The Relative Strength Volatility-Adjusted Exponential Moving Average For ThinkOrSwim


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The Relative Strength Volume-Adjusted Exponential Moving Average (RS VA EMA) is a technical indicator proposed by Vitali Apirine to help identify trends. Its calculation is similar to that of the original EMA, however, the multiplier used in the formula is adjusted for the relative strength of volume.

The strength of volume is calculated as the difference between positive and negative volume flows. Volume flow is positive when the specified price is higher than the prior price; it is negative when the specified price is lower than the prior price.

This is also a built-in ToS indicator: RS_VA_EMA


minor code fix, Bar Color, MTF - 08/2024

# Indicator for TOS
#//  TASC Issue: March 2022 - Vol. 40, Issue 3
#//     Article: Relative Strength Moving Averages -
#//               Part 3: The Relative Strength
#//                        Volatility-Adjusted
#//                     Exponential Moving Average
#//                         (RS VolatAdj EMA)
#//  Article By: Vitali Apirine
#//    Language: TradingView's Pine Script v5
#// Provided By: PineCoders, for
#indicator('TASC 2022.03 RS VolatAdj EMA', overlay = true)
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 08/2024
# minor code fix, Bar Color, MTF - 08/2024
input colorBars = yes;
input timeframe = AggregationPeriod.FIVE_MIN;
input vixSelection = "VIX";                # 'VIX Selection'
input movAvgType = AverageType.EXPONENTIAL;
input chartSource = FundamentalType.CLOSE;      # 'Source'
input MovingAveragePeriod = 20;      # 'EMA Period'
input VolatilityStrengthPeriod = 20; # 'Volatility Strength Period'
input Multiplier = 10.0;             # 'Multiplier'

def na = Double.NaN;
def current = GetAggregationPeriod();
def tf = Max(current, timeframe);
def source = Fundamental(FundamentalType = chartSource, Period = tf);
#// Relative Strength Volatility-Adjusted EMA Function
Script rsvae {
input source = close;
input srcVIX = close;
input periodEMA = 20;
input periodVolatS = 20;
input multVolatS = 10;

    def source1 = CompoundValue(1, if !source[1] then source else source[1], source);
    def MULT = 2.0 / (max(1.0, periodEMA) + 1.0);
    def ALPH = 2.0 / (max(1.0, periodVolatS) + 1.0);
    def BETA = 1.0 - ALPH;
    def volatUp = if source > source1 then srcVIX else 0.0;
    def volatDn = if source < source1 then srcVIX else 0.0;
    def volatUpEMA = volatUp  * ALPH + if(volatUpEMA[1], volatUpEMA[1],volatUp) * BETA;
    def volatDnEMA = volatDn  * ALPH + if(volatDnEMA[1], volatDnEMA[1],volatDn) * BETA;
    def VolatPer =  AbsValue(volatUpEMA - volatDnEMA) / (volatUpEMA + volatDnEMA);
    def VolatS = if isNaN(VolatPer) then 0 else VolatPer;
    def rsVolatAdjEMA;
    def rsVolatAdjEMA1 = if rsVolatAdjEMA[1] then rsVolatAdjEMA[1] else source;
    def lastRSVAE = CompoundValue(1, rsVolatAdjEMA1, source);
    rsVolatAdjEMA = lastRSVAE + (source - lastRSVAE) * MULT * (1.0 +  VolatS * max(0.0, multVolatS));
    plot out = rsVolatAdjEMA;
def VIXvalue = close(Symbol = vixSelection, Period = tf);
def srcVIX = if isNaN(VIXvalue) then srcVIX[1] else VIXvalue;
def RSvolatAdjEMA = rsvae(source, srcVIX, MovingAveragePeriod, VolatilityStrengthPeriod, Multiplier);
def MovAvg        = MovingAverage(movAvgType, source, MovingAveragePeriod);

def MovAvgLine = MovAvg;
plot RSVAE = if RSvolatAdjEMA then RSvolatAdjEMA else na;

#-- cloud
AddCloud(RSVAE, MovAvgLine, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);

#-- Bar Color.
def Col     = RSVAE > MovAvgLine; # ? #FF8C0033 : #2096F233

AssignPriceColor(if !colorBars then Color.CURRENT else if Col then Color.GREEN else COlor.RED);

#--- END of CODE
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Script doesn't show any errors but does not show up on my chart. I'm using it on individual stocks.
Script doesn't show any errors but does not show up on my chart. I'm using it on individual stock

I just wanted to let you know that it worked fine for me on NVDA daily and weekly chart but didn't show up at all on lower time frames. Perhaps because it uses the VIX daily close as an input but not sure about that part.
It only works on higher timeframe but it doesn’t work in smaller timeframe. Original version from TradingView works on smaller timeframe.
A review of the original Tradingview code reveals that it was written for the daily timeframe

Because as @Russ_in_Texas points out, it uses the daily VIX in its calculations.

Whether or not, Tradingview has the ability for this script to function on lower timeframes;
does not change the fact that the proper use of this indicator is on the daily chart.
The ToS version of this code only applies to the daily chart.

All that said, ThinkOrSwim has its own Relative Strength Volatility-Adjusted Exponential Moving Average
Which does not use the daily VIX and therefore 'might' work on the lower timeframes.
Hope this helps.

@Morris @Russ_in_Texas @jackaltr8s
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It only works on higher timeframe but it doesn’t work in smaller timeframe. Original version from TradingView works on smaller timeframe.
just fixed the code. added MTF option, and bar color.

the chart post by @samer800 is 5 min chart. Lower timeframe doesn't work
just fixed the code. added MTF option, and bar color.

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