Nick Rypock Trailing Reverse,NRTR[everget] for ThinkOrSwim


Moderator - Expert

Creator Message:
This indicator was invented in 2001 by Konstantin Kopyrkin. The name "Nick Rypock" is derived from his surname reading in the opposite direction:

Kopyrkin -> Kopyr Kin -> Kin Kopyr -> Nik Rypok

The idea of the indicator is similar to the Chandelier Exit , but doesn't involve ATR component and uses a percentage instead.

A dynamic price channel is used to calculate the NRTR. The calculations involve only those prices that are included in the current trend and exclude the extremes related to the previous trend. The indicator is always at the same distance (in percent) from the extremes reached by prices (below the maximum peak for the current uptrend, above the minimum bottom for the current downtrend). [I added option to show the signal only]

Code - Update - Code fix, MTF, Label

#// Copyright (c) 2021-present, Alex Orekhov (everget)
#study("Nick Rypock Trailing Reverse", shorttitle="NRTR"
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800 - 10/2022
# Update - Added alerts by Sam4Cok@Samer800
# Update - code fix, added MTF and label by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 11/2023
input showLabel = yes;
input timeframe = {Default "Chart", "Custom"};
input customTimeframe = AggregationPeriod.HOUR;
input source = FundamentalType.CLOSE;     # "Source"
input cofPercentage = 1.5;  # "Coefficient of Correction, %"
input showSignals = yes;        # "Show Buy/Sell Labels ?"
input ShowCloud  = yes;         # "Apply Ribbon ?"
input ShowLines  = yes;
input enableAlerts = yes;
input alertType    = Alert.BAR;
input alertSound   = Sound.NoSound;

def na = Double.NaN;
def last = isNaN(close);
def mtf = timeframe == timeframe."Custom";
def h = high;
def l = low;
def cof = cofPercentage / 100;
def percentage = cof;

#- MTF
def tfC = Fundamental(FundamentalType = source);
def mtfC = Fundamental(FundamentalType = source, Period = customTimeframe);
def c = if mtf then mtfC else tfC;
DefineGlobalColor("up", CreateColor(76, 165, 80));
DefineGlobalColor("dn", CreateColor(255, 82, 82));
DefineGlobalColor("dup", CreateColor(0, 33, 0));
DefineGlobalColor("ddn", CreateColor(44, 0, 0));

def state = {default init, long, short};
def nrtr;
def hp;
def lp;

switch (state[1]) {
case init:
    state = state.long;
    lp = c;
    hp = c;
    nrtr = c;
case short:
    if (c > nrtr[1]) {
        state = state.long;
        lp = lp[1];
        hp = c;
        nrtr = hp * (1 - percentage);
    } else {
        state = state[1];
        if (c < lp[1]) {
            lp = c;
        } else {
            lp = lp[1];
        hp = hp[1];
        nrtr = lp * (1 + percentage);
case long:
    if (c <= nrtr[1]) {
        state = state.short;
        lp = c;
        hp = hp[1];
        nrtr = lp * (1 + percentage);
    } else {
        state = state[1];
        if (c > hp[1]) {
            hp = c;
        } else {
            hp = hp[1];
        lp = lp[1];
        nrtr = hp * (1 - percentage);
def trend = if state == state.long then 1 else if state == state.short then -1 else 0;
def change = last or trend != trend[1];

plot nrtrLine = if ShowLines and !change then nrtr else na;
nrtrLine.AssignValueColor(if trend > 0 then GlobalColor("up") else
                          if trend < 0 then GlobalColor("dn") else Color.GRAY);

plot Points = if change[1] then nrtrLine else na;
Points.AssignValueColor(if trend > 0 then GlobalColor("up") else
                        if trend < 0 then GlobalColor("dn") else Color.GRAY);

#--- Bubbles
def buySignal  = !last and change[1] and trend == 1;
def sellSignal = !last and change[1] and trend ==-1;
AddChartBubble(buySignal and showSignals, If(ShowLines, nrtr, l), "UP", GlobalColor("up"), no);
AddChartBubble(sellSignal and showSignals, If(ShowLines, nrtr, h), "DN", GlobalColor("dn"));

def ohlc = ohlc4;
AddCloud(if ShowCloud then ohlc else na, nrtrLine, GlobalColor("dup"), GlobalColor("ddn"));

