Profit Maximizer For ThinkOrSwim

Author states:
This combines the MOST and SuperTrend Indicators. They are very good at trend following systems but conversely their performance is not bright in sideways market conditions like most of the other indicators.

Profit Maximizer - PMax tries to solve this problem. PMax combines the powerful sides of MOST (Moving Average Trend Changer) and SuperTrend (ATR price detection) in one indicator. It reduces the number of false signals in sideways and give more reliable trade signals.

PMax is easy to determine the trend and can be used in any type of markets and instruments. It does not repaint.

The first parameter in the PMax indicator set by the three parameters is the period/length of ATR.

The second Parameter is the Multiplier of ATR which would be useful to set the value of distance from the built in Moving Average.

The most important parameter is the Moving Average Length and type.
PMax will be much sensitive to trend movements if Moving Average Length is smaller. And vice versa, will be less sensitive when it is longer.

As the period increases it will become less sensitive to little trends and price actions.

Hi @samer800

Thanks for your amazing help in converting the pine script inductors to think script. Can you please me with this one?

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Hi @samer800

Thanks for your amazing help in converting the pine script inductors to think script. Can you please me with this one?

check the below:

#// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https:
#// © KivancOzbilgic
#//developer: @KivancOzbilgic
#//author: @KivancOzbilgic
#study("Profit Maximizer","PMax", overlay=true, format=format.price, precision=2, resolution="")
# Converted and mod by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 05/2024
input colorBars = yes;
input timeframe = {default "Chart", "Manual"};
input manualTimeframe = AggregationPeriod.FIFTEEN_MIN;
input MovAvgType = { "SMA",default "EMA", "WMA", "DEMA", "TMA", "VAR", "WWMA", "ZLEMA", "TSF", "HULL"};
input Source = FundamentalType.HL2;     # "Source"
input atrLength = 10;          # "ATR Length"
input atrMultiplier = 3.0;     # "ATR Multiplier"
input movAvgLength = 10;       # "Moving Average Length"
input ChangeAtrCalculationMethod = yes ; # "Change ATR Calculation Method ?"
input NormalizeAtr = no ;      # "Normalize ATR ?"
input ShowMovingAverage = yes; # "Show Moving Average?"
input showMovAvgCrossingSignals = yes;    # "Show Crossing Signals?"
input showPriceCrossingSignals = no;      #  "Show Price/Pmax Crossing Signals?"
input highlighterOnOff = yes;  # "Highlighter On/Off ?"

def na = Double.NaN;
def last = IsNaN(close);
def ohlc = if highlighterOnOff then ohlc4 else na;
def src; def tr;
switch (timeframe) {
case "Manual":
    src = Fundamental(FundamentalType = Source, Period = manualTimeframe);
    tr = TrueRange(high(Period = manualTimeframe), close(Period = manualTimeframe), low(Period = manualTimeframe));
default :
    src = Fundamental(FundamentalType = Source);
    tr = TrueRange(high, close, low);

