Order Cloud based on volume


Active member
Hello All,

I am requesting a ThinkScript that plots order clouds based on volume. Here's what I request:

- At any given timeframe, each candle experiences a certain volume, with some having more and some less. Based on these volume amounts, I would like to see a cloud-like pattern that visually represents the volume traded at different price levels.

- The script should also include a lookback period feature. This means if I want to compare volume clouds based on the past 5 candles, the script should draw the order cloud reflecting the volume distribution at different levels over that period.

- The order cloud should have distinct colors: red for high volume traded, green for low volume traded, and yellow for volumes that fall between the high and low extremes.

I would sincerely request to help me with this script.

Thank you so much!
Yes, I know Volume profile it is but the traditional one does only based on Days, weeks and months. Also, the traditional one do not give data for a specific set of lookback period..which is why I requested

any solutions please @halcyonguy

bumping up the post for a better reach

The standard TOS Volumeprofile indicator has more basis options than you noted, such as, minutes, bars, etc ... and a multiplier of those.

Nonetheless, the following is another method to view the volumeprofile that will plot the VAH/POC/VAL lines from an input start time for an input length.
You can choose to use either Bar or Minute to use with the input Length to plot the volumeprofile lines.
It seems that if the VolumeProfile moved over the...
Hello All,

I am requesting a ThinkScript that plots order clouds based on volume. Here's what I request:

- At any given timeframe, each candle experiences a certain volume, with some having more and some less. Based on these volume amounts, I would like to see a cloud-like pattern that visually represents the volume traded at different price levels.

- The script should also include a lookback period feature. This means if I want to compare volume clouds based on the past 5 candles, the script should draw the order cloud reflecting the volume distribution at different levels over that period.

- The order cloud should have distinct colors: red for high volume traded, green for low volume traded, and yellow for volumes that fall between the high and low extremes.

I would sincerely request to help me with this script.

Thank you so much!

sorry, your words are too vague to determine what you are asking for.

this is called a volume profile
", I would like to see a cloud-like pattern that visually represents the volume traded at different price levels."
sorry, your words are too vague to determine what you are asking for.

this is called a volume profile
", I would like to see a cloud-like pattern that visually represents the volume traded at different price levels."
Yes, I know Volume profile it is but the traditional one does only based on Days, weeks and months. Also, the traditional one do not give data for a specific set of lookback period..which is why I requested

any solutions please @halcyonguy

bumping up the post for a better reach
Last edited by a moderator:
Yes, I know Volume profile it is but the traditional one does only based on Days, weeks and months. Also, the traditional one do not give data for a specific set of lookback period..which is why I requested

any solutions please @halcyonguy

bumping up the post for a better reach

The standard TOS Volumeprofile indicator has more basis options than you noted, such as, minutes, bars, etc ... and a multiplier of those.

Nonetheless, the following is another method to view the volumeprofile that will plot the VAH/POC/VAL lines from an input start time for an input length.
You can choose to use either Bar or Minute to use with the input Length to plot the volumeprofile lines.
It seems that if the VolumeProfile moved over the length, you will sometimes get multiple sets of lines.
The Last set of lines can then be optionally extended.
There are optional clouds that will color the smallest gap between the VAH or VAL and the POC.
The image shows the extended option in the upper panel and without in the lower panel

Screenshot 2024-09-02 080525.jpg

input extend  = yes;
input mode    = {default Bars, Minutes};
input start   = 0930;
input length  = 15;
input clouds  = yes;

def vpoc = if mode == mode.Minutes then reference VolumeProfile("time per profile" = "MINUTE" , multiplier = length, "on expansion" = no).POC else reference VolumeProfile("time per profile" = "BAR" , multiplier = length, "on expansion" = no).POC;

def vhi  = if mode == mode.Minutes then reference VolumeProfile("time per profile" = "MINUTE" , multiplier = length, "on expansion" = no).VAHigh else reference VolumeProfile("time per profile" = "BAR" , multiplier = length, "on expansion" = no).VAHigh;

def vlo  = if mode == mode.Minutes then reference VolumeProfile("time per profile" = "MINUTE" , multiplier = length, "on expansion" = no).VALow else reference VolumeProfile("time per profile" = "BAR" , multiplier = length, "on expansion" = no).VALow;

def end  = if SecondsFromTime(start) == 0 then 1 else if end[1] <= length then end[1] + 1 else Double.NaN;

def mpoc = if SecondsFromTime(start) >= 0 and !IsNaN(end) then vpoc else if extend then mpoc[1] else Double.NaN;
def mhi  = if SecondsFromTime(start) >= 0 and !IsNaN(end) then vhi else if extend then mhi[1] else Double.NaN;
def mlo  = if SecondsFromTime(start) >= 0 and !IsNaN(end) then vlo else if extend then mlo[1] else Double.NaN;

plot POC = mpoc;
plot VAH = mhi;
plot VAL = mlo;

DefineGlobalColor("Profile", GetColor(1));
DefineGlobalColor("Point Of Control", GetColor(5));
DefineGlobalColor("Value Area", GetColor(8));

POC.SetDefaultColor(GlobalColor("Point Of Control"));
VAH.SetDefaultColor(GlobalColor("Value Area"));
VAL.SetDefaultColor(GlobalColor("Value Area"));

#Clouds - Basis is whichever VAH or VAL is lessor distance from POC

def cloud_basis = if (VAH - POC) < (POC - VAL) then 1 else 0;
AddCloud(if clouds and cloud_basis then VAH else Double.NaN, POC, Color.RED, Color.RED);
AddCloud(if clouds and !cloud_basis then POC else Double.NaN, VAL, Color.GREEN, Color.GREEN);
The standard TOS Volumeprofile indicator has more basis options than you noted, such as, minutes, bars, etc ... and a multiplier of those.

Nonetheless, the following is another method to view the volumeprofile that will plot the VAH/POC/VAL lines from an input start time for an input length.
You can choose to use either Bar or Minute to use with the input Length to plot the volumeprofile lines.
It seems that if the VolumeProfile moved over the length, you will sometimes get multiple sets of lines.
The Last set of lines can then be optionally extended.
There are optional clouds that will color the smallest gap between the VAH or VAL and the POC.
The image shows the extended option in the upper panel and without in the lower panel
Oh my God!! Thanks an infinite ton, King @SleepyZ 🙏 🙏

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