=1 while b do
                    if HL > 0 then dat > GetValue(dat, -a) else dat < GetValue(dat, -a) else _nan;
    if (HL > 0) {
        _V = if _BN > lbL and dat == Highest(dat, lbL + 1) and _VStop
            then dat else _nan;
    } else {
        _V = if _BN > lbL and dat == Lowest(dat, lbL + 1) and _VStop
            then dat else _nan;
    plot result = if !IsNaN(_V) and _VStop then _V else _nan;
def src1;
def src2;
if wicks {
    src1 = high;
    src2 = low;
 } else {
    if !wicks {
    src1 = close;
    src2 = close;
    } else {
    src1 = src1[1];
    src2 = src2[1];
def bar   = if BarNumber() < 3 then na else BarNumber();
def pvtHi = FindPivots(src1, 1, Period, Period);
def pvtLo = FindPivots(src2,-1, Period, Period);
def hh; def ll; def pos;
def Pvt0; def Pvt1; def Pvt2; def idx0;def idx1; def idx2;
if !IsNaN(pvtHi) and pos[1] <= 0 {
    hh = src1;
    ll = ll[1];
    Pvt0 = src1;
    Pvt1 = Pvt0[1];
    pvt2 = Pvt1[1];
    idx0 = bar;
    idx1 = idx0[1];
    idx2 = idx1[1];
    pos = 1;
} else {
    if !IsNaN(pvtLo) and pos[1] >= 0 {
        hh = hh[1];
        ll = src2;
        Pvt0 = src2;
        Pvt1 = Pvt0[1];
        pvt2 = Pvt1[1];
    idx0 = Bar;
    idx1 = idx0[1];
    idx2 = idx1[1];
        pos = -1;
    } else {
        hh = na;
        ll = na;
        Pvt0 = Pvt0[1];
        Pvt1 = Pvt1[1];
        pvt2 = pvt2[1];
    idx0 = idx0[1];
    idx1 = idx1[1];
    idx2 = idx2[1];
        pos = pos[1];
def Pvts0 = Pvt0;
def Pvts1 = Pvt1;
def Pvts2 = Pvt2;
def Preidx0; def Preidx1;def Preidx2;
if (pvts0>pvts2) and (pvts0<pvts1) {
    Preidx0 = idx0;
    Preidx1 = idx1;
    Preidx2 = idx2;
       } else {
if (pvts0<pvts2) and (pvts0>pvts1) {
    Preidx0 = idx0;
    Preidx1 = idx1;
    Preidx2 = idx2;
       } else {
    Preidx0 = Preidx0[1];
    Preidx1 = Preidx1[1];
    Preidx2 = Preidx2[1];
def topPvt  = !isNaN(hh);
def BotPvt  = !isNaN(ll);
def highPvt = if !isNaN(hh) then hh else highPvt[1];
def lowPvt  = if !isNaN(ll) then ll else lowPvt[1];
def pivot   = if topPvt then highPvt else if BotPvt then lowPvt else na;
def Pvtfix  = fixnan(pivot);
def lastbar = IsNaN(close[-1]) and !IsNaN(close);

def crosUp = src1 > pvts1;
def crosDn = src2 < pvts1;
def UpCount = if crosUp then UpCount[1] + 1 else 0;
def DnCount = if crosDn then DnCount[1] + 1 else 0;

def pattern; def labelH; def labelL;def idxs0; def idxs1;def idxs2;
if crosUp==1 and pattern[1] {
    if (pvts0>pvts2) and (pvts0<pvts1) {
           labelH = pvts1;
           labelL = labelL[1];
    idxs0 = idx0;
    idxs1 = idx1;
    idxs2 = idx2;
           pattern = no;
       } else {
           labelH = labelH[1];
           labelL = labelL[1];
    idxs0 = idxs0[1];
    idxs1 = idxs1[1];
    idxs2 = idxs2[1];
           pattern = pattern[1];}
       } else {
if crosDn==1 and pattern[1] {
    if (pvts0<pvts2) and (pvts0>pvts1) {
           labelH = labelH[1];
           labelL = pvts1;
    idxs0 = idx0;
    idxs1 = idx1;
    idxs2 = idx2;
           pattern = no;
       } else {
           labelH = labelH[1];
           labelL = labelL[1];
    idxs0 = idxs0[1];
    idxs1 = idxs1[1];
    idxs2 = idxs2[1];
           pattern = pattern[1];}
       } else {
           labelH = na;
           labelL = na;
    idxs0 = idxs0[1];
    idxs1 = idxs1[1];
    idxs2 = idxs2[1];
           pattern = if pvts1!=pvts1[1] then yes else pattern[1];
def PreBreak = CompoundValue(1,if(highestAll(Preidx1)==bar,if(pos>0,src1,src2),PreBreak[1]),if(pos>0,src1,src2));