#-- Label
AddLabel(showLabel, "Trailing Value ($" + Round(nrtr, 2) + ")", if trend > 0 then Color.LIGHT_GREEN else Color.LIGHT_RED);
#---- Alerts
Alert(enableAlerts and buySignal, "Buy Signal", alertType, alertSound);
Alert(enableAlerts and sellSignal, "Sell Signal", alertType, alertSound);

#--- END Code
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Thanks so much for this, what do we need to add for buy and sell signal alerts?
alerts added

#// Copyright (c) 2021-present, Alex Orekhov (everget)
#study("Nick Rypock Trailing Reverse", shorttitle="NRTR"
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800 - 10/2022
# Update - Added alerts by Sam4Cok@Samer800

input CoeffOfCorrection = 1.5; # "Coefficient of Correction, %"
input showLabels = yes;        # "Show Buy/Sell Labels ?"
input ShowCloud  = yes;        # "Apply Ribbon ?"
input ShowLines  = yes;
input alerts   = yes;
input sound    = {default "NoSound", "Ding", "Bell", "Chimes", "Ring"};

def na = Double.NaN;
def c = close;
def ohlc = ohlc4;
def h = high;
def l = low;
def trend;
def hp;
def lp;
def nrtr;

def percentage = CoeffOfCorrection * 0.01;

if trend[1] >= 0 {
    if c > hp[1] {
        hp = c;
        nrtr = hp * (1 - percentage);
        lp = lp[1];
        trend = trend[1];
    } else {
        if c <= nrtr[1] {
            hp = hp[1];
            trend = -1;
            lp = c;
            nrtr = lp * (1 + percentage);
        } else {
            hp = hp[1];
            nrtr = nrtr[1];
            lp = lp[1];
            trend = trend[1];
} else {
    if c < lp[1] {
        lp = c;
        nrtr = lp * (1 + percentage);
        hp = hp[1];
        trend = trend[1];
    } else {
        if c > nrtr[1] {
            trend = 1;
            hp = c;
            nrtr = hp * (1 - percentage);
            lp = lp[1];
        } else {
            hp = hp[1];
            nrtr = nrtr[1];
            lp = lp[1];
            trend = trend[1];
def buySignal = trend == 1 and trend[1] == -1;
plot longStopPlot = if IsNaN(c) then na else if trend == 1 then nrtr else na;
longStopPlot.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(76, 165, 80));

plot PointUp = if buySignal then nrtr else na;
PointUp.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(76, 165, 80));

def sellSignal = trend == -1 and trend[1] == 1;
plot shortStopPlot = if IsNaN(c) then na else if trend == 1 then na else nrtr;
shortStopPlot.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(255, 82, 82));

plot PointDn = if sellSignal then nrtr else na;
PointDn.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(255, 82, 82));

#--- Bubbles
AddChartBubble(buySignal and showLabels, If(ShowLines, nrtr, l), "Buy", CreateColor(76, 165, 80), no);
AddChartBubble(sellSignal and showLabels, If(ShowLines, nrtr, h), "Sell", CreateColor(255, 82, 82), yes);
AddCloud(if ShowCloud then ohlc else na, longStopPlot, CreateColor(0, 22, 0), CreateColor(0, 22, 0));
AddCloud(if ShowCloud then shortStopPlot else na, ohlc, CreateColor(44, 0, 0), CreateColor(44, 0, 0));

#---- Alerts
Alert(alerts and buySignal, "Buy Signal", Alert.BAR, sound);
Alert(alerts and sellSignal, "Sell Signal", Alert.BAR, sound);

#--- END Code
Great indicator,
I would like to add label with the trailing stop value;
Thank you in advance
add this at the end of the code.

input showLabel = yes;
AddLabel(showLabel, "Trailing Value ($" + ROUND(nrtr, 2) + ")", if trend>0 then Color.LIGHT_GREEN else Color.LIGHT_RED);
View attachment 16194
Creator Message:
This indicator was invented in 2001 by Konstantin Kopyrkin. The name "Nick Rypock" is derived from his surname reading in the opposite direction:

Kopyrkin -> Kopyr Kin -> Kin Kopyr -> Nik Rypok

The idea of the indicator is similar to the Chandelier Exit , but doesn't involve ATR component and uses a percentage instead.

