check the belowhello group! i will like to have this awesome indicator convert into TOS, the only link for this indicator is a google drive, here is the video with the links.
// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= THE ONE RENKO TO RULE THEM ALL =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
// Designed to be used on Renko 1s, Traditional 4. I primary trade the US 100 PEPPERSTONE (which is NQ futures)
// Version 1 created by TraderOracle 11/18/2023
// Version 1.1 - Fixed flag and squeeze overlapping, plus changed colors to be more intuitive
study(title="The One Renko To Rule Them All", overlay=true, shorttitle="The One Renko 1.1")
bShowFlags = input(false, title="Show Flags", group="Main Settings")
bShowDots = input(false, title="Show Dots", group="Main Settings")
bShowX = input(true, title="Show Big X for Buy/Sell", group="Main Settings")
bUseDeadSimple = input(false, title="Use Dead Simple Reversal", group="Main Settings")
bUpCurve = close > close[1] and close[1] > close[2] and close[2] > close[3] and close[3] < close[4] and close[4] < close[5] and close[5] < close[6] ? 1 : 0
bDownCurve = close < close[1] and close[1] < close[2] and close[2] < close[3] and close[3] > close[4] and close[4] > close[5] and close[5] > close[6] ? 1 : 0
// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ULTIMATE REVERSAL 1.22 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
// These are volume patterns I noticed after backtesting reversals for many months
var cColor = color.rgb(194, 196, 197)
basis = sma(close, 30)
dev = 2 * stdev(close, 30)
upper = basis + dev
lower = basis - dev
is0Green = close > open
is1Green = close[1] > open[1]
is2Green = close[2] > open[2]
is3Green = close[3] > open[3]
is4Green = close[4] > open[4]
is0Red = not is0Green
is1Red = not is1Green
is2Red = not is2Green
is3Red = not is3Green
is4Red = not is4Green
// Pattern #1 - small red bar, larger red bar, small green bar
up1 = (volume[1] > volume[2] and volume < volume[1] and is0Green and is1Red and is2Red)
down1 = (volume[1] > volume[2] and volume < volume[1] and is0Red and is1Green and is2Green)
// Pattern #2 - small red bar, larger red bar, even LARGER red bar, small green bar
up2 = (volume[2] > volume[3] and volume[3] > volume[4] and volume[1] < volume[2] and volume < volume[2] and is0Green and is1Red and is2Red and is3Red and is4Red)
down2 = (volume[2] > volume[3] and volume[3] > volume[4] and volume[1] < volume[2] and volume < volume[2] and is0Red and is1Green and is2Green and is3Green and is4Green)
// Pattern #3 - 4 bars of the same color, then a different color bar that's larger than all 4 previous
up3 = (is1Red and is2Red and is3Red and is4Red and is0Green and volume > volume[1] and volume > volume[2] and volume > volume[3] and volume > volume[4])
down3 = (is1Green and is2Green and is3Green and is4Green and is0Red and volume > volume[1] and volume > volume[2] and volume > volume[3] and volume > volume[4])
// snippet from Candlestick Reversal System by LonesomeTheDove
pivotlbar = 5
highleftempty = pivothigh(pivotlbar, 0)
lowleftempty = pivotlow(pivotlbar, 0)
wick_multiplier = 10
body_percentage = 1
O = open
C = close
H = high
L = low
Wlongsignal = (C > O) and (O - L) >= ((C - O) * wick_multiplier) and (H - C) <= ((H - L) * body_percentage) or
(C < O) and (C - L) >= ((O - C) * wick_multiplier) and (H - C) <= ((H - L) * body_percentage) or
(C == O and C != H) and (H - L) >= ((H - C) * wick_multiplier) and (H - C) <= ((H - L) * body_percentage) or
(O == H and C == H) and (H - L) >= sma((H - L), 50)
Wshortsignal = (C < O) and (H - O) >= ((O - C) * wick_multiplier) and (C - L) <= ((H - L) * body_percentage) or
(C > O) and (H - C) >= ((C - O) * wick_multiplier) and (C - L) <= ((H -L) * body_percentage) or
(C == O and C != L) and (H - L) >= ((C - L) * wick_multiplier) and (C - L) <= ((H - L) * body_percentage) or
(O == L and C == L) and (H - L) >= sma((H - L), 50)
// Candlestick pattern is technically Pattern #4
up4 = lowleftempty and Wlongsignal
down4 = highleftempty and Wshortsignal
upsie1 = rma(max(change(close), 0), 14)
downsie1 = rma(-min(change(close), 0), 14)
MyRsi = downsie1 == 0 ? 100 : upsie1 == 0 ? 0 : 100 - (100 / (1 + upsie1 / downsie1))
BollingerCross = false
up99 = (up1 or up2 or up3 or up4)
down99 = (down1 or down2 or down3 or down4)
bColor = color.rgb(199, 197, 197)
if (MyRsi < 60)
down99 := false
if (MyRsi > 40)
up99 := false
// version 1.21 - I wasn't showing Bollinger Bands/RSI unless it also was volume rules, which kinda ruins the point of the update. Fixed...
