Enhanced Zero Lag MACD Indicator for ThinkorSwim


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Author states:
A faster version of macd.
based on ZeroLag EMA - see Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities, April 2000

#// Version 1.2
#// Based on ZeroLag EMA - see Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities, April 2000
#// Original version by user Glaz. Thanks ! [URL]https://www.tradingview.com/chart/EURUSD/UV0YI6Wy-ZeroLag-Macd[/URL]
#// Ideas and code from @yassotreyo version.
#// Tweaked by Albert Callisto (AC)
#// (AC - 1.0) Histogram with two colors, choice between SMA/EMA (SMA = "Glaz mode"),  names for sub-components, renaming of variables
#// (AC - 1.1) Added choice between "Glaz" and legacy algorithm + introduced EMA on MACD (thanks @yassotreyo for your original version)
#// (AC - 1.2) Added option to show dots above (requested by another user)
# converted by SAM4COK 07/2022 - Not exact conversion
declare lower;
input source = close;
input fastLength    = 12;    #"Fast MM period"
input slowLength    = 26;    #"Slow MM period"
input signalLength  = 9;     #"Signal MM period"
input MacdEmaLength = 9;     #"MACD EMA period"
input useEma        = yes;   #"Use EMA (otherwise SMA)"
input useOldAlgo    = no;    #"Use Glaz algo (otherwise 'real' original zero lag)"
input showDots      = yes;   #"Show symbols to indicate crossing"
input showEMALine   = no;    #"Show EMA MACD Line"
input ShowCloud     = yes;    #"Show Cloud"
input ShowHist      = yes;    #"Show Hist"

def na = Double.NaN;
##### Color ###
DefineGlobalColor("UP"     , CreateColor(100, 181, 246));
DefineGlobalColor("DOWN"   , CreateColor(160,32,240));
DefineGlobalColor("EMAMACD", CreateColor(255,235,59));
#// Fast line
def ma1        = if useEma then ExpAverage(source, fastLength) else SimpleMovingAvg(source, fastLength);
def ma2        = if useEma then ExpAverage(ma1,fastLength) else SimpleMovingAvg(ma1,fastLength);
def zerolagEMA = ((2 * ma1) - ma2);

#// Slow line
def mas1          =  if useEma then ExpAverage(source , slowLength) else SimpleMovingAvg(source , slowLength);
def mas2          =  if useEma then ExpAverage(mas1 , slowLength) else SimpleMovingAvg(mas1 , slowLength);
def zerolagslowMA = ((2 * mas1) - mas2);

#// MACD line
def ZeroLagMACD = zerolagEMA - zerolagslowMA;

#// Signal line
def emasig1  = ExpAverage(ZeroLagMACD, signalLength);
def emasig2  = ExpAverage(emasig1, signalLength);
def signal   = if useOldAlgo then SimpleMovingAvg(ZeroLagMACD, signalLength) else (2 * emasig1) - emasig2;
def hist     = ZeroLagMACD - signal;
def upHist   = if (hist > 0) then hist else 0;
def downHist = if (hist <= 0) then hist else 0;

#// Plot Lines
plot EMALine = if showEMALine then ExpAverage(ZeroLagMACD,MacdEmaLength) else na; # 'EMA on MACD line'

plot ZeroLagLine = if !ShowCloud then ZeroLagMACD else na; #, color=black, transp=0, linewidth=2, title='MACD line')

plot signalLine = if !ShowCloud then signal else na; #, color=gray, transp=0, linewidth=2, title='Signal')

#// Cloud

addcloud (if ShowCloud then ZeroLagMACD else na, signal, color.GREEN,color.RED, no);

#// Plot Hist

plot ZeroLine = 0;
ZeroLine.AssignValueColor(if upHist then GlobalColor("UP") else GlobalColor("DOWN"));

plot p1 = if ShowHist then upHist * 2 else na;

plot p2 = if ShowHist then downHist * 2 else na;

#// Plot DOTS
plot DotUP = if showDots and ZeroLagMACD crosses above signal then ZeroLagMACD else na;
plot DotDN = if showDots and ZeroLagMACD crosses below signal then ZeroLagMACD else na;
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By far, my favorite substudy. I would love to use this on ThinkorSwim but I've no idea how to convert the script to TOS. Here are the details below. This code is for the Zero Lag MACD indicator from TradingView.

