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Hi is there a way to create an indicator that would show the number of stocks that are up a certain percentage? I realize this can be shown in the scan tab, but I would like to create this and see it as an indicator. Thanks!
Shared Scan Link: Click here for --> Easiest way to load shared linksnasdaq 100 number of stocks trading above moving average
hi has anyone found a charting tool that has an indicator for the nasdaq 100 showing the number of stocks above their 5, 10, 20....moving average in real time?
******thanks merryday, can this be made into a into study?Shared Scan Link: Click here for --> Easiest way to load shared links
Putting the ToS limitations that @Joshua discussed above aside for a moment, how are you picturing a study on a chart plotting the 100 stocks of NASDAQ? Would it not look like spaghetti?******thanks merryday, can this be made into a into study?
thanks again! sorry i was not more clear. i was curious if this could be made into a study to show a graph to show the number of stocks trading above their moving average. the number could be the exact number or the percentage.Putting the ToS limitations that @Joshua discussed above aside for a moment, how are you picturing a study on a chart plotting the 100 stocks of NASDAQ? Would it not look like spaghetti?
It is not clear what you are asking for.
Sounds like something you may have to post a picture of to explain what you are trying to accomplish along with a more detailed explanation.
Unsure of how to upload screenshots to the forum, Here are directions.
Is it possible that you are asking for a watchlist?
Here is a watchlist of all stocks whose price is greater than their stacked averages:
A watchlist is a dynamically updating list of your scan. To see just NASDAQ100, click on the drop-down box list of names, in the upper left-hand corner, click on Personal, click on 'NASDAQ100'
To see ALL stocks trading above above their stacked averages, upload the scan link below and in your watchlist (found by clicking MarketWatch), click on the scan name 'StackedSMA'.
To get alerts when your watchlist changes click on themenu icon on the far right on your watchlist and then click on 'Alert when scan results change'
Shared Scan Link: Click here for --> Easiest way to load shared links
thanks yup i do know those.You could check out symbols like $SPXA50R, $SPXA100R, and $SPXA200R, but I don't think TOS carries similar symbols for the NASDAQ 100. At least I've never encountered them.
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