Repaints Harmonic, wave and Fibonacci [Hunter Algo] for ThinkOrSwim



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Harmonic, wave and Fibonacci indicator is designed to identify various harmonic patterns, wave formations, and Fibonacci retracements directly on your charts. The script offers a comprehensive toolset for traders who use technical analysis to spot potential market reversals and continuation patterns.
This study was converted from Tradingview:


#// Indicator For TOS
#// © Hunter_Algo
#indicator(title='Harmonic, wave and Fibonacci [Hunter Algo]', overlay=true)
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 08/2024

input extendLines = no;
input UseHeikinAshiCandles = no; #(false, title='Use Heikken Ashi Candles')
input useHigherTimeframe = yes; #(true, title='Use Alt Timeframe')
input showZigzagLine = yes;
input higherTimeframe = AggregationPeriod.THIRTY_MIN; #('60', title='Alt Timeframe')
input showPatterns = yes; #(true, title='Show Patterns')
input showFib0000 = yes; #(title='Display Fibonacci 0.000:', defval=true)
input showFib0236 = yes; #(title='Display Fibonacci 0.236:', defval=true)
input showFib0382 = yes; #(title='Display Fibonacci 0.382:', defval=true)
input showFib0500 = yes; #(title='Display Fibonacci 0.500:', defval=true)
input showFib0618 = yes; #(title='Display Fibonacci 0.618:', defval=true)
input showFib0764 = yes; #(title='Display Fibonacci 0.764:', defval=true)
input showFib1000 = yes; #(title='Display Fibonacci 1.000:', defval=true)

def na = Double.NaN;
def last = IsNaN(close);
def extend = if extendLines then no else last;
def current = GetAggregationPeriod();
def tf = Max(current, higherTimeframe);
def cTF = if !last then close(Period = tf) else cTF[1];

# Colors
DefineGlobalColor("labUp", CreateColor(76, 175, 80));
DefineGlobalColor("labDn", CreateColor(136, 14, 79));
DefineGlobalColor("fib1", GetColor(9));
DefineGlobalColor("fib2", CreateColor(255, 82, 82));
DefineGlobalColor("fib3", CreateColor(128,128, 0));
DefineGlobalColor("fib4", CreateColor(0  ,230,118));
DefineGlobalColor("fib5", CreateColor(0  ,137,123));
DefineGlobalColor("fib6", CreateColor(33 ,150,243));
DefineGlobalColor("fib7", GetColor(9));

# range
Script f_last_fib {
input _rate = 1;
input fib_range = 1;
input d = open;
input c = close;
    def f_last_fib = if d > c then d - fib_range * _rate else d + fib_range * _rate;
    plot out = f_last_fib;

#-- zigzag
script zigzag {
    input useAltTF = yes;
    input alTimeframe = AggregationPeriod.HOUR;
    input useHA = no;
    def current = GetAggregationPeriod();
    def tf = if useAltTF then Max(current, alTimeframe) else current;
    def haClose = ohlc4(Period = tf);
    def haOpen = CompoundValue(1, (haOpen[1] + haClose[1]) / 2, (open(Period = tf)[1] + close(Period = tf)[1]) / 2);
    def haHigh = Max(Max(high(Period = tf), haOpen), haClose);
    def haLow  = Min(Min(low(Period = tf), haOpen), haClose);
    def _isUp = If(useHA, haClose, close(Period = tf)) >= If(useHA, haOpen, open(Period = tf));
    def _isDown = If(useHA, haClose, close(Period = tf)) <= If(useHA, haOpen, open(Period = tf));
    def _direction = if _isUp[1] and _isDown then -1 else
                     if _isDown[1] and _isUp then 1 else If(IsNaN(_direction[1]), 0 , _direction[1]);
    def highest_1 = Highest(If(useHA, haHigh, high(Period = tf)), 2);
    def lowest_1  = Lowest(If(useHA, haLow, low(Period = tf)), 2);
    def _zigzag = if _isUp[1] and _isDown and _direction[1] != -1 then highest_1 else
                  if _isDown[1] and _isUp and _direction[1] != 1 then lowest_1 else Double.NaN;
    plot out = _zigzag;
#-- Patternes
Script isBat {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = close;
input c = open;
    def _xab = xab >= 0.382 and xab <= 0.5;
    def _abc = abc >= 0.382 and abc <= 0.886;
    def _bcd = bcd >= 1.618 and bcd <= 2.618;
    def _xad = xad <= 0.618 and xad <= 1.000;
    def isBat = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
    plot out = if isNaN(isBat) then 0 else isBat;
Script isAntiBat {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = close;
input c = open;
    def _xab = xab >= 0.500 and xab <= 0.886;
    def _abc = abc >= 1.000 and abc <= 2.618;
    def _bcd = bcd >= 1.618 and bcd <= 2.618;
    def _xad = xad >= 0.886 and xad <= 1.000;
    def isAntiBat = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
    plot out = if isNaN(isAntiBat) then 0 else isAntiBat;
Script isAltBat {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = close;
input c = open;
    def _xab = xab <= 0.382;
    def _abc = abc >= 0.382 and abc <= 0.886;
    def _bcd = bcd >= 2.0 and bcd <= 3.618;
    def _xad = xad <= 1.13;
    def isAltBat = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
    plot out = if isNaN(isAltBat) then 0 else isAltBat;

Script isButterfly {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = close;
input c = open;
    def _xab = xab <= 0.786;
    def _abc = abc >= 0.382 and abc <= 0.886;
    def _bcd = bcd >= 1.618 and bcd <= 2.618;
    def _xad = xad >= 1.27 and xad <= 1.618;
    def isButterfly = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
    plot out = if isNaN(isButterfly) then 0 else isButterfly;
Script isAntiButterfly {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = close;
input c = open;
    def _xab = xab >= 0.236 and xab <= 0.886;
    def _abc = abc >= 1.130 and abc <= 2.618;
    def _bcd = bcd >= 1.000 and bcd <= 1.382;
    def _xad = xad >= 0.500 and xad <= 0.886;
    def isAntiButterfly = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
    plot out = if isNaN(isAntiButterfly) then 0 else isAntiButterfly;
Script isABCD {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = close;
input c = open;
    def _abc = abc >= 0.382 and abc <= 0.886;
    def _bcd = bcd >= 1.13 and bcd <= 2.618;
    def isABCD = _abc and _bcd and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
    plot out = if isNaN(isABCD) then 0 else isABCD;
Script isGartley {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = close;
input c = open;
    def _xab = xab >= 0.5 and xab <= 0.618;
    def _abc = abc >= 0.382 and abc <= 0.886;
    def _bcd = bcd >= 1.13 and bcd <= 2.618;
    def _xad = xad >= 0.75 and xad <= 0.875;
    def isGartley = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
    plot out = if isNaN(isGartley) then 0 else isGartley;
Script isAntiGartley {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = close;
input c = open;
    def _xab = xab >= 0.500 and xab <= 0.886;
    def _abc = abc >= 1.000 and abc <= 2.618;
    def _bcd = bcd >= 1.500 and bcd <= 5.000;
    def _xad = xad >= 1.000 and xad <= 5.000;
    def isAntiGartley = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
    plot out = if isNaN(isAntiGartley) then 0 else isAntiGartley;
Script isCrab {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = close;
input c = open;
    def _xab = xab >= 0.500 and xab <= 0.875;
    def _abc = abc >= 0.382 and abc <= 0.886;
    def _bcd = bcd >= 2.000 and bcd <= 5.000;
    def _xad = xad >= 1.382 and xad <= 5.000;
    def isCrab = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
    plot out = if isNaN(isCrab) then 0 else isCrab;
Script isAntiCrab {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = close;
input c = open;
    def _xab = xab >= 0.250 and xab <= 0.500;
    def _abc = abc >= 1.130 and abc <= 2.618;
    def _bcd = bcd >= 1.618 and bcd <= 2.618;
    def _xad = xad >= 0.500 and xad <= 0.750;
    def isAntiCrab = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
    plot out = if isNaN(isAntiCrab) then 0 else isAntiCrab;
Script isShark {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = close;
input c = open;
    def _xab = xab >= 0.500 and xab <= 0.875;
    def _abc = abc >= 1.130 and abc <= 1.618;
    def _bcd = bcd >= 1.270 and bcd <= 2.240;
    def _xad = xad >= 0.886 and xad <= 1.130;
    def isShark = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
    plot out = if isNaN(isShark) then 0 else isShark;
Script isAntiShark {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = close;
input c = open;
    def _xab = xab >= 0.382 and xab <= 0.875;
    def _abc = abc >= 0.500 and abc <= 1.000;
    def _bcd = bcd >= 1.250 and bcd <= 2.618;
    def _xad = xad >= 0.500 and xad <= 1.250;
    def isAntiShark = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
    plot out = if isNaN(isAntiShark) then 0 else isAntiShark;
Script is5o {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = close;
input c = open;
    def _xab = xab >= 1.13 and xab <= 1.618;
    def _abc = abc >= 1.618 and abc <= 2.24;
    def _bcd = bcd >= 0.5 and bcd <= 0.625;
    def _xad = xad >= 0.0 and xad <= 0.236;
    def is5o = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
    plot out = if isNaN(is5o) then 0 else is5o;
Script isWolf {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = close;
input c = open;
    def _xab = xab >= 1.27 and xab <= 1.618;
    def _abc = abc >= 0 and abc <= 5;
    def _bcd = bcd >= 1.27 and bcd <= 1.618;
    def _xad = xad >= 0.0 and xad <= 5;
    def isWolf = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
    plot out = if isNaN(isWolf) then 0 else isWolf;
Script isHnS {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = close;
input c = open;
    def _xab = xab >= 2.0 and xab <= 10;
    def _abc = abc >= 0.90 and abc <= 1.1;
    def _bcd = bcd >= 0.236 and bcd <= 0.88;
    def _xad = xad >= 0.90 and xad <= 1.1;
    def isHnS = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
    plot out = if isNaN(isHnS) then 0 else isHnS;
Script isConTria {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = close;
input c = open;
    def _xab = xab >= 0.382 and xab <= 0.618;
    def _abc = abc >= 0.382 and abc <= 0.618;
    def _bcd = bcd >= 0.382 and bcd <= 0.618;
    def _xad = xad >= 0.236 and xad <= 0.764;
    def isConTria = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
    plot out = if isNaN(isConTria) then 0 else isConTria;
Script isExpTria {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = close;
input c = open;
    def _xab = xab >= 1.236 and xab <= 1.618;
    def _abc = abc >= 1.000 and abc <= 1.618;
    def _bcd = bcd >= 1.236 and bcd <= 2.000;
    def _xad = xad >= 2.000 and xad <= 2.236;
    def isExpTria = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
    plot out = if isNaN(isExpTria) then 0 else isExpTria;
def changeHTF = cTF - cTF[1];
def zigzagHTF = zigzag(useHigherTimeframe, higherTimeframe, UseHeikinAshiCandles);
def zigzagTF = zigzag(no, higherTimeframe, UseHeikinAshiCandles);
def sz = if useHigherTimeframe then if changeHTF != 0 then zigzagHTF else na else zigzagTF;

