VQZL Z-Score For ThinkOrSwim

Wondering if anyone could convert this. Looks interesting!
check this.
#//Indicator created by Invsto
#//Adapted from user @sarangab
#study(title="VQZL Z Score + MA Options", shorttitle="ZVQZL")
# converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 03/2023
declare lower;
input zlength = 100;#(title="Z Length", defval=100, minval=1)
input PriceSmoothing = 15;#, title="Price Smoothing")
input multForTraem = 1;
input lsma_offset = 0;
input FastMamaLen = 0.5;#, title="Fast Limit")
input slowMaMaLen = 0.05;#, title="Slow Limit")

input vq0_th = 1.64;#, title="Threshold 1")
input vq0_th2 = 1.96;#, title="Threshold 2")
input vq0_th3 = 2.58;#, title="Threshold 3")

def na = Double.NaN;
##---- colors
DefineGlobalColor("yellow", CreateColor(255, 235, 59));
DefineGlobalColor("orange", CreateColor(255,152,0));
DefineGlobalColor("green" , CreateColor(76,175,80));
DefineGlobalColor("red"   , CreateColor(255,82,82));
DefineGlobalColor("gray"  , CreateColor(120,123,134));

#// ] -------------- FUNCTIONS : Moving Avg ------------------ [
script nz {
    input data  = close;
    input repl  = 0;
    def ret_val = if !IsNaN(data) then data else repl;
    plot return = ret_val;

#ama (source, length, fast, slow) =>
script ama {
input source = close;
input length = 14;
input fast   = 2;
input slow   = 30;
    def fastAlpha = 2 / (fast + 1);
    def slowAlpha = 2 / (slow + 1);
    def hh = highest(high, length + 1);
    def ll = lowest(low, length + 1);
    def mltp = if (hh - ll) != 0 then AbsValue(2 * source - ll - hh) / (hh - ll) else 0;
    def ssc = mltp * (fastAlpha - slowAlpha) + slowAlpha;
    def ama;
        ama = CompoundValue(1, ama[1] + power(ssc, 2) * (source - ama[1]), source);
    plot return = ama;
#rms(source, length)=>
script rms {
    input source = close;
    input length = 14;
    def rms = Sqrt(Sum(Power(source, 2), length) / length);
    plot return = rms;
#mav (source, length) =>
script mav {
input source = close;
input length = 14;
      def mav = ((SimpleMovingAvg(source, length)[1]*(length-1)) + source) / length;
    plot return = mav;
#kama(xPrice, Length)=>
script kama {
    input xPrice = close;
    input Length = 14;
    def xvnoise = AbsValue(xPrice - xPrice[1]);
    def nfastend = 0.666;
    def nslowend = 0.0645;
    def nsignal = AbsValue(xPrice - xPrice[Length]);
    def nnoise = Sum(xvnoise, Length);
    def nefratio = if nnoise != 0 then nsignal / nnoise else 0;
    def nsmooth = Power(nefratio * (nfastend - nslowend) + nslowend, 2);
    def nAMA;
        nAMA = CompoundValue(1, nAMA[1] + nsmooth * (xPrice - nAMA[1]), xPrice);
    plot returen = nAMA;
#Gaussianma(values, length) =>
script Gaussian {
    input values = close;
    input length = 20;
    def stddev = length / 4;
    def indices = length - 1;
    def weights = Exp(-0.5 * (Power((indices - length), 2) / Power(stddev, 2)));
    def sum = Sum(values * weights, length);
    def gMA = sum / Sum(weights, length);
    plot return = gMA;
#pine_swma(source) =>
script swma {
input source = close;
    def swma = source[3] * 1 / 6 + source[2] * 2 / 6 +  source[1] * 2 / 6 + source[0] * 1 / 6;
    plot retun = swma;
#export zlSma(float src, simple int len) =>
script zlSma {
    input src = close;
    input len = 14;
    def lsma = Inertia(src, len);
    def lsma2 = Inertia(lsma, len);
    def eq = lsma - lsma2;
    def zlsma = lsma + eq;
    plot return = zlsma;
#export zlDema(float src, simple int len) =>
script zlDema {
    input src = close;
    input len = 14;
    def zdema1 = ExpAverage(src, len);
    def zdema2 = ExpAverage(zdema1, len);
    def dema1 = 2 * zdema1 - zdema2;
    def zdema12 = ExpAverage(dema1, len);
    def zdema22 = ExpAverage(zdema12, len);
    def zldema = 2 * zdema12 - zdema22;
    plot return = zldema;
#export zlTema(float src, simple int len) =>
script zlTema {
    input src = close;
    input len = 14;
    def ema1 = ExpAverage(src, len);
    def ema2 = ExpAverage(ema1, len);
    def ema3 = ExpAverage(ema2, len);
    def tema1 = 3 * (ema1 - ema2) + ema3;
    def ema1a = ExpAverage(tema1, len);
    def ema2a = ExpAverage(ema1a, len);
    def ema3a = ExpAverage(ema2a, len);
    def zltema = 3 * (ema1a - ema2a) + ema3a;
    plot return = zltema;
#pine_alma(series, windowsize, offset, sigma) =>
script ALMA {
  input series = close;
  input windowsize = 9;
  input Offset = 0.85;
  input Sigma = 6;

