Tribute to David Paul for ThinkOrSwim

@samer800 , Just a couple of days ago I found out about this indicator in TV and using in my chart for evaluation and was wondering if it could be available in TOS.
I didn't test it. check it out.

#// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
#// © LOKEN94
#//  I made this indicator as a tribute to the late David Paul.
#//  He mentioned quite a lot about 89 periods moving average, also the 21 and 55.
#indicator("Tribute to David Paul",shorttitle="MA",overlay=tr)
# converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800 - 09/2023
input IR =2;#,minval=-1,maxval=2,tooltip="If -1, no entries zone will be displayed.    
input SDZ = yes;#,title="Show Supply & Demand zone",tooltip="Previous setting need to be set on 2.")
input MA = 4;#,minval=-1,maxval=5,title="Show ma",tooltip="If -1, no MA will be displayed.      
input enableTrendColors = no;

def na = Double.NaN;
DefineGlobalColor("up", CreateColor(33,150,243));
DefineGlobalColor("dn", CreateColor(179, 52, 52));#CreateColor(255,82,82));
DefineGlobalColor("dup", CreateColor(19, 92, 151));
DefineGlobalColor("ddn", Color.DARK_RED);#CreateColor(155, 28, 28));
def ma21 = Average(close, 21);
def ma55 = Average(close, 55);
def ma89 = Average(close, 89);

def BULL = ma21 <= close and ma55 <= close and ma89 <= close;
def BEAR = ma21 > close and ma55 > close and ma89 > close;

#float lowest_ma=ma89
def lowest_ma = if ma21 <= ma55 and ma21 <= ma89 then ma21 else
                if ma55 <= ma21 and ma55 <= ma89 then ma55 else ma89;
def highest_ma = if ma21 >= ma55 and ma21 >= ma89 then ma21 else
                 if ma55 >= ma21 and ma55 >= ma89 then ma55 else ma89;
def IDEAL_LONG_ENTRY = if BULL and !BULL[1] then low else IDEAL_LONG_ENTRY[1];
def IDEAL_SHORT_ENTRY = if BEAR and !BEAR[1] then high else IDEAL_SHORT_ENTRY[1];
def REAL_LONG_ENTRY = if BULL and !BULL[1] then highest_ma else REAL_LONG_ENTRY[1];
def REAL_SHORT_ENTRY = if BEAR and !BEAR[1] then lowest_ma else REAL_SHORT_ENTRY[1];

def iLP = if IDEAL_LONG_ENTRY!=IDEAL_LONG_ENTRY[1] then na else Average(IDEAL_LONG_ENTRY, 1);
def iSP = if IDEAL_SHORT_ENTRY!=IDEAL_SHORT_ENTRY[1] then na else Average(IDEAL_SHORT_ENTRY, 1);
def rLP = if REAL_LONG_ENTRY!=REAL_LONG_ENTRY[1] then na else Average(REAL_LONG_ENTRY, 1);
def rSP = if REAL_SHORT_ENTRY!=REAL_SHORT_ENTRY[1] then na else Average(REAL_SHORT_ENTRY, 1);

def ilong  = if BULL then iLP else na;#ilong[1];
def ishort = if BEAR then iSP else na;#ishort[1];
def rlong  = if BULL then rLP else na;#rlong[1];
def rshort = if BEAR then rSP else na;#rshort[1];

plot botdemand = if IR==1 or IR==2 then ilong else na;#,"Ideal Long entry"
plot topsupply = if IR==1 or IR==2 then ishort else na;#,"Ideal Short entry"
plot topdemand = if IR==0 or IR==2 then rlong else na;#,"Real Long entry"
plot botsupply = if IR==0 or IR==2 then rshort else na;#,"Real Short entry"


AddCloud(if !SDZ then na else topdemand,botdemand, GlobalColor("up"), GlobalColor("up"));
AddCloud(if !SDZ then na else topsupply,botsupply,GlobalColor("dn"), GlobalColor("dn"));

def ama = (ma21 + ma55 + ma89) / 3;

def AC = if close > ama then 1 else
         if close < ama then -1 else AC[1];
def FLAT = if AC==1 and AC[1]!=1 then ama else
           if AC==-1 and AC[1]!=-1 then ama else FLAT[1];
#float entries=rlong+rshort
def entries = if IR then ilong + ishort else rlong+rshort;
def flat1_ = Average(FLAT,1);
def FLAT1  = if flat1_!=flat1_[1] then na else flat1_;

def col= if ama<=close then (if ilong==iLP then 2 else 1) else
                            (if ishort==iSP then -2 else -1);

plot amaLine = if MA==1 or MA==4 or MA==5 then ama else  na;#,"AMA",color=ama<=close?color.rgb(0, 25, 45):color.rgb(10, 0, 0))
amaLine.AssignValueColor(if ama<=close then Color.CYAN else Color.MAGENTA);

def FA = FLAT1;# ,color=ama<=close?,style=plot.style_linebr,display=display.none,editable=false)

def FHL = hl2;#,display=display.none,editable=false)