if (close < (lower - 2) or (lower - 2) and MyRsi < 30)
bColor := color.rgb(255, 53, 53)
up99 := true
if (close > (upper + 2) or open > (upper + 2) and MyRsi > 80)
bColor := color.rgb(255, 53, 53)
down99 := true
// eliminate dupes
if (up99[1])
up99 := false
if (down99[1])
down99 := false
atr = atr(10)
pos2 = high + (1.6 * atr)
pos3 = low - (1.6 * atr)
// My implementation of DEAD SIMPLE REVERSAL from PaidToFade
q1 = close[1] < open[1] and close > open
q2 = close > open[1]
q3 = lowest(low,3) < lowest (low,50)[1] or lowest(low,3) < lowest(low,50)[2] or lowest(low,3) < lowest(low,50)[3]
buyme = q1 and q2 and q3
q4 = close[1] > open[1] and close < open
q5 = close < open[1]
q6 = highest(high,3) > highest (high,50)[1] or highest(high,3) > highest(high,50)[2] or highest(high,3) > highest(high,50)[3]
sellme = q4 and q5 and q6
if (buyme and bUseDeadSimple)
bColor := color.lime
//up99 := true
if (sellme and bUseDeadSimple)
bColor := color.lime
//down99 := true
plotshape(down99 and bShowFlags ? pos2 : na, title="Reversal Sell Signal", style=shape.flag, location=location.absolute, color=bColor, size=size.tiny)
plotshape(up99 and bShowFlags ? pos3 : na, title="Reversal Buy Signal", style=shape.flag, location=location.absolute, color=bColor, size=size.tiny)
// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= SQUEEZE MOMENTUM RELAXER 2.1 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
// This is an improper use of TTM Squeeze. I capture the shift between a squeeze condition, and a relaxed condition
var cGreen = 0
var cRed = 0
var pos = false
var neg = false
// Keltner Channel
esma(close, length)=>
s = sma(close, 20)
e = ema(close, 20)
true ? e : s
ma1 = esma(close, 20)
rangema1 = atr(10)
upper1 = ma1 + rangema1 * 2
lower1 = ma1 - rangema1 * 2
KeltnerCross = crossover(close, upper1) or crossover(close, lower1)
// ADX
upq4 = rma(max(change(close), 0), 14)
downq4 = rma(-min(change(close), 0), 14)
rsi = downq4 == 0 ? 100 : upq4 == 0 ? 0 : 100 - (100 / (1 + upq4 / downq4))
dirmov(len) =>
up = change(high)
down = -change(low)
plusDM = na(up) ? na : (up > down and up > 0 ? up : 0)
minusDM = na(down) ? na : (down > up and down > 0 ? down : 0)
truerange = rma(tr, len)
plus = fixnan(100 * rma(plusDM, len) / truerange)
minus = fixnan(100 * rma(minusDM, len) / truerange)
[plus, minus]
adx(dilen, adxlen) =>
[plus, minus] = dirmov(dilen)
sum = plus + minus
adx = 100 * rma(abs(plus - minus) / (sum == 0 ? 1 : sum), adxlen)
sig = adx(14, 14) // ADX DI Length = 14, ADX Length. = 14
sigabove11 = sig > 11 // ADX Value = 11
// WAE Dead Zone
calc_macd(source, fastLength, slowLength) =>
fastMA = ema(source, fastLength)
slowMA = ema(source, slowLength)
fastMA - slowMA
t1 = (calc_macd(close, 20, 40) - calc_macd(close[1], 20, 40))*150
t2 = (calc_macd(close[2], 20, 40) - calc_macd(close[3], 20, 40))*150
trendUp = (t1 >= 0) ? t1 : 0
trendDown = (t1 < 0) ? (-1*t1) : 0
// Squeeze Momentum
useTrueRange = true
source = close
basis5 = sma(close, 20)
dev1 = 1.5 * stdev(close, 20)
upperBB = basis5 + dev1
lowerBB = basis5 - dev1
ma = sma(close, 20)
rangeQ = useTrueRange ? tr : (high - low)
rangema = sma(rangeQ, 20)
upperKC = ma + rangema * 1.5
lowerKC = ma - rangema * 1.5
sqzOn = (lowerBB > lowerKC) and (upperBB < upperKC)
sqzOff = (lowerBB < lowerKC) and (upperBB > upperKC)
