Volume Buzz For ThinkOrSwim


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Looking to create a label so it can be added to upper in charts that shows last bar volume in form of percentage with the following conditions:

1)compare last bar volume to past 100 days
2)i would want it to display in upper of chart
3) display in percentage
4) show green if above 300% ...yellow between 100% - 299% or else in Red
5) show percentage amount for previous bar

I'm trying to mimic Volume Buzz feature found on TC2000 which is said to have the following equation: 100 * (V / AVGV100.1 - 1)
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#Createdby @SuryaKiranC
#Requested By @om4 at https://usethinkscript.com/threads/unusual-volume-script-needed.9864

declare upper; #only keep one of these declare uncommented depends on the placement needs.
#declare lower;
#declare on_volume;

def aP = AggregationPeriod.DAY;
def BUZZ = 100 * (VOLUME(period = aP)[1] / Average(VOLUME(period = aP)[1],100));

AddLabel(Yes,"Buzz :" + round (BUZZ,2)+"% ", if BUZZ >300 then Color.Green else if BUZZ > 100 and BUZZ < 299 then Color.Yellow else Color.RED);
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After a bit more search Volume Buzz is calculated based on todays volume not on previous day. The code in the above post is accurate for what is asked.

Here is the code for actual Volume Buzz and Volume Surge. Difference between Volume Buzz and Surge, the later includes the recent volume in the average calculations.


#Createdby @SuryaKiranC
#nased on request  @om4 at https://usethinkscript.com/threads/unusual-volume-script-needed.9864

declare upper; #only keep one of these declare uncommented depends on the placement needs.
#declare lower;
#declare on_volume;

def aP = AggregationPeriod.DAY;
def BUZZ = 100 * (VOLUME(period = aP) / Average(VOLUME(period = aP)[1],100));
def SURGE = 100 * (VOLUME(period = aP) / Average(VOLUME(period = aP),100));
AddLabel(Yes,"Buzz :" + round (BUZZ,2)+"% ", if BUZZ >300 then Color.Green else if BUZZ > 100 and BUZZ < 299 then Color.Yellow else Color.RED);
AddLabel(Yes,"Surge :" + round (SURGE,2)+"% ", if SURGE >300 then Color.Green else if SURGE > 100 and SURGE < 299 then Color.Yellow else Color.RED);
After a bit more search Volume Buzz is calculated based on todays volume not on previous day. The code in the above post is accurate for what is asked.

Here is the code for actual Volume Buzz and Volume Surge. Difference between Volume Buzz and Surge, the later includes the recent volume in the average calculations.


#Createdby @SuryaKiranC
#nased on request  @om4 at https://usethinkscript.com/threads/unusual-volume-script-needed.9864

declare upper; #only keep one of these declare uncommented depends on the placement needs.
#declare lower;
#declare on_volume;

def aP = AggregationPeriod.DAY;
def BUZZ = 100 * (VOLUME(period = aP) / Average(VOLUME(period = aP)[1],100));
def SURGE = 100 * (VOLUME(period = aP) / Average(VOLUME(period = aP),100));
AddLabel(Yes,"Buzz :" + round (BUZZ,2)+"% ", if BUZZ >300 then Color.Green else if BUZZ > 100 and BUZZ < 299 then Color.Yellow else Color.RED);
AddLabel(Yes,"Surge :" + round (SURGE,2)+"% ", if SURGE >300 then Color.Green else if SURGE > 100 and SURGE < 299 then Color.Yellow else Color.RED);
Any chance this can be revised to have a custom time input, and compare it to previous day's volume for that time period?
@YoloEZ I tied that multiple times in the past, with various volume indicators, I can grab volume for a part of the running day, but can't seems to be able to get the same from past day or further back.

must be something I am not doing right with the GetDay(), will keep at it and when I do find a smartway of doing this, I will update the post here.
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Hi I'm wondering if it's at all possible to get the seconds elapsed since the start of a trading day (9:30 AM EST) while using a daily or weekly aggregation period.

I'm attempting to replicate TC2000's Volume Buzz Indicator, which is explained below:

"Volume Buzz is based on the 100-Period Simple Moving Average of Volume over the previous 100 days (so not including today).

The current Volume is compared to a percentage of the average volume which is directly proportional to the percentage of the trading day which has already passed. So at 10:15 AM ET, the current volume would be compared to about 11.54% of the 100-Day Simple Moving Average of Volume ending yesterday. If the result is +25%, it would mean that current Volume is about 14.42% of the average volume instead of 11.54% of the average volume."

I was looking at this this morning and the inherent problem we'll get with thinkorswim is that it cant pull data from lower aggregations. So if you're on daily, you cant use data from mins, hours, etc. The way volume buzz works is it gives a cumulative average from minutes passing through the day. So if its 10 am, its calculating that BY 10AM how much volume has there been compared to usual amount of volume by 10 am. Not possible unless theres a way to calc it on the minute chart, there will never be a way to see it from any other aggregation
Alright, feel like an ***** for not figuring this out before but you can do a quick "cheat" to get an approximation to see what's hot volume wise. Add this as a watchlist column. Just figure out what time of day it is and how many have passed (if its 12:30 then and the market has been open 3 hours then its 180) and enter it in the fraction numerator over 390. Youll just need to change the time every once in a while when youre scanning but youll get a good approximation of how hot the volume flow is. You can also just use it to rank your watchlist to see what's hottest for the day.

# Zanger Volume cheat by WTF_Dude 11.18.22
# aka "Volume Buzz"

def volavg = expaverage(volume, 20);


def form = EXPAverage(volume,20) *  (180 / 390 ) ;

plot zanger = volume / form;

zanger.assignvaluecolor(if zanger>=2 then createcolor(250,0,100) else if zanger>=1.2 then createcolor(250,0,250) else if zanger>=0.8 then color.light_gray else if zanger>=0.6 then createcolor(250,180,100) else createcolor(250,200,150));

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