plot zigzag = if showZigzagLine then sz else na;
#//  ||---   Pattern Recognition:
def zigCond = !IsNaN(sz);
def x1;
def a1;
def b1;
def c1;
def d1;

if zigCond {
    x1 = a1[1];
    a1 = b1[1];
    b1 = c1[1];
    c1 = d1[1];
    d1 = sz;
} else {
    x1 = x1[1];
    a1 = a1[1];
    b1 = b1[1];
    c1 = c1[1];
    d1 = d1[1];
def d = if d1 then d1 else na;
def c = if c1 then c1 else na;
def b = if b1 then b1 else na;
def a = if a1 then a1 else na;
def x = if x1 then x1 else na;

def xab = AbsValue(b - a) / AbsValue(x - a);
def xad = AbsValue(a - d) / AbsValue(x - a);
def abc = AbsValue(b - c) / AbsValue(a - b);
def bcd = AbsValue(c - d) / AbsValue(b - c);

#/---Fib Level
def fib_range = AbsValue(d - c);
def fib_0000 = if d > c then d - fib_range * 0.000 else d + fib_range * 0.000;
def fib_0236 = if d > c then d - fib_range * 0.236 else d + fib_range * 0.236;
def fib_0382 = if d > c then d - fib_range * 0.382 else d + fib_range * 0.382;
def fib_0500 = if d > c then d - fib_range * 0.500 else d + fib_range * 0.500;
def fib_0618 = if d > c then d - fib_range * 0.618 else d + fib_range * 0.618;
def fib_0764 = if d > c then d - fib_range * 0.764 else d + fib_range * 0.764;
def fib_1000 = if d > c then d - fib_range * 1.000 else d + fib_range * 1.000;

plot fib00 = if extend or !showFib0000 or fib_0000 != fib_0000[-1] then na else fib_0000;
plot fib23 = if extend or !showFib0236 or fib_0236 != fib_0236[-1] then na else fib_0236;
plot fib38 = if extend or !showFib0382 or fib_0382 != fib_0382[-1] then na else fib_0382;
plot fib50 = if extend or !showFib0500 or fib_0500 != fib_0500[-1] then na else fib_0500;
plot fib61 = if extend or !showFib0618 or fib_0618 != fib_0618[-1] then na else fib_0618;
plot fib76 = if extend or !showFib0764 or fib_0764 != fib_0764[-1] then na else fib_0764;
plot fib10 = if extend or !showFib1000 or fib_1000 != fib_1000[-1] then na else fib_1000;


#-- Patterns
#-- Bearish
def isABCDN      = isABCD(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isBatN       = isBat(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isAntiBatN   = isAntiBat(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isAltBatN    = isAltBat(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isButterflyN = isButterfly(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isAntiButterflyN = isAntiButterfly(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isGartleyN     = isGartley(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isAntiGartleyN = isAntiGartley(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isCrabN      = isCrab(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isAntiCrabN  = isAntiCrab(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isSharkN     = isShark(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isAntiSharkN = isAntiShark(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def is5oN        = is5o(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isWolfN      = isWolf(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isHnSN       = isHnS(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isConTriaN   = isConTria(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isExpTriaN   = isExpTria(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);

def labDnLoc =  Max(fib_0000, fib_1000);

AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isABCDN and !isABCDN[1], labDnLoc, "ABCD", GlobalColor("labDn"));
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isBatN and !isBatN[1], labDnLoc, "Bat", GlobalColor("labDn"));
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isAntiBatN and !isAntiBatN[1], labDnLoc, "Anti Bat", GlobalColor("labDn"));
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isAltBatN and !isAltBatN[1], labDnLoc, "Alt Bat", GlobalColor("labDn"));
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isButterflyN and !isButterflyN[1], labDnLoc, "Butterfly", GlobalColor("labDn"));
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isAntiButterflyN and !isAntiButterflyN[1], labDnLoc, "Anti Butterfly", GlobalColor("labDn"));
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isGartleyN and !isGartleyN[1], labDnLoc, "Gartley", GlobalColor("labDn"));
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isAntiGartleyN and !isAntiGartleyN[1], labDnLoc, "Anti Gartley", GlobalColor("labDn"));
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isCrabN and !isCrabN[1], labDnLoc, "Crab", GlobalColor("labDn"));
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isAntiCrabN and !isAntiCrabN[1], labDnLoc, "Anti Crab", GlobalColor("labDn"));
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isSharkN and !isSharkN[1], labDnLoc, "Shark", GlobalColor("labDn"));
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isAntiSharkN and !isAntiSharkN[1], labDnLoc, "Anti Shark", GlobalColor("labDn"));
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and is5oN and !is5oN[1], labDnLoc, "5-O", GlobalColor("labDn"));
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isWolfN and !isWolfN[1], labDnLoc, "Wolf Wave", GlobalColor("labDn"));
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isHnSN and !isHnSN[1], labDnLoc, "Head and Shoulders", GlobalColor("labDn"));
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isConTriaN and !isConTriaN[1], labDnLoc, "Contracting triangle", GlobalColor("labDn"));
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isExpTriaN and !isExpTriaN[1], labDnLoc, "Expanding Triangle", GlobalColor("labDn"));
#-- Bullish
def isABCDP      = isABCD(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isBatP       = isBat(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isAntiBatP   = isAntiBat(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isAltBatP    = isAltBat(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isButterflyP = isButterfly(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isAntiButterflyP = isAntiButterfly(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isGartleyP     = isGartley(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isAntiGartleyP = isAntiGartley(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isCrabP      = isCrab(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isAntiCrabP  = isAntiCrab(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isSharkP     = isShark(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isAntiSharkP = isAntiShark(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def is5oP        = is5o(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isWolfP      = isWolf(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isHnSP       = isHnS(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isConTriaP   = isConTria(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isExpTriaP   = isExpTria(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);

def labUpLoc =  Min(fib_0000, fib_1000);
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isABCDP and !isABCDP[1], labUpLoc, "ABCD", GlobalColor("labUp"), no);
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isBatP and !isBatP[1], labUpLoc, "Bat", GlobalColor("labUp"), no);
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isAntiBatP and !isAntiBatP[1], labUpLoc, "Anti Bat", GlobalColor("labUp"), no);
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isAltBatP and !isAltBatP[1], labUpLoc, "Alt Bat", GlobalColor("labUp"), no);
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isButterflyP and !isButterflyP[1], labUpLoc, "Butterfly", GlobalColor("labUp"), no);
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isAntiButterflyP and !isAntiButterflyP[1], labUpLoc, "Anti Butterfly", GlobalColor("labUp"), no);
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isGartleyP and !isGartleyP[1], labUpLoc, "Gartley", GlobalColor("labUp"), no);
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isAntiGartleyP and !isAntiGartleyP[1], labUpLoc, "Anti Gartley", GlobalColor("labUp"), no);
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isCrabP and !isCrabP[1], labUpLoc, "Crab", GlobalColor("labUp"), no);
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isAntiCrabP and !isAntiCrabP[1], labUpLoc, "Anti Crab", GlobalColor("labUp"), no);
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isSharkP and !isSharkP[1], labUpLoc, "Shark", GlobalColor("labUp"), no);
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isAntiSharkP and !isAntiSharkP[1], labUpLoc, "Anti Shark", GlobalColor("labUp"), no);
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and is5oP and !is5oP[1], labUpLoc, "5-O", GlobalColor("labUp"), no);
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isWolfP and !isWolfP[1], labUpLoc, "Wolf Wave", GlobalColor("labUp"), no);
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isHnSP and !isHnSP[1], labUpLoc, "Head and Shoulders", GlobalColor("labUp"), no);
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isConTriaP and !isConTriaP[1], labUpLoc, "Contracting triangle", GlobalColor("labUp"), no);
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isExpTriaP and !isExpTriaP[1], labUpLoc, "Expanding Triangle", GlobalColor("labUp"), no);

#//  Plot Entry
input signalTriggerLevel = {"0.236", "0.382", "0.500",Default "0.618", "0.764", "1.000"};

def fibMulti;
Switch (signalTriggerLevel) {
Case "0.236" : fibMulti = 0.236;
Case "0.382" : fibMulti = 0.382;
Case "0.500" : fibMulti = 0.500;
Case "0.764" : fibMulti = 0.764;
Case "1.000" : fibMulti = 1.000;
Default : fibMulti = 0.618;

def buy_patterns = isABCDP + isBatP + isAltBatP + isButterflyP + isGartleyP + isCrabP + isSharkP + is5oP + isWolfP +
     isHnSP + isConTriaP + isExpTriaP + isAntiBatP + isAntiButterflyP + isAntiGartleyP + isAntiCrabP + isAntiSharkP;
def sell_patterns = isABCDN + isBatN + isAltBatN + isButterflyN + isGartleyN + isCrabN + isSharkN + is5oN + isWolfN +
     isHnSN + isConTriaN + isExpTriaN + isAntiBatN + isAntiButterflyN + isAntiGartleyN + isAntiCrabN + isAntiSharkN;

def entry = f_last_fib(fibMulti, fib_range, d, c);

def target01_buy_entry = buy_patterns and close <=  entry;
def target01_sell_entry = sell_patterns and close >= entry;

def longpositionvalide; #    = false
def shortconditionvalide; #  = false

if target01_buy_entry {
    longpositionvalide = yes;
    shortconditionvalide = no;
    } else
if target01_sell_entry {
    longpositionvalide = no;
    shortconditionvalide = yes;
    } else {
    longpositionvalide = longpositionvalide[1];
    shortconditionvalide = shortconditionvalide[1];

plot sigUp = if longpositionvalide and shortconditionvalide[1] then low else na;
plot sigDn = if longpositionvalide[1] and shortconditionvalide then high else na;

