RTH session - 3 equal parts, 130min each - HIGH /LOW /OPEN


Hey folks, I'm attempting to create custom time frames within the RTH trading day.

I run my longer term chart in blocks of 130min.. which breaks the RTH session into 3 equal parts:

Morning 930-1140 / Lunch 1140-1350 / Afternoon 1350 -1600. * * Its amazing how these levels get retested / respected * *

In order to trade this setup properly I will need to reference the open, the high and the low for each of these periods as well as the option to plot a horizontal line for the open which would extend through the individual period but not beyond. Also the ability to displace the high and low to the next period so the morning h/l plots during the lunch time, the lunch time during the afternoon, and the afternoon for the next morning session (plotting once that session is closed). FYI i keep EXT hour turned off **

One thing Im always looking for is if the lunch time or morning high/ low has been swept during the afternoon session which can help me form my bias , looking to trade in the direction of the higher time frames.. So being able to reference these periods for custom intra day scanners will be super helpful for this strategy, finding stocks that fit the mentioned criteria.

Hopefully I explained this well enough to make sense! I appreciate any help from this great community and look forward to hearing any thoughts to add or simplify these ideas. Thanks so much.
Hey folks, I'm attempting to create custom time frames within the RTH trading day.

I run my longer term chart in blocks of 130min.. which breaks the RTH session into 3 equal parts:

Morning 930-1140 / Lunch 1140-1350 / Afternoon 1350 -1600. * * Its amazing how these levels get retested / respected * *

In order to trade this setup properly I will need to reference the open, the high and the low for each of these periods as well as the option to plot a horizontal line for the open which would extend through the individual period but not beyond. Also the ability to displace the high and low to the next period so the morning h/l plots during the lunch time, the lunch time during the afternoon, and the afternoon for the next morning...
Hey folks, I'm attempting to create custom time frames within the RTH trading day.

I run my longer term chart in blocks of 130min.. which breaks the RTH session into 3 equal parts:

Morning 930-1140 / Lunch 1140-1350 / Afternoon 1350 -1600. * * Its amazing how these levels get retested / respected * *

In order to trade this setup properly I will need to reference the open, the high and the low for each of these periods as well as the option to plot a horizontal line for the open which would extend through the individual period but not beyond. Also the ability to displace the high and low to the next period so the morning h/l plots during the lunch time, the lunch time during the afternoon, and the afternoon for the next morning session (plotting once that session is closed). FYI i keep EXT hour turned off **

One thing Im always looking for is if the lunch time or morning high/ low has been swept during the afternoon session which can help me form my bias , looking to trade in the direction of the higher time frames.. So being able to reference these periods for custom intra day scanners will be super helpful for this strategy, finding stocks that fit the mentioned criteria.

Hopefully I explained this well enough to make sense! I appreciate any help from this great community and look forward to hearing any thoughts to add or simplify these ideas. Thanks so much.

maybe this will help
and set to 2:10

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Hey folks, I'm attempting to create custom time frames within the RTH trading day.

I run my longer term chart in blocks of 130min.. which breaks the RTH session into 3 equal parts:

Morning 930-1140 / Lunch 1140-1350 / Afternoon 1350 -1600. * * Its amazing how these levels get retested / respected * *

In order to trade this setup properly I will need to reference the open, the high and the low for each of these periods as well as the option to plot a horizontal line for the open which would extend through the individual period but not beyond. Also the ability to displace the high and low to the next period so the morning h/l plots during the lunch time, the lunch time during the afternoon, and the afternoon for the next morning session (plotting once that session is closed). FYI i keep EXT hour turned off **

One thing Im always looking for is if the lunch time or morning high/ low has been swept during the afternoon session which can help me form my bias , looking to trade in the direction of the higher time frames.. So being able to reference these periods for custom intra day scanners will be super helpful for this strategy, finding stocks that fit the mentioned criteria.

Hopefully I explained this well enough to make sense! I appreciate any help from this great community and look forward to hearing any thoughts to add or simplify these ideas. Thanks so much.

This uses the Opening Range method to plot the Highs/Lows from the prior time range onto the next time range. The 1350-1600 range for the prior day is plotted for the 0930-1140, for example.

The open for each range is plotted just within that range.

Screenshot 2023-06-26 154126.png

input showbubbles   = yes;
input n = -130; #Hint n: Number (+ only) of bars to move bubble to the right in the expansion area
def n1  = n + 1;

input OR1 = 0930;
input OR2 = 1140;
input OR3 = 1350;
input ORE = 1600;

def today   = if GetDay() == GetLastDay() and SecondsFromTime(OR1) >= 0
               then 1
               else 0;

def   ORA1   = if SecondsTillTime(OR2) > 0 and SecondsFromTime(OR1) >= 0
               then 1
               else if SecondsFromTime(OR1)[1] < 0 and SecondsFromTime(OR1) >= 0
               then 1 else 0;

