Prime Bands [ChartPrime] for ThinkOrSwim


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The Prime Standard Deviation Bands [ChartPrime] indicator uses custom-calculated bands based on highest and lowest price values over specific period to analyze price volatility and trend direction. Traders can set the bands to 1, 2, or 3 standard deviations from a central base, providing a dynamic view of price behavior in relation to volatility. The indicator also includes color-coded trend signals, standard deviation labels, and mean reversion signals, offering insights into trend strength and potential reversal points.

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#// Indicator for TOS
#// @ ChartPrime
#indicator("Prime Bands [ChartPrime]", "Prime Bands [ChartPrime]", overlay = true)
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 01/2025

input colorBars = no;
input length = 50;
input standardDeviation = 3.0; # "Standard Deviation", [1,2,3])
input showForecastPrice = no;
input forecastLength = 15;
input labelOptions = {Default "Volatility & Forecast", "Volatility Only", "Forecast Only", "Don't Show"};

def na = Double.NaN;
def last = isNaN(close);
def n = forecastLength;
def Show = labelOptions!=labelOptions."Don't Show";
def volLab = labelOptions!=labelOptions."Forecast Only" and Show;
def forecast = labelOptions!=labelOptions."Volatility Only" and Show;
##// ~~ Gradient Coloring {
Script gradient_color {
input src = close;
input minVal = 10;
input maxVal = 400;
input loR = 173;
input loG = 216;
input loB = 230;
input hiR = 41;
input hiG = 98;
input hiB = 255;
    def value = if isNaN(src) then 0 else src;
    def clamped_value = max(min(value, maxVal), minVal);
    def normalized_value = (clamped_value - minVal) / (maxVal - minVal);
    def re = floor(loR + (hiR - loR) * normalized_value);
    def gr = floor(loG + (hiG - loG) * normalized_value);
    def bl = floor(loB + (hiB - loB) * normalized_value);
    plot r = re;
    plot g = gr;
    plot b = bl;

Script mean_reversion {
input src = hl2;
input mid = close;
input lower = low;
input upper = high;
input n = 15;
    def source   = src - mid;
    def mean_rev1 = (src - lower) / (upper - lower);
    def mean_rev2 = HullMovingAvg(mean_rev1 / stdev(mean_rev1, 200), n) - 1;
    def mean_rev = min(4, max(-4, mean_rev2));
    plot out = mean_rev;
Script prime_bands {
input length = 50;
input sd = 3;
input n = 15;
    def na    = Double.NaN;
    def last  = isNaN(close);
    def Hg    = highest(high, length);
    def Lw    = lowest(low, length);
    def base  = (Hg + Lw) / 2;
    def atr   = atr(Length = 200);
    def up_b  = base + atr * sd;
    def low_b = base - atr * sd;
    def upper = if !last then highest(up_b, length - 1) else upper[1];
    def lower = if !last then lowest(low_b, length - 1) else lower[1];
    def upp_band = if !last then Average(upper, n) else upp_band[1];
    def low_band = if !last then Average(lower, n) else low_band[1];
    def mid_band = (upp_band + low_band) / 2;
    def slope1   = if !last then upp_band - upp_band[2] else slope1[1];
    def slope2   = if !last then mid_band - mid_band[2] else slope2[1];
    def slope3   = if !last then low_band - low_band[2] else slope3[1];
    def upp_band1 = if !last then upp_band else upp_band1[1] + (slope1 / n);
    def mid_band1 = if !last then mid_band else mid_band1[1] + (slope2 / n);
    def low_band1 = if !last then low_band else low_band1[1] + (slope3 / n);
    plot up  = upp_band;
    plot mid = mid_band;
    plot lo  = low_band;
    plot up1  = if !last[n-1] then upp_band1 else na;
    plot mid1 = if !last[n-1] then mid_band1 else na;
    plot lo1  = if !last[n-1] then low_band1 else na;
def upp_band  = prime_bands(length, standardDeviation, n).up;
def mid_band  = prime_bands(length, standardDeviation, n).mid;
def low_band  = prime_bands(length, standardDeviation, n).lo;
def upp_band1 = prime_bands(length, standardDeviation, n).up1;
def mid_band1 = prime_bands(length, standardDeviation, n).mid1;
def low_band1 = prime_bands(length, standardDeviation, n).lo1;