noSqz = (sqzOn == false) and (sqzOff == false)
// Had to change this from the original
avg1 = avg(highest(high, 20), lowest(low, 20))
avg2 = avg(avg1, sma(close, 20))
val = linreg(close - avg2, 20, 0)
pos := false
neg := false
// if squeeze is bright RED, increment by one
if (val < nz(val[1]) and val < 5 and not sqzOn)
cRed := cRed + 1
// if squeeze is bright GREEN, increment by one
if (val > nz(val[1]) and val > 5 and not sqzOn)
cGreen := cGreen + 1
// if bright RED squeeze is now dim, momentum has changed. Is ADX also above 11? - add a marker to chart
if (val > nz(val[1]) and cRed > 1 and val < 5 and not pos[1] and sigabove11 == true)
cRed := 0
pos := true
// if bright GREEN squeeze is now dim, momentum has changed. Is ADX also above 11? - add a marker to chart
if (val < nz(val[1]) and cGreen > 1 and val > 5 and not neg[1] and sigabove11 == true)
cGreen := 0
neg := true
buySignal1 = pos
sellSignal1 = neg
// Basic diamond color: Yellow as default, and Red is RSI is overbought or sold
bColor4 = iff(rsi < 34 or rsi > 66, color.rgb(255, 0, 0), color.rgb(189, 189, 189)) // RSI Overbought Value = 34, RSI Oversold Value = 66
// If we crossed Keltner channel, then color is Aqua
// cColor4 = iff(KeltnerCross, color.rgb(50, 255, 67), bColor4)
cColor4 = bColor4
plotshape(buySignal1 and bShowDots ? pos : na, title="Squeeze Buy Signal", style=shape.diamond, location=location.belowbar, color=cColor4, size=size.tiny)
plotshape(sellSignal1 and bShowDots ? neg : na, title="Squeeze Sell Signal", style=shape.diamond, location=location.abovebar, color=cColor, size=size.tiny)
//buySignals = 0
//for history1 = 0 to iLookBack - 1
// if (buySignal1[history1])
// buySignals := buySignals + 1
//sellSignals = 0
//for history1 = 0 to iLookBack - 1
// if (sellSignals[history1])
// sellSignals := sellSignals + 1
//upSignals = 0
//for history1 = 0 to iLookBack - 1
// if (up99[history1])
// upSignals := upSignals + 1
//downSignals = 0
//for history1 = 0 to iLookBack - 1
// if (downSignals[history1])
// down99 := downSignals + 1
bBuyFlag = buySignal1 or buySignal1[1] or buySignal1[2] or buySignal1[3] or buySignal1[4] or buySignal1[5] or buySignal1[6]
bBuySqueeze = up99 or up99[1] or up99[2] or up99[3] or up99[4] or up99[5] or up99[6]
bSellFlag = sellSignal1 or sellSignal1[1] or sellSignal1[2] or sellSignal1[3] or sellSignal1[4] or sellSignal1[5] or sellSignal1[6]
bSellSqueeze = down99 or down99[1] or down99[2] or down99[3] or down99[4] or down99[5] or down99[6]
plotshape(bUpCurve and bBuyFlag and bBuySqueeze and bShowX ? 1 : na, title="X Buy Signal", location=location.belowbar, style=shape.xcross, size=size.normal, color=color.rgb(11, 255, 141))
plotshape(bDownCurve and bSellFlag and bSellSqueeze and bShowX ? 1 : na, title="X Sell Signal", location=location.abovebar, style=shape.xcross, size=size.normal, color=color.rgb(255, 12, 12))
alertcondition(bUpCurve, title='One Renko BUY', message='One Renko BUY')
alertcondition(bDownCurve, title='One Renko SELL', message='One Renko SELL')
// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= RENKO INTENSITY =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
// TBD
@samer800 please take a look when you get a change please, this look really good for day trading on 2000 tick charts. thank you in advance!
