MTF with Hull MA


New member
All I'm trying to do is determine the slope of the Hull Moving Average for different time frames, but my code doesn't generate any labels. I understand I have to set the chart period to something shorter than the periods I'm calculating.

input malength = 9;
input averageType = AverageType.HULL;
input showlabels = yes; #show labels
input show1MIN = yes; #show ONE MINUTE label
input show2MIN = yes; #show TWO MINUTES label
input show3MIN = yes; #show THREE MINUTES label

DefineGlobalColor("Bullish", Color.DARK_GREEN);
DefineGlobalColor("TurnBullish", Color.GREEN);
DefineGlobalColor("Bearish", Color.DARK_RED);
DefineGlobalColor("TurnBearish", Color.RED);
DefineGlobalColor("Neutral", Color.GRAY);


def aM1 = AggregationPeriod.MIN;
def closem1 = close(period = aM1);

def MaM1 = MovingAverage(averageType = averageType, closem1, malength);

def bullishM1 = MaM1[0] > MaM1[aM1];
def bearishM1 = MaM1[0] < MaM1[aM1];

AddLabel(showlabels and show1MIN, "1MIN",
    if bullishM1[0] and bullishM1[1] then GlobalColor("Bullish")
    else if bullishM1[0] and bearishM1[1] then GlobalColor("TurnBullish")
    else if bearishM1[0] and bearishM1[1] then GlobalColor("Bearish")
    else if bearishM1[0] and bullishM1[1] then GlobalColor("TurnBearish")
    else GlobalColor("Neutral"));


def am2 = AggregationPeriod.TWO_MIN;
def closem2 = close(period = am2);

def MaM2 = MovingAverage(averageType = averageType, closem2, malength);

def bullishM2 = MaM2[0] > MaM2[am2];
def bearishM2 = MaM2[0] < MaM2[am2];

AddLabel(showlabels and show2MIN, "2MIN",
    if bullishM2[0] and bullishM2[1] then GlobalColor("Bullish")
    else if bullishM2[0] and bearishM2[1] then GlobalColor("TurnBullish")
    else if bearishM2[0] and bearishM2[1] then GlobalColor("Bearish")
    else if bearishM2[0] and bullishM2[1] then GlobalColor("TurnBearish")
    else GlobalColor("Neutral"));


def am3 = AggregationPeriod.THREE_MIN;
def closem3 = close(period = am3);

def MaM3 = MovingAverage(averageType = averageType, closem3, malength);

def bullishM3 = MaM3[0] > MaM3[am3];
def bearishM3 = MaM3[0] < MaM3[am3];

AddLabel(showlabels and show3MIN, "3MIN",
    if bullishM3[0] and bullishM3[1] then GlobalColor("Bullish")
    else if bullishM3[0] and bearishM3[1] then GlobalColor("TurnBullish")
    else if bearishM3[0] and bearishM3[1] then GlobalColor("Bearish")
    else if bearishM3[0] and bullishM3[1] then GlobalColor("TurnBearish")
    else GlobalColor("Neutral"));
All I'm trying to do is determine the slope of the Hull Moving Average for different time frames, but my code doesn't generate any labels. I understand I have to set the chart period to something shorter than the periods I'm calculating.

input malength = 9;
input averageType = AverageType.HULL;
input showlabels = yes; #show labels
input show1MIN = yes; #show ONE MINUTE label
input show2MIN = yes; #show TWO MINUTES label
input show3MIN = yes; #show THREE MINUTES label

DefineGlobalColor("Bullish", Color.DARK_GREEN);
DefineGlobalColor("TurnBullish", Color.GREEN);
DefineGlobalColor("Bearish", Color.DARK_RED);
DefineGlobalColor("TurnBearish", Color.RED);
DefineGlobalColor("Neutral", Color.GRAY);


def aM1 = AggregationPeriod.MIN;
def closem1 = close(period = aM1);

def MaM1 = MovingAverage(averageType = averageType, closem1, malength);

def bullishM1 = MaM1[0] > MaM1[aM1];
def bearishM1 = MaM1[0] < MaM1[aM1];

