I'm looking for code that i can paste into the bottom of a strategy code that will allow for quick and easy backtesting.
I bought some code but it works very inconsistently & i want to simply backtest quickly in 30 day increments & i cant bc this code is unreliable and only works
when god knows when. I just need to see my wins/losses & Pnl & id like to be able to see each trade so i can analyze the losers a bit more.
does anyone have anything like this, or can they create something like this, or at the very least modify what i have so that it actually works when its supposed to.
i have 1 set of code that works with a study that plots a histogram in a lower study that mostly works, and i have another code for strategies that hardly ever works. if anyone can either provide reliable code or fix what i have, id be happy to pay for the service. pls contact me asap bc i cannot backtest w/o reliable code & im getting sick of waiting.
I bought some code but it works very inconsistently & i want to simply backtest quickly in 30 day increments & i cant bc this code is unreliable and only works
when god knows when. I just need to see my wins/losses & Pnl & id like to be able to see each trade so i can analyze the losers a bit more.
does anyone have anything like this, or can they create something like this, or at the very least modify what i have so that it actually works when its supposed to.
i have 1 set of code that works with a study that plots a histogram in a lower study that mostly works, and i have another code for strategies that hardly ever works. if anyone can either provide reliable code or fix what i have, id be happy to pay for the service. pls contact me asap bc i cannot backtest w/o reliable code & im getting sick of waiting.