#-- BackTest
input labelOptions = {Default "Summary", "Detailed", "Don't Show"};
input tradeDirection = {default "Both", "Long", "Short", "Don't Show Trades"}; # "Trading Direction"
input TakeProfiPercent = 2.25; # "Take Profit %"
input StopLossPercent = 1.75;  # "Stop Loss %"
input lotSize = 15;

def extTrade = if extendLines then yes else !last;
def long  = tradeDirection == tradeDirection."Long" or tradeDirection == tradeDirection."Both";
def short = tradeDirection == tradeDirection."Short" or tradeDirection == tradeDirection."Both";

def full = labelOptions == labelOptions."Detailed";
def summ = (long or short) and (labelOptions == labelOptions."Summary" or full);
#/ Apply Take Profit and Stop Loss conditions
#/ Entry/Exit conditions
def LongEntry  = longpositionvalide and shortconditionvalide[1];
def ShortEntry = longpositionvalide[1] and shortconditionvalide;
def exitLong   = sell_patterns;
def exitShort  = buy_patterns;
def state = {Default "ini", "long", "short"};
def takeProfit;
def stoploss;
def entryPrice;
def closePrice;
def win;
def tradingCond = adx(Length = 14) >= 10;
def longCond  = barNumber()> 0 and long and LongEntry and tradingCond;
def shortCond = barNumber()> 0 and short and ShortEntry and tradingCond;

Switch (state[1]) {
Case "long" :
if (exitLong or (high >= takeProfit[1]) or (close < stoploss[1])) {
    state = state."ini";
    closePrice = close - entryPrice[1];
    entryPrice = na;
    takeProfit = na;
    stoploss = na;
    win = if closePrice > 0 then 1 else 0;
    } else {
    state = state[1];
    closePrice = 0;
    entryPrice = entryPrice[1];
    takeProfit = takeProfit[1];
    stoploss = stoploss[1];
    win = 0;
Case "short" :
if (exitShort or (low <= takeProfit[1]) or (close > stoploss[1])) {
    state = state."ini";
    closePrice = entryPrice[1] - close;
    entryPrice = na;
    takeProfit = na;
    stoploss = na;
    win = if closePrice > 0 then -1 else 0;
    } else {
    state = state[1];
    closePrice = 0;
    entryPrice = entryPrice[1];
    takeProfit = takeProfit[1];
    stoploss = stoploss[1];
    win = 0;
Default :
    state     = if longCond then state."long" else if shortCond then state."short" else state[1];
    entryPrice = open[-1];
    takeProfit = entryPrice * (1 + (if longCond then 1 else -1) * TakeProfiPercent / 1000);
    stoploss   = entryPrice * (1 + (if longCond then -1 else 1) * StopLossPercent / 1000);
    closePrice = 0;
    win = 0;
def longSig  = state==state."long"  and state!=state[1];
def shortSig = state==state."short" and state!=state[1];
def exitL = state[1]==state."long"  and state!=state."long";
def exitS = state[1]==state."short" and state!=state."short";

plot entryLong = if extTrade and state==state."long" then entryPrice else na;
plot tpLong    = if extTrade and state==state."long" then takeProfit else na;
plot slLong    = if extTrade and state==state."long" then stoploss else na;
plot entryShort = if extTrade and state==state."short" then entryPrice else na;
plot tpShort = if extTrade and state==state."short" then takeProfit else na;
plot slShort = if extTrade and state==state."short" then stoploss else na;


AddCloud(tpLong, entryLong, Color.DARK_GREEN);
AddCloud(entryLong, slLong, Color.DARK_RED);
AddCloud(entryShort, tpShort, Color.DARK_GREEN);
AddCloud(slShort, entryShort, Color.DARK_RED);

def totLong  = TotalSum(if exitL then 1 else 0);
def totShort = TotalSum(if exitS then 1 else 0);
def tottrd =  totLong + totShort;
def WinL = TotalSum(if win>0 then 1 else 0);
def WinS = TotalSum(if win<0 then 1 else 0);
def totWin = (WinL + WinS);
def winRt = if !tottrd then 0 else Round(totWin / tottrd * 100, 1);
def winRtL = if !totLong then 0 else Round(WinL / totLong * 100, 1);
def winRtS = if !totShort then 0 else Round(WinS / totShort * 100, 1);
def amtL = TotalSum(if exitL then closePrice else 0) * lotSize;
def amtS = TotalSum(if exitS then closePrice else 0) * lotSize;
def pl = RoundDown(amtL + amtS, 2);
def plL = if isNaN(amtL) then 0 else RoundDown(amtL, 2);
def plS = if isNaN(amtS) then 0 else RoundDown(amtS, 2);

AddLabel(summ, "WinRate(" + winRt + "%, " + tottrd + ")", if winRt >= 50 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);

AddLabel(long and full, "Long(" + winRtL + "%, " + totLong + ")", if winRtL >= 50 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);
AddLabel(short and full, "Short(" + winRtS + "%, " + totShort + ")", if winRtS >= 50 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);

AddLabel(long and full, "AmtLong($" + plL + ")", if amtL > 0 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);
AddLabel(short and full, "AmtShort($" + plS + ")", if amtS > 0 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);

AddLabel(summ, "P/L($" + pl + ")", if pl > 0 then Color.GREEN else if pl < 0 then Color.RED else Color.GRAY);

#-- END of CODe
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Harmonic, wave and Fibonacci indicator is designed to identify various harmonic patterns, wave formations, and Fibonacci retracements directly on your charts. The script offers a comprehensive toolset for traders who use technical analysis to spot potential market reversals and continuation patterns.


#// Indicator For TOS
#// © Hunter_Algo
#indicator(title='Harmonic, wave and Fibonacci [Hunter Algo]', overlay=true)
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 08/2024

input extendLines = no;
input UseHeikinAshiCandles = no; #(false, title='Use Heikken Ashi Candles')
input useHigherTimeframe = yes; #(true, title='Use Alt Timeframe')
input showZigzagLine = yes;
input higherTimeframe = AggregationPeriod.THIRTY_MIN; #('60', title='Alt Timeframe')
input showPatterns = yes; #(true, title='Show Patterns')
input showFib0000 = yes; #(title='Display Fibonacci 0.000:', defval=true)
input showFib0236 = yes; #(title='Display Fibonacci 0.236:', defval=true)
input showFib0382 = yes; #(title='Display Fibonacci 0.382:', defval=true)
input showFib0500 = yes; #(title='Display Fibonacci 0.500:', defval=true)
input showFib0618 = yes; #(title='Display Fibonacci 0.618:', defval=true)
input showFib0764 = yes; #(title='Display Fibonacci 0.764:', defval=true)
input showFib1000 = yes; #(title='Display Fibonacci 1.000:', defval=true)

def na = Double.NaN;
def last = IsNaN(close);
def extend = if extendLines then no else last;
def current = GetAggregationPeriod();
def tf = Max(current, higherTimeframe);
def cTF = if !last then close(Period = tf) else cTF[1];

# Colors
DefineGlobalColor("labUp", CreateColor(76, 175, 80));
DefineGlobalColor("labDn", CreateColor(136, 14, 79));
DefineGlobalColor("fib1", GetColor(9));
DefineGlobalColor("fib2", CreateColor(255, 82, 82));
DefineGlobalColor("fib3", CreateColor(128,128, 0));
DefineGlobalColor("fib4", CreateColor(0  ,230,118));
DefineGlobalColor("fib5", CreateColor(0  ,137,123));
DefineGlobalColor("fib6", CreateColor(33 ,150,243));
DefineGlobalColor("fib7", GetColor(9));

# range
Script f_last_fib {
input _rate = 1;
input fib_range = 1;
input d = open;
input c = close;
    def f_last_fib = if d > c then d - fib_range * _rate else d + fib_range * _rate;
    plot out = f_last_fib;

#-- zigzag
script zigzag {
    input useAltTF = yes;
    input alTimeframe = AggregationPeriod.HOUR;
    input useHA = no;
    def current = GetAggregationPeriod();
    def tf = if useAltTF then Max(current, alTimeframe) else current;
    def haClose = ohlc4(Period = tf);
    def haOpen = CompoundValue(1, (haOpen[1] + haClose[1]) / 2, (open(Period = tf)[1] + close(Period = tf)[1]) / 2);
    def haHigh = Max(Max(high(Period = tf), haOpen), haClose);
    def haLow  = Min(Min(low(Period = tf), haOpen), haClose);
    def _isUp = If(useHA, haClose, close(Period = tf)) >= If(useHA, haOpen, open(Period = tf));
    def _isDown = If(useHA, haClose, close(Period = tf)) <= If(useHA, haOpen, open(Period = tf));
    def _direction = if _isUp[1] and _isDown then -1 else
                     if _isDown[1] and _isUp then 1 else If(IsNaN(_direction[1]), 0 , _direction[1]);
    def highest_1 = Highest(If(useHA, haHigh, high(Period = tf)), 2);
    def lowest_1  = Lowest(If(useHA, haLow, low(Period = tf)), 2);
    def _zigzag = if _isUp[1] and _isDown and _direction[1] != -1 then highest_1 else
                  if _isDown[1] and _isUp and _direction[1] != 1 then lowest_1 else Double.NaN;
    plot out = _zigzag;
#-- Patternes
Script isBat {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = close;
input c = open;
    def _xab = xab >= 0.382 and xab <= 0.5;
    def _abc = abc >= 0.382 and abc <= 0.886;
    def _bcd = bcd >= 1.618 and bcd <= 2.618;
    def _xad = xad <= 0.618 and xad <= 1.000;
    def isBat = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
    plot out = if isNaN(isBat) then 0 else isBat;
Script isAntiBat {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = close;
input c = open;
    def _xab = xab >= 0.500 and xab <= 0.886;
    def _abc = abc >= 1.000 and abc <= 2.618;
    def _bcd = bcd >= 1.618 and bcd <= 2.618;
    def _xad = xad >= 0.886 and xad <= 1.000;
    def isAntiBat = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
    plot out = if isNaN(isAntiBat) then 0 else isAntiBat;
Script isAltBat {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = close;
input c = open;
    def _xab = xab <= 0.382;
    def _abc = abc >= 0.382 and abc <= 0.886;
    def _bcd = bcd >= 2.0 and bcd <= 3.618;
    def _xad = xad <= 1.13;
    def isAltBat = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
    plot out = if isNaN(isAltBat) then 0 else isAltBat;

