Tracking Bullish/Bearish signals for day trading


Active member
Greetings all,

Based on countless analyses, I have built an indicator that is very helpful to track bullish/bearish long signals and reversals. I've used the indicator on different stocks and found it well suited to tracking long signals. The indicator is made by combining Heiken Ashi price action with exponential moving averages from three different histogram approaches (I've included a link below). The only problem I have right now is that I cannot track bearish reversals. I have attached the price action for HCTI for reference. The green circled shows for bullish reversals whereas red circled shows bearish reversals

Example: (HCTI @ 03/06/2023)


The TOS link for the study :

If anyone can help to modify the code so as it can trace bearish reversals, it would be a great help.


declare lower;
input timeFrameOne = AggregationPeriod.THree_MIN;
input timeFrameTwo = AggregationPeriod.THirty_MIN;
input timeframe_for_reference = AggregationPeriod.THree_MIN;

input emaLength_for_all = 30;
input emaLength_for_reference = 55;
input lookbackperiod_for_all = 5;
input lookbackperiod_for_reference = 3;
def priceClose1 = close(period = timeFrameOne);
def priceOpen1 = open(period = timeFrameOne);
def priceHigh1 = high(period = timeFrameOne);
def priceLow1= high(period = timeFrameOne);
def priceClose2 = close(period = timeFrameTwo);
def priceOpen2 = open(period = timeFrameTwo);
def priceHigh2 = high(period = timeFrameTwo);
def priceLow2= high(period = timeFrameTwo);
def priceClose3 = close(period = timeframe_for_reference);
def priceOpen3 = open(period = timeframe_for_reference);
def priceHigh3 = high(period = timeframe_for_reference);
def priceLow3= high(period = timeframe_for_reference);

def maOne1 = MovAvgExponential(priceClose1, emaLength_for_all);
def haClose1 = (priceOpen1 + priceHigh1 + priceLow1 + priceClose1) / 4 ;
def haOpen1 = (haOpen1[1] + haClose1[1]) / 2 ;
def valueOne = ((haClose1 – haClose1[lookbackperiod_for_all]) / haClose1[lookbackperiod_for_all]) * 100;
def valueTwo = ((maOne1 – maOne1[lookbackperiod_for_all]) / maOne1[lookbackperiod_for_all]) * 100;
def data1 = valueOne + valuetwo;

def maOne2 = MovAvgExponential(priceClose2, emaLength_for_all);
def haClose2 = (priceOpen2 + priceHigh2 + priceLow2 + priceClose2) / 4 ;
def haOpen2 = (haOpen2[1] + haClose2[1]) / 2 ;
def valueOne2 = ((haClose2 – haClose2[lookbackperiod_for_all]) / haClose2[lookbackperiod_for_all]) * 100;
def valueTwo2 = ((maOne2 – maOne2[lookbackperiod_for_all]) / maOne2[lookbackperiod_for_all]) * 100;
def data2 = valueOne2 + valuetwo2;

def maOne3 = MovAvgExponential(priceClose3, emaLength_for_reference);
def haClose3 = (priceOpen3 + priceHigh3 + priceLow3 + priceClose3) / 4 ;
def haOpen3 = (haOpen3[1] + haClose3[1]) / 2 ;
def valueOne3 = ((haClose3 – haClose3[lookbackperiod_for_reference]) / haClose3[lookbackperiod_for_reference]) * 100;
def valueTwo3 = ((maOne3 – maOne3[lookbackperiod_for_reference]) / maOne3[lookbackperiod_for_reference]) * 100;
def data3 = valueOne3 + valuetwo3;

def pattern = data1>data1[1] and data2>data2[1]  and data3>data3[1];
plot signal = if pattern then 1 else 0;
Last edited:
Greetings all,

Based on countless analyses, I have built an indicator that is very helpful to track bullish/bearish long signals and reversals. I've used the indicator on different stocks and found it well suited to tracking long signals. The indicator is based on combining Heiken Ashi price action with exponential moving averages from three different histogram approaches (I've included a link below). The only problem I have right now is that some stocks are having bearish reversals soon after their price action started, which I didn't understand before. I have attached price action for two stocks for reference

Bearish example: (HCTI @ 03/06/2023)
Bullish example: (AZUL @ 03/06/2023)

The TOS link for the study :

If anyone can help to modify the code so as it can trace bearish reversals, it would be a great help.



hello, here are some comments to help you make more informative posts, in order to get more responses.

this is a programming site. please post code in a code window.
( look for the </> icon in header)
sometimes, looking at the code can determine what is wrong.

what does this mean?
...soon after their price action started...
started what? what did price do?

again, this is a programming site. programming is specific. there is no 'price action' parameter. say close, or high, or low. what are you really looking at?

sorry, i have no idea what i am supposed to look at in those images with 5 charts. when i see full screen images like this, with no markings added, i ignore them.

if your study is an upper, then just show the upper chart. if your study is a lower chart, then show the upper, and just that 1 lower chart, and tell us it's a lower chart. you didn't tell us what you study does or what chart it loads into.

edit the image, draw some lines or circles, to highlight the area that we are supposed to look at. I use the snipping tool often to do this.

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hello, here are some comments to help you make more informative posts, in order to get more responses.

this is a programming site. please post code in a code window.
( look for the </> icon in header)
sometimes, looking at the code can determine what is wrong.

what does this mean?
...soon after their price action started...
started what? what did price do?

again, this is a programming site. programming is specific. there is no 'price action' parameter. say close, or high, or low. what are you really looking at?

sorry, i have no idea what i am supposed to look at in those images with 5 charts. when i see full screen images like this, with no markings added, i ignore them.

if your study is an upper, then just show the upper chart. if your study is a lower chart, then show the upper, and just that 1 lower chart, and tell us it's a lower chart. you didn't tell us what you study does or what chart it loads into.

edit the image, draw some lines or circles, to highlight the area that we are supposed to look at. I use the snipping tool often to do this.
edited the original question @halcyonguy

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