Intra Year High Low Range Indicator


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I have a custom indicator (below) that I call the Intra year High Low Opening Range ...its calculating the Higest High and Lowest Low that prints during the first 3 weeks of any new calendar year,,,and then plots these values across the charts until these values change the following calendar year. I am trying to have the results of this indicator(a high and low plot value that persists for each year until the next year time period completes) plot in any time frame that I view a chart....,especially daily and weekly time frames which is what I use most. As it works now, it displays the correct values in daily charts but it does not display/persist in weekly charts-it disappears.

input numberdays = 12;
input secondAggregation = AggregationPeriod.DAY;
def agg = AggregationPeriod.DAY;
def hl1bn = if GetYear() != GetYear()[1]
then BarNumber()
else hl1bn[1];
def h1 = if BarNumber() == hl1bn
then high(period = agg)
else if Between(BarNumber(), hl1bn, ((hl1bn) + numberdays))
and high(period = agg) > h1[1]
then high(period = agg)
else h1[1];
def l1 = if BarNumber() == hl1bn
then low(period = agg)
else if Between(BarNumber(), hl1bn, (hl1bn + numberdays))
and low(period = agg) < l1[1]
then low(period = agg)
else l1[1];
plot InsiideintrayearH = if BarNumber() >= (hl1bn + numberdays) then h1 else Double.NaN;
plot InsiideintrayearL = if BarNumber() >= (hl1bn + numberdays) then l1 else Double.NaN;

AddLabel(1, AsPrice(GetYear()) + ":" + " Intra_Year High: " + Round( h1,2) + " Intra_Year Low: " + Round( l1,2), if close > h1 then Color.GREEN else if close < l1 then Color.RED else Color.YELLOW);

Alert(close <= InsiideintrayearL, " Intramonh Breakout Down", Alert.BAR, Sound.Bell);
Alert(close >= InsiideintrayearH, " Intramonh Breakout Up", Alert.BAR, Sound.Bell);
I have a custom indicator (below) that I call the Intra year High Low Opening Range ...its calculating the Higest High and Lowest Low that prints during the first 3 weeks of any new calendar year,,,and then plots these values across the charts until these values change the following calendar year. I am trying to have the results of this indicator(a high and low plot value that persists for each year until the next year time period completes) plot in any time frame that I view a chart....,especially daily and weekly time frames which is what I use most. As it works now, it displays the correct values in daily charts but it does not display/persist in weekly charts-it disappears.

input numberdays = 12;
input secondAggregation =...
I have a custom indicator (below) that I call the Intra year High Low Opening Range ...its calculating the Higest High and Lowest Low that prints during the first 3 weeks of any new calendar year,,,and then plots these values across the charts until these values change the following calendar year. I am trying to have the results of this indicator(a high and low plot value that persists for each year until the next year time period completes) plot in any time frame that I view a chart....,especially daily and weekly time frames which is what I use most. As it works now, it displays the correct values in daily charts but it does not display/persist in weekly charts-it disappears.

input numberdays = 12;
input secondAggregation = AggregationPeriod.DAY;
def agg = AggregationPeriod.DAY;
def hl1bn = if GetYear() != GetYear()[1]
then BarNumber()
else hl1bn[1];
def h1 = if BarNumber() == hl1bn
then high(period = agg)
else if Between(BarNumber(), hl1bn, ((hl1bn) + numberdays))
and high(period = agg) > h1[1]
then high(period = agg)
else h1[1];
def l1 = if BarNumber() == hl1bn
then low(period = agg)
else if Between(BarNumber(), hl1bn, (hl1bn + numberdays))
and low(period = agg) < l1[1]
then low(period = agg)
else l1[1];
plot InsiideintrayearH = if BarNumber() >= (hl1bn + numberdays) then h1 else Double.NaN;
plot InsiideintrayearL = if BarNumber() >= (hl1bn + numberdays) then l1 else Double.NaN;

AddLabel(1, AsPrice(GetYear()) + ":" + " Intra_Year High: " + Round( h1,2) + " Intra_Year Low: " + Round( l1,2), if close > h1 then Color.GREEN else if close < l1 then Color.RED else Color.YELLOW);

Alert(close <= InsiideintrayearL, " Intramonh Breakout Down", Alert.BAR, Sound.Bell);
Alert(close >= InsiideintrayearH, " Intramonh Breakout Up", Alert.BAR, Sound.Bell);

The problem with the weekly was that you were using a lower agg "DAY" on a weekly chart. TOS does not allow that. Also to extend the plot of one year onto the next requires separate plots for each year, which are then extended, rather than using the 2 plots you have in your script.

This fixes both of those. It will switch between "DAY" and "WEEK" aggregations and numberofdays between 12 days and 3 weeks depending on whether you are respectfully viewing a "DAY' or "WEEK" chart.

The script function was used to extend the plots onto the next year. There are 3 yearly plots. You can create more if you want by using the logic of those 3.

