Nested Fold Function Debugging


Hello all, got an interesting little project here with a pesky bug I just can't seem to squash. I was building out a new type of filter/moving average I came up with and got the bright idea to try and take the average of all averages between two levels to smooth the data even further. As you can't feed a script a non-constant variable, I mimicked Script F within my fold function to properly iterate between average levels. This is where I am running into problems with how the output is displaying on the chart. The values are far too small. The design intent is to have the length1 and length2 variables be inclusive for the averaging of the averages. Also included in the script is the output of Script F, and an example of the math I began with and automated via Script F. You can see Script F and the "simple math" are the same for their given length. So those parts if the code are good. It's just that giant function giving me grief.
Rich (BB code):
#Averaging Expiramental Averages With Nested Fold
#Hunting down bug SuperAverage

Declare Upper;
Script F {
Input Length = 10;

def data = close;

def FilterData =
    fold a = 0
    to Length
    with K = 0
    do K + data[a]*(Length - a);

def FilterCount =
    fold i = 0
    to Length + 1
    with P = 0
    do P + i;

def FilterAverage = FilterData / FilterCount;

plot Filter = FilterAverage;

input SupAvgLength1 = 10;
input SupAvgLength2 = 5;

def data = close;

#Number to divide moving averages by
def LengthDiff = AbsValue(SupAvgLength1 - SupAvgLength2) + 1;

def SuperAverage =
    if(SupAvgLength1 == SupAvgLength2, F(SupAvgLength1),
            (Fold q = if(SupAvgLength1 < SupAvgLength2, SupAvgLength1, SupAvgLength2)
             to if(SupAvgLength1 > SupAvgLength2, SupAvgLength1, SupAvgLength2)
             with R = 0
             do R + (
                     #Implementing nested fold function because ThinkScript cannot do F(q) but we can recreate function F
                     (Fold u = 0
                     to q
                     with X = 0
                     do X + GetValue(data, u)*(q-u)) /
                     #Now divide this by the filter count function as we do in F
                     (Fold w = 0
                     to q + 1
                     with G = 0
                     do G + q)
             ) / LengthDiff

plot test = superaverage;

input FunctionF = 10;
Plot ScriptF = F(FunctionF);

#Example showing the calculation process function F is automating. This is equivalent to length = 10
def Average10 =(
    (data*10) +
    (data[1]*9) +
    (data[2]*8) +
    (data[3]*7) +
    (data[4]*6) +
    (data[5]*5) +
    (data[6]*4) +
    (data[7]*3) +
    (data[8]*2) +
    ) /55;

plot ManualCalcTest = Average10;
I should add the logic I am trying to accomplish:

The if statement that begins the function looks to see if the inputs are equal. As in that case there would be no moving averages between them to average. So it just runs one of the inputs through script F which is our expirimental average. If the inputs are different, our indexing variable, q, is set to whichever value is lower. q will fold to which ever input is higher. This done to make the program more robust and not rely on a specific input being higher than another. Our temporary variable is set to zero and adds the nested fold logic.

The nested fold uses the same logic structure as script F to calculate our expirimental average. In that first fold function we fold from our nested indexing variable, u, to our main indexing variable, q. This means that for every instance of q we fold from u to q in this function.

In terms of calculating our expirimental average this means that q is the new length input you see in script F. Our temporary variable X holds that value from the data using the GetValue function to work with the dynamic offset. Using q as our length input in this nested average is what allows us to calculate each moving average between the SupAvgLength1 and SupAvgLength2 bounds. When that length is calculated it is added to R.

At this point q increments by one and the process starts over until q has incremented between all values of SupAvgLength1 and SupAvgLength1. That value is then divided by the absolute value of the difference between SupAvgLength1 and SupAvgLength1 plus one. Plus one assumes the averages taken are inclusive and makes the divsor work for the average of the averages which I decided to name SuperAverage.

That's the logic of the function, which isn't quite working right as posted so I hope this plain language road map of what I am trying to have the function do will help anyone interested in giving this a look. I know this is complex so thank you in advance.

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