#-- Colors
DefineGlobalColor("exUp", CreateColor(0, 230, 118));
DefineGlobalColor("Up",  CreateColor(178, 223, 219));
DefineGlobalColor("exDn", CreateColor(239, 83, 80));
DefineGlobalColor("Dn",  CreateColor(255, 205, 210));
DefineGlobalColor("macd",  CreateColor(66, 107, 230));
DefineGlobalColor("signal",  CreateColor(230, 0, 0));
#--- Functions
#pine_linreg(src, len, offset=0) =>
script linreg {
    input src = close;
    input len = 100;
    input offset = 0;
    def na = Double.NaN;
    def bar_index = IsNaN(close);
    def x_sum = if bar_index then na else
                fold i = 0 to len with p do
                 p + i;
    def xx_sum = if bar_index then na else
                fold ii = 0 to len with pp do
                 pp + ii * ii;
    def y_sum = Sum(src, len);
    def xy_sum = fold j = 0 to len with q do
                  q  + j * GetValue(src, len - j - 1);
    def slope = (len * xy_sum - x_sum * y_sum) / (len * xx_sum - x_sum * x_sum);
    def intercept = (y_sum - slope * x_sum) / len;
    def linreg = intercept + slope * (len - offset - 1);
    plot out = linreg;
script f_var {
    input src = close;
    input length = 20;
    def alpha = 2 / (length + 1);
    def ud1 = if src > src[1] then src - src[1] else 0;
    def dd1 = if src < src[1] then src[1] - src else 0;
    def UD  = Sum(ud1, 9);
    def DD  = Sum(dd1, 9);
    def vCMO = (UD - DD) / (UD + DD);
    def CMO = if IsNaN(vCMO) then 0.0 else AbsValue(vCMO);
    def VAR = (alpha * CMO * src) + (1 - alpha * CMO) * If(IsNaN(VAR[1]), 0, VAR[1]);
    plot out = if length == 1 then src else VAR;
#Wwma_Func(src, length) =>
script Wwma_Func {
    input src = close;
    input length = 2;
    def alpha = 1 / length;
    def WWMA = alpha * src + (1 - alpha) * If(IsNaN(WWMA[1]), 0, WWMA[1]);
    plot return = WWMA;
#Zlema_Func(src, length) =>
script Zlema_Func {
    input src = close;
    input length = 2;
    def zxLag = if length / 2 == Round(length / 2, 0) then length / 2 else (length - 1) / 2;
    def zxEMAData = src + (src - src[zxLag]);
    def ZLEMA = ExpAverage(zxEMAData, length);
    plot return = ZLEMA;
#Tsf_Func(src, length) =>
script Tsf_Func {
    input src = close;
    input length = 2;
    def lrc = Inertia(src, length);
    def lrc1 = linreg(src, length, 1);
    def lrs = lrc - lrc1;
    def TSF = Inertia(src, length) + lrs;
    plot retur = TSF;
#ma(src, length, type) =>
script getMA {
    input src = close;
    input length = 80;
    input type   = "SMA";
    def ma =
     if type == "SMA"   then Average(src, length) else
     if type == "EMA"   then ExpAverage(src, length) else
     if type == "WMA"   then WMA(src, length) else
     if type == "DEMA"  then DEMA(src, length) else
     if type == "TMA"   then MovAvgTriangular(src, length) else
     if type == "VAR"   then f_var(src, length) else
     if type == "WWMA"  then WWMA_Func(src, length) else
     if type == "ZLEMA" then Zlema_Func(src, length) else
     if type == "TSF"   then Tsf_Func(src, length) else
     if type == "HULL"  then HullMovingAvg(src, length) else Average(src, length);
    plot result = ma;
def atr2 = Average(tr, atrLength);
def atr1 = WildersAverage(tr, atrLength);
def nATR = atrMultiplier * (if ChangeAtrCalculationMethod then atr1 else atr2);

def longStop; def shortStop;
def MAvg = getMA(src, movAvgLength, MovAvgType);
def longStop1 = if NormalizeAtr then MAvg - nATR / src else MAvg - nATR;
def longStopPrev = if (isNaN(longStop[1]) or !longStop[1]) then longStop1 else longStop[1];
    longStop = if MAvg > longStopPrev then Max(longStop1, longStopPrev) else longStop1;
def shortStop1 = if NormalizeAtr then MAvg + nATR / src else MAvg + nATR;
def shortStopPrev = if isNaN(shortStop[1]) or !shortStop[1] then shortStop1 else shortStop[1];
    shortStop = if MAvg < shortStopPrev then Min(shortStop1, shortStopPrev) else shortStop1;
def dir;
def dir1 = if isNaN(dir[1]) or !dir[1] then 1 else dir[1];
    dir = if dir1 ==-1 and MAvg > shortStopPrev then 1 else
          if dir1 == 1 and MAvg < longStopPrev then -1 else dir1;
def PMax = if dir == 1 then longStop else shortStop;