@samer800 hopelly you can help us to get this indicator in TOS, thanks in advance!
#// Designed to be used on Renko 1s, Traditional 4. I primary trade the US 100 PEPPERSTONE (which is NQ futures)
#// Version 1 created by TraderOracle 11/18/2023
#// Version 1.1 - Fixed flag and squeeze overlapping, plus changed colors to be more intuitive
#study(title="The One Renko To Rule Them All", overlay=true, shorttitle="The One Renko 1.1")
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800 - 12/2023
input showReversalSignals = no; # "Show Flags"
input showSqueezeSignals = no; # "Show Dots"
input showBuySellSignals = yes; # "Show Big X for Buy/Sell"
input UseDeadSimpleReversal = no; # "Use Dead Simple Reversal"
def na = Double.NaN;
def bUpCurve = close > close[1] and close[1] > close[2] and close[2] > close[3] and close[3] < close[4] and close[4] < close[5] and close[5] < close[6];# ? 1 : 0;
def bDownCurve = close < close[1] and close[1] < close[2] and close[2] < close[3] and close[3] > close[4] and close[4] > close[5] and close[5] > close[6];# ? 1 : 0
#// ULTIMATE REVERSAL 1.22 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
#// These are volume patterns I noticed after backtesting reversals for many months
DefineGlobalColor("cColor", CreateColor(194, 196, 197));
DefineGlobalColor("b1Color", CreateColor(199, 197, 197));
DefineGlobalColor("b0Color", CreateColor(255, 53, 53));
def basis = Average(close, 30);
def dev = 2 * StDev(close, 30);
def upper = basis + dev;
def lower = basis - dev;
def is0Green = close > open;
def is1Green = close[1] > open[1];
def is2Green = close[2] > open[2];
def is3Green = close[3] > open[3];
def is4Green = close[4] > open[4];
def is0Red = !is0Green;
def is1Red = !is1Green;
def is2Red = !is2Green;
def is3Red = !is3Green;
def is4Red = !is4Green;
#// Pattern #1 - small red bar, larger red bar, small green bar
def up1 = (volume[1] > volume[2] and volume < volume[1] and is0Green and is1Red and is2Red);
def down1 = (volume[1] > volume[2] and volume < volume[1] and is0Red and is1Green and is2Green);
#// Pattern #2 - small red bar, larger red bar, even LARGER red bar, small green bar
def up2 = (volume[2] > volume[3] and volume[3] > volume[4] and volume[1] < volume[2] and volume < volume[2] and is0Green and is1Red and is2Red and is3Red and is4Red);
def down2 = (volume[2] > volume[3] and volume[3] > volume[4] and volume[1] < volume[2] and volume < volume[2] and is0Red and is1Green and is2Green and is3Green and is4Green);
#// Pattern #3 - 4 bars of the same color, then a different color bar that's larger than all 4 previous
def up3 = (is1Red and is2Red and is3Red and is4Red and is0Green and volume > volume[1] and volume > volume[2] and volume > volume[3] and volume > volume[4]);
def down3 = (is1Green and is2Green and is3Green and is4Green and is0Red and volume > volume[1] and volume > volume[2] and volume > volume[3] and volume > volume[4]);
#// snippet from Candlestick Reversal System by LonesomeTheDove
script FindPivots {
input dat = close; # default data or study being evaluated
input HL = 0; # default high or low pivot designation, -1 low, +1 high
input lbL = 5; # default Pivot Lookback Left
input lbR = 1; # default Pivot Lookback Right
def _nan; # used for non-number returns
def _BN; # the current barnumber
def _VStop; # confirms that the lookforward period continues the pivot trend
def _V; # the Value at the actual pivot point
def _pivotRange;