    def m = Offset * (windowsize - 1);
    def s = windowsize / Sigma;

    def norm  = fold z = 0 to windowsize with CW do
         CW + Exp(-(Sqr(z - m)) / (2 * Sqr(s)));

    def sum  = fold y = 0 to windowsize with WS do
         WS + Exp(-(Sqr(y - m)) / (2 * Sqr(s))) * GetValue(series, windowsize - 1 - y);

    plot ALMA = sum  / norm ;
#export mcginley(float src, simple int len)=>
script mcginley {
    input src = close;
    input len = 14;
    def mg;
    def t = ExpAverage(src, len);
    mg = CompoundValue(1 ,if IsNaN(mg[1]) then t else mg[1] + (src - mg[1]) / (len * Power(src / mg[1], 4)),t);
    plot return = mg;
#vwma(source, length)
script VWMA {
    input src = close;
    input len = 15;
    def v = volume;
    def VWMA = SimpleMovingAvg(src * nz(v,1), len) / SimpleMovingAvg(nz(v,1), len);
    plot result = VWMA;
#trAdjEma(lengthy) =>
script trAdjEma {
    input src = close;
    input length = 60;
    input mult = 1;
    def tr = TrueRange(high, close, low);
    def alpha = 2.0 / (length + 1);
    def trL = Lowest(tr, length);
    def trH = Highest(tr, length);
    def trAdj = if (trH - trL) != 0 then (tr - trL) / (trH - trL) else 0;
    def trEMA = ExpAverage(src, length);
    def trAdjEma;
    trAdjEma = CompoundValue(1, trAdjEma[1] + (alpha * (1 + (trAdj * mult)) * (src - trAdjEma[1])), trEMA);
    plot trAdEma = trAdjEma;
#mamaPeriod(float src, int dynLow, int dynHigh) =>
script mama {
    input src = hl2;
    input dynLow = 0.5;
    input dynHigh = 0.05;
    def period;# = 0.0
    def I2;
    def Q2;
    def C1 = 0.0962;
    def C2 = 0.5769;
    def C3 = 0.075 * nz(period[1]) + 0.54;
    def PI = 2 * ASin(1);
    def smooth = (4 * src + 3 * (src[1]) + 2 * (src[2]) + (src[3])) / 10;
    def detrend = C3 * (C1 * smooth + C2 * nz(smooth[2]) - C2 * nz(smooth[4]) - C1 * nz(smooth[6]));
#    // Compute InPhase and Quadrature components
    def Q1 = C3 * (C1 * detrend + C2 * nz(detrend[2]) - C2 * nz(detrend[4]) - C1 * nz(detrend[6]));
    def I1 = nz(detrend[3], detrend);
#    // Advance Phase of I1 and Q1 by 90 degrees
    def jI = C3 * (C1 * I1 + C2 * (I1[2]) - C2 * (I1[4]) - C1 * nz(I1[6]));
    def jQ = C3 * (C1 * Q1 + C2 * (Q1[2]) - C2 * (Q1[4]) - C1 * nz(Q1[6]));
#   // Phasor addition for 3 bar averaging
    def I22 = I1 - jQ;
    def Q22 = Q1 + jI;
#   // Smooth I and Q components before applying discriminator
    I2 = if IsNaN(I2[1]) then I22 else 0.2 * I2[1] + 0.8 * nz(I2[1], I2[1]);
    Q2 = if IsNaN(Q2[1]) then Q22 else 0.2 * Q2[1] + 0.8 * nz(Q2[1], Q2[1]);
#   // Extract Homodyne Discriminator
    def Re1 = I2 * nz(I2[1], I2) + Q2 * nz(Q2[1], Q2);
    def Im1 = I2 * nz(Q2[1], Q2) - Q2 * nz(I2[1], I2);
    def Re = if IsNaN(Re[1]) then Re1 else 0.2 * Re[1] + 0.8 * nz(Re[2], Re[1]);
    def Im = if IsNaN(Im[1]) then Im1 else 0.2 * Im[1] + 0.8 * nz(Im[2], Im[1]);