#-- Signals
def buySignalk   = if showMovAvgCrossingSignals and !NormalizeAtr then (MAvg Crosses Above PMax) else 0;
def sellSignallk = if showMovAvgCrossingSignals and !NormalizeAtr then (MAvg Crosses Below PMax) else 0;
def buySignalc   = if showPriceCrossingSignals then (src  Crosses Above PMax) else 0;
def sellSignallc = if showPriceCrossingSignals then (src  Crosses Below PMax) else 0;

def touchUp = if isNaN(touchUp[1]) then 0 else if touchUp[1] > 10 then 0 else
              if (dir!=dir[1]) then 0 else
              if (src Crosses Above PMax) and dir<0 then touchUp[1] + 1 else touchUp[1];
def touchDn = if isNaN(touchDn[1]) then 0 else if touchDn[1] > 10 then 0 else
              if (dir!=dir[1]) then 0 else
              if (src Crosses Below PMax) and dir>0 then touchDn[1] + 1 else touchDn[1];

#-- plot
plot MovAvgLine = if ShowMovingAverage then MAvg else na; # "Moving Avg Line"
plot pALLUp = if dir>0 then PMax else na; # "PMax",
plot pALLDn = if dir<0 then PMax else na; # "PMax",
MovAvgLine.AssignValueColor(if MAvg>PMax then Color.CYAN else Color.MAGENTA);
pALLup.AssignValueColor(if touchDn > 0 then Color.DARK_GREEN else Color.GREEN);
pALLDn.AssignValueColor(if touchUp > 0 then Color.DARK_RED else Color.LIGHT_RED);

AddCloud(ohlc, pALLUp, Color.DARK_GREEN);
AddCloud(pALLDn, ohlc, Color.DARK_RED);

AddchartBubble(buySignalk, PMax, "B", Color.GREEN, no);
AddchartBubble(sellSignallk, PMax, "S", Color.RED);

AddchartBubble(touchUp!=touchUp[1] and touchUp==1, low, "B", Color.DARK_GREEN, no);
AddchartBubble(touchDn!=touchDn[1] and touchDn==1, high, "S", Color.DARK_RED);

#-- end of code
does this repaint or reset? some of the scripts I find on here don't repaint, but other ones repaint frequently.
does this repaint or reset? some of the scripts I find on here don't repaint, but other ones repaint frequently.

This is a version of Supertrend. Supertrends do not repaint.

Repainting indicators on the forum are prefixed with "repaints"

Most of the indicators on the forum will update on the current candle with every tick until the bar closes.
This is not considered repainting.

Additionally, this script has the ability to overlay a higher timeframe.
If you choose the MTF version then, of course, it will repaint.
It is not possible to predict what the final 1-hour candle trend will be on a 5-min chart. Therefore, the 12 5-min candles that comprise that 1-hour with repaint with every tick until the 1-hour candle closes.
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How do you add an alert when a bubble appears? I have tried to add alerts but i keep getting error messages. thank you!
How do you add an alert when a bubble appears? I have tried to add alerts but i keep getting error messages. thank you!
add the below at the end of the code:

input alerts   = yes;
input alertType   = Alert.BAR;
input alertSound  = Sound.NoSound;
Alert(alerts and buySignalk, "Buy Trend", alertType, alertSound);
Alert(alerts and sellSignallk, "Sell Trend", alertType, alertSound);
Alert(alerts and touchUp!=touchUp[1] and touchUp==1, "Weak Buy Trend", alertType, alertSound);
Alert(alerts and touchDn!=touchDn[1] and touchDn==1, "Weak Sell Trend", alertType, alertSound);
input alerts = yes; input alertType = Alert.BAR; input alertSound = Sound.NoSound; Alert(alerts and buySignalk, "Buy Trend", alertType, alertSound); Alert(alerts and sellSignallk, "Sell Trend", alertType, alertSound); Alert(alerts and touchUp!=touchUp[1] and touchUp==1, "Weak Buy Trend", alertType, alertSound); Alert(alerts and touchDn!=touchDn[1] and touchDn==1, "Weak Sell Trend", alertType, alertSound);
Great thank you! I will give it a try.

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