Price spike 10 bars ago then pullback to 50EMA

Hello @halcyonguy

Thanks for all your help in coding the strategy. Can you please help me to create a scan code for the following strategy? Thanks.

  1. A price surge of 30% or higher occurred 10 bars ago.
  2. EMAs (20, 50, 200) are stacked in a bullish manner
  3. Price pulled back to 50 EMAs within a margin of 1% or less

I hope the attached image can adequately convey my message. Thank you once again.

Hello @halcyonguy

Thanks for all your help in coding the strategy. Can you please help me to create a scan code for the following strategy? Thanks.

  1. A price surge of 30% or higher occurred 10 bars ago.
  2. EMAs (20, 50, 200) are stacked in a bullish manner
  3. Price pulled back to 50 EMAs within a margin of 1% or less

I hope the attached image can adequately convey my message. Thank you once again.

what is max bars allowed for the price jump? 5,10,50,...?
not sure what 10 bars ago is, ago from what? what does that matter? what if the peak was 5 bars ago?
"A price surge of 30% or higher occurred 10 bars ago."
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Hello @halcyonguy

Thanks for all your help in coding the strategy. Can you please help me to create a scan code for the following strategy? Thanks.

  1. A price surge of 30% or higher occurred 10 bars ago.
  2. EMAs (20, 50, 200) are stacked in a bullish manner
  3. Price pulled back to 50 EMAs within a margin of 1% or less

I hope the attached image can adequately convey my message. Thank you once again.
why does a jump have to happen 10 bars ago? why not 9? why not 20? why any number. do you mean , the jump happened during the past 10 bars?

i just did something similar, with a sequence of signals. i will modify it for your code

i got side tracked with a gann code.
will make some guesses on this and look at it today
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what is max bars allowed for the price jump? 5,10,50,...?
not sure what 10 bars ago is, ago from what? what does that matter? what if the peak was 5 bars ago?
A price surge of 30% or higher occurred 10 bars ago.
  1. what is max bars allowed for the price jump? 5,10,50,...?
Max 20 bars should be allowed

2. not sure what 10 bars ago is, ago from what? what does that matter? what if the peak was 5 bars ago?

10 bars ago from the current close. ( Actually, I want to catch the price spike and then pull back. In the above example, the price spike happened in after hours while perfect pullback happened near opening)

Thanks for your answer. Hope I explained myself well.

why does a jump have to happen 10 bars ago? why not 9? why not 20? why any number. do you mean , the jump happened during the past 10 bars?

i just did something similar, with a sequence of signals. i will modify it for your code
My idea is to capture the after-hours (AH) spike in the next-day openings which are still uptrend. As indicated by the attached image in the first post, LIDR spiked in Ah, then faded back to 30 EMA while EMAs are bullishly stacked. I hope I explained myself well. Thanks
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  1. what is max bars allowed for the price jump? 5,10,50,...?
Max 20 bars should be allowed

2. not sure what 10 bars ago is, ago from what? what does that matter? what if the peak was 5 bars ago?

10 bars ago from the current close. ( Actually, I want to catch the price spike and then pull back. In the above example, the price spike happened in after hours while perfect pullback happened near opening)

Thanks for your answer. Hope I explained myself well.

My idea is to capture the after-hours (AH) spike in the next-day openings which are still uptrend. As indicated by the attached image in the first post, LIDR spiked in Ah, then faded back to 30 EMA while EMAs are bullishly stacked. I hope I explained myself well. Thanks

here is an upper study to experiment with
it draws a yellow dot when a surge happens, and a bubble that shows the dollar amount and the percent of the surge.
it draws a cyan arrow when a retrace happens

i changed the default numbers so i could get some signals

i don't know if this will work for a scan. would have to replace all the plots with def, except last plot. then disable the bubble.

test on WFC day chart


#Price spike 10 bars ago then pullback to 50EMA

def na = Double.NaN;
def bn = BarNumber();

#A price surge of 30% or higher
# occurred 10 bars ago. ?
# within 20 bars

#input surge_percent = 30.0;
#input surge_percent = 20.0;
input surge_percent = 17.0;
input surge_max_bars = 20;

# find bar #'s of high and low. low has to be first

def minlooff = GetMinValueOffset(low, surge_max_bars);
def maxhioff = GetMaxValueOffset(high, surge_max_bars);

def hi;
def lo;
def surge;
def surgeper;
if bn == 1 then {
hi = 0;
lo = 0;
surge = 0;
surgeper = 0;
} else if (maxhioff < minlooff) then {
# max rise
hi = getvalue(high,maxhioff);
lo = getvalue(low,minlooff);
surge = round(hi - lo,2);
surgeper = round(100*surge/lo,1);
} else {
hi = 0;
lo = 0;
surge = 0;
surgeper = 0;

def issurge = surgeper >= surge_percent;

addchartbubble(0, low,
maxhioff + "\n" +
minlooff + "\n" +
hi + " H\n" +
lo + " L\n" +
surge + " S\n" +
surgeper + " %\n"
, (if surge > 0 then color.yellow else color.gray), no);

#EMAs (20, 50, 200) are stacked in a bullish manner

def data = close;

input avg1_type = AverageType.exponential;
#input avg1_type = AverageType.Simple;
input avg1_length = 20;
def avg1 = MovingAverage(avg1_type, data, avg1_length );

input avg2_type = AverageType.exponential;
input avg2_length = 50;
def avg2 = MovingAverage(avg2_type, data, avg2_length );

input avg3_type = AverageType.exponential;
input avg3_length = 200;
def avg3 = MovingAverage(avg3_type, data, avg3_length );

input show_average_lines = yes;
plot zavg1 = if show_average_lines then avg1 else na;
plot zavg2 = if show_average_lines then avg2 else na;
plot zavg3 = if show_average_lines then avg3 else na;




def xup = avg1 crosses above avg2;
def xdwn = avg1 crosses below avg2;

def stackup = avg1 > avg2 and avg2 > avg3;
def stackdwn = avg1 < avg2 and avg2 < avg3;


# check if all 3 avgs are rising

#Price pulled back to 50 EMAs within a margin of 1% or less

#input retrace_near_per = 1.0;
input retrace_near_per = 3.0;
def avgnear = close - avg2;
def avgnearper = round(100*avgnear/avg2,1);

def retrace = avgnearper <= retrace_near_per;


def maxseq = 2;
def seq = if bn == 1 then 0
 else if seq[1] == 2 then 0
 else if seq[1] == 0 and issurge and stackup then 1
 #else if seq[1] == 1 and stackup then 2
 else if seq[1] == 1 and retrace then 2
 else seq[1];

def y = 0.007;
plot zup1 = if seq == 1 and seq[1] == 0 then high*(1+y) else na;

plot zup2 = if seq == maxseq then avg2 else na;

addchartbubble((seq == 1 and seq[1] == 0), (low*(1-y)),
"Surge\n" +
surge + "\n" +
surgeper + " %\n"
, color.yellow, no);

# scan plot
#plot z = seq == maxseq;



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