AddCloud(if col==2 then FA else na,FHL, GlobalColor("up"), GlobalColor("up"));
AddCloud(if col==1 then FA else na,FHL, GlobalColor("dup"), GlobalColor("dup"));
AddCloud(if col==-2 then FA else na,FHL, GlobalColor("dn"), GlobalColor("dn"));
AddCloud(if col==-1 then FA else na,FHL, GlobalColor("ddn"), GlobalColor("ddn"));

plot sma21 = if MA==0 or MA==4 then ma21 else na;
sma21.AssignValueColor(if ma21<=close then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));

plot sma55 = if MA==0 or MA==4 or MA==5 then ma55 else na;
sma55.AssignValueColor(if ma55<=close then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));

plot sma89 = if MA==0 or MA==4 then ma89 else na;
sma89.AssignValueColor(if ma89<=close then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));

plot hiMa = if (MA==3 and (BULL==1 or ama<=close)) or (MA==2 and (BEAR==1 or ama>=close)) then highest_ma else na;
hiMa.AssignValueColor(if highest_ma<=close then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));

plot loMa = if (MA==3 and (BEAR==1 or ama>=close)) or (MA==2 and (BULL==1 or ama<=close)) then lowest_ma else na;
loMa.AssignValueColor(if lowest_ma<=close then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));

#-- Bar Color
def barCol = if ilong==iLP then 1 else
             if ishort==iSP then -1 else
             if !BULL and !BEAR then 0 else barCol[1];

AssignPriceColor(if !enableTrendColors then Color.CURRENT else
                 if barCol > 0 then Color.CYAN else
                 if barCol < 0 then Color.MAGENTA else Color.GRAY);

# -- END of CODE
Last edited by a moderator:
I didn't test it. check it out.

#// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
#// © LOKEN94
#//  I made this indicator as a tribute to the late David Paul.
#//  He mentioned quite a lot about 89 periods moving average, also the 21 and 55.
#indicator("Tribute to David Paul",shorttitle="MA",overlay=tr)
# converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800 - 09/2023
input IR =2;#,minval=-1,maxval=2,tooltip="If -1, no entries zone will be displayed.    
input SDZ = yes;#,title="Show Supply & Demand zone",tooltip="Previous setting need to be set on 2.")
input MA = 4;#,minval=-1,maxval=5,title="Show ma",tooltip="If -1, no MA will be displayed.      
input enableTrendColors = no;

def na = Double.NaN;
DefineGlobalColor("up", CreateColor(33,150,243));
DefineGlobalColor("dn", CreateColor(179, 52, 52));#CreateColor(255,82,82));
DefineGlobalColor("dup", CreateColor(19, 92, 151));
DefineGlobalColor("ddn", Color.DARK_RED);#CreateColor(155, 28, 28));
def ma21 = Average(close, 21);
def ma55 = Average(close, 55);
def ma89 = Average(close, 89);

def BULL = ma21 <= close and ma55 <= close and ma89 <= close;
def BEAR = ma21 > close and ma55 > close and ma89 > close;

#float lowest_ma=ma89
def lowest_ma = if ma21 <= ma55 and ma21 <= ma89 then ma21 else
                if ma55 <= ma21 and ma55 <= ma89 then ma55 else ma89;
def highest_ma = if ma21 >= ma55 and ma21 >= ma89 then ma21 else
                 if ma55 >= ma21 and ma55 >= ma89 then ma55 else ma89;
def IDEAL_LONG_ENTRY = if BULL and !BULL[1] then low else IDEAL_LONG_ENTRY[1];
def IDEAL_SHORT_ENTRY = if BEAR and !BEAR[1] then high else IDEAL_SHORT_ENTRY[1];
def REAL_LONG_ENTRY = if BULL and !BULL[1] then highest_ma else REAL_LONG_ENTRY[1];
def REAL_SHORT_ENTRY = if BEAR and !BEAR[1] then lowest_ma else REAL_SHORT_ENTRY[1];

