Trading BUY/SELL Signal For ThinkOrSwim


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Author states:
The Script can be used to identify the main trend and take BUY/SELL decisions in the lower time frames.

The tool can be applied as follows
1) Apply the tool to your favorite chart
2) Select the main trend.
3) Go to lower time frames to check the BUY/SELL signals. Example: If the selected main trend is 4 hrs, then go to time frames below 4 hrs to find the entry and exit positions.


Could someone please convert this trading view indicator ? Would be very grateful.

Thank you
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Could someone please convert this trading view indicator ? Would be very grateful.

Thank you
check the below:

# Indicator for TOS
#strategy("Trading BUY/SELL Signal",overlay=true)
# Converted and mod by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 07/2024
input colorBars = no;
input higherResolution = AggregationPeriod.THIRTY_MIN; # "Resolution"
input cciLength = 10;     # "CCI"
input atrLength = 2;      # "ATR"
input atrMultiplier = 1.0;
input signalFilterType = {Default "Higher Timeframe", "Trend Direction", "No Filter"};
input showTpSlArea = yes;
input tpMultiplier = 4.0; # "Take Profit"
input slMultiplier = 3.0; # "Stop Loss"

def na = Double.NaN;
def last = IsNaN(close);
def sigHTF = signalFilterType == signalFilterType."Higher Timeframe";
def sigTrend = signalFilterType==signalFilterType."Trend Direction";
def current = GetAggregationPeriod();
def tf = Max(higherResolution, current);
def lastTF = IsNaN(close(Period = tf));
def h = high;
def c = close;
def l = low;
def hTF = high(Period = tf)[1];
def cTF = close(Period = tf)[1];
def lTF = low(Period = tf)[1];

script f_cci {
    input price = close;
    input length = 14;
    def avgSrc = Average(price, length);
    def linDev = LinDev(price, length);
    def CCI    = if !linDev then 0 else (price - avgSrc) / linDev / 0.015;
    plot out   = if IsNaN(CCI) then 0 else CCI;
script calcx {
    input h = high;
    input c = close;
    input l = low;
    input thisCCI = close;
    input atrLength = 2;
    input atrMultiplier = 1;
    def tr1 = TrueRange(h, c, l);
    def tr = if IsNaN(tr1[1]) then h - l else tr1;
    def lastCCI = if IsNaN(thisCCI[1]) then 0 else thisCCI[1];
    def nATR = WMA(tr, atrLength) * atrMultiplier;
    def buDn = h + nATR;
    def buUp = l - nATR;
    def bufferUp;
    def bufferDn;
    def preUp = CompoundValue(1, if !bufferUp[1] then buUp else bufferUp[1], buUp);
    def preDn = CompoundValue(1, if !bufferDn[1] then buDn else bufferDn[1], buDn);
    def bufferUp1 = if (thisCCI >= 0 and lastCCI < 0) then preDn else buUp;
    def bufferDn1 = if (thisCCI <= 0 and lastCCI > 0) then preUp else buDn;
    if (thisCCI >= 0) {
        bufferUp = if (bufferUp1 < preUp) then preUp else bufferUp1;
        bufferDn = bufferDn1;
    } else {
        bufferUp = bufferUp1;
        bufferDn = if (bufferDn1 > preDn) then preDn else bufferDn1;
    def calcx = if thisCCI >= 0 then bufferUp else
                if thisCCI <= 0 then bufferDn else calcx[1];
    plot x = if IsNaN(calcx) then c else calcx;
def thisCCI   = f_cci(c, cciLength);
def thisCCItf = f_cci(cTF, cciLength);

def tempx = calcx(h, c, l, thisCCI, atrLength, atrMultiplier);
def tempxTF = calcx(hTF, cTF, lTF, thisCCItf, atrLength, atrMultiplier);
def calcswap = if IsNaN(calcswap[1]) then 0 else
               if tempx > tempx[1] then 1 else
               if tempx < tempx[1] then -1 else calcswap[1];
def calcswapTF = if IsNaN(calcswapTF[1]) then 0 else
                 if tempxTF > tempxTF[1] then 1 else
                 if tempxTF < tempxTF[1] then -1 else calcswapTF[1];
def tempswap   = if IsNaN(calcswap)   then 0 else calcswap;
def tempswapTF = if IsNaN(calcswapTF) then 0 else calcswapTF;

def swap2   = if tempswap > 0 then 1 else 0;
def swap2TF = if tempswapTF > 0 then 1 else 0;

#/display current timeframe's Trend
plot tempxLine = if !last and tempx then tempx else na;
plot tempxLineTF = if !last and tempxTF then tempxTF else na;
tempxLine.AssignValueColor(if swap2 then Color.CYAN else Color.MAGENTA);
tempxLineTF.AssignValueColor(if swap2TF then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);