Script isButterfly {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = close;
input c = open;
    def _xab = xab <= 0.786;
    def _abc = abc >= 0.382 and abc <= 0.886;
    def _bcd = bcd >= 1.618 and bcd <= 2.618;
    def _xad = xad >= 1.27 and xad <= 1.618;
    def isButterfly = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
    plot out = if isNaN(isButterfly) then 0 else isButterfly;
Script isAntiButterfly {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = close;
input c = open;
    def _xab = xab >= 0.236 and xab <= 0.886;
    def _abc = abc >= 1.130 and abc <= 2.618;
    def _bcd = bcd >= 1.000 and bcd <= 1.382;
    def _xad = xad >= 0.500 and xad <= 0.886;
    def isAntiButterfly = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
    plot out = if isNaN(isAntiButterfly) then 0 else isAntiButterfly;
Script isABCD {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = close;
input c = open;
    def _abc = abc >= 0.382 and abc <= 0.886;
    def _bcd = bcd >= 1.13 and bcd <= 2.618;
    def isABCD = _abc and _bcd and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
    plot out = if isNaN(isABCD) then 0 else isABCD;
Script isGartley {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = close;
input c = open;
    def _xab = xab >= 0.5 and xab <= 0.618;
    def _abc = abc >= 0.382 and abc <= 0.886;
    def _bcd = bcd >= 1.13 and bcd <= 2.618;
    def _xad = xad >= 0.75 and xad <= 0.875;
    def isGartley = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
    plot out = if isNaN(isGartley) then 0 else isGartley;
Script isAntiGartley {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = close;
input c = open;
    def _xab = xab >= 0.500 and xab <= 0.886;
    def _abc = abc >= 1.000 and abc <= 2.618;
    def _bcd = bcd >= 1.500 and bcd <= 5.000;
    def _xad = xad >= 1.000 and xad <= 5.000;
    def isAntiGartley = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
    plot out = if isNaN(isAntiGartley) then 0 else isAntiGartley;
Script isCrab {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = close;
input c = open;
    def _xab = xab >= 0.500 and xab <= 0.875;
    def _abc = abc >= 0.382 and abc <= 0.886;
    def _bcd = bcd >= 2.000 and bcd <= 5.000;
    def _xad = xad >= 1.382 and xad <= 5.000;
    def isCrab = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
    plot out = if isNaN(isCrab) then 0 else isCrab;
Script isAntiCrab {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = close;
input c = open;
    def _xab = xab >= 0.250 and xab <= 0.500;
    def _abc = abc >= 1.130 and abc <= 2.618;
    def _bcd = bcd >= 1.618 and bcd <= 2.618;
    def _xad = xad >= 0.500 and xad <= 0.750;
    def isAntiCrab = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
    plot out = if isNaN(isAntiCrab) then 0 else isAntiCrab;
Script isShark {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = close;
input c = open;
    def _xab = xab >= 0.500 and xab <= 0.875;
    def _abc = abc >= 1.130 and abc <= 1.618;
    def _bcd = bcd >= 1.270 and bcd <= 2.240;
    def _xad = xad >= 0.886 and xad <= 1.130;
    def isShark = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
    plot out = if isNaN(isShark) then 0 else isShark;
Script isAntiShark {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = close;
input c = open;
    def _xab = xab >= 0.382 and xab <= 0.875;
    def _abc = abc >= 0.500 and abc <= 1.000;
    def _bcd = bcd >= 1.250 and bcd <= 2.618;
    def _xad = xad >= 0.500 and xad <= 1.250;
    def isAntiShark = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
    plot out = if isNaN(isAntiShark) then 0 else isAntiShark;
Script is5o {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = close;
input c = open;
    def _xab = xab >= 1.13 and xab <= 1.618;
    def _abc = abc >= 1.618 and abc <= 2.24;
    def _bcd = bcd >= 0.5 and bcd <= 0.625;
    def _xad = xad >= 0.0 and xad <= 0.236;
    def is5o = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
    plot out = if isNaN(is5o) then 0 else is5o;
Script isWolf {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = close;
input c = open;
    def _xab = xab >= 1.27 and xab <= 1.618;
    def _abc = abc >= 0 and abc <= 5;
    def _bcd = bcd >= 1.27 and bcd <= 1.618;
    def _xad = xad >= 0.0 and xad <= 5;
    def isWolf = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
    plot out = if isNaN(isWolf) then 0 else isWolf;
Script isHnS {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = close;
input c = open;
    def _xab = xab >= 2.0 and xab <= 10;
    def _abc = abc >= 0.90 and abc <= 1.1;
    def _bcd = bcd >= 0.236 and bcd <= 0.88;
    def _xad = xad >= 0.90 and xad <= 1.1;
    def isHnS = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
    plot out = if isNaN(isHnS) then 0 else isHnS;
Script isConTria {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = close;
input c = open;
    def _xab = xab >= 0.382 and xab <= 0.618;
    def _abc = abc >= 0.382 and abc <= 0.618;
    def _bcd = bcd >= 0.382 and bcd <= 0.618;
    def _xad = xad >= 0.236 and xad <= 0.764;
    def isConTria = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
    plot out = if isNaN(isConTria) then 0 else isConTria;
Script isExpTria {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = close;
input c = open;
    def _xab = xab >= 1.236 and xab <= 1.618;
    def _abc = abc >= 1.000 and abc <= 1.618;
    def _bcd = bcd >= 1.236 and bcd <= 2.000;
    def _xad = xad >= 2.000 and xad <= 2.236;
    def isExpTria = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
    plot out = if isNaN(isExpTria) then 0 else isExpTria;
def changeHTF = cTF - cTF[1];
def zigzagHTF = zigzag(useHigherTimeframe, higherTimeframe, UseHeikinAshiCandles);
def zigzagTF = zigzag(no, higherTimeframe, UseHeikinAshiCandles);
def sz = if useHigherTimeframe then if changeHTF != 0 then zigzagHTF else na else zigzagTF;

plot zigzag = if showZigzagLine then sz else na;
#//  ||---   Pattern Recognition:
def zigCond = !IsNaN(sz);
def x1;
def a1;
def b1;
def c1;
def d1;

if zigCond {
    x1 = a1[1];
    a1 = b1[1];
    b1 = c1[1];
    c1 = d1[1];
    d1 = sz;
} else {
    x1 = x1[1];
    a1 = a1[1];
    b1 = b1[1];
    c1 = c1[1];
    d1 = d1[1];
def d = if d1 then d1 else na;
def c = if c1 then c1 else na;
def b = if b1 then b1 else na;
def a = if a1 then a1 else na;
def x = if x1 then x1 else na;

def xab = AbsValue(b - a) / AbsValue(x - a);
def xad = AbsValue(a - d) / AbsValue(x - a);
def abc = AbsValue(b - c) / AbsValue(a - b);
def bcd = AbsValue(c - d) / AbsValue(b - c);

#/---Fib Level
def fib_range = AbsValue(d - c);
def fib_0000 = if d > c then d - fib_range * 0.000 else d + fib_range * 0.000;
def fib_0236 = if d > c then d - fib_range * 0.236 else d + fib_range * 0.236;
def fib_0382 = if d > c then d - fib_range * 0.382 else d + fib_range * 0.382;
def fib_0500 = if d > c then d - fib_range * 0.500 else d + fib_range * 0.500;
def fib_0618 = if d > c then d - fib_range * 0.618 else d + fib_range * 0.618;
def fib_0764 = if d > c then d - fib_range * 0.764 else d + fib_range * 0.764;
def fib_1000 = if d > c then d - fib_range * 1.000 else d + fib_range * 1.000;

plot fib00 = if extend or !showFib0000 or fib_0000 != fib_0000[-1] then na else fib_0000;
plot fib23 = if extend or !showFib0236 or fib_0236 != fib_0236[-1] then na else fib_0236;
plot fib38 = if extend or !showFib0382 or fib_0382 != fib_0382[-1] then na else fib_0382;
plot fib50 = if extend or !showFib0500 or fib_0500 != fib_0500[-1] then na else fib_0500;
plot fib61 = if extend or !showFib0618 or fib_0618 != fib_0618[-1] then na else fib_0618;
plot fib76 = if extend or !showFib0764 or fib_0764 != fib_0764[-1] then na else fib_0764;
plot fib10 = if extend or !showFib1000 or fib_1000 != fib_1000[-1] then na else fib_1000;


#-- Patterns
#-- Bearish
def isABCDN      = isABCD(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isBatN       = isBat(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isAntiBatN   = isAntiBat(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isAltBatN    = isAltBat(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isButterflyN = isButterfly(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isAntiButterflyN = isAntiButterfly(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isGartleyN     = isGartley(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isAntiGartleyN = isAntiGartley(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isCrabN      = isCrab(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isAntiCrabN  = isAntiCrab(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isSharkN     = isShark(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isAntiSharkN = isAntiShark(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def is5oN        = is5o(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isWolfN      = isWolf(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isHnSN       = isHnS(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isConTriaN   = isConTria(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isExpTriaN   = isExpTria(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);

def labDnLoc =  Max(fib_0000, fib_1000);

AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isABCDN and !isABCDN[1], labDnLoc, "ABCD", GlobalColor("labDn"));
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isBatN and !isBatN[1], labDnLoc, "Bat", GlobalColor("labDn"));
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isAntiBatN and !isAntiBatN[1], labDnLoc, "Anti Bat", GlobalColor("labDn"));
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isAltBatN and !isAltBatN[1], labDnLoc, "Alt Bat", GlobalColor("labDn"));
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isButterflyN and !isButterflyN[1], labDnLoc, "Butterfly", GlobalColor("labDn"));
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isAntiButterflyN and !isAntiButterflyN[1], labDnLoc, "Anti Butterfly", GlobalColor("labDn"));
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isGartleyN and !isGartleyN[1], labDnLoc, "Gartley", GlobalColor("labDn"));
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isAntiGartleyN and !isAntiGartleyN[1], labDnLoc, "Anti Gartley", GlobalColor("labDn"));
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isCrabN and !isCrabN[1], labDnLoc, "Crab", GlobalColor("labDn"));
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isAntiCrabN and !isAntiCrabN[1], labDnLoc, "Anti Crab", GlobalColor("labDn"));
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isSharkN and !isSharkN[1], labDnLoc, "Shark", GlobalColor("labDn"));
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isAntiSharkN and !isAntiSharkN[1], labDnLoc, "Anti Shark", GlobalColor("labDn"));
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and is5oN and !is5oN[1], labDnLoc, "5-O", GlobalColor("labDn"));
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isWolfN and !isWolfN[1], labDnLoc, "Wolf Wave", GlobalColor("labDn"));
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isHnSN and !isHnSN[1], labDnLoc, "Head and Shoulders", GlobalColor("labDn"));
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isConTriaN and !isConTriaN[1], labDnLoc, "Contracting triangle", GlobalColor("labDn"));
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isExpTriaN and !isExpTriaN[1], labDnLoc, "Expanding Triangle", GlobalColor("labDn"));
#-- Bullish
def isABCDP      = isABCD(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isBatP       = isBat(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isAntiBatP   = isAntiBat(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isAltBatP    = isAltBat(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isButterflyP = isButterfly(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isAntiButterflyP = isAntiButterfly(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isGartleyP     = isGartley(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isAntiGartleyP = isAntiGartley(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isCrabP      = isCrab(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isAntiCrabP  = isAntiCrab(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isSharkP     = isShark(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isAntiSharkP = isAntiShark(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def is5oP        = is5o(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isWolfP      = isWolf(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isHnSP       = isHnS(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isConTriaP   = isConTria(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isExpTriaP   = isExpTria(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);

def labUpLoc =  Min(fib_0000, fib_1000);
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isABCDP and !isABCDP[1], labUpLoc, "ABCD", GlobalColor("labUp"), no);
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isBatP and !isBatP[1], labUpLoc, "Bat", GlobalColor("labUp"), no);
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isAntiBatP and !isAntiBatP[1], labUpLoc, "Anti Bat", GlobalColor("labUp"), no);
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isAltBatP and !isAltBatP[1], labUpLoc, "Alt Bat", GlobalColor("labUp"), no);
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isButterflyP and !isButterflyP[1], labUpLoc, "Butterfly", GlobalColor("labUp"), no);
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isAntiButterflyP and !isAntiButterflyP[1], labUpLoc, "Anti Butterfly", GlobalColor("labUp"), no);
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isGartleyP and !isGartleyP[1], labUpLoc, "Gartley", GlobalColor("labUp"), no);
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isAntiGartleyP and !isAntiGartleyP[1], labUpLoc, "Anti Gartley", GlobalColor("labUp"), no);
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isCrabP and !isCrabP[1], labUpLoc, "Crab", GlobalColor("labUp"), no);
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isAntiCrabP and !isAntiCrabP[1], labUpLoc, "Anti Crab", GlobalColor("labUp"), no);
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isSharkP and !isSharkP[1], labUpLoc, "Shark", GlobalColor("labUp"), no);
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isAntiSharkP and !isAntiSharkP[1], labUpLoc, "Anti Shark", GlobalColor("labUp"), no);
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and is5oP and !is5oP[1], labUpLoc, "5-O", GlobalColor("labUp"), no);
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isWolfP and !isWolfP[1], labUpLoc, "Wolf Wave", GlobalColor("labUp"), no);
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isHnSP and !isHnSP[1], labUpLoc, "Head and Shoulders", GlobalColor("labUp"), no);
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isConTriaP and !isConTriaP[1], labUpLoc, "Contracting triangle", GlobalColor("labUp"), no);
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isExpTriaP and !isExpTriaP[1], labUpLoc, "Expanding Triangle", GlobalColor("labUp"), no);

#//  Plot Entry
input signalTriggerLevel = {"0.236", "0.382", "0.500",Default "0.618", "0.764", "1.000"};

def fibMulti;
Switch (signalTriggerLevel) {
Case "0.236" : fibMulti = 0.236;
Case "0.382" : fibMulti = 0.382;
Case "0.500" : fibMulti = 0.500;
Case "0.764" : fibMulti = 0.764;
Case "1.000" : fibMulti = 1.000;
Default : fibMulti = 0.618;

def buy_patterns = isABCDP + isBatP + isAltBatP + isButterflyP + isGartleyP + isCrabP + isSharkP + is5oP + isWolfP +
     isHnSP + isConTriaP + isExpTriaP + isAntiBatP + isAntiButterflyP + isAntiGartleyP + isAntiCrabP + isAntiSharkP;
def sell_patterns = isABCDN + isBatN + isAltBatN + isButterflyN + isGartleyN + isCrabN + isSharkN + is5oN + isWolfN +
     isHnSN + isConTriaN + isExpTriaN + isAntiBatN + isAntiButterflyN + isAntiGartleyN + isAntiCrabN + isAntiSharkN;

def entry = f_last_fib(fibMulti, fib_range, d, c);

def target01_buy_entry = buy_patterns and close <=  entry;
def target01_sell_entry = sell_patterns and close >= entry;

def longpositionvalide; #    = false
def shortconditionvalide; #  = false

if target01_buy_entry {
    longpositionvalide = yes;
    shortconditionvalide = no;
    } else
if target01_sell_entry {
    longpositionvalide = no;
    shortconditionvalide = yes;
    } else {
    longpositionvalide = longpositionvalide[1];
    shortconditionvalide = shortconditionvalide[1];

plot sigUp = if longpositionvalide and shortconditionvalide[1] then low else na;
plot sigDn = if longpositionvalide[1] and shortconditionvalide then high else na;

#-- BackTest
input labelOptions = {Default "Summary", "Detailed", "Don't Show"};
input tradeDirection = {default "Both", "Long", "Short", "Don't Show Trades"}; # "Trading Direction"
input TakeProfiPercent = 2.25; # "Take Profit %"
input StopLossPercent = 1.75;  # "Stop Loss %"
input lotSize = 15;

def extTrade = if extendLines then yes else !last;
def long  = tradeDirection == tradeDirection."Long" or tradeDirection == tradeDirection."Both";
def short = tradeDirection == tradeDirection."Short" or tradeDirection == tradeDirection."Both";

def full = labelOptions == labelOptions."Detailed";
def summ = (long or short) and (labelOptions == labelOptions."Summary" or full);
#/ Apply Take Profit and Stop Loss conditions
#/ Entry/Exit conditions
def LongEntry  = longpositionvalide and shortconditionvalide[1];
def ShortEntry = longpositionvalide[1] and shortconditionvalide;
def exitLong   = sell_patterns;
def exitShort  = buy_patterns;
def state = {Default "ini", "long", "short"};
def takeProfit;
def stoploss;
def entryPrice;
def closePrice;
def win;
def tradingCond = adx(Length = 14) >= 10;
def longCond  = barNumber()> 0 and long and LongEntry and tradingCond;
def shortCond = barNumber()> 0 and short and ShortEntry and tradingCond;

Switch (state[1]) {
Case "long" :
if (exitLong or (high >= takeProfit[1]) or (close < stoploss[1])) {
    state = state."ini";
    closePrice = close - entryPrice[1];
    entryPrice = na;
    takeProfit = na;
    stoploss = na;
    win = if closePrice > 0 then 1 else 0;
    } else {
    state = state[1];
    closePrice = 0;
    entryPrice = entryPrice[1];
    takeProfit = takeProfit[1];
    stoploss = stoploss[1];
    win = 0;
Case "short" :
if (exitShort or (low <= takeProfit[1]) or (close > stoploss[1])) {
    state = state."ini";
    closePrice = entryPrice[1] - close;
    entryPrice = na;
    takeProfit = na;
    stoploss = na;
    win = if closePrice > 0 then -1 else 0;
    } else {
    state = state[1];
    closePrice = 0;
    entryPrice = entryPrice[1];
    takeProfit = takeProfit[1];
    stoploss = stoploss[1];
    win = 0;
Default :
    state     = if longCond then state."long" else if shortCond then state."short" else state[1];
    entryPrice = open[-1];
    takeProfit = entryPrice * (1 + (if longCond then 1 else -1) * TakeProfiPercent / 1000);
    stoploss   = entryPrice * (1 + (if longCond then -1 else 1) * StopLossPercent / 1000);
    closePrice = 0;
    win = 0;
def longSig  = state==state."long"  and state!=state[1];
def shortSig = state==state."short" and state!=state[1];
def exitL = state[1]==state."long"  and state!=state."long";
def exitS = state[1]==state."short" and state!=state."short";

plot entryLong = if extTrade and state==state."long" then entryPrice else na;
plot tpLong    = if extTrade and state==state."long" then takeProfit else na;
plot slLong    = if extTrade and state==state."long" then stoploss else na;
plot entryShort = if extTrade and state==state."short" then entryPrice else na;
plot tpShort = if extTrade and state==state."short" then takeProfit else na;
plot slShort = if extTrade and state==state."short" then stoploss else na;


