Set Global Color/Style for all Plots


New member
Good evening, long time user of the ToS platform but relatively new to writing ThinkScripts.

Question 1:
I am writing a script that will plot multiple lines (lets say 12+), but I would like to globally set the color and style for all lines, instead of per "plot" (see sample code below). I have searched and I cannot find a way to do this in ThinkScript. Is this possible?

# Instead of setting color and style for each plot, globally declare for all plots in script here

plot line1 = 410;

plot line2 = 415;

Question 2:
Essentially I am wanting to create "price levels" via ThinkScript instead of right clicking the chart and adding them. You know how you can add a label text to be displayed to the right or left of the price level? How can I do this in ThinkScript? I'd like to add a text label for each line I plot that sits just on top of the plotted line.

Hello halcyonguy,

I guess my questions where not clear. I was looking to declare color, style, etc, once and not reference it again. Think CSS. If I declare the font color in the style, I don't have to "set it" again in the HTML body.
DefineGlobalColor("GlobalColor", CreateColor(255, 192, 203));

plot Line01 = if GetSymbol() == "SPY" then 440 else double.nan;
I want to clean up my code, having a "SetDefaultColor" and "SetStyle" for every line, especially when I have dozens is not clean code. After spending time with ToS support, I guess this is not possible.

Second, I don't want labels or bubbles. I want to mimic the "Price Level"...
Good evening, long time user of the ToS platform but relatively new to writing ThinkScripts.

Question 1:
I am writing a script that will plot multiple lines (lets say 12+), but I would like to globally set the color and style for all lines, instead of per "plot" (see sample code below). I have searched and I cannot find a way to do this in ThinkScript. Is this possible?

# Instead of setting color and style for each plot, globally declare for all plots in script here

plot line1 = 410;

plot line2 = 415;

Question 2:
Essentially I am wanting to create "price levels" via ThinkScript instead of right clicking the chart and adding them. You know how you can add a label text to be displayed to the right or left of the price level? How can I do this in ThinkScript? I'd like to add a text label for each line I plot that sits just on top of the plotted line.


a general answer on searching, that ends up with

when i want to search for a thinkscript function on my cell, i use the same words in google, so they show up at top of the google suggested search words.
( so i don't have to type them every time)

thinkscript color

click on top link
go to a tos site for thinkscript

click on 3 lines at top of page,
and search for color (or whatever)

tap on this


searching this site for horizontal lines

many variations on this thread


a thread with posts on bubble placement
Hello halcyonguy,

I guess my questions where not clear. I was looking to declare color, style, etc, once and not reference it again. Think CSS. If I declare the font color in the style, I don't have to "set it" again in the HTML body.
DefineGlobalColor("GlobalColor", CreateColor(255, 192, 203));

plot Line01 = if GetSymbol() == "SPY" then 440 else double.nan;
I want to clean up my code, having a "SetDefaultColor" and "SetStyle" for every line, especially when I have dozens is not clean code. After spending time with ToS support, I guess this is not possible.

Second, I don't want labels or bubbles. I want to mimic the "Price Level" drawing "bubble". You know when you add a price level to the chart, right click > properties > type in a name > select "on the left" or "on the right" it displays text above the price level?

Apparently that also can't be done with thinkscript.

Hello halcyonguy,

I guess my questions where not clear. I was looking to declare color, style, etc, once and not reference it again. Think CSS. If I declare the font color in the style, I don't have to "set it" again in the HTML body.
DefineGlobalColor("GlobalColor", CreateColor(255, 192, 203));

plot Line01 = if GetSymbol() == "SPY" then 440 else double.nan;
I want to clean up my code, having a "SetDefaultColor" and "SetStyle" for every line, especially when I have dozens is not clean code. After spending time with ToS support, I guess this is not possible.

Second, I don't want labels or bubbles. I want to mimic the "Price Level" drawing "bubble". You know when you add a price level to the chart, right click > properties > type in a name > select "on the left" or "on the right" it displays text above the price level?

Apparently that also can't be done with thinkscript.

The ToS platform does not provide the ability to set global defaults.

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