#Intra Year High Low Range Indicator
script hhll {
    input years = 0;
    def numberdays = if GetAggregationPeriod() == AggregationPeriod.DAY
then 12
else 3;
    def agg        = if GetAggregationPeriod() == AggregationPeriod.DAY
then AggregationPeriod.DAY
else AggregationPeriod.WEEK;
    def ymd      = GetYear();
    def candles  = !IsNaN(close);
    def capture  = candles and ymd != ymd[1];
    def Count = CompoundValue(1, if capture then Count[1] + 1 else Count[1], 0);
    def thisyear  = (HighestAll(Count) - Count) ;
    def hl1bn = if GetYear() != GetYear()[1]
then BarNumber()
else hl1bn[1];
    def h1 = if thisyear < years
then h1[1]
else if thisyear == years
and BarNumber() == hl1bn
then high(period = agg)
else if Between(BarNumber(), hl1bn, ((hl1bn) + numberdays - 1))
and high(period = agg) > h1[1]
then high(period = agg)
else h1[1];
    def l1 = if thisyear < years
then l1[1]
else if thisyear == years
and BarNumber() == hl1bn
then low(period = agg)
else if Between(BarNumber(), hl1bn, (hl1bn + numberdays - 1))
and low(period = agg) < l1[1]
then low(period = agg)
else l1[1];
    plot InsiideintrayearH = if thisyear == years - 1 or thisyear == years
and BarNumber() >= (hl1bn + numberdays)
then h1[1]
else Double.NaN;
    plot InsiideintrayearL = if thisyear == years - 1 or thisyear == years
and BarNumber() >= (hl1bn + numberdays)
then l1[1]
else Double.NaN;

plot hi0 = hhll();
plot lo0 = hhll().InsiideintrayearL;

plot hi1 = hhll(1);
plot lo1 = hhll(1).InsiideintrayearL;

plot hi2 = hhll(2);
plot lo2 = hhll(2).InsiideintrayearL;

AddLabel(1, AsPrice(GetYear()) + ":" + " Intra_Year High: " + Round( hi0, 2) + " Intra_Year Low: " + Round( lo0, 2), if close > hi0 then Color.GREEN else if close < lo0 then Color.RED else Color.YELLOW);

Alert(close <= lo0, " Intramonh Breakout Down", Alert.BAR, Sound.Bell);
Alert(close >= hi0, " Intramonh Breakout Up", Alert.BAR, Sound.Bell);
The problem with the weekly was that you were using a lower agg "DAY" on a weekly chart. TOS does not allow that. Also to extend the plot of one year onto the next requires separate plots for each year, which are then extended, rather than using the 2 plots you have in your script.

This fixes both of those. It will switch between "DAY" and "WEEK" aggregations and numberofdays between 12 days and 3 weeks depending on whether you are respectfully viewing a "DAY' or "WEEK" chart.

The script function was used to extend the plots onto the next year. There are 3 yearly plots. You can create more if you want by using the logic of those 3.
Much appreciated...I think I may have not explained the concept accurately.....Each New Calendar Year these levels will change as the highest high and the lowest low for the First Three Weeks of the new calendar year will change...I only want the current year's levels to perisist throughout the chart for this year, leaving intact the prior years for what they actually were.
Much appreciated...I think I may have not explained the concept accurately.....Each New Calendar Year these levels will change as the highest high and the lowest low for the First Three Weeks of the new calendar year will change...I only want the current year's levels to perisist throughout the chart for this year, leaving intact the prior years for what they actually were.

This allows you to display the highs/lows as defined for each year, except for the last year you can either display it across the whole_chart or just the last year, extended to the right edge of the chart.

input display_last_year = {default whole_chart, last_year};

def numberdays = if GetAggregationPeriod() == AggregationPeriod.DAY
then 12
else 3;

def agg        = if GetAggregationPeriod() == AggregationPeriod.DAY
then AggregationPeriod.DAY
else AggregationPeriod.WEEK;

def ymd      = GetYear();
def candles  = !IsNaN(close);
def capture  = candles and ymd != ymd[1];
def Count = CompoundValue(1, if capture then Count[1] + 1 else Count[1], 0);
def thisyear  = (HighestAll(Count) - Count) ;

def hl1bn = if IsNaN(close)
then hl1bn[1]
else if GetYear() != GetYear()[1]
then BarNumber()
else hl1bn[1];


def h1 = if ymd[1] != ymd
and BarNumber() == hl1bn
then high(period = agg)
else if Between(BarNumber(), hl1bn, ((hl1bn) + numberdays - 1))
and high(period = agg) > h1[1]
then high(period = agg)
else h1[1];

def high0 = if thisyear == 0 and BarNumber() >= (hl1bn + numberdays)
then h1[1] else Double.NaN;

plot LastYearH = if display_last_year == display_last_year.last_year and
BarNumber() >= (hl1bn + numberdays) and thisyear == 0
then HighestAll(high0)
else if display_last_year == display_last_year.whole_chart
then HighestAll(high0)
else Double.NaN;

plot InsiideintrayearH = if thisyear >= 1 and BarNumber() >= (hl1bn + numberdays)
then h1[1]
else Double.NaN;


def l1 = if ymd[1] != ymd
and BarNumber() == hl1bn
then low(period = agg)
else if Between(BarNumber(), hl1bn, (hl1bn + numberdays - 1))
and low(period = agg) < l1[1]
then low(period = agg)
else l1[1];

def low0  = if thisyear == 0 and BarNumber() >= (hl1bn + numberdays)
then l1[1]
else Double.NaN;

plot LastYearL = if display_last_year == display_last_year.last_year and
BarNumber() >= (hl1bn + numberdays) and thisyear == 0
then HighestAll(low0)
else if display_last_year == display_last_year.whole_chart
then HighestAll(low0)
else Double.NaN;

plot InsiideintrayearL = if thisyear >= 1 and BarNumber() >= (hl1bn + numberdays)
then l1[1]
else Double.NaN;

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