AddCloud(tpLong, entryLong, Color.DARK_GREEN);
AddCloud(entryLong, slLong, Color.DARK_RED);
AddCloud(entryShort, tpShort, Color.DARK_GREEN);
AddCloud(slShort, entryShort, Color.DARK_RED);

def totLong  = TotalSum(if exitL then 1 else 0);
def totShort = TotalSum(if exitS then 1 else 0);
def tottrd =  totLong + totShort;
def WinL = TotalSum(if win>0 then 1 else 0);
def WinS = TotalSum(if win<0 then 1 else 0);
def totWin = (WinL + WinS);
def winRt = if !tottrd then 0 else Round(totWin / tottrd * 100, 1);
def winRtL = if !totLong then 0 else Round(WinL / totLong * 100, 1);
def winRtS = if !totShort then 0 else Round(WinS / totShort * 100, 1);
def amtL = TotalSum(if exitL then closePrice else 0) * lotSize;
def amtS = TotalSum(if exitS then closePrice else 0) * lotSize;
def pl = RoundDown(amtL + amtS, 2);
def plL = if isNaN(amtL) then 0 else RoundDown(amtL, 2);
def plS = if isNaN(amtS) then 0 else RoundDown(amtS, 2);

AddLabel(summ, "WinRate(" + winRt + "%, " + tottrd + ")", if winRt >= 50 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);

AddLabel(long and full, "Long(" + winRtL + "%, " + totLong + ")", if winRtL >= 50 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);
AddLabel(short and full, "Short(" + winRtS + "%, " + totShort + ")", if winRtS >= 50 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);

AddLabel(long and full, "AmtLong($" + plL + ")", if amtL > 0 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);
AddLabel(short and full, "AmtShort($" + plS + ")", if amtS > 0 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);

AddLabel(summ, "P/L($" + pl + ")", if pl > 0 then Color.GREEN else if pl < 0 then Color.RED else Color.GRAY);

#-- END of CODe
How does this get put into TOS? For clarification, mine doesn't look like this. It's more like the attachment


  • Screenshot 2024-09-05 190824.png
    Screenshot 2024-09-05 190824.png
    301 KB · Views: 224
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Author Message:

Harmonic, wave and Fibonacci indicator is designed to identify various harmonic patterns, wave formations, and Fibonacci retracements directly on your charts. The script offers a comprehensive toolset for traders who use technical analysis to spot potential market reversals and continuation patterns.


#// Indicator For TOS
#// © Hunter_Algo
#indicator(title='Harmonic, wave and Fibonacci [Hunter Algo]', overlay=true)
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 08/2024

input extendLines = no;
input UseHeikinAshiCandles = no; #(false, title='Use Heikken Ashi Candles')
input useHigherTimeframe = yes; #(true, title='Use Alt Timeframe')
input showZigzagLine = yes;
input higherTimeframe = AggregationPeriod.THIRTY_MIN; #('60', title='Alt Timeframe')
input showPatterns = yes; #(true, title='Show Patterns')
input showFib0000 = yes; #(title='Display Fibonacci 0.000:', defval=true)
input showFib0236 = yes; #(title='Display Fibonacci 0.236:', defval=true)
input showFib0382 = yes; #(title='Display Fibonacci 0.382:', defval=true)
input showFib0500 = yes; #(title='Display Fibonacci 0.500:', defval=true)
input showFib0618 = yes; #(title='Display Fibonacci 0.618:', defval=true)
input showFib0764 = yes; #(title='Display Fibonacci 0.764:', defval=true)
input showFib1000 = yes; #(title='Display Fibonacci 1.000:', defval=true)

def na = Double.NaN;
def last = IsNaN(close);
def extend = if extendLines then no else last;
def current = GetAggregationPeriod();
def tf = Max(current, higherTimeframe);
def cTF = if !last then close(Period = tf) else cTF[1];

# Colors
DefineGlobalColor("labUp", CreateColor(76, 175, 80));
DefineGlobalColor("labDn", CreateColor(136, 14, 79));
DefineGlobalColor("fib1", GetColor(9));
DefineGlobalColor("fib2", CreateColor(255, 82, 82));
DefineGlobalColor("fib3", CreateColor(128,128, 0));
DefineGlobalColor("fib4", CreateColor(0  ,230,118));
DefineGlobalColor("fib5", CreateColor(0  ,137,123));
DefineGlobalColor("fib6", CreateColor(33 ,150,243));
DefineGlobalColor("fib7", GetColor(9));

# range
Script f_last_fib {
input _rate = 1;
input fib_range = 1;
input d = open;
input c = close;
    def f_last_fib = if d > c then d - fib_range * _rate else d + fib_range * _rate;
    plot out = f_last_fib;

#-- zigzag
script zigzag {
    input useAltTF = yes;
    input alTimeframe = AggregationPeriod.HOUR;
    input useHA = no;
    def current = GetAggregationPeriod();
    def tf = if useAltTF then Max(current, alTimeframe) else current;
    def haClose = ohlc4(Period = tf);
    def haOpen = CompoundValue(1, (haOpen[1] + haClose[1]) / 2, (open(Period = tf)[1] + close(Period = tf)[1]) / 2);
    def haHigh = Max(Max(high(Period = tf), haOpen), haClose);
    def haLow  = Min(Min(low(Period = tf), haOpen), haClose);
    def _isUp = If(useHA, haClose, close(Period = tf)) >= If(useHA, haOpen, open(Period = tf));
    def _isDown = If(useHA, haClose, close(Period = tf)) <= If(useHA, haOpen, open(Period = tf));
    def _direction = if _isUp[1] and _isDown then -1 else
                     if _isDown[1] and _isUp then 1 else If(IsNaN(_direction[1]), 0 , _direction[1]);
    def highest_1 = Highest(If(useHA, haHigh, high(Period = tf)), 2);
    def lowest_1  = Lowest(If(useHA, haLow, low(Period = tf)), 2);
    def _zigzag = if _isUp[1] and _isDown and _direction[1] != -1 then highest_1 else
                  if _isDown[1] and _isUp and _direction[1] != 1 then lowest_1 else Double.NaN;
    plot out = _zigzag;
#-- Patternes
Script isBat {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = close;
input c = open;
    def _xab = xab >= 0.382 and xab <= 0.5;
    def _abc = abc >= 0.382 and abc <= 0.886;
    def _bcd = bcd >= 1.618 and bcd <= 2.618;
    def _xad = xad <= 0.618 and xad <= 1.000;
    def isBat = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
    plot out = if isNaN(isBat) then 0 else isBat;
Script isAntiBat {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = close;
input c = open;
    def _xab = xab >= 0.500 and xab <= 0.886;
    def _abc = abc >= 1.000 and abc <= 2.618;
    def _bcd = bcd >= 1.618 and bcd <= 2.618;
    def _xad = xad >= 0.886 and xad <= 1.000;
    def isAntiBat = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
    plot out = if isNaN(isAntiBat) then 0 else isAntiBat;
Script isAltBat {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = close;
input c = open;
    def _xab = xab <= 0.382;
    def _abc = abc >= 0.382 and abc <= 0.886;
    def _bcd = bcd >= 2.0 and bcd <= 3.618;
    def _xad = xad <= 1.13;
    def isAltBat = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
    plot out = if isNaN(isAltBat) then 0 else isAltBat;

