To use the Keltner/Bollinger Squeeze indicator in day trading, look for situations where the Bollinger Bands contract and fall completely within the Keltner Channels, signifying a period of low volatility; when the bands then expand beyond the Keltner Channels, it indicates a potential breakout and is considered a "squeeze firing," prompting you to enter a trade based on the direction of the price movement following the breakout.
Key points to remember:
I concatenated a script for using the Keltner channel and Bolli bands to illustrate squeezes without adding more colored lines/chaos to a chart. The blue-greenish cloud manifests when the upper & lower ranges of the Keltner channel move outside the Bollinger band's range. I find it easier on the eyes. Anyway... It's my first post here so I thought I'd contribute something... and I'm sure I'll be asking many questions on other forums because I haven't coded a thing since before the pandemic.
Here's the code -- Enjoy:
Key points to remember:
- Identifying a Squeeze:
When the Bollinger Bands are completely contained within the Keltner Channels, a squeeze is occurring, showing low volatility and potential for a significant price move soon.
- Breakout Signal:
When the Bollinger Bands expand beyond the Keltner Channels, it signals a potential breakout, and you should consider entering a trade in the direction of the price movement.
- Confirmation with Price Action:
Don't solely rely on the squeeze indicator; use price action and other technical indicators to confirm the breakout direction and potential trade entry points.
- Buy Signal:
If the price breaks above the upper Bollinger Band after a squeeze, consider entering a long position.
- Sell Signal:
If the price breaks below the lower Bollinger Band after a squeeze, consider entering a short position.
- Stop Loss Placement:
Place your stop-loss order on the opposite side of the breakout level, outside the recent consolidation range.
- Timeframe Selection:
Choose a timeframe that aligns with your trading style, but generally, shorter timeframes are preferred for day trading.
- False Signals:
Squeeze indicators can sometimes generate false signals, so it's crucial to use other technical analysis tools for confirmation.
- Market Conditions:
The Keltner/Bollinger Squeeze is most effective in volatile markets where price consolidation periods are followed by sharp breakouts.
I concatenated a script for using the Keltner channel and Bolli bands to illustrate squeezes without adding more colored lines/chaos to a chart. The blue-greenish cloud manifests when the upper & lower ranges of the Keltner channel move outside the Bollinger band's range. I find it easier on the eyes. Anyway... It's my first post here so I thought I'd contribute something... and I'm sure I'll be asking many questions on other forums because I haven't coded a thing since before the pandemic.

Here's the code -- Enjoy:
# Combined Keltner and Bolli by AK
#============ Bolli Bands ====================
input Show_Bolli = 1;
input price = close;
input displace = 0;
input Bolli_length = 20;
input Num_Dev_Dn = -2.0;
input Num_Dev_up = 2.0;
input averageType = AverageType.Simple;
def sDev = stdev(data = price[-displace], length = Bolli_length);
def MidLine = MovingAverage(averageType, data = price[-displace], length = Bolli_length);
def Bolli_LowerBand = MidLine + num_Dev_Dn * sDev;
def Bolli_UpperBand = MidLine + num_Dev_Up * sDev;
AddCloud(Bolli_LowerBand, Bolli_UpperBand, color.gray, color.gray,no);
#============ End of Bolli Bands ====================
#============= Kelnter Channels ===============
# TD Ameritrade IP Company, Inc. (c) 2007-2017
declare weak_volume_dependency;
input Kelt_displace = 0;
input Kelt_factor = 1.5;
input Kelt_length = 20;
input Kelt_price = close;
input Kelt_averageType =averageType.SIMPLE;
input Kelt_trueRangeKelt_averageType = averageType.SIMPLE;
def shift = Kelt_factor * MovingAverage(Kelt_trueRangeKelt_averageType, TrueRange(high, close, low), Kelt_length);
def average = MovingAverage(Kelt_averageType, Kelt_price, Kelt_length);
def Avg = average[-Kelt_displace];
def Kelt_Upper_Band = average[-Kelt_displace] + shift[-Kelt_displace];
def Kelt_Lower_Band = average[-Kelt_displace] - shift[-Kelt_displace];
#============= End of Kelnter Channels ===============
def Bolli_inside_Kelner = if Bolli_UpperBand < Kelt_Upper_Band and Bolli_LowerBand > Kelt_Lower_Band then 1 else 0;
def Color_BG = if Bolli_inside_Kelner == 1 then Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY else Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
#addcloud(Color_BG, - Color_BG, Color.light_gray,;
addcloud(if Bolli_inside_Kelner then Kelt_Lower_Band else double.NaN, if Bolli_inside_Kelner then Kelt_Upper_Band else double.Nan, Color.gray,color.cyan);
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