This is a simple indicator that shows the previous Highs, Lows, and Opens EXCEPT the current day open.
I use this to help me trade TheStrat method. Currently, it only works on the Higher Time Frames (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Quarterly.) I'm trying to make it work on intraday timeframes being 15min, 30min, 1hr, along with potentially the 2hr and 4hr. Can anyone help me with this? I went ahead and attached the code.
I use this to help me trade TheStrat method. Currently, it only works on the Higher Time Frames (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Quarterly.) I'm trying to make it work on intraday timeframes being 15min, 30min, 1hr, along with potentially the 2hr and 4hr. Can anyone help me with this? I went ahead and attached the code.
#Strat Lines for the following:
#Prior Hi/Lo lines for Day, Week, Month, Quarter
#Line for All time high
#lines for SSS50PercentRule
#Lines for MotherBar problems
#Created by Tim G
#version 01/23/2022
#Calm Colors Updated by @Phaedos
#Show/hide aggregation periods
input ShowAllTimeHigh = yes;
input ShowSSSLines = yes;
input Show50PctLine = yes;
input showbubbles = yes;
input showCloud = yes;
#input showMBproblems = yes;
input show1d = yes;
input show1dOp = yes;
input show1w = yes;
input show1WOp = no;
input show1mo = yes;
input show1MOp = no;
input show1q = no;
def offset = 1;
# place bubbles after last bar, to id the lines
# prevday_levels_onalldays_01
# halcyonguy
# 21-08-12
def futurebar = 3;
def x = (!IsNaN(close[futurebar]) and IsNaN(close[futurebar - 1]));
def futurebary = -10;
def y = (!IsNaN(close[futurebary]) and IsNaN(close[futurebary - 1]));
def futurebarz = 3;
def z = (!IsNaN(close[futurebarz]) and IsNaN(close[futurebarz - 1]));
### 1d timeframe ###
def tf1d = AggregationPeriod.DAY;
def valid1d = GetAggregationPeriod() <= AggregationPeriod.DAY;
def h1d;
def l1d;
def l1dago;
def o1d;
def o1dc;
def c1d;
if valid1d and show1d {
h1d = high (period = tf1d)[offset];
l1d = low (period = tf1d)[offset];
l1dago = low (period = tf1d)[1];
o1d = open (period = tf1d);
o1dc = open (period = tf1d);
c1d = close(period = tf1d);
} else {
h1d = Double.NaN;
l1d = Double.NaN;
l1dago = Double.NaN;
o1d = Double.NaN;
o1dc = Double.NaN;
c1d = Double.NaN;
def bn1d = HighestAll(if open == o1d then BarNumber() - 1 else Double.NaN);
def Post = GetTime() > RegularTradingEnd(GetYYYYMMDD());
def Pre = GetTime() < RegularTradingStart(GetYYYYMMDD());
def Closed = Post or Pre;
plot daylow = if BarNumber() < bn1d then Double.NaN else HighestAll( if (!IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close[-1])) then l1d else Double.NaN);
plot daylow2 = if BarNumber() < bn1d then Double.NaN else HighestAll( if (!IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close[-1])) then l1d else Double.NaN);
plot dayhigh = if BarNumber() < bn1d then Double.NaN else HighestAll( if (!IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close[-1])) then h1d else Double.NaN);
plot dayhigh2 = if BarNumber() < bn1d then Double.NaN else HighestAll( if (!IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close[-1])) then h1d else Double.NaN);
plot dayopen = if BarNumber() < bn1d then Double.NaN else HighestAll( if (!IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close[-1])) and show1dOp then o1d else Double.NaN);
plot dayopen2 = if BarNumber() < bn1d then Double.NaN else HighestAll( if (!IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close[-1])) and show1dOp then o1dc else Double.NaN);
dayhigh.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(133, 202, 91));
dayhigh2.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(133, 202, 91));
daylow.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(252, 125, 127));
daylow2.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(252, 125, 127));
AddChartBubble(showbubbles and x, daylow, "YDL", CreateColor(252, 125, 127), yes);