def iLP = if IDEAL_LONG_ENTRY!=IDEAL_LONG_ENTRY[1] then na else Average(IDEAL_LONG_ENTRY, 1);
def iSP = if IDEAL_SHORT_ENTRY!=IDEAL_SHORT_ENTRY[1] then na else Average(IDEAL_SHORT_ENTRY, 1);
def rLP = if REAL_LONG_ENTRY!=REAL_LONG_ENTRY[1] then na else Average(REAL_LONG_ENTRY, 1);
def rSP = if REAL_SHORT_ENTRY!=REAL_SHORT_ENTRY[1] then na else Average(REAL_SHORT_ENTRY, 1);

def ilong  = if BULL then iLP else na;#ilong[1];
def ishort = if BEAR then iSP else na;#ishort[1];
def rlong  = if BULL then rLP else na;#rlong[1];
def rshort = if BEAR then rSP else na;#rshort[1];

plot botdemand = if IR==1 or IR==2 then ilong else na;#,"Ideal Long entry"
plot topsupply = if IR==1 or IR==2 then ishort else na;#,"Ideal Short entry"
plot topdemand = if IR==0 or IR==2 then rlong else na;#,"Real Long entry"
plot botsupply = if IR==0 or IR==2 then rshort else na;#,"Real Short entry"


AddCloud(if !SDZ then na else topdemand,botdemand, GlobalColor("up"), GlobalColor("up"));
AddCloud(if !SDZ then na else topsupply,botsupply,GlobalColor("dn"), GlobalColor("dn"));

def ama = (ma21 + ma55 + ma89) / 3;

def AC = if close > ama then 1 else
         if close < ama then -1 else AC[1];
def FLAT = if AC==1 and AC[1]!=1 then ama else
           if AC==-1 and AC[1]!=-1 then ama else FLAT[1];
#float entries=rlong+rshort
def entries = if IR then ilong + ishort else rlong+rshort;
def flat1_ = Average(FLAT,1);
def FLAT1  = if flat1_!=flat1_[1] then na else flat1_;

def col= if ama<=close then (if ilong==iLP then 2 else 1) else
                            (if ishort==iSP then -2 else -1);

plot amaLine = if MA==1 or MA==4 or MA==5 then ama else  na;#,"AMA",color=ama<=close?color.rgb(0, 25, 45):color.rgb(10, 0, 0))
amaLine.AssignValueColor(if ama<=close then Color.CYAN else Color.MAGENTA);

def FA = FLAT1;# ,color=ama<=close?,style=plot.style_linebr,display=display.none,editable=false)

def FHL = hl2;#,display=display.none,editable=false)

AddCloud(if col==2 then FA else na,FHL, GlobalColor("up"), GlobalColor("up"));
AddCloud(if col==1 then FA else na,FHL, GlobalColor("dup"), GlobalColor("dup"));
AddCloud(if col==-2 then FA else na,FHL, GlobalColor("dn"), GlobalColor("dn"));
AddCloud(if col==-1 then FA else na,FHL, GlobalColor("ddn"), GlobalColor("ddn"));

plot sma21 = if MA==0 or MA==4 then ma21 else na;
sma21.AssignValueColor(if ma21<=close then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));

plot sma55 = if MA==0 or MA==4 or MA==5 then ma55 else na;
sma55.AssignValueColor(if ma55<=close then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));

plot sma89 = if MA==0 or MA==4 then ma89 else na;
sma89.AssignValueColor(if ma89<=close then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));

plot hiMa = if (MA==3 and (BULL==1 or ama<=close)) or (MA==2 and (BEAR==1 or ama>=close)) then highest_ma else na;
hiMa.AssignValueColor(if highest_ma<=close then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));

plot loMa = if (MA==3 and (BEAR==1 or ama>=close)) or (MA==2 and (BULL==1 or ama<=close)) then lowest_ma else na;
loMa.AssignValueColor(if lowest_ma<=close then GlobalColor("up") else GlobalColor("dn"));

#-- Bar Color
def barCol = if ilong==iLP then 1 else
             if ishort==iSP then -1 else
             if !BULL and !BEAR then 0 else barCol[1];

AssignPriceColor(if !enableTrendColors then Color.CURRENT else
                 if barCol > 0 then Color.CYAN else
                 if barCol < 0 then Color.MAGENTA else Color.GRAY);

# -- END of CODE
Impressive !! thanks again for your work. I know Dr David Paul used this MAs technique for swing trading and the fact that allows for a much more flexible environment including custom scanning makes me consider to revisit his technique

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