Running Count of Non-Overlapping Bar Bodies For ThinkOrSwim


Active member
I have absolutely no idea what to call this indicator, but here's the idea. Rather than counting things like up bars or down bars, or trying to measure line breaks, etc., I thought about trying to visualize the structure of the market in a different way.

This indicator counts anytime 2 bars do NOT have overlapping bodies, either up or down and keeps a running total. I don't quite know how to use it yet, but have noticed it does a really good job of highlighting divergence between market moves (i.e. price move) and the strength of the moves (i.e. gaps on the way up/down).

Again, I'm not quite sure how this will be or could be used, but it is super interesting to note that the structure can be visualized this way.


declare lower;

input plotThickness = 2;
input colorBars = {default Off, By_Inst_Trend, By_Gap_Count};
input allowDojis = no;
input barsBack = 1000;
input skipBarsLevel = 2;
input showChannel = no;
input showCloud = yes;
input showLastPeaks = no;
input channelLength = 50;

input alpha = 0.07;    # 0.07 is default
input smoothLength = 3;
input colorPctMin = 3;

DefineGlobalColor("Faded Green", CreateColor(75, 155, 75));           #original 0, 155, 0 / 4B9B4B
DefineGlobalColor("Faded Red", CreateColor(224, 117, 117));           #original 255, 105, 105 / E07575
DefineGlobalColor("Green", CreateColor(75, 155, 75));           #original 0, 155, 0 / 4B9B4B
DefineGlobalColor("Red", CreateColor(224, 117, 117));           #original 255, 105, 105 / E07575
DefineGlobalColor("Gray", CreateColor(181, 181, 181));          #original 181, 181, 181

## Body Gaps Calculations
def isUp = close > open;
def isDown = close < open;
def isDoji = close == open;
def isLastBar = !IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close[-1]);

def bodyHigh = Max(open, close);
def bodyLow = Min(open, close);

def isUpGap = bodyLow >= bodyHigh[1] and (isUp or (allowDojis and isDoji));
def isDownGap = bodyHigh <= bodyLow[1] and (isDown or (allowDojis and isDoji));
def gapCount = if isUpGap then gapCount[1] + 1 else if isDownGap then gapCount[1] - 1 else gapCount[1];

def lastBN = if isLastBar[-1] then BarNumber() + 1 else lastBN[1];
def lastBNValue = if isNaN(close[-barsBack]) then lastBN[-barsBack - 1] else Double.NaN;

def barColor = if gapCount > gapCount[1] then 1 else if gapCount < gapCount[1] then -1 else barColor[1];

def colorMethod;
    case Off:
        colorMethod = 0;
    case By_Inst_Trend:
        colorMethod = 1;
    case By_Gap_Count:
        colorMethod = 2;

def lastLevel = if isLastBar then gapCount else lastLevel[1];
def lastLevelValue = if isNaN(gapCount[-barsBack]) then lastLevel[-barsBack] else Double.NaN;

def levelLine = 
    if IsNaN(close) or BarNumber() % skipBarsLevel <> 0
    then Double.NaN
    else lastLevelValue

def isHighPeak = gapCount > lastLevelValue and gapCount[1] < gapCount;
def trailHighPeaks = if isHighPeak then gapCount else trailHighPeaks[1];
def lastHighPeakOffset = if isLastBar[-1] then GetMaxValueOffset(isHighPeak, barsBack) + 1 else lastHighPeakOffset[1];
def highPeakBarOffset = if isNaN(close[-barsBack]) then lastHighPeakOffset[-barsBack - 1] else Double.NaN;
def isLastHighPeak = BarNumber() == lastBNValue - highPeakBarOffset;
def countHigh = BarNumber() >= lastBNValue - highPeakBarOffset;
def lastHighPeakValue = if !countHigh then Double.NaN else if isLastHighPeak then gapCount else lastHighPeakValue[1];