script tpsl {
    input condition = close;
    input opposite_condition = no;
    input islong = yes;
    input tpMult = 4;
    input slMult = 2;
    input showTpSl = yes;
    def na = Double.NaN;
    def level = open[-1];
    def atr = ATR(Length = 200);
    def atrTP = atr * tpMult;
    def atrSL = atr * slMult;
    def tp_area;
    def sl_area;
    def entry;
    def reached1;
    def reached;
    def inTrade;
    if condition and !inTrade[1] {
        inTrade  = yes;
        reached1 = no;
        entry = level;
        if islong {
            tp_area = if !showTpSl then na else level + atrTP;
            sl_area = if !showTpSl then na else level - atrSL;
        } else {
            tp_area = if !showTpSl then na else level - atrTP;
            sl_area = if !showTpSl then na else level + atrSL;
    } else if inTrade[1] {
        reached1 = if opposite_condition then yes else reached[1];
        inTrade = if reached1 then no else inTrade[1];
        entry   = if !showTpSl then na else entry[1];
        tp_area = if !showTpSl then na else if reached1 then close else tp_area[1];
        sl_area = if !showTpSl then na else if reached1 then close else sl_area[1];
    } else {
        reached1 = yes;
        entry   = na;
        tp_area = na;
        sl_area = na;
        inTrade = no;
    if islong and inTrade {
        reached = if (high > tp_area) or (low < sl_area) then yes else reached1;
    } else if !islong and inTrade {
        reached = if (low  < tp_area) or (high > sl_area) then yes else reached1;
    } else {
        reached = yes;

    def wins = if barNumber() < 1 then 0 else
               if islong and (!inTrade and inTrade[1]) then
               if (tp_area - entry) > 0 then wins[1] + 1 else wins[1] else
               if !islong and (!inTrade and inTrade[1]) then
               if (entry - tp_area) > 0 then wins[1] + 1 else wins[1] else wins[1];
    plot enter = if !reached then entry else na;
    plot tp = if !reached then tp_area else na;
    plot sl = if !reached then sl_area else na;
    plot reach = !inTrade[1];
    plot win = wins;


def filterUp = if sigHTF then (tempxLine > tempxLineTF) else
               if sigTrend then (swap2 and swap2TF) else yes;
def filterDn = if sigHTF then (tempxLine < tempxLineTF) else
               if sigTrend then (!swap2 and !swap2TF) else yes;
def SigUp = !swap2[1] and swap2 and filterUp;
def SigDn =  swap2[1] and !swap2 and filterDn;
def os = if SigUp then 1 else if SigDn then 0 else os[1];
def ts_reset = (SigUp or SigDn);

def bull_Entry   = tpsl(SigUp, SigDn, yes, tpMultiplier, slMultiplier, showTpSlArea).enter;
def bull_TP      = tpsl(SigUp, SigDn, yes, tpMultiplier, slMultiplier, showTpSlArea).tp;
def bull_SL      = tpsl(SigUp, SigDn, yes, tpMultiplier, slMultiplier, showTpSlArea).sl;
def bull_reached = tpsl(SigUp, SigDn, yes, tpMultiplier, slMultiplier, showTpSlArea).reach;
def bull_Win     = tpsl(SigUp, SigDn, yes, tpMultiplier, slMultiplier, showTpSlArea).win;
def bear_Entry   = tpsl(SigDn, SigUp, no,  tpMultiplier, slMultiplier, showTpSlArea).enter;
def bear_TP      = tpsl(SigDn, SigUp, no,  tpMultiplier, slMultiplier, showTpSlArea).tp;
def bear_SL      = tpsl(SigDn, SigUp, no,  tpMultiplier, slMultiplier, showTpSlArea).sl;
def bear_reached = tpsl(SigDn, SigUp, no,  tpMultiplier, slMultiplier, showTpSlArea).reach;
def bear_Win     = tpsl(SigDn, SigUp, no,  tpMultiplier, slMultiplier, showTpSlArea).win;

plot entryBull = if bull_Entry then bull_Entry else na;
plot tpBull    = if bull_TP then bull_TP else na;
plot slBull    = if bull_SL then bull_SL else na;
plot entryBear = if bear_Entry then bear_Entry else na;
plot tpBear    = if bear_TP then bear_TP else na;
plot slBear    = if bear_SL then bear_SL else na;

AddCloud(tpBull, entryBull, Color.DARK_GREEN);
AddCloud(entryBull, slBull, Color.DARK_RED);

AddCloud(entryBear, tpBear, Color.DARK_GREEN);
AddCloud(slBear, entryBear, Color.DARK_RED);

AddChartBubble(SigUp and bull_reached, low, "B", Color.GREEN, no);
AddChartBubble(SigDn and bear_reached, high, "S", Color.RED);
def cnt = if barNumber() < 1 then 0 else
          if SigUp and bull_reached then cnt[1] + 1 else
          if SigDn and bear_reached then cnt[1] + 1 else cnt[1];
def totWins = bull_Win + bear_Win;
def winRate = totWins / cnt;
AddLabel(showTpSlArea, "TotalTrade(" + cnt + ")", color.WHITE);
AddLabel(showTpSlArea, "TotalWins(" + totWins + ") " + AsPercent(winRate),
        if winRate>0.5 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);

# bar Color

def colUp = if sigHTF then (tempxLine > tempxLineTF) else
               if sigTrend then (swap2 and swap2TF) else os;
def colDn = if sigHTF then (tempxLine < tempxLineTF) else
               if sigTrend then (!swap2 and !swap2TF) else !os;

AssignPriceColor(if !colorBars then Color.CURRENT else
                 if colUp then Color.DARK_GREEN else
                 if colDn then Color.DARK_RED else Color.GRAY);

#-- End of CODE

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