    if Re != 0 and Im != 0 {
        period = 2 * PI / ATan(Im / Re);
    } else {
        if period[1] <= 1.5 * nz(period[2], period[1]) {
            period = period[1];
        } else {
            if period[1] >= (2 / 3) * nz(period[2], period[1]) {
                period = period[1];
            } else
                if  Max(period[1], dynLow) < dynHigh {
                period = Max(period[1], dynLow);
            } else {
                period =  0.2 * period[1] + 0.8 * nz(period[2], period[1]);
    def SmoothPeriod = 0.33*Period + 0.67*nz(SmoothPeriod[1]);
    def Phase = 180/(4 * atan(1))*atan(q1 / i1);
    def DeltaPhase1 = nz(Phase[1]) - Phase;
    def DeltaPhase = if(DeltaPhase1< 1, 1, DeltaPhase1);
    def alpha1 = dynLow / DeltaPhase;
    def alpha = if(alpha1 < dynHigh, dynHigh, if(alpha1 > dynLow, dynLow, alpha1));
    def MAMA = alpha*src + (1 - alpha)*nz(MAMA[1]);
    plot return = MAMA;
#export multiMa(float source, simple int length, string type) =>
script multiMa {
    input type = "SMA";
    input source = close;
    input length = 14;
    input multForTraem = 1;
    input lsma_offset = 0;
    input FastMamaLen = 0.5;
    input slowMaMaLen = 0.05;
    def w = wma(source, length);
    def multiMa =
        if type == "SMA"    then SimpleMovingAvg(source, length) else
        if type == "EMA"    then ExpAverage(source, length) else
        if type == "SMMA"   then CompoundValue(1, if isNaN(w[1]) then average(source, length) else
                                 (w[1] * (length - 1) + source) / length,  average(source, length)) else
        if type == "WMA"    then WMA(source, length) else
        if type == "KAMA"   then KAMA(source, length) else
        if type == "MAV"   then MAV(source, length) else
        if type == "AMA"   then AMA(source, length) else
        if type == "VWMA"   then vwma(source, length) else
        if type == "DEMA"   then DEMA(source, length) else
        if type == "TEMA"   then TEMA(source, length) else
        if type == "LSMA"   then Inertia(source[-lsma_offset], length) else
        if type == "MAMA"   then mama(source, FastMamaLen, slowMaMaLen) else
        if type == "RMS"   then RMS(source, length) else
        if type == "ZLSMA"  then zlSma(source, length) else
        if type == "ZLDEMA" then zlDema(source, length) else
        if type == "ZLTEMA" then zlTema(source, length) else
        if type == "McGinley" then mcginley(source, length) else
        if type == "ALMA" then ALMA(source, length) else
        if type == "SWMA" then SWMA(source) else
        if type == "Gaussian"   then Gaussian(source, length) else
        if type == "TRAEM"   then trAdjEma(source, length, multForTraem) else
        if type == "HMA"    then  HullMovingAvg(source, length ) else multiMa[1];
    plot return = multiMa;