def ORH1     = if ORH1[1] == 0 or ORA1[1] == 0 and ORA1 == 1
               then high
               else if ORA1 and high > ORH1[1]
               then high
               else ORH1[1];
def ORL1     = if ORL1[1] == 0 or ORA1[1] == 0 and ORA1 == 1
               then low
               else if ORA1 and low < ORL1[1]
               then low
               else ORL1[1];
def Op1      = if GetDay() == GetLastDay() and SecondsFromTime(OR1) == 0
               then open
               else if SecondsFromTime(OR2) >= 0
               then Double.NaN
                else Op1[1];

plot ORHi1  = if ORA1 or today < 1 or SecondsFromTime(OR3) >= 0 then Double.NaN else ORH1;
plot ORLo1  = if ORA1 or today < 1 or SecondsFromTime(OR3) >= 0 then Double.NaN else ORL1;
plot Open1  = if ORA1 then Op1 else Double.NaN;


def   ORA2   = if SecondsTillTime(OR3) > 0 and SecondsFromTime(OR2) >= 0
               then 1
               else if SecondsFromTime(OR2)[1] < 0 and SecondsFromTime(OR2) >= 0
               then 1 else 0;

def ORH2     = if ORH2[1] == 0 or ORA2[1] == 0 and ORA2 == 1
               then high
               else if ORA2 and high > ORH2[1]
               then high
               else ORH2[1];
def ORL2     = if ORL2[1] == 0 or ORA2[1] == 0 and ORA2 == 1
               then low
               else if ORA2 and low < ORL2[1]
               then low
               else ORL2[1];
def Op2      = if GetDay() == GetLastDay() and SecondsFromTime(OR2) == 0
               then open
               else if SecondsFromTime(ORE) >= 0
               then Double.NaN
               else Op2[1];

plot ORHi2  = if ORA1 or ORA2 or today < 1 or SecondsFromTime(ORE) >= 0 then Double.NaN else ORH2;
plot ORLo2  = if ORA1 or ORA2 or today < 1 or SecondsFromTime(ORE) >= 0 then Double.NaN else ORL2;
plot Open2   = if ORA2 then Op2 else Double.NaN;


def   ORA3   = if SecondsTillTime(ORE) > 0 and SecondsFromTime(OR3) >= 0
               then 1
               else if SecondsFromTime(OR3)[1] < 0 and SecondsFromTime(OR3) >= 0
               then 1 else 0;

def ORH3     = if ORH3[1] == 0 or ORA3[1] == 0 and ORA3 == 1
               then high
               else if ORA3 and high > ORH3[1]
               then high
               else ORH3[1];
def ORL3     = if ORL3[1] == 0 or ORA3[1] == 0 and ORA3 == 1
               then low
               else if ORA3 and low < ORL3[1]
               then low
               else ORL3[1];
def Op3      = if GetDay() == GetLastDay() and SecondsFromTime(OR3) == 0
               then open
               else if SecondsFromTime(ORE) >= 0
               then Double.NaN
               else Op3[1];

plot ORhi3   = if GetDay() == GetLastDay() and ORA1 then ORH3 else Double.NaN;
plot ORLo3   = if GetDay() == GetLastDay() and ORA1 then ORL3 else Double.NaN;
plot Open3   = if GetDay() == GetLastDay() and OR3 then Op3 else Double.NaN;


AddChartBubble(showbubbles and !IsNaN(ORHi1[n1]) and IsNaN(ORHi1[n]), ORHi1[n1], AsText(ORHi1[n1]), Color.GREEN, yes);
AddChartBubble(showbubbles and !IsNaN(ORLo1[n1]) and IsNaN(ORLo1[n]), ORLo1[n1], AsText(ORLo1[n1]), Color.RED, no);

AddChartBubble(showbubbles and !IsNaN(ORHi2[n1]) and IsNaN(ORHi2[n]), ORHi2[n1], AsText(ORHi2[n1]), Color.GREEN, yes);
AddChartBubble(showbubbles and !IsNaN(ORLo2[n1]) and IsNaN(ORLo2[n]), ORLo2[n1], AsText(ORLo2[n1]), Color.RED, no);

AddChartBubble(showbubbles and !IsNaN(ORhi3[n1]) and IsNaN(ORhi3[n]), ORhi3[n1], AsText(ORhi3[n1]), Color.GREEN, yes);
AddChartBubble(showbubbles and !IsNaN(ORLo3[n1]) and IsNaN(ORLo3[n]), ORLo3[n1], AsText(ORLo3[n1]), Color.RED, no);

AddChartBubble(showbubbles and !IsNaN(Open1[n1]) and IsNaN(Open1[n]), Open1[n1], AsText(Open1[n1]), Color.CYAN, no);
AddChartBubble(showbubbles and !IsNaN(Open2[n1]) and IsNaN(Open2[n]), Open2[n1], AsText(Open2[n1]), Color.CYAN, no);
AddChartBubble(showbubbles and !IsNaN(Open3[n1]) and IsNaN(Open3[n]), Open3[n1], AsText(Open3[n1]), Color.CYAN, no);

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