_BN = BarNumber();
_nan = Double.NaN;
_pivotRange = lbL + lbL;
_VStop = if !IsNaN(dat[_pivotRange]) and lbR > 0 and lbL > 0 then
fold a = 1 to lbR + 1 with b=1 while b do
if HL > 0 then dat > GetValue(dat, -a) else dat < GetValue(dat, -a) else _nan;
if (HL > 0) {
_V = if _BN > lbL and dat == Highest(dat, lbL + 1) and _VStop
then dat else _nan;
} else {
_V = if _BN > lbL and dat == Lowest(dat, lbL + 1) and _VStop
then dat else _nan;
plot result = if !IsNaN(_V) and _VStop then _V else _nan;
def pivotlbar = 5;
def highleftempty = findpivots(high, 1, pivotlbar, 0);
def lowleftempty = findpivots(low - 1, pivotlbar, 0);
def wick_multiplier = 10;
def body_percentage = 1;
def O = open;
def C = close;
def H = high;
def L = low;
def Wlongsignal = (C > O) and (O - L) >= ((C - O) * wick_multiplier) and (H - C) <= ((H - L) * body_percentage) or
(C < O) and (C - L) >= ((O - C) * wick_multiplier) and (H - C) <= ((H - L) * body_percentage) or
(C == O and C != H) and (H - L) >= ((H - C) * wick_multiplier) and (H - C) <= ((H - L) * body_percentage) or
(O == H and C == H) and (H - L) >= Average((H - L), 50);
def Wshortsignal = (C < O) and (H - O) >= ((O - C) * wick_multiplier) and (C - L) <= ((H - L) * body_percentage) or
(C > O) and (H - C) >= ((C - O) * wick_multiplier) and (C - L) <= ((H - L) * body_percentage) or
(C == O and C != L) and (H - L) >= ((C - L) * wick_multiplier) and (C - L) <= ((H - L) * body_percentage) or
(O == L and C == L) and (H - L) >= Average((H - L), 50);
#// Candlestick pattern is technically Pattern #4
def up4 = !isNaN(lowleftempty) and Wlongsignal;
def down4 = !isNaN(highleftempty) and Wshortsignal;
def MyRsi = rsi(Price = close, Length = 14);
def up990 = (up1 or up2 or up3 or up4);
def down990 = (down1 or down2 or down3 or down4);
def bColor1;
def bColor = if (close < (lower - 2) or (lower - 2) and MyRsi < 30) then -1 else
if (close > (upper + 2) or open > (upper + 2) and MyRsi > 80) then -1 else 0;
def down99 = if down99[1] then no else
if (close > (upper + 2) or open > (upper + 2) and MyRsi > 80) then yes else
if (MyRsi < 60) then no else down990;
def up99 = if up99[1] then no else
if (close < (lower - 2) or (lower - 2) and MyRsi < 30) then yes else
if (MyRsi > 40) then no else up990;
def atr = atr(Length = 10);
def pos2 = high + (1.1 * atr);
def pos3 = low - (1.1 * atr);
#// My implementation of DEAD SIMPLE REVERSAL from PaidToFade
def q1 = close[1] < open[1] and close > open;
def q2 = close > open[1];
def q3 = Lowest(low, 3) < Lowest (low, 50)[1] or Lowest(low, 3) < Lowest(low, 50)[2] or Lowest(low, 3) < Lowest(low, 50)[3];
def buyme = q1 and q2 and q3;
def q4 = close[1] > open[1] and close < open;
def q5 = close < open[1];
def q6 = Highest(high, 3) > Highest (high, 50)[1] or Highest(high, 3) > Highest(high, 50)[2] or Highest(high, 3) > Highest(high, 50)[3];
def sellme = q4 and q5 and q6;
if (buyme and UseDeadSimpleReversal) {
bColor1 = 1;
} else
if (sellme and UseDeadSimpleReversal) {
bColor1 = 1;
} else {
bColor1 = bColor;
plot RevSell = if down99 and showReversalSignals then pos2 else na; #"Reversal Sell Signal
RevSell.AssignValueColor(if bColor1 > 0 then Color.CYAN else
if bColor1 < 0 then Color.MAGENTA else color.WHITE);
plot RevBuy = if up99 and showReversalSignals then pos3 else na; # "Reversal Buy Signal
RevBuy.AssignValueColor(if bColor1 > 0 then Color.CYAN else
if bColor1 < 0 then Color.MAGENTA else color.WHITE);
#// This is an improper use of TTM Squeeze.