Script isButterfly {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = close;
input c = open;
    def _xab = xab <= 0.786;
    def _abc = abc >= 0.382 and abc <= 0.886;
    def _bcd = bcd >= 1.618 and bcd <= 2.618;
    def _xad = xad >= 1.27 and xad <= 1.618;
    def isButterfly = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
    plot out = if isNaN(isButterfly) then 0 else isButterfly;
Script isAntiButterfly {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = close;
input c = open;
    def _xab = xab >= 0.236 and xab <= 0.886;
    def _abc = abc >= 1.130 and abc <= 2.618;
    def _bcd = bcd >= 1.000 and bcd <= 1.382;
    def _xad = xad >= 0.500 and xad <= 0.886;
    def isAntiButterfly = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
    plot out = if isNaN(isAntiButterfly) then 0 else isAntiButterfly;
Script isABCD {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = close;
input c = open;
    def _abc = abc >= 0.382 and abc <= 0.886;
    def _bcd = bcd >= 1.13 and bcd <= 2.618;
    def isABCD = _abc and _bcd and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
    plot out = if isNaN(isABCD) then 0 else isABCD;
Script isGartley {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = close;
input c = open;
    def _xab = xab >= 0.5 and xab <= 0.618;
    def _abc = abc >= 0.382 and abc <= 0.886;
    def _bcd = bcd >= 1.13 and bcd <= 2.618;
    def _xad = xad >= 0.75 and xad <= 0.875;
    def isGartley = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
    plot out = if isNaN(isGartley) then 0 else isGartley;
Script isAntiGartley {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = close;
input c = open;
    def _xab = xab >= 0.500 and xab <= 0.886;
    def _abc = abc >= 1.000 and abc <= 2.618;
    def _bcd = bcd >= 1.500 and bcd <= 5.000;
    def _xad = xad >= 1.000 and xad <= 5.000;
    def isAntiGartley = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
    plot out = if isNaN(isAntiGartley) then 0 else isAntiGartley;
Script isCrab {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = close;
input c = open;
    def _xab = xab >= 0.500 and xab <= 0.875;
    def _abc = abc >= 0.382 and abc <= 0.886;
    def _bcd = bcd >= 2.000 and bcd <= 5.000;
    def _xad = xad >= 1.382 and xad <= 5.000;
    def isCrab = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
    plot out = if isNaN(isCrab) then 0 else isCrab;
Script isAntiCrab {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = close;
input c = open;
    def _xab = xab >= 0.250 and xab <= 0.500;
    def _abc = abc >= 1.130 and abc <= 2.618;
    def _bcd = bcd >= 1.618 and bcd <= 2.618;
    def _xad = xad >= 0.500 and xad <= 0.750;
    def isAntiCrab = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
    plot out = if isNaN(isAntiCrab) then 0 else isAntiCrab;
Script isShark {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = close;
input c = open;
    def _xab = xab >= 0.500 and xab <= 0.875;
    def _abc = abc >= 1.130 and abc <= 1.618;
    def _bcd = bcd >= 1.270 and bcd <= 2.240;
    def _xad = xad >= 0.886 and xad <= 1.130;
    def isShark = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
    plot out = if isNaN(isShark) then 0 else isShark;
Script isAntiShark {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = close;
input c = open;
    def _xab = xab >= 0.382 and xab <= 0.875;
    def _abc = abc >= 0.500 and abc <= 1.000;
    def _bcd = bcd >= 1.250 and bcd <= 2.618;
    def _xad = xad >= 0.500 and xad <= 1.250;
    def isAntiShark = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
    plot out = if isNaN(isAntiShark) then 0 else isAntiShark;
Script is5o {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = close;
input c = open;
    def _xab = xab >= 1.13 and xab <= 1.618;
    def _abc = abc >= 1.618 and abc <= 2.24;
    def _bcd = bcd >= 0.5 and bcd <= 0.625;
    def _xad = xad >= 0.0 and xad <= 0.236;
    def is5o = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
    plot out = if isNaN(is5o) then 0 else is5o;
Script isWolf {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = close;
input c = open;
    def _xab = xab >= 1.27 and xab <= 1.618;
    def _abc = abc >= 0 and abc <= 5;
    def _bcd = bcd >= 1.27 and bcd <= 1.618;
    def _xad = xad >= 0.0 and xad <= 5;
    def isWolf = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
    plot out = if isNaN(isWolf) then 0 else isWolf;
Script isHnS {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = close;
input c = open;
    def _xab = xab >= 2.0 and xab <= 10;
    def _abc = abc >= 0.90 and abc <= 1.1;
    def _bcd = bcd >= 0.236 and bcd <= 0.88;
    def _xad = xad >= 0.90 and xad <= 1.1;
    def isHnS = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
    plot out = if isNaN(isHnS) then 0 else isHnS;
Script isConTria {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = close;
input c = open;
    def _xab = xab >= 0.382 and xab <= 0.618;
    def _abc = abc >= 0.382 and abc <= 0.618;
    def _bcd = bcd >= 0.382 and bcd <= 0.618;
    def _xad = xad >= 0.236 and xad <= 0.764;
    def isConTria = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
    plot out = if isNaN(isConTria) then 0 else isConTria;
Script isExpTria {
input _mode = 0;
input xab = 0;
input xad = 0;
input abc = 0;
input bcd = 0;
input d = close;
input c = open;
    def _xab = xab >= 1.236 and xab <= 1.618;
    def _abc = abc >= 1.000 and abc <= 1.618;
    def _bcd = bcd >= 1.236 and bcd <= 2.000;
    def _xad = xad >= 2.000 and xad <= 2.236;
    def isExpTria = _xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (if _mode == 1 then d < c else d > c);
    plot out = if isNaN(isExpTria) then 0 else isExpTria;
def changeHTF = cTF - cTF[1];
def zigzagHTF = zigzag(useHigherTimeframe, higherTimeframe, UseHeikinAshiCandles);
def zigzagTF = zigzag(no, higherTimeframe, UseHeikinAshiCandles);
def sz = if useHigherTimeframe then if changeHTF != 0 then zigzagHTF else na else zigzagTF;

plot zigzag = if showZigzagLine then sz else na;
#//  ||---   Pattern Recognition:
def zigCond = !IsNaN(sz);
def x1;
def a1;
def b1;
def c1;
def d1;

if zigCond {
    x1 = a1[1];
    a1 = b1[1];
    b1 = c1[1];
    c1 = d1[1];
    d1 = sz;
} else {
    x1 = x1[1];
    a1 = a1[1];
    b1 = b1[1];
    c1 = c1[1];
    d1 = d1[1];
def d = if d1 then d1 else na;
def c = if c1 then c1 else na;
def b = if b1 then b1 else na;
def a = if a1 then a1 else na;
def x = if x1 then x1 else na;

def xab = AbsValue(b - a) / AbsValue(x - a);
def xad = AbsValue(a - d) / AbsValue(x - a);
def abc = AbsValue(b - c) / AbsValue(a - b);
def bcd = AbsValue(c - d) / AbsValue(b - c);

#/---Fib Level
def fib_range = AbsValue(d - c);
def fib_0000 = if d > c then d - fib_range * 0.000 else d + fib_range * 0.000;
def fib_0236 = if d > c then d - fib_range * 0.236 else d + fib_range * 0.236;
def fib_0382 = if d > c then d - fib_range * 0.382 else d + fib_range * 0.382;
def fib_0500 = if d > c then d - fib_range * 0.500 else d + fib_range * 0.500;
def fib_0618 = if d > c then d - fib_range * 0.618 else d + fib_range * 0.618;
def fib_0764 = if d > c then d - fib_range * 0.764 else d + fib_range * 0.764;
def fib_1000 = if d > c then d - fib_range * 1.000 else d + fib_range * 1.000;

plot fib00 = if extend or !showFib0000 or fib_0000 != fib_0000[-1] then na else fib_0000;
plot fib23 = if extend or !showFib0236 or fib_0236 != fib_0236[-1] then na else fib_0236;
plot fib38 = if extend or !showFib0382 or fib_0382 != fib_0382[-1] then na else fib_0382;
plot fib50 = if extend or !showFib0500 or fib_0500 != fib_0500[-1] then na else fib_0500;
plot fib61 = if extend or !showFib0618 or fib_0618 != fib_0618[-1] then na else fib_0618;
plot fib76 = if extend or !showFib0764 or fib_0764 != fib_0764[-1] then na else fib_0764;
plot fib10 = if extend or !showFib1000 or fib_1000 != fib_1000[-1] then na else fib_1000;


#-- Patterns
#-- Bearish
def isABCDN      = isABCD(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isBatN       = isBat(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isAntiBatN   = isAntiBat(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isAltBatN    = isAltBat(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isButterflyN = isButterfly(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isAntiButterflyN = isAntiButterfly(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isGartleyN     = isGartley(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isAntiGartleyN = isAntiGartley(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isCrabN      = isCrab(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isAntiCrabN  = isAntiCrab(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isSharkN     = isShark(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isAntiSharkN = isAntiShark(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def is5oN        = is5o(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isWolfN      = isWolf(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isHnSN       = isHnS(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isConTriaN   = isConTria(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isExpTriaN   = isExpTria(-1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);

def labDnLoc =  Max(fib_0000, fib_1000);

AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isABCDN and !isABCDN[1], labDnLoc, "ABCD", GlobalColor("labDn"));
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isBatN and !isBatN[1], labDnLoc, "Bat", GlobalColor("labDn"));
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isAntiBatN and !isAntiBatN[1], labDnLoc, "Anti Bat", GlobalColor("labDn"));
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isAltBatN and !isAltBatN[1], labDnLoc, "Alt Bat", GlobalColor("labDn"));
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isButterflyN and !isButterflyN[1], labDnLoc, "Butterfly", GlobalColor("labDn"));
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isAntiButterflyN and !isAntiButterflyN[1], labDnLoc, "Anti Butterfly", GlobalColor("labDn"));
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isGartleyN and !isGartleyN[1], labDnLoc, "Gartley", GlobalColor("labDn"));
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isAntiGartleyN and !isAntiGartleyN[1], labDnLoc, "Anti Gartley", GlobalColor("labDn"));
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isCrabN and !isCrabN[1], labDnLoc, "Crab", GlobalColor("labDn"));
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isAntiCrabN and !isAntiCrabN[1], labDnLoc, "Anti Crab", GlobalColor("labDn"));
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isSharkN and !isSharkN[1], labDnLoc, "Shark", GlobalColor("labDn"));
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isAntiSharkN and !isAntiSharkN[1], labDnLoc, "Anti Shark", GlobalColor("labDn"));
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and is5oN and !is5oN[1], labDnLoc, "5-O", GlobalColor("labDn"));
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isWolfN and !isWolfN[1], labDnLoc, "Wolf Wave", GlobalColor("labDn"));
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isHnSN and !isHnSN[1], labDnLoc, "Head and Shoulders", GlobalColor("labDn"));
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isConTriaN and !isConTriaN[1], labDnLoc, "Contracting triangle", GlobalColor("labDn"));
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isExpTriaN and !isExpTriaN[1], labDnLoc, "Expanding Triangle", GlobalColor("labDn"));
#-- Bullish
def isABCDP      = isABCD(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isBatP       = isBat(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isAntiBatP   = isAntiBat(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isAltBatP    = isAltBat(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isButterflyP = isButterfly(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isAntiButterflyP = isAntiButterfly(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isGartleyP     = isGartley(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isAntiGartleyP = isAntiGartley(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isCrabP      = isCrab(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isAntiCrabP  = isAntiCrab(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isSharkP     = isShark(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isAntiSharkP = isAntiShark(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def is5oP        = is5o(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isWolfP      = isWolf(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isHnSP       = isHnS(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isConTriaP   = isConTria(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);
def isExpTriaP   = isExpTria(1, xab, xad, abc, bcd, d, c);

def labUpLoc =  Min(fib_0000, fib_1000);
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isABCDP and !isABCDP[1], labUpLoc, "ABCD", GlobalColor("labUp"), no);
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isBatP and !isBatP[1], labUpLoc, "Bat", GlobalColor("labUp"), no);
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isAntiBatP and !isAntiBatP[1], labUpLoc, "Anti Bat", GlobalColor("labUp"), no);
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isAltBatP and !isAltBatP[1], labUpLoc, "Alt Bat", GlobalColor("labUp"), no);
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isButterflyP and !isButterflyP[1], labUpLoc, "Butterfly", GlobalColor("labUp"), no);
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isAntiButterflyP and !isAntiButterflyP[1], labUpLoc, "Anti Butterfly", GlobalColor("labUp"), no);
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isGartleyP and !isGartleyP[1], labUpLoc, "Gartley", GlobalColor("labUp"), no);
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isAntiGartleyP and !isAntiGartleyP[1], labUpLoc, "Anti Gartley", GlobalColor("labUp"), no);
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isCrabP and !isCrabP[1], labUpLoc, "Crab", GlobalColor("labUp"), no);
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isAntiCrabP and !isAntiCrabP[1], labUpLoc, "Anti Crab", GlobalColor("labUp"), no);
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isSharkP and !isSharkP[1], labUpLoc, "Shark", GlobalColor("labUp"), no);
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isAntiSharkP and !isAntiSharkP[1], labUpLoc, "Anti Shark", GlobalColor("labUp"), no);
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and is5oP and !is5oP[1], labUpLoc, "5-O", GlobalColor("labUp"), no);
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isWolfP and !isWolfP[1], labUpLoc, "Wolf Wave", GlobalColor("labUp"), no);
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isHnSP and !isHnSP[1], labUpLoc, "Head and Shoulders", GlobalColor("labUp"), no);
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isConTriaP and !isConTriaP[1], labUpLoc, "Contracting triangle", GlobalColor("labUp"), no);
AddChartBubble(showPatterns and isExpTriaP and !isExpTriaP[1], labUpLoc, "Expanding Triangle", GlobalColor("labUp"), no);