#-- Color
def mid_band2 = if mid_band[2] then mid_band[1] else mid_band[2];
def col = if (mid_band > mid_band2) and (mid_band[1] <= mid_band2[1]) then 1 else
          if (mid_band < mid_band2) and (mid_band[1] >= mid_band2[1]) then -1 else col[1];

def mean_rev = mean_reversion(hl2, mid_band, low_band, upp_band, n);
def hiRev = highest(mean_rev, length)[10];
def loRev = lowest(mean_rev, length)[10];
def mean_rev1 = if !mean_rev[1] then hl2 else mean_rev[1];
def sig_up = (mean_rev > mean_rev1) and (mean_rev[1] <= mean_rev1[1]) and low  < low_band and mean_rev < loRev;
def sig_dn = (mean_rev < mean_rev1) and (mean_rev[1] >= mean_rev1[1]) and high > upp_band and mean_rev > hiRev;

def colR = gradient_color(mean_rev, -4, 4, 0, 255, 255, 255, 0, 255).r;
def colG = gradient_color(mean_rev, -4, 4, 0, 255, 255, 255, 0, 255).g;
def colB = gradient_color(mean_rev, -4, 4, 0, 255, 255, 255, 0, 255).b;


AddChartBubble(sig_up[-1], low, "UP", CreateColor(0, ColG, 0), no);
AddChartBubble(sig_dn[-1], high, "DN", CreateColor(colR, 0, 0));

#-- plot

plot ph = if !last and upp_band then upp_band else na;
plot pm = if !last and mid_band then mid_band else na;
plot pl = if !last and low_band then low_band else na;

plot ph1 = if last[-1] and showForecastPrice and upp_band1 then upp_band1 else na;
plot pm1 = if last[-1] and showForecastPrice and mid_band1 then mid_band1 else na;
plot pl1 = if last[-1] and showForecastPrice and low_band1 then low_band1 else na;

pm.AssignValueColor(if col>0 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);
pm1.AssignValueColor(if col>0 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);

AddChartBubble(ph1 and isNaN(ph1[-1]), ph1, AsDollars(ph1), GetColor(3));
AddChartBubble(pm1 and isNaN(pm1[-1]), pm1, AsDollars(pm1), if col>0 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);
AddChartBubble(pl1 and isNaN(pl1[-1]), pl1, AsDollars(pl1), GetColor(3));
#-- Label
def volaPer = mean_rev / 4;
AddLabel(volLab, "Volatility (" + AsPercent(volaPer) + ")", CreateColor(colR, ColG, ColB));
AddLabel(forecast, "+SD(" + AsDollars(upp_band1[1-n]) + ")", GetColor(3));
AddLabel(forecast, "0SD(" + AsDollars(mid_band1[1-n]) + ")", if col[1-n]>0 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);
AddLabel(forecast, "-SD(" + AsDollars(low_band1[1-n]) + ")", GetColor(3));

#-- Bar Color

AssignPriceColor(if !colorBars then Color.CURRENT else CreateColor(colR, ColG, ColB));
#-- END of CODE
Thanks for converting this indicator @samer800, would you be able to either remove or provide an option to remove the information about the "Volatility and 3 sd's " near the top left of the chart, as it uses up space and I do not knnow how to effectively use them beyond the signals plotted. Thanks in advance.
Thanks for converting this indicator @samer800, would you be able to either remove or provide an option to remove the information about the "Volatility and 3 sd's " near the top left of the chart, as it uses up space and I do not knnow how to effectively use them beyond the signals plotted. Thanks in advance.
Try going into the settings and look at "Label Options". Click the pull down arrow and select "Don't Show"
Fantastic, it worked exactly the way I liked. I appreciate a fast and perfect response. Thanks and regards.
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