def isLowPeak = gapCount < lastLevelValue and gapCount[1] > gapCount;
def trailLowPeaks = if isLowPeak then gapCount else trailLowPeaks[1];
def lastLowPeakOffset = if isLastBar[-1] then GetMaxValueOffset(isLowPeak, barsBack) + 1 else lastLowPeakOffset[1];
def lowPeakBarOffset = if isNaN(close[-barsBack]) then lastLowPeakOffset[-barsBack - 1] else Double.NaN;
def isLastLowPeak = BarNumber() == lastBNValue - lowPeakBarOffset;
def countLow = BarNumber() >= lastBNValue - lowPeakBarOffset;
def lastLowPeakValue = if !countLow then Double.NaN else if isLastLowPeak then gapCount else lastLowPeakValue[1];

## Ehlers Instantaneous Trend Calculations
def alpha2 = Power(alpha, 2);
def it =
    Compoundvalue( 6,
        ( alpha - ( ( alpha2 ) / 4.0 ) )
        * gapCount + 0.5 * alpha2 * gapCount[1] -
        ( alpha - 0.75 * alpha2 ) * gapCount[2] +
        2 * ( 1 - alpha ) *
        ( if IsNaN( it[1] ) then ( ( gapCount + 2 * gapCount[1] + gapCount[2] ) / 4.0 ) else it[1] ) -
        ( 1 - alpha ) * ( 1 - alpha ) *
        ( if IsNaN( it[2] ) then ( ( gapCount + 2 * gapCount[1] + gapCount[2] ) / 4.0 ) else it[2] )
        , (gapCount + 2 * gapCount[1] + gapCount[2] ) / 4
def lag = 2.0 * it - if IsNaN(it[2]) then 0 else it[2];
def itSmooth = ExpAverage(it, smoothLength);
def lagSmooth = ExpAverage(lag, smoothLength);

plot GapCountPlot = gapCount;

plot LastLevelLine = levelLine;

plot InstTrend = itSmooth;

plot LastH = Highest(gapCount, channelLength) + 1;
plot LastL = Lowest(gapCount, channelLength) - 1;

plot LastHighPeak = if IsNaN(close) then Double.NaN else lastHighPeakValue;
plot LastLowPeak = if IsNaN(close) then Double.NaN else lastLowPeakValue;

    if colorMethod == 0 then
    else if colorMethod == 1 then
        if gapCount >= itSmooth then GlobalColor("Green")
        else GlobalColor("Red")
    else if colorMethod == 2 then
        if barColor == 1 then GlobalColor("Green")
        else if barColor == -1 then GlobalColor("Red")
        else GlobalColor("Gray")
    else Color.CURRENT

AddCloud(if showCloud then GapCountPlot else Double.NaN, InstTrend, GlobalColor("Faded Green"), GlobalColor("Faded Red"));

GapCountPlot.AssignValueColor(if isLastBar then Color.YELLOW else if barColor == 1 then GlobalColor("Green") else if barColor == -1 then GlobalColor("Red") else GlobalColor("Gray"));


    if it > it[1] then GlobalColor("Green")
    else if it < it[1] then GlobalColor("Red")
    else GlobalColor("Gray")

    if it > it[1] then GlobalColor("Green")
    else if it < it[1] then GlobalColor("Red")
    else GlobalColor("Gray")




Last edited:
I've made a few tweaks and updated the original post I made here. There is now an option to show a channel of the last X bars highs and lows, as well as a last high and low line for the indicator.

Ok, a couple more updates. I keep messing with this study because as I explore how to use it I'm finding it very helpful to spot changes in market structure. It really highlights when trends are ending quite well, and it does some interesting things in ranges I'm still working on.

I don't know if it works well on time-based or range charts (guessing not at all on range), but it works very well for /ES on a tick-based chart.

I've added 2 different coloring options. One is colored based on the current direction of the GapCount plot, and the other is colored based on the difference between the GapCount and the Ehler's Instantaneous Trend line of the GapCount.

I've also added a cloud that you can turn on or off.


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