Yesterday High, Low, Close for Intraday


New member
I stumbled across code months ago, and I've tried to identify the source, but haven't been able to do so... So please let me know if you are the creator, and I will apply credit. I did not write this (I did shorten it though).

What it does an why: The code allows us to plot yesterday's high, low and close on an intraday chart, and on mobile. It doesn't use the aggregation period reference, so It can also be incorporated into a 5 minute (or intraday) watchlist script or scan.

My ask: Can someone please shorten the below code, so it's even more lean/streamlined? I'm trying to use these references in a 5 min watchlist column as part of a larger study, and once I do, the study becomes too complex. If I can get this somewhat shorter, it will work.

Is there was a way to simplify this without having the odd and even day references. Thank you!

def PremarketTradingHours = RegularTradingStart(GetYYYYMMDD()) > GetTime();
def RegularTradingHours = RegularTradingStart(GetYYYYMMDD()) <= GetTime() and GetTime() < RegularTradingEnd(GetYYYYMMDD());
def PostmarketTradingHours = GetTime() >= RegularTradingEnd(GetYYYYMMDD());

def RegularSessionStart = PremarketTradingHours[1] and RegularTradingHours;
def REgularSessionEnd = RegularTradingHours and PostmarketTradingHours[-1];

# ---- Alternates between 1 and 0 based on whether the day number is even or odd ----
def days = CompoundValue(1,
if GetDay() != GetDay()[1] and SecondsFromTime(1000) <=0
then days[1]+1
else days[1],1);

def EvenOrOdd = if days % 2 == 0 then 1 else 0;

# ---- Formulas that calculate the lines ----
def PriorDayHigh = CompoundValue(1,
if RegularSessionStart and EvenOrOdd == 1
then high
else if RegularTradingHours and EvenOrOdd == 1
then max(high,if PriorDayHigh[1] == 0 then high else PriorDayHigh[1])
else PriorDayHigh[1]

def PriorDayHigh2 = CompoundValue(1,
if RegularSessionStart and EvenOrOdd == 0
then high
else if RegularTradingHours and EvenOrOdd == 0
then max(high,if PriorDayHigh2[1] == 0 then high else PriorDayHigh2[1])
else PriorDayHigh2[1]

def PriorDayLow = CompoundValue(1,
if RegularSessionStart and EvenOrOdd == 1
then low
else if RegularTradingHours and EvenOrOdd == 1
then min(low,if PriorDayLow[1] == 0 then low else PriorDayLow[1])
else PriorDayLow[1]

def PriorDayLow2 = CompoundValue(1,
if RegularSessionStart and EvenOrOdd == 0
then low
else if RegularTradingHours and EvenOrOdd == 0
then min(low,if PriorDayLow2[1] == 0 then low else PriorDayLow2[1])
else PriorDayLow2[1]

def PriorDayClose = CompoundValue(1,
if RegularSessionEnd and EvenOrOdd == 1
then close
else PriorDayClose[1]

def PriorDayClose2 = CompoundValue(1,
if RegularSessionEnd and EvenOrOdd == 0
then close
else PriorDayClose2[1]

# ---- Here we are declaring when to show the line, and the color and style of the lines ----

def PDHigh = if (EvenOrOdd == 0) and days <> 1
then if PremarketTradingHours or
RegularTradingHours or
then PriorDayHigh
else Double.NaN
else Double.NaN;

def PDHigh2 = if (EvenOrOdd == 1) and days <> 1
then if PremarketTradingHours or
RegularTradingHours or
then PriorDayHigh2
else Double.NaN
else Double.NaN;

def PDLow = if (EvenOrOdd == 0) and days <> 1
then if PremarketTradingHours or
RegularTradingHours or
then PriorDayLow
else Double.NaN
else Double.NaN;

def PDLow2 = if (EvenOrOdd == 1) and days <> 1
then if PremarketTradingHours or
RegularTradingHours or
then PriorDayLow2
else Double.NaN
else Double.NaN;

def PDClose = if (EvenOrOdd == 0) and days <> 1
then if PremarketTradingHours or
RegularTradingHours or
then PriorDayClose
else Double.NaN
else Double.NaN;

def PDClose2 = if (EvenOrOdd == 1) and days <> 1
then if PremarketTradingHours or
RegularTradingHours or
then PriorDayClose2
else Double.NaN
else Double.NaN;

plot DailyHigh = if isNan(PDHigh) then PDHigh2 else PDHigh;
plot DailyLow = if isNan(PDLow) then PDLow2 else PDLow;
plot DailyClose = if isNan(PDClose) then PDClose2 else PDClose;
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But don't watchlist scripts have a limit to the amount of text/lines of code? Even if it's just slight, could removing the odd and even free up some additional text? I hope you don't mind my asking. Thanks for your help though.

In ToS, the number of lines of code limitation only applies conditional orders.
Charts, Scans, Watchlists can have a unlimited number of lines, without adding complexity.

You can have 2000 lines of code in a watchlist script. Without any complexity.
In your script, what creates complexity is calls to functions.
Function calls can be identified as code that contains parentheses, such as CompoundValue()
While it appears as a simple statement to you. The ToS functions can be extremely complex.

My ask: Can someone please shorten the below code, so it's even more lean/streamlined? I'm trying to use these references in a 5 min watchlist column as part of a larger study, and once I do, the study becomes too complex. If I can get this somewhat shorter, it will work. Thank you!

Unfortunately no.
The compound value statements cannot be made "more lean/streamlined".
They are complex by definition.
When added to a larger study, it will become too complex for watchlists, scans, and conditional orders.

Do the odd and even day references add complexity?

No, the even/odd references do not add any complexity to the code.
Unfortunately no.
The compound value statements cannot be made "more lean/streamlined".
They are complex by definition.
When added to a larger study, it will become too complex for watchlists, scans, and conditional orders.

No, the even/odd references do not add any complexity to the code.
But don't watchlist scripts have a limit to the amount of text/lines of code? Even if it's just slight, could removing the odd and even free up some additional text? I hope you don't mind my asking. Thanks for your help though.

Oddly I’ve seen a script which was on the cusp of getting the too “complex” error go from complex to okay by deleting a # (hashtag statement) or going from a custom color to a predetermined color.
But don't watchlist scripts have a limit to the amount of text/lines of code? Even if it's just slight, could removing the odd and even free up some additional text? I hope you don't mind my asking. Thanks for your help though.

In ToS, the number of lines of code limitation only applies conditional orders.
Charts, Scans, Watchlists can have a unlimited number of lines, without adding complexity.

You can have 2000 lines of code in a watchlist script. Without any complexity.
In your script, what creates complexity is calls to functions.
Function calls can be identified as code that contains parentheses, such as CompoundValue()
While it appears as a simple statement to you. The ToS functions can be extremely complex.

Other types of routines that add complexity are recursions and fold statements.
Some script{} subroutines could become complex.

Oddly I’ve seen a script which was on the cusp of getting the too “complex” error go from complex to okay by deleting a # (hashtag statement) or going from a custom color to a predetermined color.

Agreed. PLOT statements and their associated formatting conditions also can push a script that is bordering on complex into too complex.
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