plot preBreakLine = if !UnbrokenPattern or isNaN(close) then na else if PreBreak==PreBreak[1] then PreBreak else na;

def UnPatLine = if !UnbrokenPattern then na else if highestAll(Preidx2)==bar or highestAll(Preidx1)==bar or
                   highestAll(Preidx0)==bar then if pos>0 then src1 else src2 else na;
plot UnConfPatLine = UnPatLine;

def PatLine = if !BrokenPattern then na else if highestAll(idxs2)==bar or highestAll(idxs1)==bar or highestAll(idxs0)==bar
               then if pos>0 then src1 else src2 else na;
plot ConfPatLine = PatLine;

def condition = highestAll(idxs1)==bar;
def offset = fold j = 0 to 50  with p while p < 2 do
              p + (if p == 1 then j - 1 else if GetValue(condition, j) then 1 else 0);
def Hiprice = GetValue(if pos>0 then src1 else src2, offset-1);

plot Line = if !BrokenPattern or isNaN(close) or Hiprice!=Hiprice[1] then na else Hiprice;

def LineH; def LineL;
LineH = CompoundValue(3, if !isNaN(labelH) then labelH else LineH[1], labelH);
def HlineCount = if LineH==LineH[1] then HlineCount[1] + 1 else 0;
plot HiLine = if isNaN(close) or !ShowBreakLines or src1<LineH or HlineCount>50 then na else LineH;

LineL = CompoundValue(3, if !isNaN(labelL) then labelL else LineL[1], labelL);
def LlineCount = if LineL==LineL[1] then LlineCount[1] + 1 else 0;
plot LoLine = if isNaN(close) or !ShowBreakLines or src2>LineL or LlineCount>50 then na else LineL;

#-- ZigZagHighLow Line
def colcond = if IsNaN(pivot) then colcond[1] else if pivot < Pvtfix[1] then 0 else 1;
plot pivot_zigzag = if !ZigzagLine then na else if lastbar then close else pivot;
pivot_zigzag.AssignValueColor(if colcond[1] then Color.LIGHT_RED else Color.LIGHT_GREEN);

#--- Arrows
plot ArrowHi = if Style<0 and crosUp and !isNaN(labelH) then low else na;
plot ArrowLo = if Style<0 and crosDn and !isNaN(labelL) then high else na;

#-- Chart Bubbles - Confirmed
AddChartBubble(BrokenPattern and highestAll(idxs2)==bar,if(pos>0,src1,src2),1,Color.GRAY,if(pos>0,yes,no));
AddChartBubble(BrokenPattern and highestAll(idxs1)==bar,if(pos>0,src1,src2),2,Color.GRAY,if(pos>0,yes,no));
AddChartBubble(BrokenPattern and highestAll(idxs0)==bar,if(pos>0,src1,src2),3,Color.GRAY,if(pos>0,yes,no));
#-- Chart Bubbles - UnConfirmed
AddChartBubble(UnbrokenPattern and highestAll(Preidx2)==bar,if(pos>0,src1,src2),1,CreateColor(181,139,0),if(pos>0,yes,no));
AddChartBubble(UnbrokenPattern and highestAll(Preidx1)==bar,if(pos>0,src1,src2),2,CreateColor(181,139,0),if(pos>0,yes,no));
AddChartBubble(UnbrokenPattern and highestAll(Preidx0)==bar,if(pos>0,src1,src2),3,CreateColor(181,139,0),if(pos>0,yes,no));
#--- Breaks
AddChartBubble(Style>0 and crosUp and labelH, labelH, "Break", Color.CYAN, no);
AddChartBubble(Style>0 and crosDn and labelL, labelL, "Break", Color.MAGENTA, yes);
#-- Highs and lows
AddChartBubble(showPivots and hh and hh> pvts1[1],hh,"HH", Color.GREEN, yes);
AddChartBubble(showPivots and hh and hh<=pvts1[1],hh,"LH", Color.DARK_GREEN, yes);
AddChartBubble(showPivots and ll and ll> pvts1[1],ll,"HL", Color.DARK_RED, no);
AddChartBubble(showPivots and ll and ll<=pvts1[1],ll,"LL", Color.RED, no);


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Does it repaint, and can I search for the "3" somehow?

Yes, This indicator and all the forum indicators with a repaint prefix repaint.
Sadly no, due to the repainting; repainters cannot be used reliably in scans (searches), watchlists, or conditional orders.
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