price that would have the histogram go to a lower diff value ?


New member
Super nice !! I use this MACD
on 2 timeframes and when the two sync up with bullish histograms is normally a nice trade and exit when the higher timeframe histogram goes negative.

Is it possible to get one more label item? ...
the price that would have the histogram go to a lower diff value ?

Thanks for your consideration
#/ This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
#// @author  = The_Caretaker
#// © The_Caretaker
#// Much respect to the original creator of this idea Mr Johhny Dough
#// And the related works of Giorgos Siligardos and Dimitris Tsokakis
#// The prior work of the above mentioned inspired me to bring the idea to its logical conclusion on the MACD
#// by creating the reverse MACD EMA & SMA signal line cross functions
#// Feel free to reuse or develop this script further, please drop me a note below if you find it useful.
#indicator ( 'CT Reverse MACD Cross', 'CT_MACD', false, format.price, precision=2 )
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 06/2024
declare lower;

input avgType = AverageType.EXPONENTIAL;
input source    = close; #,          'Price Source'
input fast_length  = 12; #,             'Fast Period'
input slow_length  = 26; #,             'Slow Period'
input signalLength = 9; #,              'MA Length',
input showMacdLine = yes; #        'Show MACD'
input showSignalLine = yes; #        'Show EMA'
input showHistogram  = yes; #           'Show EMA Histogram',
input HistogramScalingFactor = 1.0; #        'Histogram Scaling Factor'
input showInfoLabel = yes;

def na = Double.NaN;
def last = IsNaN(close);

DefineGlobalColor("up", CreateColor(0, 94, 255));
DefineGlobalColor("dup", CreateColor(0, 51, 137));
DefineGlobalColor("dn", CreateColor(255, 157, 0));
DefineGlobalColor("ddn", CreateColor(137, 85, 0));
#// Function Declarations
script alpha {
    input len = 12;
    def alpha = 2 / (len + 1);
    plot out = alpha;
#    // returns exponential weighted multiplier for period len
script macd_eq {
    input price = close;
    input fast_len = 12;
    input slow_len = 26;
    def fastEMA = ExpAverage(price, fast_len)[1];
    def slowEMA = ExpAverage(price, slow_len)[1];
    def alphaFast = alpha(fast_len);
    def alphaSlow = alpha(slow_len);
    def macd_eq = (alphaFast * fastEMA - alphaSlow * slowEMA) / (alphaFast - alphaSlow);
    def level = ((1 - alphaSlow) * slowEMA - (1 - alphaFast) * fastEMA) / (alphaFast - alphaSlow);
    plot eq = macd_eq;
    plot lvl = level;
script macd_cross_ema {
    input price = close;
    input macd = close;
    input fast_len = 12;
    input slow_len = 26;
    input sig_len  = 9;
    def pEMAx = ExpAverage(price, fast_len)[1];
    def pEMAy = ExpAverage(price, slow_len)[1];
    def pEMAz = ExpAverage(macd, sig_len)[1];
    def alphaFast = alpha(fast_len);
    def alphaSlow = alpha(slow_len);
    def alphaSig = alpha(sig_len);
    def macd_cross_ema = (pEMAx * alphaFast * alphaSig - pEMAy * alphaSlow * alphaSig - pEMAx * alphaFast +
      pEMAy * alphaSlow + pEMAy * alphaSig + pEMAz * alphaSig -
      pEMAx * alphaSig - pEMAy - pEMAz + pEMAx ) / (alphaFast * alphaSig - alphaSlow * alphaSig - alphaFast + alphaSlow);
    plot out = macd_cross_ema;
#// Calculations

def fast_ema    = ExpAverage(source, fast_length );
def slow_ema    = ExpAverage (source, slow_length );
def macd        = fast_ema - slow_ema;
def c_macd      = if macd > macd[1] then 1 else 0;
def ema_sig_line = MovingAverage(avgType, macd, signalLength);
def c_ema        = if ema_sig_line > ema_sig_line[1] then 1 else 0;
def ema_hist     = macd - ema_sig_line;
def c_hist_e     = if ema_hist >= 0 then
                   if ema_hist[1] < ema_hist then 2 else 1 else
                   if ema_hist[1] < ema_hist then -1 else -2;
#-- plot
plot SignalLine = if showSignalLine then ema_sig_line else na; #, 'MACD EMA Signal Line'
plot macdLine = if showMacdLine then macd else na;
plot histo = if showHistogram then ema_hist * HistogramScalingFactor else na; #, 'EMA Histogram'
plot zero = if last then na else 0;

macdLine.AssignValueColor(if c_macd then Color.GREEN else COlor.RED);
SignalLine.AssignValueColor(if c_ema then Color.CYAN else COlor.MAGENTA);
histo.AssignValueColor(if c_hist_e== 2 then GlobalColor("up") else
                       if c_hist_e== 1 then GlobalColor("dup") else
                       if c_hist_e==-1 then GlobalColor("ddn") else
                       if c_hist_e==-2 then GlobalColor("dn") else Color.GRAY);

#-- Label
def reverse_macd    = macd_eq(source, fast_length, slow_length ).eq;
def macd_ema_cross  = macd_cross_ema(source, macd, fast_length, slow_length, signalLength );
def macd_zero_line  = macd_eq(source, fast_length, slow_length ).lvl;
def revMCD = Round(reverse_macd, 2);
def croMCD = Round(macd_ema_cross, 2);
def zroMCD = Round(macd_zero_line, 2);

def text_eq = source > reverse_macd;
def text_cross = source > macd_ema_cross;
def text_zero = source > macd_zero_line;

AddLabel(showInfoLabel,(if text_eq then "MACD: Continues Rising Above: " + AsDollars(revMCD) else
                            "MACD: Continues Falling Below (Eq): " + AsDollars(revMCD)) +
           (if text_cross then ", Cross Below Signal Line: " + AsDollars(croMCD) else
                               ", Cross Above Signal Line: " + AsDollars(croMCD)) +
           (if zroMCD then ", Cross Below Zero Line: " + AsDollars(zroMCD) else
                           ", Cross Above Zero Line: " + AsDollars(zroMCD)), if c_macd then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);

#-- END of CODE
Last edited by a moderator:

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