Painting Horizontal Clouds

Good afternoon. Below is a snippet of a script I use that paints a vertical cloud when a certain condition becomes true. I have spent quite a while trying to figure out how to get the cloud to paint horizontally, but have not had any luck. I have tried ChatGPT for this as well with no progress. Any clues would be appreciated on how to modify this code to populate a horizontal cloud when this condition becomes true!


def cond3 = (if((zscore > -0.01 and zscore < 0.01))

then double.positive_infinity
else double.negative_infinity);

AddCloud(if showclouds
then cond3
else Double.NaN,
Color.yellow, Color.yellow);
Thank you for your reply!

I would be okay with the cloud extending out until 17:00 for simplicity.
For complexity, I would like for the cloud to end when a new one begins (but it is not necessary)

The concept is also built to be analyzed on a 1m chart.

At the end of the day, I am trying to identify the correct candle. I feel like I am close, just can't put my finger on it.

this will draw a cloud when a trigger happens and continue until the end of day
i used a zscore study i had, not sure if it is the same one you mentioned.
new code added to the end of the zscore study

# zscore_rng_00

#def cond3 = (if((zscore > -0.01 and zscore < 0.01))

Good afternoon. Below is a snippet of a script I use that paints a vertical cloud when a certain condition becomes true. I have spent quite a while trying to figure out how to get the cloud to paint horizontally, but have not had any luck. I have tried ChatGPT for this as well with no progress. Any clues would be appreciated on how to modify this code to populate a horizontal cloud when this condition becomes true!


def cond3 = (if((zscore > -0.01 and zscore < 0.01))

then double.positive_infinity
else double.negative_infinity);

AddCloud(if showclouds
then cond3
else Double.NaN,
Color.yellow, Color.yellow);

to draw shapes 'horizontally' you need to set the time parameter to true.
for a cloud, need to have 2 valid price levels, for the duration of the desired cloud. so some condition will be true during the desired cloud period.

what does horizontal mean to you?
a period that is,
4 bars after a signal?
10 bars before to 10 bars after a signal?
covering all the periods with bars?
the whole chart?
to draw shapes 'horizontally' you need to set the time parameter to true.
for a cloud, need to have 2 valid price levels, for the duration of the desired cloud. so some condition will be true during the desired cloud period.

what does horizontal mean to you?
a period that is,
4 bars after a signal?
10 bars before to 10 bars after a signal?
covering all the periods with bars?
the whole chart?
Thank you for your reply!

I would be okay with the cloud extending out until 17:00 for simplicity.
For complexity, I would like for the cloud to end when a new one begins (but it is not necessary)

The concept is also built to be analyzed on a 1m chart.

At the end of the day, I am trying to identify the correct candle. I feel like I am close, just can't put my finger on it.
Thank you for your reply!

I would be okay with the cloud extending out until 17:00 for simplicity.
For complexity, I would like for the cloud to end when a new one begins (but it is not necessary)

The concept is also built to be analyzed on a 1m chart.

At the end of the day, I am trying to identify the correct candle. I feel like I am close, just can't put my finger on it.

this will draw a cloud when a trigger happens and continue until the end of day
i used a zscore study i had, not sure if it is the same one you mentioned.
new code added to the end of the zscore study

# zscore_rng_00

#def cond3 = (if((zscore > -0.01 and zscore < 0.01))


declare lower;
input price = close;
input length = 20;
input ZavgLength = 20;

def oneSD = stdev(price,length);
def avgClose = simpleMovingAvg(price,length);
def ofoneSD = oneSD*price[1];
def Zscorevalue = ((price-avgClose)/oneSD);
def avgZv = average(Zscorevalue,20);

plot Zscore = ((price-avgClose)/oneSD);
Zscore.assignValueColor(if Zscore > 0 then color.dark_green else color.dark_green);
plot avgZscore = average(Zscorevalue,ZavgLength);

plot zero = 0;
plot one = 1;
plot negone = -1;
plot two = 2;
plot negtwo = -2;


# add new code

def na = double.nan;
input end = 1600;

# stop cloud at end of day
def stop = if secondsfromTime(end) >= 0 then 1 else 0;
# check if a new day starts
def newday = getday() != getday()[1];

# set a condition to 1 if triggered
# if a newday , reset to 0
# if end of day, reset
# repeat previoius value, till end of day
def cond3 = if newday then 0
  else if stop then 0
  else if (zscore > -0.01 and zscore < 0.01) then 1
  else cond3[1];

# set top and bottom values for cloud
def top = if cond3 and !stop then double.positive_infinity else na;
def bot = double.negative_infinity;

# draw a cloud when a trigger occurs, and continue cloud for the remainder of the day
AddCloud(top , bot , Color.yellow, Color.yellow);

this will draw a cloud when a trigger happens and continue until the end of day
i used a zscore study i had, not sure if it is the same one you mentioned.
new code added to the end of the zscore study

# zscore_rng_00

#def cond3 = (if((zscore > -0.01 and zscore < 0.01))


[QUOTE="halcyonguy, post: 116477, member: 10697"]
this will draw a cloud when a trigger happens and continue until the end of day
i used a zscore study i had, not sure if it is the same one you mentioned.
new code added to the end of the zscore study

[CODE]# zscore_rng_00

#def cond3 = (if((zscore > -0.01 and zscore < 0.01))


declare lower;
input price = close;
input length = 20;
input ZavgLength = 20;

def oneSD = stdev(price,length);
def avgClose = simpleMovingAvg(price,length);
def ofoneSD = oneSD*price[1];
def Zscorevalue = ((price-avgClose)/oneSD);
def avgZv = average(Zscorevalue,20);

plot Zscore = ((price-avgClose)/oneSD);
Zscore.assignValueColor(if Zscore > 0 then color.dark_green else color.dark_green);
plot avgZscore = average(Zscorevalue,ZavgLength);

plot zero = 0;
plot one = 1;
plot negone = -1;
plot two = 2;
plot negtwo = -2;


# add new code

def na = double.nan;
input end = 1600;

# stop cloud at end of day
def stop = if secondsfromTime(end) >= 0 then 1 else 0;
# check if a new day starts
def newday = getday() != getday()[1];

# set a condition to 1 if triggered
# if a newday , reset to 0
# if end of day, reset
# repeat previoius value, till end of day
def cond3 = if newday then 0
  else if stop then 0
  else if (zscore > -0.01 and zscore < 0.01) then 1
  else cond3[1];

# set top and bottom values for cloud
def top = if cond3 and !stop then double.positive_infinity else na;
def bot = double.negative_infinity;

# draw a cloud when a trigger occurs, and continue cloud for the remainder of the day
AddCloud(top , bot , Color.yellow, Color.yellow);



Thank you so much for posting this! Logic is really well done!

Would there be anyway that the cloud could only paint a single 1m candle with an upper declaration? I loaded up the script and the cloud does paint horizontally just as needed, but the hope was to isolate the single 1m candles that meet that criteria (between -0.01 and 0.01).

Your time is much appreciated, I will also take a stab at modifying, but any further help would be greatly appreciated!!!!

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