#//  Plot Entry
input signalTriggerLevel = {"0.236", "0.382", "0.500",Default "0.618", "0.764", "1.000"};

def fibMulti;
Switch (signalTriggerLevel) {
Case "0.236" : fibMulti = 0.236;
Case "0.382" : fibMulti = 0.382;
Case "0.500" : fibMulti = 0.500;
Case "0.764" : fibMulti = 0.764;
Case "1.000" : fibMulti = 1.000;
Default : fibMulti = 0.618;

def buy_patterns = isABCDP + isBatP + isAltBatP + isButterflyP + isGartleyP + isCrabP + isSharkP + is5oP + isWolfP +
     isHnSP + isConTriaP + isExpTriaP + isAntiBatP + isAntiButterflyP + isAntiGartleyP + isAntiCrabP + isAntiSharkP;
def sell_patterns = isABCDN + isBatN + isAltBatN + isButterflyN + isGartleyN + isCrabN + isSharkN + is5oN + isWolfN +
     isHnSN + isConTriaN + isExpTriaN + isAntiBatN + isAntiButterflyN + isAntiGartleyN + isAntiCrabN + isAntiSharkN;

def entry = f_last_fib(fibMulti, fib_range, d, c);

def target01_buy_entry = buy_patterns and close <=  entry;
def target01_sell_entry = sell_patterns and close >= entry;

def longpositionvalide; #    = false
def shortconditionvalide; #  = false

if target01_buy_entry {
    longpositionvalide = yes;
    shortconditionvalide = no;
    } else
if target01_sell_entry {
    longpositionvalide = no;
    shortconditionvalide = yes;
    } else {
    longpositionvalide = longpositionvalide[1];
    shortconditionvalide = shortconditionvalide[1];

plot sigUp = if longpositionvalide and shortconditionvalide[1] then low else na;
plot sigDn = if longpositionvalide[1] and shortconditionvalide then high else na;

#-- BackTest
input labelOptions = {Default "Summary", "Detailed", "Don't Show"};
input tradeDirection = {default "Both", "Long", "Short", "Don't Show Trades"}; # "Trading Direction"
input TakeProfiPercent = 2.25; # "Take Profit %"
input StopLossPercent = 1.75;  # "Stop Loss %"
input lotSize = 15;

def extTrade = if extendLines then yes else !last;
def long  = tradeDirection == tradeDirection."Long" or tradeDirection == tradeDirection."Both";
def short = tradeDirection == tradeDirection."Short" or tradeDirection == tradeDirection."Both";

def full = labelOptions == labelOptions."Detailed";
def summ = (long or short) and (labelOptions == labelOptions."Summary" or full);
#/ Apply Take Profit and Stop Loss conditions
#/ Entry/Exit conditions
def LongEntry  = longpositionvalide and shortconditionvalide[1];
def ShortEntry = longpositionvalide[1] and shortconditionvalide;
def exitLong   = sell_patterns;
def exitShort  = buy_patterns;
def state = {Default "ini", "long", "short"};
def takeProfit;
def stoploss;
def entryPrice;
def closePrice;
def win;
def tradingCond = adx(Length = 14) >= 10;
def longCond  = barNumber()> 0 and long and LongEntry and tradingCond;
def shortCond = barNumber()> 0 and short and ShortEntry and tradingCond;

Switch (state[1]) {
Case "long" :
if (exitLong or (high >= takeProfit[1]) or (close < stoploss[1])) {
    state = state."ini";
    closePrice = close - entryPrice[1];
    entryPrice = na;
    takeProfit = na;
    stoploss = na;
    win = if closePrice > 0 then 1 else 0;
    } else {
    state = state[1];
    closePrice = 0;
    entryPrice = entryPrice[1];
    takeProfit = takeProfit[1];
    stoploss = stoploss[1];
    win = 0;
Case "short" :
if (exitShort or (low <= takeProfit[1]) or (close > stoploss[1])) {
    state = state."ini";
    closePrice = entryPrice[1] - close;
    entryPrice = na;
    takeProfit = na;
    stoploss = na;
    win = if closePrice > 0 then -1 else 0;
    } else {
    state = state[1];
    closePrice = 0;
    entryPrice = entryPrice[1];
    takeProfit = takeProfit[1];
    stoploss = stoploss[1];
    win = 0;
Default :
    state     = if longCond then state."long" else if shortCond then state."short" else state[1];
    entryPrice = open[-1];
    takeProfit = entryPrice * (1 + (if longCond then 1 else -1) * TakeProfiPercent / 1000);
    stoploss   = entryPrice * (1 + (if longCond then -1 else 1) * StopLossPercent / 1000);
    closePrice = 0;
    win = 0;
def longSig  = state==state."long"  and state!=state[1];
def shortSig = state==state."short" and state!=state[1];
def exitL = state[1]==state."long"  and state!=state."long";
def exitS = state[1]==state."short" and state!=state."short";

plot entryLong = if extTrade and state==state."long" then entryPrice else na;
plot tpLong    = if extTrade and state==state."long" then takeProfit else na;
plot slLong    = if extTrade and state==state."long" then stoploss else na;
plot entryShort = if extTrade and state==state."short" then entryPrice else na;
plot tpShort = if extTrade and state==state."short" then takeProfit else na;
plot slShort = if extTrade and state==state."short" then stoploss else na;


AddCloud(tpLong, entryLong, Color.DARK_GREEN);
AddCloud(entryLong, slLong, Color.DARK_RED);
AddCloud(entryShort, tpShort, Color.DARK_GREEN);
AddCloud(slShort, entryShort, Color.DARK_RED);

def totLong  = TotalSum(if exitL then 1 else 0);
def totShort = TotalSum(if exitS then 1 else 0);
def tottrd =  totLong + totShort;
def WinL = TotalSum(if win>0 then 1 else 0);
def WinS = TotalSum(if win<0 then 1 else 0);
def totWin = (WinL + WinS);
def winRt = if !tottrd then 0 else Round(totWin / tottrd * 100, 1);
def winRtL = if !totLong then 0 else Round(WinL / totLong * 100, 1);
def winRtS = if !totShort then 0 else Round(WinS / totShort * 100, 1);
def amtL = TotalSum(if exitL then closePrice else 0) * lotSize;
def amtS = TotalSum(if exitS then closePrice else 0) * lotSize;
def pl = RoundDown(amtL + amtS, 2);
def plL = if isNaN(amtL) then 0 else RoundDown(amtL, 2);
def plS = if isNaN(amtS) then 0 else RoundDown(amtS, 2);

AddLabel(summ, "WinRate(" + winRt + "%, " + tottrd + ")", if winRt >= 50 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);

AddLabel(long and full, "Long(" + winRtL + "%, " + totLong + ")", if winRtL >= 50 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);
AddLabel(short and full, "Short(" + winRtS + "%, " + totShort + ")", if winRtS >= 50 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);

AddLabel(long and full, "AmtLong($" + plL + ")", if amtL > 0 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);
AddLabel(short and full, "AmtShort($" + plS + ")", if amtS > 0 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);

AddLabel(summ, "P/L($" + pl + ")", if pl > 0 then Color.GREEN else if pl < 0 then Color.RED else Color.GRAY);

#-- END of CODe
Nice work. However, it isn't easy to understand. Would you have some writeups about how to use it ?
HI @samer800
Thanks for the script. Looks good. I see some issue or may be new request for modification. If I adjust the price axis the fib remains as it is drawn on the canvas and do not move with price line. Can you please modify such that even with price scale adjustments the fib lines gets adjusted accordingly? Thank you

HI @samer800

I was reading my previous comments and I feel I should explain my request clearly.

If I leave the charts as it then the price action, fib lines, zigzag lines matches. If I adjust the price axis to zoom in or out, then the fib lines, zigzag lines DO NOT match or follow the price action candles.

Can you please modify the code such that if I adjust the price axis to zoom in /out then zigzag lines, fib lines should match the price action candles.

Thanks in advance


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Last edited by a moderator:
HI @samer800
Thanks for the script. Looks good. I see some issue or may be new request for modification. If I adjust the price axis the fib remains as it is drawn on the canvas and do not move with price line. Can you please modify such that even with price scale adjustments the fib lines gets adjusted accordingly? Thank you

HI @samer800

I was reading my previous comments and I feel I should explain my request clearly.

If I leave the charts as it then the price action, fib lines, zigzag lines matches. If I adjust the price axis to zoom in or out, then the fib lines, zigzag lines DO NOT match or follow the price action candles.

Can you please modify the code such that if I adjust the price axis to zoom in /out then zigzag lines, fib lines should match the price action candles.

Thanks in advance
not sure what do you of "adjust the price axis to zoom in/out".
it works fine with me. May be need to change some chart setting from time or price axis tab. like check/uncheck scale: keep time zoom.

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