Rich (BB code):
// Version 1.1
// Based on ZeroLag EMA - see Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities, April 2000
// Original version by user Glaz. Thanks ! https://www.tradingview.com/chart/EURUSD/UV0YI6Wy-ZeroLag-Macd
// Ideas and code from @yassotreyo version.
// Tweaked by Albert Callisto (AC)
// Last Update 20.11.2016
// (AC - 1.0) Histogram with two colors, choice between SMA/EMA (SMA = "Glaz mode"),  names for sub-components, renaming of variables
// (AC - 1.1) Added choice between "Glaz" and legacy algorithm + introduced EMA on MACD (thanks @yassotreyo for your original version)

study(title="Zero Lag MACD Enhanced - Version 1.1", shorttitle="Zero Lag MACD Enhanced 1.1")
source = close

fastLength = input(12, minval=1)
slowLength = input(26, minval=1)
signalLength =input(9, minval=1)
MacdEmaLength =input(9, minval=1)
useEma = input(true, title="Use EMA (otherwise SMA)")
useOldAlgo = input(false, title="Use Glaz algo (otherwise 'real' original zero lag)")

// Fast line
ma1= useEma ? ema(source, fastLength) : sma(source, fastLength)
ma2 = useEma ?  ema(ma1,fastLength) :  sma(ma1,fastLength)
zerolagEMA = ((2 * ma1) - ma2)

// Slow line
mas1=  useEma ? ema(source , slowLength) :  sma(source , slowLength)
mas2 =  useEma ? ema(mas1 , slowLength): sma(mas1 , slowLength)
zerolagslowMA = ((2 * mas1) - mas2)

// MACD line
ZeroLagMACD = zerolagEMA - zerolagslowMA

// Signal line
emasig1 = ema(ZeroLagMACD, signalLength)
emasig2 = ema(emasig1, signalLength)
signal = useOldAlgo ? sma(ZeroLagMACD, signalLength) : (2 * emasig1) - emasig2

hist = ZeroLagMACD - signal

upHist = (hist > 0) ? hist : 0
downHist = (hist <= 0) ? hist : 0

p1 = plot(upHist, color=green, transp=40, style=columns, title='Positive delta')
p2 = plot(downHist, color=purple, transp=40, style=columns, title='Negative delta')

zeroLine = plot(ZeroLagMACD, color=black, transp=0, linewidth=2, title='MACD line')
signaLine = plot(signal, color=gray, transp=0, linewidth=2, title='Signal')

ribbonDiff = hist > 0 ? green : purple
fill(zeroLine, signaLine, color=ribbonDiff)

plot(ema(ZeroLagMACD,MacdEmaLength) , color=red, transp=0, linewidth=2, title='EMA on MACD line')

Where you ever able to convert this to thinkorswim?
Below is my TradingView conversion on Zero lag MACD.