A dynamic price channel is used to calculate the NRTR. The calculations involve only those prices that are included in the current trend and exclude the extremes related to the previous trend. The indicator is always at the same distance (in percent) from the extremes reached by prices (below the maximum peak for the current uptrend, above the minimum bottom for the current downtrend). [I added option to show the signal only]

Code - Update - Code fix, MTF, Label

#// Copyright (c) 2021-present, Alex Orekhov (everget)
#study("Nick Rypock Trailing Reverse", shorttitle="NRTR"
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800 - 10/2022
# Update - Added alerts by Sam4Cok@Samer800
# Update - code fix, added MTF and label by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 11/2023
input showLabel = yes;
input timeframe = {Default "Chart", "Custom"};
input customTimeframe = AggregationPeriod.HOUR;
input source = FundamentalType.CLOSE;     # "Source"
input cofPercentage = 1.5;  # "Coefficient of Correction, %"
input showSignals = yes;        # "Show Buy/Sell Labels ?"
input ShowCloud  = yes;         # "Apply Ribbon ?"
input ShowLines  = yes;
input enableAlerts = yes;
input alertType    = Alert.BAR;
input alertSound   = Sound.NoSound;

def na = Double.NaN;
def last = isNaN(close);
def mtf = timeframe == timeframe."Custom";
def h = high;
def l = low;
def cof = cofPercentage / 100;
def percentage = cof;

#- MTF
def tfC = Fundamental(FundamentalType = source);
def mtfC = Fundamental(FundamentalType = source, Period = customTimeframe);
def c = if mtf then mtfC else tfC;
DefineGlobalColor("up", CreateColor(76, 165, 80));
DefineGlobalColor("dn", CreateColor(255, 82, 82));
DefineGlobalColor("dup", CreateColor(0, 33, 0));
DefineGlobalColor("ddn", CreateColor(44, 0, 0));

def state = {default init, long, short};
def nrtr;
def hp;
def lp;

switch (state[1]) {
case init:
    state = state.long;
    lp = c;
    hp = c;
    nrtr = c;
case short:
    if (c > nrtr[1]) {
        state = state.long;
        lp = lp[1];
        hp = c;
        nrtr = hp * (1 - percentage);
    } else {
        state = state[1];
        if (c < lp[1]) {
            lp = c;
        } else {
            lp = lp[1];
        hp = hp[1];
        nrtr = lp * (1 + percentage);
case long:
    if (c <= nrtr[1]) {
        state = state.short;
        lp = c;
        hp = hp[1];
        nrtr = lp * (1 + percentage);
    } else {
        state = state[1];
        if (c > hp[1]) {
            hp = c;
        } else {
            hp = hp[1];
        lp = lp[1];
        nrtr = hp * (1 - percentage);
def trend = if state == state.long then 1 else if state == state.short then -1 else 0;
def change = last or trend != trend[1];

plot nrtrLine = if ShowLines and !change then nrtr else na;
nrtrLine.AssignValueColor(if trend > 0 then GlobalColor("up") else
                          if trend < 0 then GlobalColor("dn") else Color.GRAY);

plot Points = if change[1] then nrtrLine else na;
Points.AssignValueColor(if trend > 0 then GlobalColor("up") else
                        if trend < 0 then GlobalColor("dn") else Color.GRAY);

#--- Bubbles
def buySignal  = !last and change[1] and trend == 1;
def sellSignal = !last and change[1] and trend ==-1;
AddChartBubble(buySignal and showSignals, If(ShowLines, nrtr, l), "UP", GlobalColor("up"), no);
AddChartBubble(sellSignal and showSignals, If(ShowLines, nrtr, h), "DN", GlobalColor("dn"));

def ohlc = ohlc4;
AddCloud(if ShowCloud then ohlc else na, nrtrLine, GlobalColor("dup"), GlobalColor("ddn"));

#-- Label
AddLabel(showLabel, "Trailing Value ($" + Round(nrtr, 2) + ")", if trend > 0 then Color.LIGHT_GREEN else Color.LIGHT_RED);
#---- Alerts
Alert(enableAlerts and buySignal, "Buy Signal", alertType, alertSound);
Alert(enableAlerts and sellSignal, "Sell Signal", alertType, alertSound);

#--- END Code

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