Paint specific candle in different color based on time of day


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2019 Donor
I am wondering if it´s possible to paint a specific candle in a different color of choice based on the time of day? Let´s say i use i a 2min chart and i want to highlight the 9:52AM candle and then the same candle at the same time next hour so 10:52AM and so forth. Can this be coded somehow into a study where i can set the time & color myself?

See my example pic below

I am wondering if it´s possible to paint a specific candle in a different color of choice based on the time of day? Let´s say i use i a 2min chart and i want to highlight the 9:52AM candle and then the same candle at the same time next hour so 10:52AM and so forth. Can this be coded somehow into a study where i can set the time & color myself?

See my example pic below

This is set to paint a bar yellow every hour from the input begin. You can change the color at the input screen.

input begin   = 0952;
def bar       = if SecondsTillTime(begin) == 0 and
                   SecondsFromTime(begin) == 0
                then 0
                else bar[1] + 1;
input minutes = 60;
def barx_min  = bar %...
I am wondering if it´s possible to paint a specific candle in a different color of choice based on the time of day? Let´s say i use i a 2min chart and i want to highlight the 9:52AM candle and then the same candle at the same time next hour so 10:52AM and so forth. Can this be coded somehow into a study where i can set the time & color myself?

See my example pic below

This is set to paint a bar yellow every hour from the input begin. You can change the color at the input screen.

input begin   = 0952;
def bar       = if SecondsTillTime(begin) == 0 and
                   SecondsFromTime(begin) == 0
                then 0
                else bar[1] + 1;
input minutes = 60;
def barx_min  = bar % ((minutes) / (GetAggregationPeriod() / 60000)) == 0;
def barxct    = if barx_min then 1 else barxct[1] + 1;
DefineGlobalColor("Time", Color.YELLOW);
AssignPriceColor(if  barx_min then GlobalColor("Time") else Color.CURRENT);

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This is set to paint a bar yellow every hour from the input begin. You can change the color at the input screen.
Thank you SleepyZ, really appreciate the help (y)

I tried it and it works perfectly but i noticed that on one stock that was halted at some point during the day, the following painted candle after unhalt will be lagging because it´s painting every 60 minutes and if there is a halt, typically 5 or 10 min will disappear on the chart and i am guessing that´s why the candle will be painted later than it is supposed to.

I was thinking instead of looping every 30 or 60 minutes, can you make the time input static for the first candle painted and then i can simply copy this line of code one step down for as many as i like to have?

Or if you have some other solution?
Thank you SleepyZ, really appreciate the help (y)

I tried it and it works perfectly but i noticed that on one stock that was halted at some point during the day, the following painted candle after unhalt will be lagging because it´s painting every 60 minutes and if there is a halt, typically 5 or 10 min will disappear on the chart and i am guessing that´s why the candle will be painted later than it is supposed to.

I was thinking instead of looping every 30 or 60 minutes, can you make the time input static for the first candle painted and then i can simply copy this line of code one step down for as many as i like to have?

Or if you have some other solution?

You could make a copy of the above script, rename it, and adjust that script's begin time to the new repeating begin time after the lag. Here is a script for just the first time so you can modify it as you like to add more times.

input begin   = 0952;
def firstbar  = secondsFromTime(begin)==0;
DefineGlobalColor("Time", Color.YELLOW);
AssignPriceColor(if firstbar then GlobalColor("Time") else Color.CURRENT);
Taking this script directly above this message what is the script to have it draw an arrow (or other TOS Style) at the bar instead of coloring the bar? Basically like the drop down menu for the UpSignal in the MovAvgExponential indicator. Thank you.
Taking this script directly above this message what is the script to have it draw an arrow (or other TOS Style) at the bar instead of coloring the bar? Basically like the drop down menu for the UpSignal in the MovAvgExponential indicator. Thank you.

input begin   = 0952;
plot firstbar = secondsFromTime(begin)==0;
DefineGlobalColor("Time", Color.YELLOW);
AssignPriceColor(if firstbar then GlobalColor("Time") else Color.CURRENT);
Wow! Is there a way to draw a price level line at the close of the highlighted candle instead of an arrow?


input begin     = 0952;
input arrowsize = 5;
plot firstbar   = secondsFromTime(begin)==0;
DefineGlobalColor("Time", Color.YELLOW);
AssignPriceColor(if firstbar then GlobalColor("Time") else Color.CURRENT);

input linewidth = 3;
def cline       = if firstbar then close else cline[1];
plot closebar   = cline;
Love the indicator. I'm trying to get it just show the Boolean arrow for specific times throughout the day. I'm finding my self adding the indicator in about 10 times then changing the time for each with its own values. It would be nice to have it all in one indicator for tidiness. Is it possible to indicate many other times throughout the day and place an arrow with the desired color.
Instead of arrows as well it would be great if I could also just add a number value to the top instead. For instance on the 5 minute chart there are 78 bar during Regular Trading hours. I would love the ability have the bar at 10:25 labeled with a 12 above or below and change the color of that value that is posted.
Instead of arrows as well it would be great if I could also just add a number value to the top instead. For instance on the 5 minute chart there are 78 bar during Regular Trading hours. I would love the ability have the bar at 10:25 labeled with a 12 above or below and change the color of that value that is posted.

Due to the various plots (line, arrow and value), it is probably easiest to add multiple copies as you are doing.

Here is a revised script without the price color, but with a value above the bar during RTHrs.

input begin     = 1025;
input arrowsize = 5;
plot firstbar   = secondsFromTime(begin)==0;
def count       = if gettime() crosses above regularTradingstart(getyyyYMMDD())
                  then 1
                  else if !firstbar
                  then count[1] + 1
                  else count[1];
DefineGlobalColor("Time", Color.YELLOW);
plot xcount     = if firstbar then count + 1 else double.nan;

input linewidth = 3;
def cline       = if firstbar then close else cline[1];
plot closebar   = cline;
This is what it looks like for me
That is because the code assumed you had extended hours displayed. Since you must not, then this should work

input begin     = 1025;
input arrowsize = 5;
plot firstbar   = secondsFromTime(begin)==0;
def count       = if secondsfromTime(0930)==0
                  then 1
                  else if !firstbar
                  then count[1] + 1
                  else count[1];
DefineGlobalColor("Time", Color.YELLOW);
plot xcount     = if firstbar then count + 1 else double.nan;

input linewidth = 3;
def cline       = if firstbar then close else cline[1];
plot closebar   = cline;
Thank you all for the outstanding work with this indicator. It has really expedited my drawing support and resistance lines. I guess the only way it could be any faster is if there was a way to only highlight candles that close within + or - 2 points of a price that I input.
Hey man awesome script. How could you make the horizontal line end at a specific time? Thanks for your time!

Added an input endtime to limit the plot of closebar line.

input begin     = 1025;
input arrowsize = 5;
plot firstbar   = secondsFromTime(begin)==0;
def count       = if secondsfromTime(0930)==0
                  then 1
                  else if !firstbar
                  then count[1] + 1
                  else count[1];
DefineGlobalColor("Time", Color.YELLOW);
plot xcount     = if firstbar then count + 1 else double.nan;

input linewidth = 3;
input endtime   = 1205;
def cline       = if firstbar then close else cline[1];
plot closebar   = if secondsfromtime(begin) >= 0 and secondsfromtime(endtime) <= 0
                  then cline
                  else double.nan;
This is exactly what I was looking for. Is there a way to get this to work for futures with extended hours displayed? I'd like to highlight the 6am candles on a 4H chart but this won't do that.

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