VRM -- Volume Required for Movement For ThinkOrSwim




Volume Per Movement


The theory here is that sometimes a security will move more easily up or down given the same volume. This indicator attempts to discern whether movement up or down takes less volume and is therefore more likely in a given market.

IMPORTANT This indicator is 'upside down' where the lower the value the more easily the stock moves. Since it is volume required for a given movement, this makes sense. When the green line is below the red, it takes less volume to move up and when the red line is below the green, it takes less volume to move lower. When either line is very low, it takes very little volume to move a signifigant distance, and conversely if the lines are both quite high, it takes a lot of volume to move the price.

That is, if you see volume as driving price movement.

Eye Candy


# Volume Required for Movement
# By Mashume for the UseThinkScript Community
# 2022-05-08

declare lower;
input length = 20;
input k_length = 8;
input d_length = 34;

script worden {
    input values = close;
    input count = 25;
    input length = 25;
    input k = 3;
    input d = 5;

    def rank = fold i = 0 to length 
        with rankcounter = 0 
        do if values != 0 and values > GetValue(values, i) 
            then rankcounter + 1 else rankcounter;

    def w = ( 100 / ( count + 0 ) ) * rank;

    plot Worden = SimpleMovingAvg(w, k);
    plot signal = SimpleMovingAvg(Worden, d);

def up = if close > open then 1 else 0;
def dn = if close < open then 1 else 0;
def nc = if close == open then 1 else 0;

def up_vols = if up == 1 then volume else Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
def dn_vols = if dn == 1 then volume else Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;

def change = if AbsValue(close - open) != 0 then AbsValue((close - open) / open) else 1;

def up_change_per_volume = up_vols / change;
def dn_change_per_volume = dn_vols / change;

def up_worden = worden(up_change_per_volume, (sum(up, length) + sum(nc, length)), length, k = k_length, d = d_length).signal;
def dn_worden = worden(dn_change_per_volume, (sum(dn, length) + sum(nc, length)), length, k = k_length, d = d_length).signal;
def vol_worden = worden(VOLUME, length * 1.5, k = k_length, d = d_length).signal;

plot pos_indicator = up_worden;
plot neg_indicator = dn_worden;


As always, this is provided free for the UseThinkScript community under applicable open source licenses.

Happy Trading,


Volume Per Movement


The theory here is that sometimes a security will move more easily up or down given the same volume. This indicator attempts to discern whether movement up or down takes less volume and is therefore more likely in a given market.

IMPORTANT This indicator is 'upside down' where the lower the value the more easily the stock moves. Since it is volume required for a given movement, this makes sense. When the green line is below the red, it takes less volume to move up and when the red line is below the green, it takes less volume to move lower. When either line is very low, it takes very little volume to move a signifigant distance, and conversely if the lines are both quite high, it takes a lot of volume to move the price.

That is, if you see volume as driving price movement.

Eye Candy


# Volume Required for Movement
# By Mashume for the UseThinkScript Community
# 2022-05-08

declare lower;
input length = 20;
input k_length = 8;
input d_length = 34;

script worden {
    input values = close;
    input count = 25;
    input length = 25;
    input k = 3;
    input d = 5;

    def rank = fold i = 0 to length
        with rankcounter = 0
        do if values != 0 and values > GetValue(values, i)
            then rankcounter + 1 else rankcounter;

    def w = ( 100 / ( count + 0 ) ) * rank;

    plot Worden = SimpleMovingAvg(w, k);
    plot signal = SimpleMovingAvg(Worden, d);

def up = if close > open then 1 else 0;
def dn = if close < open then 1 else 0;
def nc = if close == open then 1 else 0;

def up_vols = if up == 1 then volume else Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
def dn_vols = if dn == 1 then volume else Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;

def change = if AbsValue(close - open) != 0 then AbsValue((close - open) / open) else 1;

def up_change_per_volume = up_vols / change;
def dn_change_per_volume = dn_vols / change;

def up_worden = worden(up_change_per_volume, (sum(up, length) + sum(nc, length)), length, k = k_length, d = d_length).signal;
def dn_worden = worden(dn_change_per_volume, (sum(dn, length) + sum(nc, length)), length, k = k_length, d = d_length).signal;
def vol_worden = worden(VOLUME, length * 1.5, k = k_length, d = d_length).signal;

plot pos_indicator = up_worden;
plot neg_indicator = dn_worden;


As always, this is provided free for the UseThinkScript community under applicable open source licenses.

Happy Trading,
Hey mashume congratulation! This is a very nice indicator, I changed simple for exponential and even its small movement it show you a good signals. I change the numbers too a little be to 20, 5, 30 and the signal is good as I said!
Last edited:
Hey mashume congratulation! This is a very nice indicator, I changed simple for exponential and even its small movement it show you a good signals. I change the numbers too a little be to 20, 5, 30 and the signal is good as I said!
I had not extensively backtested to determine optimum lengths before releasing the code. I'm glad you found a setting that works for you and the instruments you trade!

And thanks for reporting back on this one. It's always good to hear whether and how other traders find these scripts I come up with useful.

Thank you for this indicator. I am studying it. meantime, what inspired you to this indicator?
Thank you for this indicator. I am studying it. meantime, what inspired you to this indicator?
I've been trying to find an angle on volume for some time. I was studying the pdf in this thread:


and was trying to come up with some notion of viscosity in terms of volume and hit on the notion that the amount of volume required to move an instrument a given distance might be analogous to the force required (volume) to move through a viscous fluid (price) and that the more force required to move or the more viscous the liquid the less movement you would see for a given force.

That ratio and calculating the ratios for up and down candles and comparing them is what I've tried to accomplish in this indicator. The Worden stochastic (which is used here) is just a way of ranking the values based not on value like a normal stochastic, but rather on rank out of the last n values. It does away with a lot of the pre and post market hours change in absolute volume by ranking the points rather than using their values. This helps me with trading futures which have such long pre and after session hours and a large volume increase during regular trading hours.


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