script to add price lines based on excel data


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New noob here! Thank you!
I want to create or employ a script that will create multiple price lines on a chart (SPX) at specific times on specific days, based on data from an excel spreadsheet, to visually track the success of the strategies I am testing. Is there an existing thinkscript code, or can someone help me create one to do this: I am currently entering 4 iron condors per day as follows: a $10 and a $5 Bull Put spread AND Bear Call spread, both at 10 am and again at 330 pm, all with next trading day expirations. I track each of the entry times and entry prices on an excel spreadsheet.
Is there any existing script that will allow me to input and employ the excel data to create these eight price lines each day and place them on my charts to visualize and compare their relative performance?
Thank you so much.
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there is no provision in thinkScript to input external data. what some have done is to basically write the entire study in Excel (or other tool) and import it. You should review the date and time commands for doing this to locate the start and end of your lines.
there is no provision in thinkScript to input external data. what some have done is to basically write the entire study in Excel (or other tool) and import it. You should review the date and time commands for doing this to locate the start and end of your lines.
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you can't import data with thinkscript.

if you already have data in excel, why don't you draw a chart in excel.
use the rtd( ) funtion to read stock data.
DUH!!! I never thought of that, but WOW! That's a GREAT IDEA! I really don't care how or where I see the data visualized, so long as I can SEE the data visualized! Thanks so much! I'll be looking for help on that, next!
I'm pretty good with excel, but neve had any formal training,... I'll have to look up the specifics and see if I can make it happen,...
Thanks again! :)
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