Moving Avg with Color Change BUT I want to select colors for up/down


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I searched for something like this but couldn't find it. I'm trying to create a moving average where the color changes based on whether it's in an uptrend or downtrend. BUT I want to be able to change the uptrend/downtrend colors from the study customizing menu, so I can use the same study with different lengths and they don't all look the same (i.e 10MA uptrend = green, downtrend = red; 20MA uptrend = blue, downtrend = pink, etc.). My thinking is I need to create two separate MAs in one study so I can setdefaultcolor. I think I have it close, but issues I'm having are:

1. it's leaving gaps on the chart (I'm assuming because of the double.nan, but I don't know what else to use).
2. It has a couple up days colored red.
3. The uptrend and downtrend colors blend on some days, so if I change avgup to yellow and leave avgdown as red, a lot of the line is an orange color.

input movingAverageType = {default Simple, Exponential};
input length = 10;
input price = close;
input displace = 0;

rec MA;

switch (movingAverageType) {
case Simple:
MA = Average(price[-displace], length);
case Exponential:
MA = ExpAverage(price[-displace], length);

def aveup = MA > MA[1];
def avedown = MA < MA[1];

plot avgup = if aveup then ma else double.nan;

plot avgdown = if avedown then ma else avgup;
You can set custom colours that are used in assigned values like this from another thread...
DefineGlobalColor ("long", Color.Green);
DefineGlobalColor ("short", Color.Red);
MA.AssignValueColor(if (MA - MA[1]) < 0 then GlobalColor("short") else GlobalColor("long"));

This only works on ToS Desktop. If you want the same effect on mobile, you do have to go through the separate up and down plots as in your code.

You can then change the global colours for each of the plots you've placed on your chart independently in the settings for that indicator.

You can set custom colours that are used in assigned values like this from another thread...
DefineGlobalColor ("long", Color.Green);
DefineGlobalColor ("short", Color.Red);
MA.AssignValueColor(if (MA - MA[1]) < 0 then GlobalColor("short") else GlobalColor("long"));

This only works on ToS Desktop. If you want the same effect on mobile, you do have to go through the separate up and down plots as in your code.

You can then change the global colours for each of the plots you've placed on your chart independently in the settings for that indicator.

I searched for something like this but couldn't find it. I'm trying to create a moving average where the color changes based on whether it's in an uptrend or downtrend. BUT I want to be able to change the uptrend/downtrend colors from the study customizing menu, so I can use the same study with different lengths and they don't all look the same (i.e 10MA uptrend = green, downtrend = red; 20MA uptrend = blue, downtrend = pink, etc.). My thinking is I need to create two separate MAs in one study so I can setdefaultcolor. I think I have it close, but issues I'm having are:

1. it's leaving gaps on the chart (I'm assuming because of the double.nan, but I don't know what else to use).
2. It has a couple up days colored red.
3. The uptrend and downtrend colors blend on some days, so if I change avgup to yellow and leave avgdown as red, a lot of the line is an orange color.

input movingAverageType = {default Simple, Exponential};
input length = 10;
input price = close;
input displace = 0;

rec MA;

switch (movingAverageType) {
case Simple:
MA = Average(price[-displace], length);
case Exponential:
MA = ExpAverage(price[-displace], length);

def aveup = MA > MA[1];
def avedown = MA < MA[1];

plot avgup = if aveup then ma else double.nan;

plot avgdown = if avedown then ma else avgup;

# 1. it's leaving gaps...
# when using 2+ plots to draw a line, there can be sections between bars that are not drawn. this is because 1 signal stops being true and on the next bar, a different variable is true.

# the best fix to use
# AssignValueColor() , like mashume mentioned.

#a workaround would be to have the 2 signals both true on the first bar of a new signal. then the space between bars will be plotted.
# ex.  plot avgup = if ( !avedown[1] and avedown ) or aveup then ma else double.nan;

# i changed the average formula and removed the switch-case

input movingAverageType =  AverageType.simple;
input length = 10;
input price = close;
def ma = MovingAverage(movingAverageType, close, length);

def aveup = MA > MA[1];
def avedown = MA < MA[1];

#plot avgup = if aveup then ma else double.nan;
plot avgup = if ( !avedown[1] and avedown ) or aveup then ma else double.nan;

#plot avgdown = if avedown then ma else avgup;
plot avgdown = if ( !aveup[1] and aveup ) or avedown then ma else double.nan;


#if you want to pick colors from the edit studies window, there are a couple of ways.

#pick 3 RGB numbers and define a global color
# here is another way to choose a color.
# define a color by picking 3 RGB numbers

# add global color  0-255
input red1 = 111;
input green1 = 71;
input blue1 = 155;

DefineGlobalColor("shade1", CreateColor(red1,green1,blue1));
# use this  ,  GlobalColor("shade1")
addcloud( (ma*0.996), (ma*0.98), GlobalColor( "shade1"), GlobalColor( "shade1"));


#choose a color number , 0-9
#and use getcolor( )
input color1 = 0;
addlabel(1, "a number with getcolor() " + color1, getcolor(color1));
#plot z = ma + 1;


#choose a color name
#this is sort of sloppy and misleading.

#the sequence of color words can't be changed. it coresponds to the colors used with getcolor. when the input variable is used as a color number in getcolor, it is changed to a number, that is the nth number in the series.
#ex. pink is the 3rd number.
#3 is put into addlabel.

input Color2 = {default "magenta", "cyan", "pink", "gray", "orange", "red", "green", "dark_gray", "yellow", "white"};
AddLabel(1, "color2 word  " + color2 + " " + (1 * color2), GetColor(Color2));

#you could change the color words to this and it would work the same.
input Color3 = {default "x0", "x1", "x2", "x3", "x4", "x5", "x6", "x7", "x8", "x9" };
AddLabel(yes, "color3 word " + Color3 + " " + (1 * color3), GetColor(Color3));

pick 3 RGB numbers and define a global color

choose a color name
This "MA_color" was a contribution by a member over at a futures site I've been a member of. Thanks to meber Martin Begley.

# Calculate and Plot Moving Average With Colors
# by Martin Begley

input length = 30;
input price = close;
input AverageType = {Default Simple, Exponential, Weighted, Wilders, Hull};

def average;
switch (AverageType) {
case Simple:
average = Average(price, length);
case Exponential:
average = ExpAverage(price, length);
case Weighted:
average = wma(price, length);
case Wilders:
average = WildersAverage(price, length);
case Hull:
average = HullMovingAvg(price, length);

plot MA = average;

MA.DefineColor("Up", Color.DARK_GREEN);
MA.DefineColor("Down", Color.RED);
MA.DefineColor("Flat", Color.GRAY);

MA.AssignValueColor(if MA[0] > MA[1] then MA.Color("Up") else if MA[0] <
MA[1] then MA.Color("Down") else MA.Color("Flat"));

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