IDEAL BB with MA For ThinkOrSwim

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Need to convert this pinescript
to thinkscript, some alerts come at the end of the 15min candle before market close, is it possible to get the alert before the end of the last 15mins candle, the sooner the better.

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
// © Adarsh

// Moving Average 3.0 (3rd Generation) script may be freely distributed under the MIT license. Copyright (c) 2018-present, Alex Orekhov (everget)
study("IDEAL BB with MA (With Alerts) by Adarsh", overlay=true)

length1 = input(title="1st Length", type=input.integer, minval=1, defval=120)
length2 = input(title="2nd Length", type=input.integer, minval=1, defval=12)
maInput = input(title="MA Type", defval="EMA", options=["EMA", "SMA", "VWMA", "WMA"])
src = input(title="Source", type=input.source, defval=hl2)

getMA(src, length) =>
    ma = 0.0

    if maInput == "EMA"
        ma := ema(src, length)

    if maInput == "SMA"
        ma := sma(src, length)

    if maInput == "VWMA"
        ma := vwma(src, length)

    if maInput == "WMA"
        ma := wma(src, length)

getNMA(src, length1, length2) =>
    lambda = length1 / length2
    alpha = lambda * (length1 - 1) / (length1 - lambda)
    ma1 = getMA(src, length1)
    ma2 = getMA(ma1, length2)

    nma = (1 + alpha) * ma1 - alpha * ma2

nma = getNMA(src, length1, length2)
//emaLength = input(90, minval=1, title="EMA Length")
//emaSource = input(close, title="EMA Source")
//ema = ema(emaSource, emaLength)

plot(nma, title="NMA Black Line", linewidth=2, style=plot.style_stepline,, transp=0)
//plot(ema, title="EMA", linewidth=1,, transp=0)

lenvwap = input(1, minval=1, title="VWAP Length")
src1a = input(close, title="VWAP Source")
offsetvwap = input(title="VWAP Offset", type=input.integer, defval=0, minval=-500, maxval=500)
srcvwap = hlc3
vvwap = vwap(srcvwap)
line1 = sma(src1a, lenvwap)
plot(vvwap, color=#e91e63, linewidth=2, style=plot.style_line, title="VWAP MIDDLE")

// Boll Bands
emaSource = close
emaPeriod = 20
devMultiple = 2
baseline = sma(emaSource, emaPeriod)
plot(baseline, title = "BB Red Line", color =
stdDeviation = devMultiple * (stdev(emaSource, emaPeriod))
upperBand = (baseline + stdDeviation)
lowerBand = (baseline - stdDeviation)
p1 = plot(upperBand, title = "BB Top", color =
p2 = plot(lowerBand, title = "BB Bottom", color = #311b92)
fill(p1, p2, color =

srchull       = input(hl2,   "Price Data")
lengthhull    = input(24,    "Lookback")
showcross = input(true,  "Show cross over/under")
gain      = input(10000, "Gain")
k         = input(true,  "Use Kahlman")

hma(_srchull, _lengthhull) =>
    wma((2 * wma(_srchull, _lengthhull / 2)) - wma(_srchull, _lengthhull), round(sqrt(_lengthhull)))
hma3(_srchull, _lengthhull) =>
    p = lengthhull/2
    wma(wma(close,p/3)*3 - wma(close,p/2) - wma(close,p),p)

kahlman(x, g) =>
    kf = 0.0
    dk = x - nz(kf[1], x)
    smooth = nz(kf[1],x)+dk*sqrt((g/10000)*2)
    velo = 0.0
    velo := nz(velo[1],0) + ((g/10000)*dk)
    kf := smooth+velo
a = k ? kahlman(hma(srchull, lengthhull), gain) : hma(srchull, lengthhull)
b = k ? kahlman(hma3(srchull, lengthhull), gain) : hma3(srchull, lengthhull)
c = b > a ? color.lime :
crossdn = a > b and a[1] < b[1]
crossup = b > a and b[1] < a[1]

p1hma = plot(a,color=c,linewidth=1,transp=75, title="Long Plot")
p2hma = plot(b,color=c,linewidth=1,transp=75, title="Short Plot")
plotshape(showcross and crossdn ? a : na, location=location.abovebar, style=shape.labeldown,, size=size.tiny, text="Sell", textcolor=color.white, transp=0, offset=-1)
plotshape(showcross and crossup ? a : na, location=location.belowbar, style=shape.labelup,, size=size.tiny, text="Buy", textcolor=color.white, transp=0, offset=-1)

alertcondition(crossup, title='Buy', message='Go Long')
alertcondition(crossdn, title='Sell', message='Go Short')
check the below.
#// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
#// © Adarsh
#// Moving Average 3.0 (3rd Generation) script may be freely distributed under the MIT license. Copyright (c) 2018-present, Alex Orekhov (everget)
#study("IDEAL BB with MA (With Alerts) by Adarsh", overlay=true)
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800     - 03/2023

input length1 = 120;#(title="1st Length", type=input.integer, minval=1, defval=120)
input length2 = 12;#(title="2nd Length", type=input.integer, minval=1, defval=12)
input maInput = AverageType.EXPONENTIAL;#(title="MA Type", defval="EMA", options=["EMA", "SMA", "VWMA", "WMA"])
input src = hl2;#(title="Source", type=input.source, defval=hl2)
input lenVwap = 1;#, minval=1, title="VWAP Length")
input src1a = close;#, title="VWAP Source")
input offsetvwap = 0;#(title="VWAP Offset", type=input.integer, defval=0, minval=-500, maxval=500)
input srcHull   = hl2;#,   "Price Data")
input lengthHull = 24;#,    "Lookback")
input showcross = yes;#(true,  "Show cross over/under")
input gain      = 10000;#, "Gain")
input UseKahlman = yes;#(true,  "Use Kahlman")