#// Version 1.2
#// Based on ZeroLag EMA - see Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities, April 2000
#// Original version by user Glaz. Thanks ! [URL]https://www.tradingview.com/chart/EURUSD/UV0YI6Wy-ZeroLag-Macd[/URL]
#// Ideas and code from @yassotreyo version.
#// Tweaked by Albert Callisto (AC)
#// (AC - 1.0) Histogram with two colors, choice between SMA/EMA (SMA = "Glaz mode"),  names for sub-components, renaming of variables
#// (AC - 1.1) Added choice between "Glaz" and legacy algorithm + introduced EMA on MACD (thanks @yassotreyo for your original version)
#// (AC - 1.2) Added option to show dots above (requested by another user)
# converted by SAM4COK 07/2022 - Not exact conversion
declare lower;
input source = close;
input fastLength    = 12;    #"Fast MM period"
input slowLength    = 26;    #"Slow MM period"
input signalLength  = 9;     #"Signal MM period"
input MacdEmaLength = 9;     #"MACD EMA period"
input useEma        = yes;   #"Use EMA (otherwise SMA)"
input useOldAlgo    = no;    #"Use Glaz algo (otherwise 'real' original zero lag)"
input showDots      = yes;   #"Show symbols to indicate crossing"
input showEMALine   = no;    #"Show EMA MACD Line"
input ShowCloud     = yes;    #"Show Cloud"
input ShowHist      = yes;    #"Show Hist"

def na = Double.NaN;
##### Color ###
DefineGlobalColor("UP"     , CreateColor(100, 181, 246));
DefineGlobalColor("DOWN"   , CreateColor(160,32,240));
DefineGlobalColor("EMAMACD", CreateColor(255,235,59));
#// Fast line
def ma1        = if useEma then ExpAverage(source, fastLength) else SimpleMovingAvg(source, fastLength);
def ma2        = if useEma then ExpAverage(ma1,fastLength) else SimpleMovingAvg(ma1,fastLength);
def zerolagEMA = ((2 * ma1) - ma2);

#// Slow line
def mas1          =  if useEma then ExpAverage(source , slowLength) else SimpleMovingAvg(source , slowLength);
def mas2          =  if useEma then ExpAverage(mas1 , slowLength) else SimpleMovingAvg(mas1 , slowLength);
def zerolagslowMA = ((2 * mas1) - mas2);

#// MACD line
def ZeroLagMACD = zerolagEMA - zerolagslowMA;

#// Signal line
def emasig1  = ExpAverage(ZeroLagMACD, signalLength);
def emasig2  = ExpAverage(emasig1, signalLength);
def signal   = if useOldAlgo then SimpleMovingAvg(ZeroLagMACD, signalLength) else (2 * emasig1) - emasig2;
def hist     = ZeroLagMACD - signal;
def upHist   = if (hist > 0) then hist else 0;
def downHist = if (hist <= 0) then hist else 0;

#// Plot Lines
plot EMALine = if showEMALine then ExpAverage(ZeroLagMACD,MacdEmaLength) else na; # 'EMA on MACD line'

plot ZeroLagLine = if !ShowCloud then ZeroLagMACD else na; #, color=black, transp=0, linewidth=2, title='MACD line')

plot signalLine = if !ShowCloud then signal else na; #, color=gray, transp=0, linewidth=2, title='Signal')

#// Cloud

addcloud (if ShowCloud then ZeroLagMACD else na, signal, color.GREEN,color.RED, no);

#// Plot Hist

plot ZeroLine = 0;
ZeroLine.AssignValueColor(if upHist then GlobalColor("UP") else GlobalColor("DOWN"));

plot p1 = if ShowHist then upHist * 2 else na;

plot p2 = if ShowHist then downHist * 2 else na;

#// Plot DOTS
plot DotUP = if showDots and ZeroLagMACD crosses above signal then ZeroLagMACD else na;
plot DotDN = if showDots and ZeroLagMACD crosses below signal then ZeroLagMACD else na;
LOVE THIS! Question: everything I've read on the ZeroLag MACD has the standard 2-line version (MACD & Signal). Could you please identify the 3 lines used here? Using the std. MACD, I've identified the MACD and Signal but what is the third line? Thanks!!
LOVE THIS! Question: everything I've read on the ZeroLag MACD has the standard 2-line version (MACD & Signal). Could you please identify the 3 lines used here? Using the std. MACD, I've identified the MACD and Signal but what is the third line? Thanks!!

This indicator plots two averages.
a SMA9 which is the signal line
and a EMA9 which is the "third line"

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