Author Message:
The Rising & Falling Window Signals indicator identifies Rising & Falling Window formations on the chart and manages them for use as support and resistance zones. The Rising and Falling Window methods used in this indicator are based on Steve Nison's techniques, emphasizing the importance of these areas to better identify continuation momentum and likely reversal points.
Various filtering settings are included to identify zones of a specific width, as well as hide shorter zones from displaying on their chart, helping the users focus on the most significant zones.
#// Indicator for TOS
#// © LuxAlgo
#indicator("Rising & Falling Window Signals [LuxAlgo]","LuxAlgo - Rising & Falling Window Signals"
#Hint MinimumAtrMulti: Width is in Multiples of ATR. Only Zones within the ATR Values are Displayed.
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800 - 09/2024
input ShowZoneMidlines = yes; # "Show Zone Midlines"
input signalMode = {"Regular", default "Engulfing", "Wick", "Don't Show Signals"}; # "Signal Type"
input MaximumLiveZoneLength = 50; # "Maximum Live Zone Length"
input MinimumInactiveZoneLength = 0; # "Minimum Inactive Zone Length"
input ExtendHistoricalZones = yes; # "Extend Historical Zones on Touch"
input MinimumAtrMulti = 0.25; # "Minimum Width"
input MaximumAtrMulti = 5.0; # "Maximum Width"
def na = Double.NaN;
def last = isNaN(close);
def bar = barNumber();
def xot = ExtendHistoricalZones;
def n = MinimumInactiveZoneLength;
def atrHi = ATR(Length = 200) * MaximumAtrMulti;
def atrLo = ATR(Length = 200) * MinimumAtrMulti;
def rc = close < open;
def gc = close > open;
def win_up = low > high[1];
def win_down = high < low[1];
def up_width = AbsValue(low - high[1]);
def down_width = AbsValue(low[1] - high);
def c_bot = Min(close, open);
def c_top = Max(close, open);
def topUp; def botUp; def cntUp; def activeUp;
def topUp1; def botUp1;
def crossUp; def crossUp1; def condUp;
if bar > 0 and win_up and (up_width >= atrLo) and (up_width <= atrHi) {
activeUp = no;
topUp = if !topUp[1] then low else topUp[1];
botUp = if !topUp[1] then high[1] else botUp[1];
topUp1 = low;
botUp1 = high[1];
cntUp = 0;
} else {
cntUp = (if isNaN(cntUp[1]) then 0 else cntUp[1]) + 1;
activeUp = if condUp[1] then yes else activeUp[1];
if (if activeUp then crossUp[1] else (crossUp[1] or (cntUp >= MaximumLiveZoneLength))) {
topUp = 0;
botUp = 0;
topUp1 = if crossUp1[1] then 0 else topUp1[1];
botUp1 = if crossUp1[1] then 0 else botUp1[1];
} else {
topUp = topUp[1];
botUp = botUp[1];
topUp1 = if crossUp1[1] or cntUp >= MaximumLiveZoneLength then 0 else topUp1[1];
botUp1 = if crossUp1[1] or cntUp >= MaximumLiveZoneLength then 0 else botUp1[1];
condUp = (xot and low < topUp);
crossUp = (c_bot < botUp);
crossUp1 = (c_bot < botUp1);
def topDn; def botDn; def cntDn; def activeDn;
def topDn1; def botDn1;
def crossDn; def crossDn1; def condDn;
if bar > 0 and win_down and (down_width >= atrLo) and (down_width <= atrHi) {
activeDn = no;
topDn = if !botDn[1] then low[1] else topDn[1];
botDn = if !botDn[1] then high else botDn[1];
topDn1 = low[1];
botDn1 = high;
cntDn = 0;
} else {
cntDn = (if isNaN(cntDn[1]) then 0 else cntDn[1]) + 1;