def na = Double.NaN;
def k = UseKahlman;
DefineGlobalColor("vwap"    , CreateColor(233,30,99));
DefineGlobalColor("base"   , CreateColor(255,82,82));
DefineGlobalColor("bbup"   , CreateColor(33,150,243));
DefineGlobalColor("bbdn" , CreateColor(49,27,146));
script f_Vwap {
    input src = close;
    def src_v = Volume;
    def tf = GetDay();
    def start0 = tf - tf[1];
    def sumSrc0 = src * src_v;
    def sumVol0 = src_v;
    def sumSrc2 = src_v * Sqr(src);
    def sumSrc1 = CompoundValue(1, if start0 then sumSrc0 else sumSrc0 + sumSrc1[1], sumSrc0);
    def sumVol1 = CompoundValue(1, if start0 then sumVol0 else sumVol0 + sumVol1[1], sumVol0);
    def sumVol2 = CompoundValue(1, if start0 then sumSrc2 else sumSrc2 + sumVol2[1], sumSrc2);
    def Vwap = sumSrc1 / sumVol1;
    def deviation = Sqrt(Max(sumVol2 / sumVol1 - Sqr(Vwap), 0));
    plot wap = Vwap;
    plot dev = deviation;

def lambda = length1 / length2;
def alpha = lambda * (length1 - 1) / (length1 - lambda);
def ma1 = MovingAverage(maInput, src, length1);
def ma2 = MovingAverage(maInput, ma1, length2);
def nma_ = (1 + alpha) * ma1 - alpha * ma2;
def nma = nma_;

plot NMABlackLine = nma;#, title="NMA Black Line", linewidth=2, style=plot.style_stepline,, transp=0)

def srcvwap = hlc3;
def vvwap = f_Vwap(srcvwap);
def line1 = Average(src1a, lenvwap);
plot vwapLine = vvwap;    # "VWAP MIDDLE"

#// Boll Bands
def emaSource = close;
def emaPeriod = 20;
def devMultiple = 2;
def baseline = average(emaSource, emaPeriod);
def stdDeviation = devMultiple * (stdev(emaSource, emaPeriod));
def upperBand = (baseline + stdDeviation);
def lowerBand = (baseline - stdDeviation);
plot bbCenter = baseline;#, title = "BB Red Line", color =
plot bbUp = upperBand;#, title = "BB Top", color =
plot bbDn = lowerBand;#, title = "BB Bottom", color = #311b92)
AddCloud(bbUp, bbDn, Color.DARK_GRAY);


#hma3(_srchull, _lengthhull) =>
Script hma3 {
input _srchull = close;
input _lengthhull = 24;
    def p = floor(_lengthhull/2);
    def hma = wma(wma(close,p/3)*3 - wma(close,p/2) - wma(close,p),p);
    plot out = hma;

Script kahlman {
input x = hl2;
input g = 10000;
    def kf;# = 0.0
    def dk = x - if(kf[1]==0 or isNaN(kf[1]), x, kf[1]);
    def smooth = if(kf[1]==0 or isNaN(kf[1]), x, kf[1]) + dk * sqrt((g/10000)*2);
    def velo;# = 0.0
    velo = velo[1] + ((g/10000)*dk);
    kf = smooth+velo;
plot out = kf;
def a = if k then kahlman(HullMovingAvg(srchull, lengthhull), gain) else HullMovingAvg(srchull, lengthhull);
def b = if k then kahlman(hma3(srchull, lengthhull), gain) else hma3(srchull, lengthhull);
def c = b > a;# ? color.lime :
def crossdn = a > b and a[1] < b[1];
def crossup = b > a and b[1] < a[1];

def p1hma = a;#,color=c,linewidth=1,transp=75, title="Long Plot")
def p2hma = b;#,color=c,linewidth=1,transp=75, title="Short Plot")
AddCloud(p1hma,p2hma, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED, yes);

AddChartBubble(showcross and crossdn[-1], high, "Sell", Color.RED, yes);#textcolor=color.white, transp=0, offset=-1)
AddChartBubble(showcross and crossup[-1], low, "Buy", Color.GREEN, no);#=color.white, transp=0, offset=-1)

#--- END of CODE
Thank you very much for the conversion, it was exactly what i wanted. However, there are typically buy or sell alerts on certain stocks after market closes between 16:00 and 16:15 EST. for example LRN on 01/24/23 at past 16:00, around 16:18 while usiing the on demaand feature, there's a buy alert on there. My question now is that, is it possible to get those alerts before market closes, and how fast can it be done, so if i need to enter a trade i can make it before market closes. The timeframe i use for this is typically 15mins.
Thank you very much for the conversion, it was exactly what i wanted. However, there are typically buy or sell alerts on certain stocks after market closes between 16:00 and 16:15 EST. for example LRN on 01/24/23 at past 16:00, around 16:18 while usiing the on demaand feature, there's a buy alert on there. My question now is that, is it possible to get those alerts before market closes, and how fast can it be done, so if i need to enter a trade i can make it before market closes. I have attached a screenshot using the on demand feature with LRN, the timeframe i use for this is typically 15mins.
No, it is not possible to get an alert before the alert occurs.
You could try moving from a 10min chart. The bars will signal slightly earlier but some of the 15min signals might not occur on the 10min chart at all.
No, it is not possible to get an alert before the alert occurs.
You could try moving from a 10min chart. The bars will signal slightly earlier but some of the 15min signals might not occur on the 10min chart at all.
Thank you

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