AddChartBubble(showbubbles and x, dayhigh, "YDH", CreateColor(133, 202, 91), yes);
AddChartBubble(showbubbles and x, dayopen, "DO", Color.WHITE, yes);
### 1w timeframe ###
def tf1w = AggregationPeriod.WEEK;
def valid1w = GetAggregationPeriod() <= AggregationPeriod.WEEK;
def h1w;
def l1w;
def o1w;
def o1wc;
def c1w;
def D1w = Round(c1w - o1w);
if valid1w and show1w {
h1w = high (period = tf1w)[offset];
l1w = low (period = tf1w)[offset];
o1w = open (period = tf1w);
o1wc = open (period = tf1w);
c1w = close(period = tf1w);
} else {
h1w = Double.NaN;
l1w = Double.NaN;
o1w = Double.NaN;
o1wc = Double.NaN;
c1w = Double.NaN;
def bn1w = HighestAll(if open == o1wc then BarNumber() - 2 else Double.NaN);
plot weeklow = if BarNumber() < bn1w then Double.NaN else HighestAll( if (!IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close[-1])) then l1w else Double.NaN);
plot weekhigh = if BarNumber() < bn1w then Double.NaN else HighestAll( if (!IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close[-1])) then h1w else Double.NaN);
plot weeklow2 = if BarNumber() < bn1w then Double.NaN else HighestAll( if (!IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close[-1])) then l1w else Double.NaN);
plot weekhigh2 = if BarNumber() < bn1w then Double.NaN else HighestAll( if (!IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close[-1])) then h1w else Double.NaN);
plot weekopen = if BarNumber() < bn1w then Double.NaN else HighestAll( if (!IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close[-1])) and show1WOp then o1wc[0] else Double.NaN);
plot weekopen2 = if BarNumber() < bn1w then Double.NaN else HighestAll( if (!IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close[-1])) and show1WOp then o1wc[0] else Double.NaN);
weekhigh.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(133, 202, 91));
weekhigh2.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(133, 202, 91));
weeklow.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(252, 125, 127));
weeklow2.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(252, 125, 127));
# place bubbles after last bar, to id the lines
AddChartBubble(showbubbles and x, weeklow, "LWL", CreateColor(252, 125, 127), yes);
AddChartBubble(showbubbles and x, weekhigh, "LWH", CreateColor(133, 202, 91), yes);
AddChartBubble(showbubbles and x, weekopen, "WO", Color.WHITE, yes);
### 1month timeframe ###
def tf1m = AggregationPeriod.MONTH;
def valid1m = GetAggregationPeriod() <= AggregationPeriod.MONTH;
def h1m;
def l1m;
def o1m;
def o1mc;
def c1m;
def D1m = Round(c1m - o1m);
if valid1m and show1mo {
h1m = high (period = tf1m)[offset];
l1m = low (period = tf1m)[offset];
o1m = open (period = tf1m)[offset];
o1mc = open (period = tf1m);
c1m = close(period = tf1m)[offset];
} else {
h1m = Double.NaN;
l1m = Double.NaN;
o1m = Double.NaN;
o1mc = Double.NaN;
c1m = Double.NaN;
def bn1m = HighestAll(if open == o1mc then BarNumber() - 3 else Double.NaN);
plot monthlow = if BarNumber() < bn1m then Double.NaN else HighestAll( if (!IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close[-1])) then l1m[0] else Double.NaN);
plot monthhigh = if BarNumber() < bn1m then Double.NaN else HighestAll( if (!IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close[-1])) then h1m[0] else Double.NaN);
plot monthlow2 = if BarNumber() < bn1m then Double.NaN else HighestAll( if (!IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close[-1])) then l1m[0] else Double.NaN);
plot monthhigh2 = if BarNumber() < bn1m then Double.NaN else HighestAll( if (!IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close[-1])) then h1m[0] else Double.NaN);
plot monthopen = if BarNumber() < bn1m then Double.NaN else HighestAll( if (!IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close[-1])) and show1MOp then o1mc else Double.NaN);