AddLabel(showlabels and show1MIN, "1MIN",
    if bullishM1[0] and bullishM1[1] then GlobalColor("Bullish")
    else if bullishM1[0] and bearishM1[1] then GlobalColor("TurnBullish")
    else if bearishM1[0] and bearishM1[1] then GlobalColor("Bearish")
    else if bearishM1[0] and bullishM1[1] then GlobalColor("TurnBearish")
    else GlobalColor("Neutral"));


def am2 = AggregationPeriod.TWO_MIN;
def closem2 = close(period = am2);

def MaM2 = MovingAverage(averageType = averageType, closem2, malength);

def bullishM2 = MaM2[0] > MaM2[am2];
def bearishM2 = MaM2[0] < MaM2[am2];

AddLabel(showlabels and show2MIN, "2MIN",
    if bullishM2[0] and bullishM2[1] then GlobalColor("Bullish")
    else if bullishM2[0] and bearishM2[1] then GlobalColor("TurnBullish")
    else if bearishM2[0] and bearishM2[1] then GlobalColor("Bearish")
    else if bearishM2[0] and bullishM2[1] then GlobalColor("TurnBearish")
    else GlobalColor("Neutral"));


def am3 = AggregationPeriod.THREE_MIN;
def closem3 = close(period = am3);

def MaM3 = MovingAverage(averageType = averageType, closem3, malength);

def bullishM3 = MaM3[0] > MaM3[am3];
def bearishM3 = MaM3[0] < MaM3[am3];

AddLabel(showlabels and show3MIN, "3MIN",
    if bullishM3[0] and bullishM3[1] then GlobalColor("Bullish")
    else if bullishM3[0] and bearishM3[1] then GlobalColor("TurnBullish")
    else if bearishM3[0] and bearishM3[1] then GlobalColor("Bearish")
    else if bearishM3[0] and bullishM3[1] then GlobalColor("TurnBearish")
    else GlobalColor("Neutral"));

look in the top left corner of the chart. is there a white circle with an exclamation mark?
click on it. it shows an error message.
trying to process 60,000 historical bars, when the limit is 2000.

you are using labels, i'm guessing you want to see slopes from just the last 2 bars.
i think you should add some code to only calculate a slope , between the last 2 bars on the chart.

this will be true on the last bar
def lastbar = !isnan(close[0]) and isnan(close[-1]);

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look in the top left corner of the chart. is there a white circle with an exclamation mark?
click on it. it shows an error message.
trying to process 60,000 historical bars, when the limit is 2000.

you are using labels, i'm guessing you want to see slopes from just the last 2 bars.
i think you should add some code to only calculate a slope , between the last 2 bars on the chart.

this will be true on the last bar
def lastbar = !isnan(close[0]) and isnan(close[-1]);
Thank you for the help. I did not see that error code. Your guess is right.
Last edited:
I added the last bar requirement to the label and to the slope, but that didn't help. The only thing left is the moving average, and I haven't been able to figure out a way to do that. Can you give me another hint?

input malength = 9;
input averageType = AverageType.HULL;
input showlabels = yes; #show labels
input show1MIN = yes; #show ONE MINUTE label
input show2MIN = yes; #show TWO MINUTES label
input show3MIN = yes; #show THREE MINUTES label

DefineGlobalColor("Bullish", Color.DARK_GREEN);
DefineGlobalColor("TurnBullish", Color.GREEN);
DefineGlobalColor("Bearish", Color.DARK_RED);
DefineGlobalColor("TurnBearish", Color.RED);
DefineGlobalColor("Neutral", Color.GRAY);
def LastBar = !isnan(close[0]) and isnan(close[-1]);


def aM1 = AggregationPeriod.MIN;
def closem1 = close(period = aM1);
def MaM1 = MovingAverage(averageType = averageType, closem1, malength);
def bullishM1 = MaM1[0] > MaM1[aM1] and LastBar;
def bearishM1 = MaM1[0] < MaM1[aM1] and LastBar;

AddLabel(showlabels and show1MIN and LastBar, "1MIN",
    if bullishM1[0] and bullishM1[1] then GlobalColor("Bullish")
    else if bullishM1[0] and bearishM1[1] then GlobalColor("TurnBullish")
    else if bearishM1[0] and bearishM1[1] then GlobalColor("Bearish")
    else if bearishM1[0] and bullishM1[1] then GlobalColor("TurnBearish")
    else GlobalColor("Neutral"));


def am2 = AggregationPeriod.TWO_MIN;
def closem2 = close(period = am2);
def MaM2 = MovingAverage(averageType = averageType, closem2, malength);
def bullishM2 = MaM2[0] > MaM2[am2] and LastBar;
def bearishM2 = MaM2[0] < MaM2[am2] and LastBar;