def cHigh = multiMa(maType, high, PriceSmoothing, multForTraem, lsma_offset);
def cLow = multiMa(maType, low, PriceSmoothing, multForTraem, lsma_offset);
def cOpen = multiMa(maType, open, PriceSmoothing, multForTraem, lsma_offset);
def cClose = multiMa(maType, close, PriceSmoothing, multForTraem, lsma_offset);
def pClose = cClose[1];

def trueRange = max(cHigh, cClose) - min(cLow, pClose);
def rrange = cHigh - cLow;

def vqi;# = 0.0
vqi = if rrange != 0 and trueRange != 0 then 
   ((cClose - pClose) / trueRange + (cClose - cOpen) / rrange) * 0.5 else 0;#  //vqi[1]

def vqi_abs = AbsValue(vqi) * (cClose - pClose + cClose - cOpen) * 0.5;
def sumVqi = if AbsValue(vqi_abs) > 1 then vqi_abs else if AbsValue(vqi_abs) * 10 > 1 then vqi_abs * 10 else vqi_abs;

#//plot(sumVqi, color=secolor, title="VQI", linewidth=2)

def vq0_mid = 0;
def VQIz = sumVqi;
def xStdDev = stdev(VQIz, zlength);
def xMA = Average(VQIz, zlength);
def z2=(VQIz-xMA)/xStdDev;

def PAL = (z2 > 0);
def PAS = (z2 < 0);

def chgPAL = PAL and !PAL[1];
def chgPAS = PAS and !PAS[1];

def secolor = if z2 > (vq0_mid + vq0_th) and z2 < (vq0_mid + vq0_th2) then 1 else
              if z2 > (vq0_mid + vq0_th2) and z2 < (vq0_mid + vq0_th3) then 2 else
              if z2 > (vq0_mid + vq0_th3) then 3 else
              if z2 < (vq0_mid - vq0_th) and z2 > (vq0_mid - vq0_th2) then -1 else
              if z2 < (vq0_mid - vq0_th2) and z2 > (vq0_mid - vq0_th3) then -2 else
              if z2 < (vq0_mid - vq0_th3) then -3 else 0;

plot ZscoreATR = z2;#, title = "Z Score ATR", color=secolor,style=plot.style_area, transp=0)
ZscoreATR.AssignValueColor(if secolor==1 then GlobalColor("yellow") else
                           if secolor==2 then GlobalColor("orange") else
                           if secolor==3 then GlobalColor("green") else
                           if secolor==-1 then GlobalColor("yellow") else
                           if secolor==-2 then GlobalColor("orange") else
                           if secolor==-3 then GlobalColor("red") else GlobalColor("gray"));
plot ZsATR = z2;#, title = "Z Score ATR", color=secolor,style=plot.style_area, transp=0)
ZsATR.AssignValueColor(if secolor==1 then GlobalColor("yellow") else
                           if secolor==2 then GlobalColor("orange") else
                           if secolor==3 then GlobalColor("green") else
                           if secolor==-1 then GlobalColor("yellow") else
                           if secolor==-2 then GlobalColor("orange") else
                           if secolor==-3 then GlobalColor("red") else GlobalColor("gray"));

plot zero = 0;#, title = "Zero", color=color.white, linestyle=hline.style_dotted, linewidth=1)
plot thr1Up = 1.64;#, title = "90% Line - Threshold 1", color=color.black, linestyle=hline.style_dotted, linewidth=1)
plot thr1Dn = -1.64;#, title = "90% Line - Threshold 1", color=color.black, linestyle=hline.style_dotted, linewidth=1)
plot thr2Up = 1.96;#, title = "95% Line - Threshold 2", color=color.black, linestyle=hline.style_dotted, linewidth=1)
plot thr2Dn = -1.96;#, title = "95% Line - Threshold 2", color=color.black, linestyle=hline.style_dotted, linewidth=1)
plot thr3Up = 2.58;#, title = "99% Line - Threshold 3", color=color.black, linestyle=hline.style_dotted, linewidth=1)
plot thr3Dn = -2.58;#, title = "99% Line - Threshold 3", color=color.black, linestyle=hline.style_dotted, linewidth=1)

#--- END of CODE

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