plot monthopen2 = if BarNumber() < bn1m then Double.NaN else HighestAll( if (!IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close[-1])) and show1MOp then o1mc else Double.NaN);
monthhigh.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(133, 202, 91));
monthhigh2.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(133, 202, 91));
monthlow.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(252, 125, 127));
monthlow2.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(252, 125, 127));
monthopen.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(133, 202, 91));
monthopen2.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(252, 125, 127));
# place bubbles after last bar, to id the lines
AddChartBubble(showbubbles and x, monthlow, "PML", CreateColor(252, 125, 127), yes);
AddChartBubble(showbubbles and x, monthhigh, "PMH", CreateColor(133, 202, 91), yes);
AddChartBubble(showbubbles and x, monthopen, "MO", CreateColor(133, 202, 91), yes);
#Code for Alltime High
plot ATH = if ShowAllTimeHigh and GetAggregationPeriod() == AggregationPeriod.MONTH then HighestAll( high) else Double.NaN;
plot ATH2 = if ShowAllTimeHigh and GetAggregationPeriod() == AggregationPeriod.MONTH then HighestAll( high) else Double.NaN;
AddChartBubble(ShowAllTimeHigh and showbubbles and y, ATH, "ATH", CreateColor(133, 202, 91), yes);
### 1quarter timeframe ###
def tf1q = AggregationPeriod.QUARTER;
def valid1q = GetAggregationPeriod() <= AggregationPeriod.QUARTER;
def h1q;
def l1q;
def o1q;
def o1qc;
def c1q;
def D1q = Round(c1q - o1q);
if valid1q and show1q {
h1q = high (period = tf1q)[offset];
l1q = low (period = tf1q)[offset];
o1q = open (period = tf1q)[offset];
o1qc = open (period = tf1q);
c1q = close(period = tf1q)[offset];
} else {
h1q = Double.NaN;
l1q = Double.NaN;
o1q = Double.NaN;
o1qc = Double.NaN;
c1q = Double.NaN;
def bn1q = HighestAll(if open == o1qc then BarNumber() - 4 else Double.NaN);
plot ql = if BarNumber() < bn1q then Double.NaN else HighestAll( if (!IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close[-1])) then l1q[-1] else Double.NaN);
plot qh = if BarNumber() < bn1q then Double.NaN else HighestAll( if (!IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close[-1])) then h1q[-1] else Double.NaN);
plot qo = if BarNumber() < bn1q then Double.NaN else HighestAll( if (!IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close[-1])) then o1qc[-1] else Double.NaN);
plot qo2 = if BarNumber() < bn1q then Double.NaN else HighestAll( if (!IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close[-1])) then o1qc[-1] else Double.NaN);
ql.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(252, 125, 127));
qh.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(133, 202, 91));
# place bubbles after last bar, to id the lines
AddChartBubble(showbubbles and x, ql, "Q[" + offset + "]", CreateColor(252, 125, 127), yes);
AddChartBubble(showbubbles and x, qh, "Q[" + offset + "]", CreateColor(133, 202, 91), yes);
AddChartBubble(showbubbles and x, qo, "Q O", CreateColor(133, 202, 91), yes);
#Code for SSS50PercentRule
def bn = BarNumber();
def bar = if bn == bn - 1 then open else bar[1];
def sss = HighestAll(if open == open then bn - 1 else Double.NaN);
def fiftypct = (high[1] - low[1]) / 2 + low[1];
plot triggerlong = low < low[1] and high < high[1] and close >= fiftypct;
plot triggershort = high > high[1] and low > low[1] and close <= fiftypct;
plot LSSSlow = if BarNumber() < sss then Double.NaN else HighestAll( if (!IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close[-1])) and triggerlong and ShowSSSLines then low[1] else Double.NaN);
plot LSSShigh = if BarNumber() < sss then Double.NaN else HighestAll( if (!IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close[-1])) and triggerlong and ShowSSSLines then high[1] else Double.NaN);
