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he Z-Score Heikin-Ashi Transformed (𝘡 𝘏-𝘈) indicator is a powerful technical tool that combines the principles of Z-Score and Heikin Ashi to provide traders with a smoothed representation of price movements and a standardized measure of market volatility.
The 𝘡 𝘏-𝘈 indicator applies the Z-Score calculation to price data and then transforms the resulting Z-Scores using the Heikin Ashi technique. Understanding the individual components of Z-Score and Heikin Ashi will provide a foundation for comprehending the methodology and unique features of this indicator.
More Details : https://www.tradingview.com/v/MFW8vsmU/
#// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
#// © QuantiLuxe
#indicator("Z-Score Heikin Ashi Transformed", "{?} - ? ?-?", false)
# converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800 - 07/2023
declare lower;
#f_z(src, len) =>
script f_z {
input src = close;
input len = 21;
def mean = Average(src, len);
def dev = StDev(src, len);
def f_z = (src - mean) / dev;
plot out = f_z;
input Zperiod = 21; # 'Z Period'
input showSignals = yes;
input ReversionThreshold = {"1", default "2", "3"}; # "Reversion Threshold"
input showMovAvgLine1 = yes;
input movAvgLength1 = 50;
input showMovAvgLine2 = yes;
input movAvgLength2 = 150;
def na = Double.NaN;
def last = isNaN(close);
def revt;
Switch (ReversionThreshold) {
Case "1" : revt = 1;
Case "2" : revt = 2;
Case "3" : revt = 3;
#-- Colors
DefineGlobalColor("colup", CreateColor(255,242,204));
DefineGlobalColor("coldn", CreateColor(111,168,220));
DefineGlobalColor("colema1", Color.CYAN);
DefineGlobalColor("colema2", Color.MAGENTA);
DefineGlobalColor("low", CreateColor(255,214,232));
DefineGlobalColor("dlow", Color.PLUM);
def o_z = f_z(open, Zperiod);
def h_z = f_z(high, Zperiod);
def l_z = f_z(low, Zperiod);
def c_z = f_z(close, Zperiod);
def haClose = (o_z + h_z + l_z + c_z) / 4;
def haOpen = CompoundValue(1, (haOpen[1] + haClose[1]) / 2, (o_z + c_z) / 2);
def haHigh = Max(h_z, Max(haOpen, haClose));
def haLow = Min(l_z, Min(haOpen, haClose));
#def ohlc = (haClose + haOpen + haHigh + haLow) / 4;
def haColor = if haClose > haOpen then 1 else
if haClose < haOpen then -1 else 0;
def OpenUp = if haColor > 0 then haOpen else na;
def OpenDn = if haColor < 0 then haOpen else na;
# Plot the new Chart
AddChart(high = if haColor > 0 then haHigh else na , low = haLow , open = haClose, close = OpenUp,
type = ChartType.CANDLE, growcolor = GlobalColor("colup"));
AddChart(high = if haColor < 0 then haHigh else na, low = haLow , open = OpenDn, close = haClose,
type = ChartType.CANDLE, growcolor = GlobalColor("coldn"));
plot EMA1 = if showMovAvgLine1 then ExpAverage(haClose, movAvgLength1) else na;
plot EMA2 = if showMovAvgLine2 then ExpAverage(haClose, movAvgLength2) else na;
plot zero = if last then na else 0; # "Mid Line"
def max = if last then na else 4;
def hh = if last then na else 3;
def lh = if last then na else 2;
DefineGlobalColor("high", Color.DARK_GRAY);
DefineGlobalColor("dhigh", Color.WHITE);
AddCloud(hh, lh, GlobalColor("dhigh"));
AddCloud(max, hh, GlobalColor("high"));
def min = if last then na else -4;
def ll = if last then na else -3;
def hl = if last then na else -2;
AddCloud(hl, ll, GlobalColor("dlow"));
AddCloud(ll, min, GlobalColor("low"));
def dn = haHigh[1] < haHigh[2];
def up = haLow[1] > haLow[2];
plot SigUp = if !showSignals then na else
if (haHigh > revt and haHigh < haHigh[1] and !dn) then haHigh + 0.75 else na; # "OB"
plot SigDn = if !showSignals then na else
if (haLow < -revt and haLow > haLow[1] and !up) then haLow - 0.75 else na; # "OS"
#--- END of CODE
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