Stokes Law and Reynolds Number


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Has anyone attempted to make an indicator based off of this?

Although this isn’t my exact thought process, it does convey a certain theory on it.

Also here’s another thing

⚠️random mafs thot⚠️

“The Reynolds number

is the ratio of the inertial forces to viscous forces

within a fluid.

If it is low, the flow is called laminar, viscous forces

are dominant and the flow can be seen as smooth,

the fluid is in constant motion.

If it is high, the flow is called turbulent and is

dominated by inertial forces. This creates vortices,

instabilities and overall chaos.

The second image (from Wikipedia), shows the

plume from a candle flame as it goes from laminar

(low Reynolds) to turbulent (high Reynolds)

This number is an extremely important design tool for

equipment such as aircraft wings and piping


We've seen (on picture 2) a flow go from laminar to

turbulent, so is it possible to go from turbulent to

laminar and if so, how ?

In the above formula :

p= density of the fluid

M= dynamic viscosity of the fluid

L= characteristic linear dimension””
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I haven't encountered these formulas since scaling up a bioreactor in undergrad. What do you theorize that particulate settling rates, when applied to securities, will convey?
We've seen (on picture 2) a flow go from laminar to
turbulent, so is it possible to go from turbulent to
laminar and if so, how ?
Time? shouldn't entropy insist that mixtures even out. If turbulent flow in a compressible liquid (like air) is uneven pressure distributions due to heat, airplane wing movement, etc.. with time then, those differences should even out and the system should reach equilibrium again. In an incompressible fluid like water, if the turbulence is differences in velocity, then again entropy working via friction (or molecular collision) should cause the speeds of particles within the fluid to reach an equilibrium. Thermodynamics and Fluids. Fun!

I haven't studied this stuff in a long time, but this makes sense to my head. Others are free, and should, come to differing conclusions.

Interesting article on arxiv by the way, thanks for sharing. I'm going to have to dig deeper into that one. On a cursory read though, the idea that you can model the behaviour of every participant in the market seems rather a tall order, even collectively. But I digress and will give them the benefit of the doubt until I've had a chance to look at the maths of it all.

I am looking for an indicator made that uses something along the line of ontological mathematics, stokes law, Reynolds number or anything of that nature?
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Looking into this, I came across this paper: Identifying Explosive Behavioral Trace in the CNX Nifty. This group has a number of other papers around the Reynolds number for financial purposes.

Anyways, according to the paper, Donald Dorsey defined a 'financial Reynolds number' as: Relative Volatility Index divided by Ease of Movement.

There is much more in the paper (and the other papers by this author). It looks like it can be combined with Mobius' Hurst Exponent script to become a powerful predictor.

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