AddLabel(showlabels and show2MIN and LastBar, "2MIN",
    if bullishM2[0] and bullishM2[1] then GlobalColor("Bullish")
    else if bullishM2[0] and bearishM2[1] then GlobalColor("TurnBullish")
    else if bearishM2[0] and bearishM2[1] then GlobalColor("Bearish")
    else if bearishM2[0] and bullishM2[1] then GlobalColor("TurnBearish")
    else GlobalColor("Neutral"));


def am3 = AggregationPeriod.THREE_MIN;
def closem3 = close(period = am3);
def MaM3 = MovingAverage(averageType = averageType, closem3, malength);
def bullishM3 = MaM3[0] > MaM3[am3] and LastBar;
def bearishM3 = MaM3[0] < MaM3[am3] and LastBar;

AddLabel(showlabels and show3MIN and LastBar, "3MIN",
    if bullishM3[0] and bullishM3[1] then GlobalColor("Bullish")
    else if bullishM3[0] and bearishM3[1] then GlobalColor("TurnBullish")
    else if bearishM3[0] and bearishM3[1] then GlobalColor("Bearish")
    else if bearishM3[0] and bullishM3[1] then GlobalColor("TurnBearish")
    else GlobalColor("Neutral"));
All I'm trying to do is determine the slope of the Hull Moving Average for different time frames, but my code doesn't generate any labels. I understand I have to set the chart period to something shorter than the periods I'm calculating.

input malength = 9;
input averageType = AverageType.HULL;
input showlabels = yes; #show labels
input show1MIN = yes; #show ONE MINUTE label
input show2MIN = yes; #show TWO MINUTES label
input show3MIN = yes; #show THREE MINUTES label

DefineGlobalColor("Bullish", Color.DARK_GREEN);
DefineGlobalColor("TurnBullish", Color.GREEN);
DefineGlobalColor("Bearish", Color.DARK_RED);
DefineGlobalColor("TurnBearish", Color.RED);
DefineGlobalColor("Neutral", Color.GRAY);


def aM1 = AggregationPeriod.MIN;
def closem1 = close(period = aM1);

def MaM1 = MovingAverage(averageType = averageType, closem1, malength);

def bullishM1 = MaM1[0] > MaM1[aM1];
def bearishM1 = MaM1[0] < MaM1[aM1];

AddLabel(showlabels and show1MIN, "1MIN",
    if bullishM1[0] and bullishM1[1] then GlobalColor("Bullish")
    else if bullishM1[0] and bearishM1[1] then GlobalColor("TurnBullish")
    else if bearishM1[0] and bearishM1[1] then GlobalColor("Bearish")
    else if bearishM1[0] and bullishM1[1] then GlobalColor("TurnBearish")
    else GlobalColor("Neutral"));


def am2 = AggregationPeriod.TWO_MIN;
def closem2 = close(period = am2);

def MaM2 = MovingAverage(averageType = averageType, closem2, malength);

def bullishM2 = MaM2[0] > MaM2[am2];
def bearishM2 = MaM2[0] < MaM2[am2];

AddLabel(showlabels and show2MIN, "2MIN",
    if bullishM2[0] and bullishM2[1] then GlobalColor("Bullish")
    else if bullishM2[0] and bearishM2[1] then GlobalColor("TurnBullish")
    else if bearishM2[0] and bearishM2[1] then GlobalColor("Bearish")
    else if bearishM2[0] and bullishM2[1] then GlobalColor("TurnBearish")
    else GlobalColor("Neutral"));


def am3 = AggregationPeriod.THREE_MIN;
def closem3 = close(period = am3);

def MaM3 = MovingAverage(averageType = averageType, closem3, malength);

def bullishM3 = MaM3[0] > MaM3[am3];
def bearishM3 = MaM3[0] < MaM3[am3];