plot LSSSlow2 = if BarNumber() < sss then Double.NaN else HighestAll( if (!IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close[-1])) and triggerlong and ShowSSSLines then low[1] else Double.NaN);
plot LSSShigh2 = if BarNumber() < sss then Double.NaN else HighestAll( if (!IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close[-1])) and triggerlong and ShowSSSLines then high[1] else Double.NaN);
plot LSSSFifty = if BarNumber() < sss then Double.NaN else HighestAll( if (!IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close[-1])) and Show50PctLine and triggerlong then fiftypct else Double.NaN);
LSSShigh2.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(133, 202, 91));
LSSSlow2.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(252, 125, 127));
plot StSSSlow = if BarNumber() < sss then Double.NaN else HighestAll( if (!IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close[-1])) and triggershort and ShowSSSLines then low[1] else Double.NaN);
plot StSSShigh = if BarNumber() < sss then Double.NaN else HighestAll( if (!IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close[-1])) and triggershort and ShowSSSLines then high[1] else Double.NaN);
plot StSSSlow2 = if BarNumber() < sss then Double.NaN else HighestAll( if (!IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close[-1])) and triggershort and ShowSSSLines then low[1] else Double.NaN);
plot StSSShigh2 = if BarNumber() < sss then Double.NaN else HighestAll( if (!IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close[-1])) and triggershort and ShowSSSLines then high[1] else Double.NaN);
plot StSSSFifty = if BarNumber() < sss then Double.NaN else HighestAll( if (!IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close[-1])) and Show50PctLine and triggershort then fiftypct else Double.NaN);
StSSShigh2.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(252, 125, 127));
StSSSlow.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(252, 125, 127));
def sssmid = (StSSShigh - StSSSlow) / 2 + StSSSlow;
AddCloud(if showCloud then LSSShigh else Double.NaN, LSSSlow, CreateColor(50, 90, 59 ), CreateColor(50, 90, 59 ));
AddCloud(if showCloud then StSSShigh else Double.NaN, StSSSlow, CreateColor(110, 69, 60 ), CreateColor(110, 69, 60 ));
AddChartBubble(if showbubbles and ShowSSSLines and bn == sss then 1 else 0 , sssmid, "50%", Color.YELLOW);
#Alert(triggerlong or triggershort, getunderlyingsymbol() + " IS GOING OUTSIDE!!", Alert.TICK, Sound.Ding);
#Code for motherbar problems
#def insideBar = (high <= high[1] and low >= low[1]);
#def trigger = insideBar;
#def triggerbn = if trigger then bn else triggerbn[1];
#def triggerCount = if trigger then triggerCount[1] + 1 else triggerCount[1];
#def MBHigh = if insideBar then high[1] else MBHigh[1];
#def MBLow = if insideBar then low[1] else MBLow[1];
## In trade manager
#def InMB = if trigger then 1 else if InMB[1] == 1 and (high > MBHigh or low < MBLow) then 0 else InMB[1];
#def MBProblems = if bn > triggerbn + 1 then InMB else 0;
#def linebn = HighestAll(if open == open then triggerbn - 1 else Double.NaN);
#plot MBLowLine = if BarNumber() < linebn then Double.NaN else HighestAll( if (!IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close[-1])) and MBProblems and showMBproblems then MBLow else Double.NaN);
#plot MBHighLine = if BarNumber() < linebn then Double.NaN else HighestAll( if (!IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close[-1])) and MBProblems and showMBproblems then MBHigh else Double.NaN);
#def mbmid = (MBHighLine - MBLowLine) / 2 + MBLowLine;
##AddLabel(yes, " ", Color.BLACK);
#AddLabel(yes, if showMBproblems and MBProblems then "MB Issues" else "", Color.YELLOW);
#AddChartBubble(if showbubbles and showMBproblems and bn == linebn then 1 else 0 , mbmid, "MB", Color.YELLOW);
#AddCloud(if showbubbles and showMBproblems then MBHighLine else Double.NaN, MBLowLine, Color.GRAY, Color.GRAY);
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