How to automatically move Cursor CROSS onto the most recent Candlestick ?


New member
Under <Style - Appearance - Common> at TOS platform,
I set:
Cursor: CROSS
Snap crosshairs to: Open

Please give me some advice on how to automatically position my Cursor on the real-time Candlestick.
I know if I set up <Time axis> for having the most recent Candlestick will be displayed in the center of the monitor, I simply make my cursor stays in the center.

But, I rather want to have an entire day chart displayed on my monitor, Candlestick will be displayed from left to right based on time duration.
So, I can't make my cursor stays in the same location and manually need to move onto the most recent Candlestick.

If Cursor CROSS is not able to use for this purpose, please advise how to have CROSS lines always onto the newest Candlestick automatically.
Thank you very much for your input/support.
Set the color here:

You can also set the source to close and it will track prices.

It shows up on the current day only.

DefineGlobalColor("CROSS", CreateColor(000, 000, 255));
Input Source = Open;
def MilDay = 
    (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) 
    / GetAggregationPeriod()
def Offset = 
    if !Offset[1] and GetDay() == GetLastDay() then 
        fold i = 0 to ceil(MilDay) 
        with d = no while d == no do
            if !IsNaN(GetValue(close, -i)) 
            and IsNaN(GetValue(close, -i - 1)) 
            then GetValue(Source, -i) 
            else no
plot CrossHair = if !Offset then Double.NaN else Offset;
def LastBar =...
Thinkscript can't interact with the cursor, detect mouse clicks, or anything similar. I can get thinkscript to paint fake cross hairs if you want though. What would like the y-axis position to be?
Thank you very much for your reply, Joshua.
I want to have the y-axis position as OPEN.
I just want to clarify that your script might be automatically repainted onto the newest Candlestick as time goes by?

If you can post that thinkscript, it is greatly appreciated!
Set the color here:

You can also set the source to close and it will track prices.

It shows up on the current day only.

DefineGlobalColor("CROSS", CreateColor(000, 000, 255));
Input Source = Open;
def MilDay = 
    (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) 
    / GetAggregationPeriod()
def Offset = 
    if !Offset[1] and GetDay() == GetLastDay() then 
        fold i = 0 to ceil(MilDay) 
        with d = no while d == no do
            if !IsNaN(GetValue(close, -i)) 
            and IsNaN(GetValue(close, -i - 1)) 
            then GetValue(Source, -i) 
            else no
plot CrossHair = if !Offset then Double.NaN else Offset;
def LastBar = !IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close[-1]);
    high = if LastBar then Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY else Double.NaN, 
    low = if LastBar then Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY else Double.NaN, 
    open = if LastBar then Source else Double.NaN, 
    close = if LastBar then Source else Double.NaN, 
    type = ChartType.CANDLE, 
    growcolor = GlobalColor("CROSS")

def  FRP = Double.NaN;
plot RP = FRP[-Milday];
It works perfectly!!!

As for the Chart screen, I have multiple sections under the price chart as added studies such as MACD, TTM_Squeeze.
Is there any TOS functionality that will take your module as a subsetting of TOS general setting for reflecting it on the entire Chart Windows (includes multiple sections and studies) just like the Cursor setting under <Common - Style>?
If possible, I can disable Cursor but your module just acts as its alternative for my chart screen.

If not, I can add your module in individual studies to reflect the same result.
No matter what, I thank you so much for all your time and effort to make this, Joshua.

Last edited:
Set the color here:

You can also set the source to close and it will track prices.

It shows up on the current day only.

DefineGlobalColor("CROSS", CreateColor(000, 000, 255));
Input Source = Open;
def MilDay =
    (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)
    / GetAggregationPeriod()
def Offset =
    if !Offset[1] and GetDay() == GetLastDay() then
        fold i = 0 to ceil(MilDay)
        with d = no while d == no do
            if !IsNaN(GetValue(close, -i))
            and IsNaN(GetValue(close, -i - 1))
            then GetValue(Source, -i)
            else no
plot CrossHair = if !Offset then Double.NaN else Offset;
def LastBar = !IsNaN(close) and IsNaN(close[-1]);
    high = if LastBar then Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY else Double.NaN,
    low = if LastBar then Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY else Double.NaN,
    open = if LastBar then Source else Double.NaN,
    close = if LastBar then Source else Double.NaN,
    type = ChartType.CANDLE,
    growcolor = GlobalColor("CROSS")

def  FRP = Double.NaN;
plot RP = FRP[-Milday];

Is there a way to get the cursor to paint further to the left?
I don't see why not, but what specifically would you have it targeting?
It has been a while but thank you very much for your input.
By the way, if I only need a vertical line but a cross (which means I don't need a Horizontal line), what code should be? I tried to modify your code but it is too complicated for me to modify.

Thank you in advance!!

I forgot to explain the reason why.
I separate windows under TOS Added Studies and strategies such as MacD, EMA, volume study, etc.
It is much easier for me to see the exact moment of each plot at the time. So, if I use a vertical line at the most recent candle bar as synchronized,
Nothing for beneficial for other professional traders or TOS users, but it is quite helpful for me as a mature trader.

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