AddLabel(showlabels and show3MIN, "3MIN",
    if bullishM3[0] and bullishM3[1] then GlobalColor("Bullish")
    else if bullishM3[0] and bearishM3[1] then GlobalColor("TurnBullish")
    else if bearishM3[0] and bearishM3[1] then GlobalColor("Bearish")
    else if bearishM3[0] and bullishM3[1] then GlobalColor("TurnBearish")
    else GlobalColor("Neutral"));

i admit, i was looking at the wrong thing, trying to fix this...


in the top left corner of the chart, there is a white circle with an exclamation mark.
click on it. it shows an error message.
trying to process 60,000 historical bars, when the limit is 2000.


error cause,
bad offset in 6 formulas , should be 1 , not am1,....

def bullishM1 = MaM1[0] > MaM1[aM1];
def bearishM1 = MaM1[0] < MaM1[aM1];

am1 is an aggregation number.
for 1 minute, it is evaluated to be 60000.


this had me confused at first.

to debug a problem, i try to disable extra codes, until i get to a point that the code works. then figure out the code that caused the change.

i disabled the second and third set of formulas.

then i replaced the long if-then in the label for picking the color, with color.yellow.
that removed the the error.

i reenabled the color formula, so the error came back.
then changed 1 minute agg to 2 minute... and the error changed to 120,000 bars...
then i remembered that 1 minute aggregation is 60,000 milliseconds...
and looked at the code again and saw the wrong offset.


fixed study

change offsets in 6 formulas , from am1 to 1
def bullishM1 = MaM1[0] > MaM1[aM1];


#MTF with Hull MA

input malength = 9;
input averageType = AverageType.HULL;
input showlabels = yes; #show labels
input show1MIN = yes; #show ONE MINUTE label
input show2MIN = yes; #show TWO MINUTES label
input show3MIN = yes; #show THREE MINUTES label

DefineGlobalColor("Bullish", Color.DARK_GREEN);
DefineGlobalColor("TurnBullish", Color.GREEN);
DefineGlobalColor("Bearish", Color.DARK_RED);
DefineGlobalColor("TurnBearish", Color.RED);
DefineGlobalColor("Neutral", Color.GRAY);

def aM1 = AggregationPeriod.MIN;
def closem1 = close(period = aM1);
def MaM1 = MovingAverage(averageType = averageType, closem1, malength);
def bullishM1 = MaM1[0] > MaM1[1];
def bearishM1 = MaM1[0] < MaM1[1];

AddLabel(showlabels and show1MIN, "1MIN",
    if bullishM1[0] and bullishM1[1] then GlobalColor("Bullish")
    else if bullishM1[0] and bearishM1[1] then GlobalColor("TurnBullish")
    else if bearishM1[0] and bearishM1[1] then GlobalColor("Bearish")
    else if bearishM1[0] and bullishM1[1] then GlobalColor("TurnBearish")
    else GlobalColor("Neutral"));

def am2 = AggregationPeriod.TWO_MIN;
def closem2 = close(period = am2);
def MaM2 = MovingAverage(averageType = averageType, closem2, malength);
def bullishM2 = MaM2[0] > MaM2[1];
def bearishM2 = MaM2[0] < MaM2[1];

AddLabel(showlabels and show2MIN, "2MIN",
    if bullishM2[0] and bullishM2[1] then GlobalColor("Bullish")
    else if bullishM2[0] and bearishM2[1] then GlobalColor("TurnBullish")
    else if bearishM2[0] and bearishM2[1] then GlobalColor("Bearish")
    else if bearishM2[0] and bullishM2[1] then GlobalColor("TurnBearish")
    else GlobalColor("Neutral"));

def am3 = AggregationPeriod.THREE_MIN;
def closem3 = close(period = am3);
def MaM3 = MovingAverage(averageType = averageType, closem3, malength);
def bullishM3 = MaM3[0] > MaM3[1];
def bearishM3 = MaM3[0] < MaM3[1];

AddLabel(showlabels and show3MIN, "3MIN",
    if bullishM3[0] and bullishM3[1] then GlobalColor("Bullish")
    else if bullishM3[0] and bearishM3[1] then GlobalColor("TurnBullish")
    else if bearishM3[0] and bearishM3[1] then GlobalColor("Bearish")
    else if bearishM3[0] and bullishM3[1] then GlobalColor("TurnBearish")
    else GlobalColor("Neutral"));
Defines aggregation period equal to one minute (60,000 milliseconds).
Last edited:

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