#// Keltner Channel
def esma = ExpAverage(close, 20);
def ma1 = esma;
def rangema1 = atr(Length = 10);
def upper1 = ma1 + rangema1 * 2;
def lower1 = ma1 - rangema1 * 2;
def KeltnerCross = (close Crosses Above upper1) or (close Crosses Above lower1);
def sig = Reference adx();# // ADX DI Length = 14, ADX Length. = 14
def sigabove11 = sig > 11;# // ADX Value = 11
#// WAE Dead Zone
Script calc_macd {
input source = close;
input fastLength = 20;
input slowLength = 40;
def fastMA = ExpAverage(source, fastLength);
def slowMA = ExpAverage(source, slowLength);
def calc_macd = fastMA - slowMA;
plot out = calc_macd;
def t1 = (calc_macd(close, 20, 40) - calc_macd(close[1], 20, 40))*150;
def t2 = (calc_macd(close[2], 20, 40) - calc_macd(close[3], 20, 40))*150;
def trendUp = if (t1 >= 0) then t1 else 0;
def trendDown = if (t1 < 0) then (-1*t1) else 0;
#// Squeeze Momentum
def source = close;
def basis5 = Average(close, 20);
def dev1 = 1.5 * stdev(close, 20);
def upperBB = basis5 + dev1;
def lowerBB = basis5 - dev1;
def ma = Average(close, 20);
def tr = TrueRange(high, close, low);
def rangeQ = if !isNaN(tr) then tr else (high - low);
def rangema = Average(rangeQ, 20);
def upperKC = ma + rangema * 1.5;
def lowerKC = ma - rangema * 1.5;
def sqzOn = (lowerBB > lowerKC) and (upperBB < upperKC);
def sqzOff = (lowerBB < lowerKC) and (upperBB > upperKC);
def noSqz = (!sqzOn) and (!sqzOff);
#// Had to change this from the original
def avg1 = (highest(high, 20) + lowest(low, 20)) / 2;
def avg2 = (avg1 + Average(close, 20)) / 2;
def val = Inertia(close - avg2, 20);
def cGreen;# = 0
def cRed;# = 0
def pos;# = false
def neg;# = false
if (val < val[1] and cGreen[1] > 1 and val > 5 and !neg[2] and sigabove11) {
cGreen = 0;
neg = yes;
cRed = cRed[1];
pos = no;
} else
if (val > val[1] and cRed[1] > 1 and val < 5 and !pos[2] and sigabove11) {
cRed = 0;
pos = yes;
cGreen = cGreen[1];
neg = neg[1];
} else
if (val > val[1] and val > 5 and !sqzOn) {
cGreen = cGreen[1] + 1;
cRed = cRed[1];
pos = no;#pos[1];
neg = no;#neg[1];
} else
if (val < val[1] and val < 5 and !sqzOn) {
cRed = cRed[1] + 1;
cGreen = cGreen[1];
pos = no;#pos[1];
neg = no;#neg[1];
} else {
cGreen = cGreen[1];
cRed = cRed[1];
pos = no;#pos[1];
neg = no;#neg[1];
def buySignal1 = pos;
def sellSignal1 = neg;
#// Basic diamond color: Yellow as default, and Red is RSI is overbought or sold
def bColor4 = if(myrsi < 34 or myrsi > 66, -1, 0);
plot sqBuy = if buySignal1 and showSqueezeSignals then pos else na;#, title="Squeeze Buy Signal"
plot sqSell = if sellSignal1 and showSqueezeSignals then neg else na;#, title="Squeeze Sell Signal"
sqBuy.AssignValueColor(if bColor4 < 0 then Color.RED else CreateColor(189, 189, 189));
sqSell.AssignValueColor(if bColor4 < 0 then Color.RED else CreateColor(189, 189, 189));
def bBuyFlag = buySignal1 or buySignal1[1] or buySignal1[2] or buySignal1[3] or buySignal1[4] or buySignal1[5] or buySignal1[6];
def bBuySqueeze = up99 or up99[1] or up99[2] or up99[3] or up99[4] or up99[5] or up99[6];
def bSellFlag = sellSignal1 or sellSignal1[1] or sellSignal1[2] or sellSignal1[3] or sellSignal1[4] or sellSignal1[5] or sellSignal1[6];
def bSellSqueeze = down99 or down99[1] or down99[2] or down99[3] or down99[4] or down99[5] or down99[6];
plot xBuy = if bUpCurve and bBuyFlag and bBuySqueeze and showBuySellSignals then 1 else na; # "X Buy Signal"
plot xSell = if bDownCurve and bSellFlag and bSellSqueeze and showBuySellSignals then 1 else na; # "X Sell Signal"
#End OF Code