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You could try the 'Data Box" option as shown in the image below, including checking the autohide option, which will hide that entire row. To hide the 'Data Box', you can choose 'Fixed' and minimize it.
In this image, the 'row' is hidden
As far as I know, you cannot control the info displayed in the 'blue line' of the chart. To see the company name there as displayed in the image I posted, you probably just need to maximize the size of the chart area on your workspace.SZ: how is it you were able to get the full name of the company placed in the ribbon in blue in your screenshot? i've got lots of stuff in that ribbon but no company name. and i'd like it. and i'd like to remove some of the other elements. can you help? thanks!
Alternatively, how do I get the IVRank and IV to display as a chart label?
Code:addlabel(1, "IV:" + imp_volatility,; #or as a chartbubble you can move input bubblemoverside_to_side = 3; #used to move the bubble left and right def n = bubblemoverside_to_side; def n1 = n + 1; input bubblemover_updown = 2; #used to move the bubble up and down AddChartBubble(IsNaN(close[n]), close[n1] + TickSize() * bubblemover_updown, "IV:"+imp_volatility[n1],, yes);
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