activeDn = if condDn[1] then yes else activeDn[1]; #
if (if activeDn then crossDn[1] else (crossDn[1] or cntDn >= MaximumLiveZoneLength)) {
topDn = 0;
botDn = 0;
topDn1 = if crossDn1[1] then 0 else topDn1[1];
botDn1 = if crossDn1[1] then 0 else botDn1[1];
} else {
topDn = topDn[1];
botDn = botDn[1];
topDn1 = if crossDn1[1] or cntDn >= MaximumLiveZoneLength then 0 else topDn1[1];
botDn1 = if crossDn1[1] or cntDn >= MaximumLiveZoneLength then 0 else botDn1[1];
condDn = (xot and high > if(!botDn, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, botDn));
crossDn = (c_top > topDn);
crossDn1 = (c_top > topDn1);
#-- signals
def minLo = min(low,low[1]);
def maxHi = max(high, high[1]);
def up_signal; def dn_signal;
def up_signal1; def dn_signal1;
Switch (signalMode) {
Case "Don't Show Signals" :
up_signal = no;
dn_signal = no;
up_signal1 = no;
dn_signal1 = no;
Case "Regular" :
up_signal = topUp and (open < topUp) and (close > topUp);
dn_signal = botDn and (open > botDn) and (close < botDn);
up_signal1 = topUp1 and (open < topUp1) and (close > topUp1);
dn_signal1 = botDn1 and (open > botDn1) and (close < botDn1);
Case "Wick" :
up_signal = topUp and (low < topUp) and (c_bot > topUp);
dn_signal = botDn and (high > botDn) and (c_top < botDn);
up_signal1 = topUp1 and (low < topUp1) and (c_bot > topUp1);
dn_signal1 = botDn1 and (high > botDn1) and (c_top < botDn1);
Default :
up_signal = topUp and (minLo < topUp) and rc[1] and (open <= close[1]) and (close > open[1]);
dn_signal = botDn and (maxHi > botDn) and gc[1] and (open >= close[1]) and (close < open[1]);
up_signal1 = topUp1 and (minLo < topUp1) and rc[1] and (open <= close[1]) and (close > open[1]);
dn_signal1 = botDn1 and (maxHi > botDn1) and gc[1] and (open >= close[1]) and (close < open[1]);
plot sigUp = if (up_signal and !up_signal[1]) then low else 0;
plot sigDn = if (dn_signal and !dn_signal[1]) then high else 0;
plot sigUp1 = if (up_signal1 and !up_signal1[1]) and !sigUp then low else na;
plot sigDn1 = if (dn_signal1 and !dn_signal1[1]) and !sigDn then high else na;
#-- Lines
plot topSup = if !last and cntUp[-n] >= n and topUp then topUp else na;
plot btmSup = if !last and cntUp[-n] >= n and botUp then botUp else na;
plot avgSup = if ShowZoneMidlines then (topSup + btmSup) / 2 else na;
plot topRes = if !last and cntDn[-n] >= n and topDn then topDn else na;
plot btmRes = if !last and cntDn[-n] >= n and botDn then botDn else na;
plot avgRes = if ShowZoneMidlines then (topRes + btmRes) / 2 else na;
plot topSup1 = if !last and xot and topUp[-1]!=topUp1[-1] and topUp1[-1] then topUp1[-1] else na;
plot btmSup1 = if !last and xot and botUp[-1]!=botUp1[-1] and botUp1[-1] then botUp1[-1] else na;
plot avgSup1 = if ShowZoneMidlines then (topSup1 + btmSup1) / 2 else na;
plot topRes1 = if !last and xot and topDn[-1]!=topDn1[-1] and topDn1[-1] then topDn1[-1] else na;
plot btmRes1 = if !last and xot and botDn[-1]!=botDn1[-1] and botDn1[-1] then botDn1[-1] else na;
plot avgRes1 = if ShowZoneMidlines then (topRes1+ btmRes1) / 2 else na;
AddCloud(topSup, btmSup, Color.DARK_GREEN);
AddCloud(topRes, btmRes, Color.DARK_RED);
AddCloud(topSup1, btmSup1, Color.DARK_GREEN);
AddCloud(topRes1, btmRes1, Color.DARK_RED);
#-- END of CODE